937 resultados para DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY
Low-protein diets (
Protein kinase C (PKC) comprises a superfamily of isoenzymes, many of which are activated by cofactors such as diacylglycerol and phosphatidylserine. In order to be capable of activation, PKC must first undergo a series of phosphorylations. In turn, activated PKC phosphorylates a wide variety of intracellular target proteins and has multiple functions in signal transduced cellular regulation. A role for PKC activation had been noted in several renal diseases, but two that have had most investigation are diabetic nephropathy and kidney cancer. In diabetic nephropathy, an elevation in diacylglycerol and/or other cofactor stimulants leads to an increase in activity of certain PKC isoforms, changes that are linked to the development of dysfunctional vasculature. The ability of isoform-specific PKC inhibitors to antagonize diabetes-induced vascular disease is a new avenue for treatment of this disorder. In the development and progressive invasiveness of kidney cancer, increased activity of several specific isoforms of PKC has been noted. It is thought that this may promote the kidney cancer's inherent resistance to apoptosis, in natural regression or after treatments, or it may promote the invasiveness of renal cancers via cellular differentiation pathways. In general, however, a more complete understanding of the functions of individual PKC isoforms in the kidney, and development or recognition of specific inhibitors or promoters of their activation, will be necessary to apply this knowledge for treatment of cellular dysregulation in renal disease.
Diabetic nephropathy affects 30-40% of diabetics leading to end-stage kidney failure through progressive scarring and fibrosis. Previous evidence suggests that tissue transglutaminase (tTg) and its protein cross-link product epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine contribute to the expanding renal tubulointerstitial and glomerular basement membranes in this disease. Using an in vitro cell culture model of renal proximal tubular epithelial cells we determined the link between elevated glucose levels with changes in expression and activity of tTg and then, by using a highly specific site directed inhibitor of tTg (1,3-dimethyl-2[(oxopropyl)thio]imidazolium), determined the contribution of tTg to glucose-induced matrix accumulation. Exposure of cells to 36 mm glucose over 96 h caused an mRNA-dependent increase in tTg activity with a 25% increase in extracellular matrix (ECM)-associated tTg and a 150% increase in ECM epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine cross-linking. This was paralleled by an elevation in total deposited ECM resulting from higher levels of deposited collagen and fibronectin. These were associated with raised mRNA for collagens III, IV, and fibronectin. The specific site-directed inhibitor of tTg normalized both tTg activity and ECM-associated epsilon(gamma-glutamyl)lysine. Levels of ECM per cell returned to near control levels with non-transcriptional reductions in deposited collagen and fibronectin. No changes in transforming growth factor beta1 (expression or biological activity) occurred that could account for our observations, whereas incubation of tTg with collagen III indicated that cross-linking could directly increase the rate of collagen fibril/gel formation. We conclude that Tg inhibition reduces glucose-induced deposition of ECM proteins independently of changes in ECM and transforming growth factor beta1 synthesis thus opening up its possible application in the treatment other fibrotic and scarring diseases where tTg has been implicated.
Ramipril is used mainly for the treatment of hypertension and to reduce incidence of fatality following heart attacks in patients who develop indications of congestive heart failure. In the paediatric population it is used most commonly for the treatment of heart failure, hypertension in type 1 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. Due to the lack of a suitable liquid formulation, the current study evaluates the development of a range of oral liquid formulations of ramipril along with their in vitro and in vivo absorption studies. Three different formulation development approaches were studied: solubilisation using acetic acid as a co-solvent, complexation with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) and suspension development using xanthan gum. Systematic optimisation of formulation parameters for the different strategies resulted in the development of products stable for twelve months at long term stability conditions. In vivo evaluation showed CMAX of 10.48 µg/mL for co-solvent, 13.04µg/ml for the suspension and 29.58µg/mL for the cyclodextrin based ramipril solution. Interestingly, both ramipril solution (co-solvent) and the suspension showed a TMAX of 2.5h, however, cyclodextrin based ramipril produced TMAX at 0.75h following administration. The results presented in this study provide translatable products for oral liquid ramipril which offer preferential paediatric use over existing alternatives.
Notre équipe a identifié le thé Labrador [Rhododendron groenlandicum L. (Ericaceae)] comme une plante potentiellement antidiabétique de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale. Dans la présente étude, nous avons évalué les effets néphroprotecteurs potentiels de la plante. De la microalbuminurie et de la fibrose rénale ont été développées chez des souris alimentées avec une diète grasse (DG). Le R. groenlandicum améliore d’une façon non-significative la microalbuminurie, avec des valeurs de l’aire sous la courbe (ACR) diminuant de 0.69 à 0.53. La valeur de la fibrose rénale qui était, à l’origine, de 4.85 unités arbitraires (UA) dans des souris alimentées à la DG, a chuté à 3.27 UA après avoir reçu un traitement de R. groenlandicum. Le R. groenlandicum a réduit la stéatose rénale de presque la moitié alors que l’expression du facteur de modification Bcl-2 (Bmf) a chuté de 13.96 UA à 9.43 UA. Dans leur ensemble les résultats suggèrent que le traitement avec R. groenlandicum peut améliorer la fonction rénale altérée par DG. Dans l’étude subséquente, notre équipe a identifié 17 espèces de la forêt boréale, de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale, qui ont présenté des activités biologiques prometteuses in vitro et in vivo dans le contexte du DT2. Nous avons maintenant examiné ces 17 extraits afin d’identifier lesquels possèdent un potentiel cytoprotecteur rénale en utilisant des cellules Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) mises à l’épreuve dans un médium hypertonique. Nous concluons que plusieurs plantes antidiabétiques Cris exercent une activité de protection rénale qui pourrait être pertinente dans le contexte de la néphropathie diabétique (ND) qui affecte une proportion importante des Cris. La G. hispidula et la A. balsamea sont parmi les plantes les plus puissantes dans ce contexte et elles semblent protectrices principalement en inhibant la caspase 9 dans la voie de signalisation apoptotique mitochondriale. Finalement, nous avons utilisé une approche de fractionnement guidée par un test biologique pour identifier les fractions actives et les composés de A. balsamea avec un potentiel de protection rénale in vitro dans des cellules MDCK mises au défi avec un médium hypertonique. La fraction d’hexane (Hex) possède le potentiel le plus élevé parmi toutes les fractions de solvant contre les dommages cellulaires induits par le stress hypertonique. Dans des études précédentes, trois composés purs ont été identifiés à partir de la fraction Hex, à savoir, l’acide abiétique, l’acide déhydroabiétique et le squalène. L’acide abiétique se distinguait par son effet puissant dans le maintien de la viabilité des cellules MDCK (AnnV-/PI-) à un niveau relativement élevé (augmentation de 25.48% relative au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001), ainsi qu’une réduction significative (diminution de 20.20% par rapport au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001) de l’apoptose de stade précoce (AnnV+/PI-). L’acide abiétique peut donc servir à normaliser les préparations traditionnelles d’A. balsamea et à trouver des applications potentielles dans le traitement de la néphropathie diabétique. Les trois études ont été intrinsèquement liées les unes aux autres, par conséquent, nous avons réussi à identifier R. groenlandicum ainsi que A. balsamea comme nouvelles plantes prometteuses contre la néphropathie diabétique. Nous croyons que ces résultats profiteront à la communauté crie pour la gestion des complications diabétiques, en particulier la néphropathie diabétique. En parallèle, nos données pourraient faire avancer l'essai clinique de certaines plantes médicinales de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale du Canada.
BACKGROUND: Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is a rare hematologic neoplasm with a few hundred cases having been described to date.
Notre équipe a identifié le thé Labrador [Rhododendron groenlandicum L. (Ericaceae)] comme une plante potentiellement antidiabétique de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale. Dans la présente étude, nous avons évalué les effets néphroprotecteurs potentiels de la plante. De la microalbuminurie et de la fibrose rénale ont été développées chez des souris alimentées avec une diète grasse (DG). Le R. groenlandicum améliore d’une façon non-significative la microalbuminurie, avec des valeurs de l’aire sous la courbe (ACR) diminuant de 0.69 à 0.53. La valeur de la fibrose rénale qui était, à l’origine, de 4.85 unités arbitraires (UA) dans des souris alimentées à la DG, a chuté à 3.27 UA après avoir reçu un traitement de R. groenlandicum. Le R. groenlandicum a réduit la stéatose rénale de presque la moitié alors que l’expression du facteur de modification Bcl-2 (Bmf) a chuté de 13.96 UA à 9.43 UA. Dans leur ensemble les résultats suggèrent que le traitement avec R. groenlandicum peut améliorer la fonction rénale altérée par DG. Dans l’étude subséquente, notre équipe a identifié 17 espèces de la forêt boréale, de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale, qui ont présenté des activités biologiques prometteuses in vitro et in vivo dans le contexte du DT2. Nous avons maintenant examiné ces 17 extraits afin d’identifier lesquels possèdent un potentiel cytoprotecteur rénale en utilisant des cellules Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) mises à l’épreuve dans un médium hypertonique. Nous concluons que plusieurs plantes antidiabétiques Cris exercent une activité de protection rénale qui pourrait être pertinente dans le contexte de la néphropathie diabétique (ND) qui affecte une proportion importante des Cris. La G. hispidula et la A. balsamea sont parmi les plantes les plus puissantes dans ce contexte et elles semblent protectrices principalement en inhibant la caspase 9 dans la voie de signalisation apoptotique mitochondriale. Finalement, nous avons utilisé une approche de fractionnement guidée par un test biologique pour identifier les fractions actives et les composés de A. balsamea avec un potentiel de protection rénale in vitro dans des cellules MDCK mises au défi avec un médium hypertonique. La fraction d’hexane (Hex) possède le potentiel le plus élevé parmi toutes les fractions de solvant contre les dommages cellulaires induits par le stress hypertonique. Dans des études précédentes, trois composés purs ont été identifiés à partir de la fraction Hex, à savoir, l’acide abiétique, l’acide déhydroabiétique et le squalène. L’acide abiétique se distinguait par son effet puissant dans le maintien de la viabilité des cellules MDCK (AnnV-/PI-) à un niveau relativement élevé (augmentation de 25.48% relative au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001), ainsi qu’une réduction significative (diminution de 20.20% par rapport au stress hypertonique, P<0.0001) de l’apoptose de stade précoce (AnnV+/PI-). L’acide abiétique peut donc servir à normaliser les préparations traditionnelles d’A. balsamea et à trouver des applications potentielles dans le traitement de la néphropathie diabétique. Les trois études ont été intrinsèquement liées les unes aux autres, par conséquent, nous avons réussi à identifier R. groenlandicum ainsi que A. balsamea comme nouvelles plantes prometteuses contre la néphropathie diabétique. Nous croyons que ces résultats profiteront à la communauté crie pour la gestion des complications diabétiques, en particulier la néphropathie diabétique. En parallèle, nos données pourraient faire avancer l'essai clinique de certaines plantes médicinales de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des Cris de la Baie James orientale du Canada.
Background: The effects of renal denervation on cardiovascular reflexes and markers of nephropathy in diabetic-hypertensive rats have not yet been explored. Methods: Aim: To evaluate the effects of renal denervation on nephropathy development mechanisms (blood pressure, cardiovascular autonomic changes, renal GLUT2) in diabetic-hypertensive rats. Forty-one male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) similar to 250 g were injected with STZ or not; 30 days later, surgical renal denervation (RD) or sham procedure was performed; 15 days later, glycemia and albuminuria (ELISA) were evaluated. Catheters were implanted into the femoral artery to evaluate arterial pressure (AP) and heart rate variability (spectral analysis) one day later in conscious animals. Animals were killed, kidneys removed, and cortical renal GLUT2 quantified (Western blotting). Results: Higher glycemia (p < 0.05) and lower mean AP were observed in diabetics vs. nondiabetics (p < 0.05). Heart rate was higher in renal-denervated hypertensive and lower in diabetic-hypertensive rats (384.8 +/- 37, 431.3 +/- 36, 316.2 +/- 5, 363.8 +/- 12 bpm in SHR, RD-SHR, STZ-SHR and RD-STZ-SHR, respectively). Heart rate variability was higher in renal-denervated diabetic-hypertensive rats (55.75 +/- 25.21, 73.40 +/- 53.30, 148.4 +/- 93 in RD-SHR, STZ-SHR-and RD-STZ-SHR, respectively, p < 0.05), as well as the LF component of AP variability (1.62 +/- 0.9, 2.12 +/- 0.9, 7.38 +/- 6.5 in RD-SHR, STZ-SHR and RD-STZ-SHR, respectively, p < 0.05). GLUT2 renal content was higher in all groups vs. SHR. Conclusions: Renal denervation in diabetic-hypertensive rats improved previously reduced heart rate variability. The GLUT2 equally overexpressed by diabetes and renal denervation may represent a maximal derangement effect of each condition.
Background The objective of this study was to evaluate the early results of the laparoscopic interposition of a segment of ileum associated with a sleeve gastrectomy (LII-SG) in order to treat patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and BMI <35. Data regarding morbidly obese diabetic patients subjected to surgery has consistently been validated. To date, there is scarce information about morbidity and mortality related to the surgical treatment of a ""true"" typical diabetic population with BMI <35. Methods The procedures were performed in 454 patients (322 male, 132 female). Mean age was 53.6 +/- 8 years (range = 27-75). Mean BMI was 29.7 +/- 3.6 kg/m(2) (range = 19-34.8). All patients had the diagnosis of T2DM for at least 3 years. Insulin therapy was used by 45.6% of patients. Mean duration of T2DM was 10.8 +/- 5.9 years (range = 3-35). Mean hemoglobin A(1c) was 8.8 +/- 1.9%. Dyslipidemia was observed in 78.4%, hypertension in 64.8%, nephropathy in 28.6%, retinopathy in 32.6%, neuropathy in 34.6%, and coronary heart disease in 13%. Results There was no conversion to open surgery. All patients were evaluated postoperatively. Mortality was 0.4%. There were 29 major complications (6.4%) in 22 patients (4.8%) and 51 minor complications (11.2%). Reoperations were performed on 8 patients (1.7%). Twenty patients (4.4%) were readmitted to the hospital. Mean postoperative BMI was 25.8 +/- 3.5 kg/m(2). Mean fasting plasma glucose decreased from 198 +/- 69 to 128 +/- 67 mg/dl and mean postprandial plasma glucose decreased from 262 +/- 101 to 136 +/- 43 mg/dl. Conclusions The laparoscopic ileal interposition associated with a sleeve gastrectomy was considered a safe operation with low rates of morbidity and mortality in a diabetic population with BMI < 35. An early control of postprandial glycemia was observed.
Objective Activation of the renal renin-angiotensin system in patients with diabetes mellitus appears to contribute to the risk of nephropathy. Recently, it has been recognized than an elevation of prorenin in plasma also provides a strong indication of risk of nephropathy. This study was designed to examine renin-angiotensin system control mechanisms in the patient with diabetes mellitus.Methods We enrolled 43 individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus. All individuals were on a high-salt diet to minimize the contribution of the systemic renin-angiotensin system. After an acute exposure to captopril (25 mg), they were randomized to treatment with either irbesartan (300 mg) or aliskiren (300 mg) for 2 weeks.Results All agents acutely lowered blood pressure and plasma aldosterone, and increased renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate. Yet, only captopril and aliskiren acutely increased plasma renin and decreased plasma angiotensin II, whereas irbesartan acutely affected neither renin nor angiotensin II. Plasma renin and angiotensin II subsequently did increase upon chronic irbesartan treatment. When given on day 14, irbesartan and aliskiren again induced the above hemodynamic, renal and adrenal effects, yet without significantly changing plasma renin. Irbesartan at that time did not affect plasma angiotensin II, whereas aliskiren lowered it to almost zero.Conclusion The relative resistance of the renal renin response to acute (irbesartan) and chronic (irbesartan and aliskiren) renin-angiotensin system blockade supports the concept of an activated renal renin-angiotensin system in diabetes, particularly at the level of the juxtaglomerular cell, and implies that diabetic patients might require higher doses of renin-angiotensin system blockers to fully suppress the renal renin-angiotensin system. J Hypertens 29: 2454-2461 (C) 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Recent work has demonstrated that hyperglycemia-induced overproduction of superoxide by the mitochondrial electron-transport chain triggers several pathways of injury [(protein kinase C (PKC), hexosamine and polyol pathway fluxes, advanced glycation end product formation (AGE)] involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications by inhibiting glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) activity. Increased oxidative and nitrosative stress activates the nuclear enzyme, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP). PARP activation, on one hand, depletes its substrate, NAD+, slowing the rate of glycolysis, electron transport and ATP formation. On the other hand, PARP activation results in inhibition of GAPDH by poly-ADP-ribosylation. These processes result in acute endothelial dysfunction in diabetic blood vessels, which importantly contributes to the development of various diabetic complications. Accordingly, hyperglycemia-induced activation of PKC and AGE formation are prevented by inhibition of PARP activity. Furthermore, inhibition of PARP protects against diabetic cardiovascular dysfunction in rodent models of cardiomyopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and retinopathy. PARP activation is also present in microvasculature of human diabetic subjects. The present review focuses on the role of PARP in diabetic complications and emphasizes the therapeutic potential of PARP inhibition in the prevention or reversal of diabetic complications.
AIMS: The plasma levels of either brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) or the N-terminal fragment of the prohormone (NT-proBNP) have recently gained extreme importance as markers of myocardial dysfunction. Patients with type 2 diabetes are at high risk of developing cardiovascular complications. This study was aimed to assess whether plasma NT-proBNP levels are at similar levels in type 2 diabetics with or without overt cardiovascular diseases. METHODS: We assayed plasma NT-proBNP in 54 type 2 diabetics, 27 of whom had no overt macro- and/or microvascular complications, while the remaining ones had either or both. The same assay was carried out in 38 healthy control subjects age and sex matched as a group with the diabetics. RESULTS: Plasma NT-proBNP was higher in diabetics (median 121 pg/ml, interquartile range 50-240 pg/ml, ) than in those without complications (37 pg/ml, 21-54 pg/ml, P<0.01). Compared with the controls (55 pg/ml, 40-79 pg/ml), only diabetics with vascular complications had significantly increased plasma NT-proBNP levels (P<0.001). In the diabetics, coronary heart disease and nephropathy (defined according to urinary excretion of albumin) were each independently associated with elevated values of plasma NT-proBNP. CONCLUSIONS: In type 2 diabetes mellitus, patients with macro- and/or micro-vascular complications exhibit an elevation of plasma NT-proBNP levels compared to corresponding patients with no evidence of vascular disease. The excessive secretion of this peptide is independently associated with coronary artery disease and overt nephropathy. The measurement of circulating NT-proBNP concentration may therefore be useful to screen for the presence of macro- and/or microvascular disease.
Diabetes is a recognized risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and heart failure. Diabetic cardiovascular dysfunction also underscores the development of diabetic retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Despite the broad availability of antidiabetic therapy, glycemic control still remains a major challenge in the management of diabetic patients. Hyperglycemia triggers formation of advanced glycosylation end products (AGEs), activates protein kinase C, enhances polyol pathway, glucose autoxidation, which coupled with elevated levels of free fatty acids, and leptin have been implicated in increased generation of superoxide anion by mitochondria, NADPH oxidases and xanthine oxidoreductase in diabetic vasculature and myocardium. Superoxide anion interacts with nitric oxide forming the potent toxin peroxynitrite via diffusion limited reaction, which in concert with other oxidants triggers activation of stress kinases, endoplasmic reticulum stress, mitochondrial and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1-dependent cell death, dysregulates autophagy/mitophagy, inactivates key proteins involved in myocardial calcium handling/contractility and antioxidant defense, activates matrix metalloproteinases and redox-dependent pro-inflammatory transcription factors (e.g. nuclear factor kappaB) promoting inflammation, AGEs formation, eventually culminating in myocardial dysfunction, remodeling and heart failure. Understanding the complex interplay of oxidative/nitrosative stress with pro-inflammatory, metabolic and cell death pathways is critical to devise novel targeted therapies for diabetic cardiomyopathy, which will be overviewed in this brief synopsis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Autophagy and protein quality control in cardiometabolic diseases.