976 resultados para DIAZ, JOSE JAVIER
A través de esta nueva serie tratamos de conocer diferentes aspectos personales de los integrantes de la comunidad ictiológica iberoamericana. Esta iniciativa, comparte el espíritu y objetivo de las semblanzas nacionales buscando informalmente, otro punto de unión en la “comunidad de ictiólogos iberoamericanos”. Quizás esté equivocado en mi apreciación, pero creo que vale la pena este intento, ya que, con la colaboración generosa e insoslayable de los integrantes de este “universo”, señalaremos un registro en el tiempo de la Ictiología Neotropical.
Background Data on the cardiac characteristics of centenarians are scarce. Our aim was to describe electrocardiogram (ECG) and echocardiography in a cohort of centenarians and to correlate them with clinical data. Methods We used prospective multicenter registry of 118 centenarians (28 men) with a mean age of 101.5 ± 1.7 years. Electrocardiogram was performed in 103 subjects (87.3%) and echocardiography in 100 (84.7%). All subjects underwent a follow-up for at least 6 months. Results Centenarians with abnormal ECG were less frequently females (72% vs 93%), had higher rates of previous consumption of tobacco (14% vs 0) and alcohol (24% vs 12%), and scored lower in the perception of health status (6.8 ± 2.0 vs 8.3 ± 6.8). Centenarians with significant abnormalities in echocardiography were less frequently able to walk 6 m (33% vs 54%). Atrial fibrillation/flutter was found in 27 subjects (26%). Mean left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction was 60.0 ± 10.5%. Moderate or severe aortic valve stenosis was found in 16%, mitral valve regurgitation in 15%, and aortic valve regurgitation in 13%. Diastolic dysfunction was assessed in 79 subjects and was present in 55 (69.6%). Katz index and LV dilation were independently associated with the ability to walk 6 m. Age, Charlson and Katz indexes, and the presence of significant abnormalities in echocardiography were associated with mortality. Conclusions Centenarians have frequent ECG alterations and abnormalities in echocardiography. More than one fifth has atrial fibrillation, and most have diastolic dysfunction. Left ventricular dilation was associated with the ability to walk 6 m. Significant abnormalities in echocardiography were associated with mortality.
Javier Pérez Andújar, a través de su propia memoria, crea en Los príncipes valientes (2007) y Paseos con mi madre (2011) un retrato detallado del extrarradio barcelonés. En ambas novelas, el autor combina diferentes elementos: la memoria oral, la metaliteratura, la crónica y la cultura popular. De este modo narra la historia de tres generaciones ubicadas en las afueras de la ciudad. El presente artículo centra su análisis, basándose en una contextualización histórica, en la configuración del espacio y el estudio de las características morfológicas y sociales propias de los extrarradios. Con ello se pretende demostrar la significación histórica y social del extrarradio en la historia contemporánea de Barcelona.
The human respiratory tract contains a highly adapted microbiota including commensal and opportunistic pathogens. Noncapsulated or nontypable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a human-restricted member of the normal airway microbiota in healthy carriers and an opportunistic pathogen in immunocompromised individuals. The duality of NTHi as a colonizer and as a symptomatic infectious agent is closely related to its adaptation to the host, which in turn greatly relies on the genetic plasticity of the bacterium and is facilitated by its condition as a natural competent. The variable genotype of NTHi accounts for its heterogeneous gene expression and variable phenotype, leading to differential host-pathogen interplay among isolates. Here we review our current knowledge of NTHi diversity in terms of genotype, gene expression, antigenic variation, and the phenotypes associated with colonization and pathogenesis. The potential benefits of NTHi diversity studies discussed herein include the unraveling of pathogenicity clues, the generation of tools to predict virulence from genomic data, and the exploitation of a unique natural system for the continuous monitoring of long-term bacterial evolution in human airways exposed to noxious agents. Finally, we highlight the challenge of monitoring both the pathogen and the host in longitudinal studies, and of applying comparative genomics to clarify the meaning of the vast NTHi genetic diversity and its translation to virulence phenotypes.
ThetimingofNeanderthal disappearanceandtheextent to whichthey overlapped with the earliest incoming anatomically modern humans (AMHs)inEurasia arekey questions inpalaeoanthropology1,2 .Deter- mining the spatiotemporal relationship between the two populations is crucial if we are to understand the processes, timing and reasons leading to the disappearance of Neanderthals and the likelihood of cultural and genetic exchange. Serious technical challenges, however, havehinderedreliable datingof the period,as theradiocarbonmethod reaches its limit at 50,000 years ago3 .Herewe apply improved accel- erator mass spectrometry 14C techniques to construct robust chro- nologies from 40 key Mousterian and Neanderthal archaeological sites, ranging fromRussia toSpain.Bayesianagemodellingwas used togenerate probability distributionfunctions todetermine the latest appearancedate.Weshowthat theMousterianendedby41,030–39,260 calibratedyears BP(at95.4%probability) acrossEurope.Wealsodem- onstrate that succeeding ‘transitional’ archaeological industries, one ofwhich has beenlinked withNeanderthals (Cha ˆtelperronian)4 ,end at a similar time. Our data indicate that the disappearance of Nean- derthals occurred at different times in different regions.Comparing the data with results obtained fromthe earliest datedAMHsites in Europe, associated with the Uluzzian technocomplex5 , allows us to quantify the temporal overlap between the two human groups. The results revealasignificantoverlap of 2,600–5,400years (at 95.4%prob- ability).This hasimportant implications formodels seeking toexplain the cultural, technological and biological elements involved in the replacement of Neanderthals byAMHs.Amosaic of populations in Europe during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition suggests that there was ample time for the transmission of cultural and sym- bolic behaviours, as well as possible genetic exchanges, between the two groups.
En el periodo abril 1997-junio 1998 se realizaron cuatro cruceros de evaluación de recursos pelágicos en la costa peruana que permitieron observar cambios en la distribución, estructura por tamaños, estructura de la biomasa de los recursos pelágicos, que han incidido en la variación de las capturas, pansando de una pesquería monoespecífica a una pesquería multiespecífica.
Describe la distribución de abundancia de diversos recursos pelágicos y demersales: anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus peruanus), samasa (Anchoa nasus), Vinciguerria lucetia, falso volador (Prionotus stephanophrys), bagre (Galeichthys peruvianus), pez cinta (Trichiurus lepturus) y múnida (Pleuroncodes monodon). Como plataformas de muestreo en el Cr. 9808-09, se utilizaron: para la zona Paita al Callao: el BIC Humboldt y la lancha IMARPE IV; y para la zona Los Palos (Tacna) al Callao, el BIC José Olaya Balandra y la lancha IMARPE V. Para la distribución de abundancia se utilizaron las ecosondas científicas SIMRAD EK 500 con frecuencias de 38 y 120 kHz de ambos buques, en un rango de detección de 3,5 a 400 m de profundidad, distribuidos en nueve capas de integración. Para el muestreo acústico se utilizó una grilla sistemática paralela con una separación de 12 mn entre cada transecto; se realizaron en total 352 laces de pesca. Las áreas de distribución de cada recurso se determinaron mediante un programa de software de interpolación de datos.