299 resultados para Cyanoaggregatum brasiliense
We investigate extra- and intracellular osmoregulatory capability in two species of hololimnetic Caridea and Anomura: Macrobrachium brasiliense, a palaemonid shrimp, and Aegla franca, an aeglid anomuran, both restricted to continental waters. We also appraise the sharing of physiological characteristics by the hololimnetic Decapoda, and their origins and role in the conquest of fresh water. Both species survive salinity exposure well. While overall hyperosmoregulatory capability is weak in A. franca and moderate in M. brasiliense, both species strongly hyporegulate hemolymph [Cl(-)] but not osmolality. Muscle total free amino acids (FAA) increase slowly but markedly in response to the rapid rise in hemolymph osmolality consequent to hyperosmotic challenge: 3.5-fold in A. franca and 1.9-fold in M. brasiliense. Glycine, taurine, arginine, alanine and proline constitute a parts per thousand 85% of muscle FAA pools in fresh water; taurine, arginine, alanine each contribute a parts per thousand 22% in A. franca, while glycine predominates (70%) in M. brasiliense. These FAA also show the greatest increases on salinity challenge. Muscle FAA titers correlate strongly (R = 0.82) with hemolymph osmolalities across the main decapod sub/infraorders, revealing that marine species with high hemolymph osmolalities achieve isosmoticity of the intra- and extracellular fluids partly through elevated intracellular FAA concentrations; freshwater species show low hemolymph osmolalities and exhibit reduced intracellular FAA titers, consistent with isosmoticity at a far lower external osmolality. Given the decapod phylogeny adopted here and their multiple, independent invasions of fresh water, particularly by the Caridea and Anomura, our findings suggest that homoplastic strategies underlie osmotic and ionic homeostasis in the extant freshwater Decapoda.
The Neotropical species of Gasteruption Latreille are revised, described, diagnosed, and illustrated; a key for females is provided. Twenty six valid species are recognized, thirteen of which are described as new: G. amputatum Townes, G. barnstoni (Westwood), G. bertae n. sp., G. bispinosum Kieffer, G. brachychaetum Schrottky, G. brandaoi n. sp., G. brasiliense (Blanchard), G. floridanum (Bradley), G. glauciae n. sp., G. guildingi (Westwood), G. hansoni n. sp., G. helenae n. sp., G. huberi n. sp., G. kaweahense (Bradley), G. lianae n. sp., G. loiaconoae n. sp., G. masneri n. sp., G. oliveirai n. sp., G. parvum Schrottky, G. rafaeli n. sp., G. sartor Schletterer, G. smithi n. sp., G. tenue Kieffer, G. townesi (Alayo), G. visaliae (Bradley), and G. wahli n. sp. The following new synonymies are proposed: G. maculicorne Cameron, G. macroderum Schletterer, and G. zapotecum Schletterer with G. barnstoni; G. bihamatum Kieffer, G. fallens Kieffer, G. fiebrigi Schrottky, G. leptodomum Kieffer, G. montivagum Kieffer, and G. strandi Kieffer with G. bispinosum; G. annulitarse Schrottky, G. brasiliae Kieffer, G. gracillimum (Schletterer), G. longicauda Kieffer, G. petroselini Schrottky, G. subtropicale Schrottky and G. torridum (Bradley) with G. brasiliense; G. rufipectus (Westwood) with G. guildingi; G. angustatum (Kieffer) with G. kaweahense; G. horni Brethes with G. parvum. The following taxa are considered as species inquirendae: G. albitarse Schletterer, G. austini Jennings and Smith, G. subcoriaceum Kieffer n. stat., and G. tenuicolle Schletterer. As well, G rubrum Taschenberg is synonymized with Pseudofoenus infumatus (Schletterer). In addition, G. tenue Pasteels, 1957a from Australia is a junior homonym of G. tenue Kieffer, 1922 and is renamed G. pasteelsi n. name.
The Neotropical genus Lycomorphon Pic, 1922 is revised. Eleven species are classified in the genus, six of them are redescribed, five species (Lycomorphon brasiliense sp. n., L. amazonicum sp. n., L. bimaculatum sp. n. L. bolivianum sp. n., L. fulvohumeralis sp. n.) are proposed as new to science. Lycomorphon elongaticolle v. diversicolle Pic, 1926 is raised to species status, and Idiopteron irregularis is transferred to the genus Lycomorphon. The new subgenus Spinolycus sg. n. is proposed within Lycomorphon.
In a recent ecological study of the ticks on animal trails within an area of Atlantic rainforest in south-eastern Brazil, Amblyomma aureolatum, A. brasiliense, A. incisum, A. ovale and Haemaphysalis juxtakochi were found questing on the vegetation. Most of the ticks recorded by a small, man-made dam on the forest border were A. dubitatum but a few A. brasiliense and A. cajennense, one A. incisum and one H. juxtakochi were also found. The seasonal activity of the ticks indicated that A. incisum and A. brasiliense had one generation/year. On the animal trails, most tick species and stages quested on the vegetation at a height of 30-40 cm above ground level. The questing larvae and adults of A. incisum tended to be found higher, however, with the greatest numbers recorded 40-50 cm (larvae) or 60-70 cm (adults) above ground level. Most of the adult ticks (81.1% -100%), nymphs (78.6%-100%) and larval clusters (100%) found on a forest trail remained questing at the same location over a 24-h period. Carbon-dioxide traps in the rainforest attracted, 50% of the ticks observed questing on the nearby vegetation and, curiously, the CO(2) traps set deep in the forest attracted far fewer ticks than similar traps set by the dam. The ecological relationships between the ticks, their hosts and the rainforest environment are discussed.
The current study investigated the occurrence of ticks and their rickettsiae in the Serra do Mar State Park, which encompasses one of the largest Atlantic rain forest reserves of Brazil. From July 2008 to June 2009, a total of 2,439 ticks (2,196 free living and 243 collected on hosts) was collected, encompassing the following 13 species: Amblyomma aureolatum (Pallas), Amblyomma brasiliense Aragao, Amblyomma dubitatum Neumann, Amblyomma fuscum Neumann, Amblyomma incisum Neumann, Amblyomma longirostre (Koch), Amblyomma naponense (Packard), Amblyomma nodosum Neumann, Amblyomma ovale Koch, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi Cooley, Ixodes aragaoi Fonseca, Lodes loricatus Neumann, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille). Ticks were submitted to polymerase chain reaction assays targeting portions of the rickettsial genes gltA and ompA. Polymerase chain reaction products were DNA sequenced and compared with corresponding sequences available in GenBank. Rickettsia bellii, a rickettsia of unknown pathogenicity, was detected in one A. aureolatum, one A. ovate, and three A. incisum specimens. At least 8.8% (3/34) of the free-living A. ovale ticks, 13.6% (8/59) of the A. ovale ticks collected from dogs, and 1.9% (1/54) of the R. sanguineus (Latreille) ticks were found to be infected by Rickettsia sp strain Atlantic rain forest, a novel strain that has been shown to cause an eschar-associated spotted fever in the state of Sao Paulo. Our results suggest that A. ovale is the vector of Rickettsia sp strain Atlantic rain forest in the state of Sao Paulo.
Together with the larval stage, the nymphal stage of ticks of the genus Amblyomma are the most aggressive ticks for humans entering areas inhabited by wildlife and some domestic animals in Brazil. However, due to the absence of morphological descriptions of the nymphal stage of most Brazilian Amblyomma species, plus the lack of an identification key, little or nothing is known about the life history of Amblyomma spp. nymphs in the country. In the present study, morphological description of the nymphal stage, illustrating important external characters through scanning electron microscopy, is provided for nymphs of 15 Amblyomma species that occur in Brazil, for which the nymphal stage had never been described: A. aureolatum, A. auricularium, A. calcaratum, A. coelebs, A. fuscum, A. humerale, A. incisum, A. latepunctatum, A. naponense, A. nodosum, A. ovate, A. pacae, A. pseudoconcolor, A. scalpturatum, A. varium. In addition, the nymphal stage of 12 Amblyomma species, which had been previously described, are redescribed: A. brasiliense, A. cajennense, A. dissimile, A. dubitatum, A. longirostre, A. oblongoguttatum, A. parked, A. parvum, A. romitii, A. rotundatum, A. tigrinum, A. triste. The descriptions and redescriptions totalized 27 species. Only 2 species (A. geayi, A. goeldii) out of the 29 Amblyomma species established in Brazil are not included in the present study. A dichotomous identification key is included to support taxonomic identification of the nymphal stage of 27 Amblyomma species established in Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
O pequi um fruto do Cerrado, de alto valor nutricional e potencial econômico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do pequi cozido após ter sido submetido a diferentes métodos de congelamento e tempos de armazenamento. Os frutos, oriundos de Bocaiúva, Norte de Minas Gerais, foram selecionados, lavados, sanificados, descascados, branqueados, resfriados, embalados em sacos de polietileno, selados a vácuo, em parcelas de 300g, submetidos ao congelamento por ar estático e por ar forado e armazenados em congelador (-18ºC ±2ºC) por seis meses. A cada dois meses (0, 2, 4 e 6 meses), os frutos foram analisados após cozimento, em água, por 20 minutos (300g . L-1), em panelas de aço inox. As seguintes análises foram realizadas: microscopia eletrônica de varredura, firmeza, umidade, cor (L*, h* e C*), carotenoides totais, β-caroteno e vitamina C. Houve diferença significativa entre os dois métodos de congelamento apenas para as variáveis vitamina C e β-caroteno. As demais variáveis sofreram influência apenas do fator tempo de armazenamento. Conclui-se que o pequi cozido após congelamento é influenciado mais pelo tempo de armazenamento do que pelo método de congelamento, sendo o congelamento eficiente para preservação da qualidade desse fruto.
pp. 63-76
The Yanomami are a group of South American Indians that live in the rainforest along the borderlands of Brazil and Venezuela. They depend on hunting, gardening and wild food for survival; crustaceans are a highly prized food item in their diet. Taxonomical and ethnozoological aspects of the Yanomami Indians of the Balawa-ú village, state of Amazonas, Brazil, related to the crustaceans are described. Information and specimens were obtained from August to December, 2003. Interviews were conducted with residents of the village and focused on questions about species exploited, indigenous names, modes of capture and use of the species. One shrimp species of the family Palaemonidae (Macrobrachium brasiliense) and two crab species of Trichodactylidae (Sylviocarcinus pictus, Valdivia serrata) as well as two of Pseudothelphusidae (Fredius fittkaui, F. platyacanthus) were recorded. The indigenous names applied to these species are: shuhu, for shrimp, oko and peimatherimi for each of the two pseudothelphusid crabs, and hesiki tôtôrema for both trichodactylid crabs.
Fragmentos de florestas inundáveis localizam-se naturalmente na Planície do Araguaia entre os estados de Tocantins e Mato Grosso nas áreas de Cerrado. Ocorrem sob a forma de depressões naturais, que no estado do Tocantins estão situados nas áreas de planícies de inundação, que favorecem seu alagamento, conseqüentemente, o maior tempo de retenção da água em épocas de elevada precipitação. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a estrutura de um fragmento de floresta inundável de aproximadamente um hectare, inserido em área de Campo Sujo, no município de Lagoa da Confusão, TO. Foram amostrados todos os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos com circunferência 1,30m do solo (CAP) > 15 cm. Ao todo, foram encontrados 665 indivíduos, 34 famílias e 49 espécies. As espécies com maior valor de cobertura, em ordem decrescente, foram Sclerolobium paniculatum var. rubiginosum (Mart. ex Tul.) Benth., Calophyllum brasiliense Cambess. e Licania apetala (E. Mey.) Fritsch. As famílias mais ricas foram Fabaceae (8), Arecaceae, Chrysobalanaceae e Vochysiaceae (3). O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H') foi de 2,97nats/ind. A distribuição de classes de diâmetro apresentou curva na forma de "J" invertido estando a maioria dos indivíduos nas sete primeiras classes.
Charcoal is an important energy raw material and its properties are influenced by the wood's anatomical and chemical composition and the production process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anatomical characteristics, calorific power and volatiles and ash content of carbonized wood from Byrsonima spicata, Calophyllum brasiliense, Cecropia sciadophylla, Cochlospermum orinocense and Schefflera morototoni. The calorific power varied from 26,878 to 31,117 kJ kg-1; the content of volatile materials ranged from 20.9 to 31.7%; ash content ranged from 0.1 to 3.8%; and carbon content varied from 68.2 to 75.3%. Anatomical structures of charcoal can be used for species identification. The studied species are not indicated for charcoal production because the levels of ash and volatile compounds are higher than those recommended for charcoal produced for household use. In addition, the calorific power and level of carbon content are insufficient for use in the steel industry.
The knowledge of the Ixodidae becomes every day, more and more important owing to the fact of the increasing number of diseases of man and animals they can transmit. In Brasil besides transmitting treponemosis, piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis to several domestic animals, the ticks are also responsible fo the transmission of the brazilian rocky mountain spotted fever (A. cajennense and Amblyomma striatum) and they can also harbour the virus of the yellow fever and even to transmit it in laboratory experiments (A. cajennense, O. rostratus). The Brazilian fauna of ticks is a small one and has no more than 45 well-established species belonging to the genus Argas, Ornithodoros, Ixodes, Haemaphysalis, Rhipicephalus, Boophilus, Amblyomma and Spaelaeorhynchus. The genus Amblyomma is the best represented one, with 67% of all species of ticks known in Brazil. One of the most important species in the Amblyomma cajennense owing to its abundance and its wide parasitism in many vertebrates: reptiles, birds and mammals, incluing man, who is much attacked by the larva, the nymph and the adult of this species. The other ticks who attack the man are the Amblyomma brasiliense (the pecari tick), in the forests, and the Ornithodoros, especially the species. O. rostratus and brasiliensis. Other species can bite the man, but only occasionally, like Amblyomma fossum, striatum, oblongogutatum etc. Argas persicus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Boophilus are very important species not only as parasites but specially because they transmit several diseases to animals. Some of the ticks of the brazilian wild animals are now also parasites of the domestic ones and vice-versa. Arga persicus var. dissimilis is very common among the poultry and transmits the Treponema anserinum (gallinarum). Boophilus microplus is very abundant on our domestic and wild ruminants (Bos, Cervus, Mazama etc.) and can also ben found on horse, dogs, Felis onca, Felis concolor etc., and it transmits to cattle piroplasmosis and anaplasmosis. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (an introduced species) is now very common on the dog, over all the country. The author recommend to give popular names to some brazilian ticks in order to make them more acquainted with the non scientific people. The author gives a classification of the superfamilia Ixoidoidea and keys to the determination of the different species of brazilian ticks. He creates a new family of Nuttallielidae to the so interesting tick, described by Bedford with the name of Nuttaliella namaqua in South Africa, a new variety of Argas persicus, the Argas persicus var. dissimilis nov. var. owing to the differences on the segment and on the size and morphology of the peritrema. He describes also the female of Amblyomma fuscum Nn. A great part of the author's work deals with the biology, life conditions and parasitism of many of the brazilian ticks in accordance with his personal and from other author's researches, especially in reference to Argas persicus, Ornithodoros rostratus, O. brasiliensis, Boophilus microplus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma cajennense, A. pseudoconcolor, A. auriculare, A. rotundatum (= A. agamum) etc. The author gives a detailed report upon the parthenogenesis of A. rotundatum (A. agamum) that he first described in 1912 and gives also many references to other species of brazilian ticks, to teratological forms etc. He also gives a detailed report of the geographical distribution of brazilian ticks and of the peculiar conditions of its parasitism. The last part of this article deals with references to the species of ticks of some of the South American Republics namely Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Paraguay and Venezuela. Amblyomma testudinis Conil, A. neumanni Ribaga 1902 (= A. furcula Dõnitz 1909) and A. parvitarsum Nn. 1899 (= A. altiplanum Dios 1917), are found only in Argentina. It is given a special bibliography dealing with the brazilian ticks and four text figures and one plate.
A profilaxia racional de um doença decorre do melhor e mais profundo conhecimento dela. A do tifo exantematico neotrópico, apesar do que se sabe da doença, não e fácil no Brasil. Uma das maiores dificuldade encontramos nas distancias do nosso "hinterland" e na falta de cultura dos nossos agricultores. O homem se infecta certamente com as raças VB, VA e VA do virus brasileiro: 1.°) no campo, nas matas e nas macegas; 2.°) dentro dos domicílios ou nos arredores dêstes. Os primeiros constitúem de regra, os casos insulados do mal. Os segundos fazem parte, não raro, dos focos domiciliares macicos, com 2, 5, 7 e até 12 casos na mesma casa. São responsáveis, pelos primeiros, os carrapatos, principalmente o Amblyomma cayennense e o Amblyomma brasiliense, mormente quando no estado de ninfas, dada a herança habitual das infecções nesses artrópodos, que se infestam em animais silvestres, depositários do virus. São responsáveis pelos segundos, os "Cimex lectularius", percevejos dos leitos e as ninfas e larvas dos carrapatos, deixadas cair junto aos domicílios ou mesmo dentro deles. A profilaxia racional e completa da doença entre nós compreende: 1.°) Descarrapatização das zonas infestadas, por meio de leis apropriadas, coercitivas e aplicadas sem excepção; 2.°) Combate aos cães vadios, cabritos e outros animais portadores do virus; 3.°) Queima dos pastes, campos e macegas de fraco valor econômico, principalmente os que confinam com residências; 4.°) A propaganda racional contra esta grave doença exantemática: a) com palestras locais, acompanhadas de fotografias e gráficos expressivos e ao alcance de todos; b) pelo cinema; c) com artigos simples, claros e precisos sôbre a matéria; d) com folhetos apropriados; 5.°) Combater toda a vermina dentro e nas proximidades dos domicílios, 6.°) Demonstrar que é possível, com toda a certeza, evitar a doença, retirando os carrapatos que se prenderem ao corpo, dentro de 12 ou 14 horas após a fixação; 7.°) Aconselhar o emprego do DDT, Gammexame" e Toxafeno" para o expurgo das casas e animais, a fim de combater os carrapatos; 8.°) Vacinação preventiva contra a doença, quando possível, em zonas delimitadas e já civilizadas, feitas principalmente com raças de virus colhidas no Brasil e, se possível, com uma só dose. O autor trabalhou durante algum tempo com a vacina tipo Spencer-Parker. Hoje aconselha o trabalho com a vacina tipo Cox, original ou modificada.
An attempt is made to clear the nomenclature of some netropical species of the genus Amblyomma. Amblyomma myrmecophagium Schulze, 1933 and Amblyomma brasiliense guyanense Floch et Abonnenc, 1933, are synonyms of Amblyoma scalpturatum Neumann, 1906. Amblyomma superbrasiliense Schulze, 1941, is cospecific with Amblyomma incisum Neumann, 1906. Amblyomma ypsilophorum Schulze, 1941, is a synonym of Amblyomma cooperi Nuttal et Warburton, 1907.
a) The species Amblyomma tapiri Tonelli Rondelli, 1937 and Amblyomma finitimum Tonelli Rondelli, 1937 are synonymous with Amblyomma cajennense Fabricius, 1787. Both species are based in differences of size, colour, punctations and form of the dorsal shield, presence or absence of ventral plates, size, form and direction of the spine of coxa IV. Such differences prouved to be only variations frequently observed in large lots or in cultures of Amblyomma cajennense. The revalidation of Koch's species Amblyomma tenellum Koch, 1844 and Amblyomma mixtum Koch, 1844 proposed by TONELLI RONDELLI as also of Amblyomma sculptum Berlese, 1888 and Amblyomma versicolor Nuttal et Warburton, 1908 cannot be accepted by the same reasons. b) Amblyomma beccari Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 and Amblyomma latepunctatum Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 are cospecific with Amblyomma scalpturatum Neumann, 1899 the same being true for Amblyomma myrmecophagium Schulze, 1935 and for Amblyomma brasiliense var. guianense Floch et Abonnenc, 1940, as previously stated. c) Amblyomma tasquei Floch et Abonnenc, 1940 is a good species but synonym with Amblyomma romitii Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 which has priority. d) Amblyomma curruca Schulze, 1936 is a synonym of Amblyomma parvum Aragão, 1908. e) Amblyomma deminutivum Neumann, 1899 represents a variation of Amblyomma dissimile Koch, 1844, a species whose internal spine of coxa IV may be poorly developed or even absent. f) Amblyomma nigrum Tonelli Rondelli, 1939 prouved to be synonym with Amblyomma paccae Aragao, 1911 the type representing a blackish specimen of the later species. g) Amblyomma brimonti Neumann, 1913 is a synonym of Amblyomma humerale Koch, 1844.