954 resultados para Culture, sport


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Background: There is growing concern surrounding the ‘racialised’ body and the way young people develop dispositions towards physical activity (PA) and sports, and more broadly to physical culture. This paper draws on Bourdieu's social theory in an effort to explore the ways in which the intersectionality of various fields (family, religion and school) and their dimensions (culture and social class) influence young Muslims' physical culture. Purpose: More specifically the paper examines the ‘racialised’ pedagogic practices in various fields that influence young Muslims' dispositions to physical culture. Method: The study reports on the voices of 40 participants identifying as young Muslims (12–15 years old; 20 girls and 20 boys) from one secondary school in the South of England, UK. A case study approach was used to explore participants’ understanding, meaning, structural conditions and personal agency with regard to physical culture and ‘racialised’ body pedagogies. Data include semi-structured paired interviews with participants. Data were analysed using thematic analysis. More specifically, thematic analysis based on the notion of ‘fields' informed deductive and inductive procedures. Findings: Results suggested that religion had limited influence on the participants' agency when intersecting with schooling and social class with regard to embodiment of active physical culture. Economic capital, on the other hand, had a considerable influence on participants’ physical culture as it contributed to young people's access to PA opportunities, agency and body pedagogies. In addition, the study concludes that fields outside the school play a significant role in influencing and enabling young Muslims’ physical culture. Conclusions: One of the most significant implications of this study is emphasising that young Muslims should not be viewed as a homogenous group as various fields intersect to influence their participation in physical education and their embodiment of physical culture. Identified fields and their markers make dispositions unique, dependent upon characteristics and their relative influence.


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As academic disciplines, Physical Education and Sport History share interests in performance, participation, physique and the politics of corporeal praxis. Engendering unity between the two disciplines, however, has not been without concern. Scholars working within (and across) both fields have highlighted how the potential for shared knowledge production and meaning making has been, to a degree, stymied by epistemological and methodological criticism and trepidation. Issues over contextualization, rigour, narrative schemas, conceptualizations of the body, and notions of agency and power still, in particular, constrain our current educational and historical readings and renderings of physical culture(s). Scholarly schisms and methodological differences can be overcome, however, and need not prohibit disciplinary collaborations that might better address prevailing ethical questions and affect political cause; vis-à-vis the body, the physical and sport. This brief piece is, consequently, recourse to the scholarly symbiosis between Physical Education and Sport History and echoes the encouragement of our earlier colleagues to play, inquire, create and produce together.


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This article shows how the elite origins and religious mission of the Regent Street Polytechnic encouraged participation in amateur sport in London, and promoted the suburb of Chiswick as a global context for competitive sports. From the 1880s to the outbreak of World War 2, the Polytechnic and its facilities forged synergies between the city centre and the burgeoning suburbs in London, engendering a city-wide culture of amateur sports, and embedding the Polytechnic into a global network of athletes. Suburbs are typically presented by writers as being ‘on the edge’ of metropolitan life, but such perspectives are wrong. The West London suburb of Chiswick was the home of Polytechnic facilities that provided a dynamic context for the internationalization and modernization of sport in the capital.


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The past two centuries have witnessed the rise of nationalist movements and widespread nationalism. As these movements gained strength in Europe, sport played a role in their development. Media representations of sport recount events in a way that reinforces cultural values and this research investigates media representations of Croatian nationalism in the weeks surrounding the country’s third place victory in the 1998 FIFA World Cup. Sociological theories alongside more contemporary theories of sport and nation construction are considered. Croatian newspapers were analyzed for elements of national identity construction. The study concludes that the 1998 World Cup played an important role in Croatia’s on-going construction of nationhood and invention of nationalist traditions. This research further demonstrates sport’s ability to evoke strong emotions that are difficult to witness in other areas of social life and the direct role of sport in garnering nationalism.


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Implanté en 1999 dans le quartier Centre-Sud à Montréal, le programme d'intervention psychosociale « Bien dans mes baskets » (BdmB) utilise le basketball comme outil pour entrer en contact avec des jeunes à risque de délinquance. Ce programme se distingue par le fait que ses entraîneurs-travailleurs-sociaux (ETS) interviennent tant dans le développement d'habiletés de vie que d’habiletés sportives. La présente étude vise à comprendre comment les expériences vécues au sein de BdmB ont pu contribuer au développement d’habiletés de vie chez les adolescents qui ont participé au programme lorsqu’ils étaient à l’école secondaire. Une méthodologie rétrospective qualitative a été utilisée pour cette étude. Des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été effectués auprès de 14 anciens athlètes-étudiants (AÉ) masculins qui ont participé à BdmB pendant leurs études secondaires. Le verbatim des entretiens enregistrés a été transcrit afin de procéder à une analyse de contenu par thématique. Les résultats suggèrent que quatre principaux facteurs semblent contribuer au développement d’habiletés de vie chez certains participants : le modelage de l’ETS a permis aux AÉ de reproduire les comportements de leur entraîneur; le développement d’un sentiment d’attachement entre les joueurs a engendré la création d’un nouveau réseau social dans lequel les AÉ ont pu trouver du soutien social; une culture d’équipe influencée par la philosophie de BdmB semble avoir été intériorisée par les joueurs; et BdmB a agi dans certains cas comme facteur de protection contre des influences externes négatives. Les résultats suggèrent que le sport collectif combiné à des interventions psychosociales favoriserait le développement d’habiletés de vie.


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This paper explores the role of digital media and creativity in the processes of learning that occur in groups of urban skateboarders. In particular, it examines how the production and consumption of amateur videos contribute to both skaters’ mastery of the techniques of the sport and their integration into the culture of the sport. The data come from an ethnographic study of skateboarders in Hong Kong, which included in-depth interviews, participant observation and the collection of texts and artifacts like magazines, blog entries and amateur skating videos. Skateboarders use video in a number of ways that significantly impact their learning and integration into their communities. They use it to analyze tricks and techniques, to document the stages of their learning and socialization into the group, to set community standards, to build a sense of belonging with their ‘crews’ and to imagine ‘idealized futures’ for themselves and their communities. Understanding the value and function of such ‘semiotic mediation’ in learning and socialization into sport cultures, I suggest, can contribute to helping physical educators design tasks that integrate training in physical skills with opportunities for students to make meaning around their experiences of sport and physical education.


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A huge billboard faces me as I crawl down Punt Road Melbourne, its wild purple and yellow-daubed sports fan (male) leering over the northbound traffic. Its message: 'Sport is a Religion, so pray for Yamaha Stadium Sound'  Canny advertising, hooking into aussie culture, selecting an aussie take on religion/ sport (fun, serious, primitive, fanatic, central). Next, there's the Next fashion ad, with its larger than life-sized photograph of a gorgeously dressed young female eying off the pope's long white robe, comparing outfits. Fashion as religion, or better than, really, is the inference-she looks mildly
amused, and he looks a little nonplussed. And then there are the many Qantas advertisments for 'Spirit of. Australia' featuring Aboriginal figures, with backdrops of Dlum and the red desert. As cultural tour businesses know, there's money to be made in taking urban, nonIndigenous tourists to visit their 'spiritual other', the Aboriginal.1 Or there's the multicultural, children's version of the ad, with all the little global travellers of the future featured in wonderful locations. Spirit of Australia.


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Research in sport ethics has traditionally focused on the ethical dimensions of the sport event and athletes, however the examination of the principles of ethics to the management and organisation of sport is a relatively recent phenomenon. The tension between the roles and responsibilities of sport as a business, and sport as an ethical and moral aspect of society has forced sport organisations to face an increased number of complex ethical dilemmas. As sport systems throughout the world become further professionalised and bureaucratised, the community understanding of what is ‘good’ is challenged. It is a commonly held expectation that there should be a high level of moral behaviour from those participating directly in the sport event (athletes, coaches, referees), however this expectation has extended to the sporting clubs and organisations which govern the sport itself.

Often used interchangeably, ethics and morality are complex terms concentrating on issues of right and wrong behaviour. Beauchamp and Bowie (1993) stated that the term morality suggests a social institution, composed of a set of standards which are pervasively acknowledged by the members of a culture, or alternatively a social construction. The application of ethics and moral values to the business environment applies across all sectors, including for-profit, non-profit and government, however Rubin (1990) found that the normative ethics, those which society accepts as ethical behaviour, varies from sector to sector. In the non-profit sector, to which many sport organisations belong, Rubin (1990) found that because the community expects more ‘good’, they accept less ‘bad’. As many sport organisations throughout the world remain largely non-profit, linked with the commonly held belief that sport is a foundation for moral behaviours, the idealistic expectation of ethical conduct placed upon them may be different to those of more mainstream business organisations.

Mewett (2003) noted the importance of sport as a social phenomenon which ramifies widely through society to become an intrinsic part of culture and community life. The different expectations of ethical conduct and moral value placed on sport organisations increases the public interest in the ethical dilemmas faced by these organisations. Using the concept of conflict of interest as an example, this paper will examine the tension and difference between the community and social understanding and expectations of sport, and those of the sport organisations themselves.


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This paper explores the public and private perceptions of events that amalgamate two different themes into one unified event. In this paper, we refer to this as a hybrid event. The paper is set within the context of Melbourne, Australia, where two hybrid events (specifically a sport/culture event) were delivered in 2006 and 2007. Media reports about the 2007 event were analyzed to capture the public perception of the sport/cultural event, and focus group data, collected from attendees of the events, were analyzed to explore the private perceptions of the hybrid event. The results indicate that there are a range of views about the sport/cultural event, which are not always consistent. The findings of this study indicate that the hybrid event has the capacity to wade through a cluttered marketplace, but that it does require strong branding to position itself in the marketplace for competitive advantage.


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Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify place-specific dimensions of service quality in spectator sport settings and determine if the importance of these dimensions differed across cultures. The study was limited to the soccer industry and involved the collection of responses from identified soccer spectators to a range of items presented in a survey instrument. The survey was distributed to respondents face-to-face on a match day of the club they supported, or mailed to their home address. Responses were obtained from spectators from two clubs from Australia (n=277), one club from the USA (n=199), one club from the Netherlands (n=245) and one federation from Malaysia (n= 100). Based on the findings of a number of authors, six categories of potential place-specific dimensions of service quality in spectator sport settings were created and the research instrument contained a number of items that could be categorised under one of these headings. These categories were Home, Religion, Social facilitation, Sensory, Uncertainty of outcome, and Personal attention. In this thesis it was assumed that place-specific service quality issues are similar for sport spectators of different cultures, although differences in degree of importance of these dimensions (etic approach) were likely to emerge. In other words, although it was expected dimensions per country to be similar, differences in degree of importance of these dimensions were expected. Given the lack of confirmatory statistical evidence pertaining to the specific country samples, it was concluded that differences per country are likely to be more than just differences in degree. Both the overall structure and structures per country could not be confirmed, and hence the conclusion was drawn that differences in nature between the countries were present. In other words, what is a dimension of place-specific service quality in one country is not necessarily a dimension in another country. The results of a content analysis of ‘core component’ structures per country compared with a (full sample) core component structure delivered six components (referred to as place-specific dimensions of service quality) that were defined as Home, Hedonist, Religious follower, Safe atmosphere, Hospitality and Personal Attention. It was found that in most cases the cultural orientation of soccer spectators reflects the cultural orientation of the country as a whole as proposed by Hofstede (1991). However, in line with Huntington (1997), it was also argued that grouping people based on their country of origin as a proxy for their cultural orientation, will increasingly lead to flawed and incomplete research findings. As noted by Yoo etal. (1999), the identification of a person's cultural orientation is likely to deliver more direct results when measured at the individual level In that regard it is concluded that it may seem prudent to view Hofstede's dimensions of culture with increased conceptual scrutiny. Although having been replicated in multiple studies, it becomes increasingly unlikely that Hofstede's dimensions cover the complete spectrum of an individual person's cultural orientation. In conclusion, this study identified that soccer spectators (from a number of clubs) from Australia, the USA, the Netherlands and to a lesser extent Malaysia, perceive a range of place-specific service quality dimensions in spectator spoil settings to be important when visiting a soccer match. Before research into satisfaction with and value of place-specific dimensions of the spectator sport service product is initiated, it is pertinent the identified dimensions are further explored and confirmed in different country (culture) settings. The confusion that still exists about the place of the value concept (in relation to quality and satisfaction), where Holbrook (1994) defines quality as a type of value and Chelladurai and Chang (2000) argue that value is a type of quality, further underpins this necessity. It needs to be clear what are the targets of service quality before this information is integrated in larger holistic research frameworks. In the final section of the thesis a conceptual model for international services marketing research in the sport industry was presented as a first attempt to integrate the findings of this research and other researchers.


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Researchers have raised concerns about the construction of dangerous/problematic masculinities within sporting fratriarchies1. Yet little is known about how male sport enthusiasts—critical of hypermasculine performances—negotiate their involvement in sport. Our aim was to examine how males negotiated sporting tensions and how these negotiations shaped their (masculine) selves. We drew on Foucault (1992) to analyze how interviewees problematized their respective sport culture in relation to the sexualization of females, public drunkenness and excessive training demands. Results illustrated how the interviewees produced selves, via the moral problematization of sport, that rejected the values or moral codes of hypermasculinity in attempts to create ethical masculinities. We suggest that a proliferation of techniques of self that resist hypermasculine forms of subjection could be one form of ethical response to the documented problems surrounding masculinities and sport.


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Objectives: The objective of this is article is to examine some of the strategies and interventions designed to encourage responsible alcohol consumption within Australian Rules football clubs.
Design: Qualitative research was undertaken with fans of four fans of football teams who compete in the South Australian National Football League (SANFL). In total, 93 interviews were conducted with male (80) and female (13) fans across these clubs. Interview data were thematically analysed with the assistance of the NVIVO software package. To elicit additional insight about the social meanings of drinking, researchers visited football games and a range of social functions.
Results: Analysis of the qualitative data suggests that formal interventions implemented by football clubs often prove ineffectual in encouraging responsible alcohol consumption, with more effective strategies aimed at dissuading heavy drinking being operationalized at an informal level by drinkers themselves through a number of ‘everyday’ or ‘lay’ strategies. Such strategies correspond to the broad analytical categories of ‘keeping safe’, ‘minimising damage’ and ‘taking charge’.
Conclusion: This focus on the role of lay strategies in informing health behaviours makes an important contribution to how we understand health promotion initiatives in relation to harmful drinking in sport and other contexts.


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The illustriousness of sport to Australian culture has often been discussed and in rural communities it could be argued that community sporting clubs are integral, and often unparalleled, in the development of collective community identities and individual subjectivities (Tonts, 2005). Sport is considered a way of life for many rural Australians, yet social, climatic and economic factors have resulted in vast changes to the sporting landscape in rural communities, particularly for adolescent females. With the amalgamation of many community sporting clubs due to declining populations and the rationalisation of Government funding, fewer opportunities for participation in organised physical activity now exist for rural adolescent girls (Tonts & Atherley, 2005). Compounding this lack of opportunity, are questions around the types of physical activity experiences available to rural adolescent females and the impact this has on the way that rural adolescent females construct ideas around being physically active. This paper is concerned with the ways in which prevalent cultural and institutional discourses mediated through community sport and school-based physical activity impact the construction of female physically active subjectivities in rural communities.


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There is a growing body of evidence suggesting a link between sport participation and violent behavior outside of the sporting context. However, there have been few studies that have investigated the basis of this relationship. The current study examined longitudinal relationships between sport participation, problem alcohol use, and various violent behaviors, and whether sport participation moderates relationships between problem alcohol use and violence. The sample comprised 2,262 young adults (55% female, age range at Time 1 = 17-24 years) from Victoria, Australia, surveyed in 2010 and 2012. When controlling for common risk factors, substance use, and past violence, sport participation was not associated with any violent behaviors 2 years later. However, sport participation moderated the relationship between problem alcohol use and fighting, whereby problem alcohol use was associated with engaging in fights 2 years later for sport participants, but not for nonparticipants. These findings suggest that it is not sport participation per se that influences later violence but the drinking norms or culture embedded within certain sporting contexts. Prevention approaches that address the drinking culture and social approval of excessive alcohol consumption within sporting contexts may reduce the incidence of violent behavior in the community.


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La ricerca impostata considera campi disciplinari specifici e distinti, verso la loro integrazione, mirando a produrre un avanzamento relativo alla scienza della voce attraverso la pratica e lo studio della sua applicazione in campo artistico. A partire dall’analisi delle teorie novecentesche relative alla fonazione nel mondo della scena (Antonin Artaud, Stanislavskij e altri) per giungere alle acquisizioni prodotte dalle terapie corporee e vocali (Tomatis, Lowen, Wilfart in particolare), Marco Galignano ha sviluppato un percorso originale che è passato inoltre attraverso lo studio della pratica di una serie di artisti contemporanei (tra cui Baliani, Belli, Bergonzoni, Jodorowski, Hera, Lucenti e Manfredini) e di pedagoghi e terapeuti (da Serge Wilfart al maestro Paolo Zedda). Galignano ha inoltre riferito, nel suo lavoro, gli esiti della sua personale esperienza di formatore, sviluppata a Bologna all’interno di diversi Dipartimenti dell’Università Alma Mater, del Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini, dell’Accademia di Belle Arti e del Teatro Duse in particolare. L’obiettivo della tesi è dunque quello di fondare le basi teoriche per una rinnovata pedagogia vocale, a partire dalla possibile riscoperta del suono naturale fino a giungere alle potenzialità terapeutiche ed artistiche del linguaggio. Gli obiettivi di questo lavoro contemplano l’istituzione di una nuova modalità pedagogica, la sua diffusione attraverso una presentazione opportunamente composta e la sua inscrizione in diverse occorrenze artistiche e professionali. Molte le personalità di spicco del panorama internazionale della scienza e dell’arte della voce che hanno contribuito, negli anni, alla presente ricerca: Francesca Della Monica, insegnante di canto e performer, Tiziana Fuschini, logopedista, Franco Fussi, foniatra, Silvia Magnani, foniatra ed esperta di teatro, Gianpaolo Mignardi, logopedista, Dimitri Pasquali, pedagogo, Livio Presutti, medico chirurgo otorinolaringoiatra, Simonetta Selva, medico dello sport, Serge Wilfart, terapeuta della voce, Paolo Zedda, professore di canto in diverse realtà e Maestro di dizione al Conservatorio Nazionale di Parigi, e molti altri, oltre agli artisti citati in fondo, con le loro ricerche hanno contribuito direttamente alla redazione dell’elaborato finale, che mira a fondare le basi di una rinnovata pedagogia vocale per il teatro in Italia. La ricerca vuole infatti colmare in parte la penuria di apporti scientifici specificamente rivolti alla formazione vocale dell’attore teatrale. II lavoro vorrebbe inoltre raccogliere l’eredita di quei teorici, maestri e registi-pedagoghi che nel Novecento hanno posto le basi per la formazione dell’attore, e al tempo stesso prolungare la linea genealogica che da Stanislavskji trascorre in Grotowski, senza escludere esperienze fondate su presupposti alternativi alla formazione del repertorio vocale del performer: psicofisicità, terapie olistiche, fisica quantistica. Come accennato, una parte della ricerca è stata condotta in collaborazione col Prof. Franco Fussi, correlatore, e grazie al lavoro di redazione nel gruppo della rivista Culture Teatrali, diretto da Marco De Marinis, relatore. II percorso ha inteso infatti sviluppare alcune delle linee di ricerca aperte da Fussi virandole verso lo specifico dell’attività e del training vocale dell’attore, e ha avuto una tappa di verifica rilevante nel Convegno Internazionale di Foniatria e Logopedia “La Voce Artistica” di cui Fussi è direttore, a cui Galignano ha partecipato in veste di relatore. 1. II concetto guida del lavoro di Galignano risiede nell’idea di vibrazione e nel rapporto che questa intrattiene col suono. Il suono, per l’essere umano, costituisce la base materiale della fonazione, del linguaggio codificato comunitariamente così come dei particolari idioletti in continua evoluzione, basi della comunicazione verbale e paraverbale. Il linguaggio umano è costituito principalmente da sonorità vocale e da articolazione consonantica (rumori), e cioè composto di suoni armonici e di rumori prodotti da apparati articolari del corpo che risultano efficaci solo se integrati nel corpo da cui originano. A partire da un tentativo di definizione di salute corporea e di equilibrio psicofisico, attraverso l’analisi della rigenerazione cellulare e delle dinamiche comportamentali, Galignano definisce scientificamente la lingua parlata come emersione di codici comunicativi che originano da una schematizzazione del mondo intimo-personale del soggetto e si fondano su memorie molecolari, sull’attitudine comportamentale abituale, tra spontaneità, automatismi e capacità episodica di attenzione psicofisica. Ciò costituisce, per Galignano, la “risonanza olistica” alla base dell’efficacia comunicativa in sede pedagogica. L’argomento, che verrà sviluppato per la presentazione editoriale dell’elaborato e di cui la tesi di dottorato è solo una prima tappa in fieri, è stato sviscerato anche sulla base di nozioni di fisica classica e di fisica quantistica. Ciò senza dimenticare gli studi approfonditi sulla vocalità in ambito filosofico, da Bologna a Cavarero, da Napolitano a Zumthor. La tesi è composta attraverso una progressione che, a partire da una dichiarazione di poetica, trascorre poi verso l’analisi della fisiologia e della psicologia della voce, per approdare a una zona di approfondimento scientifico, teorico ed empirico, di una serie di metodi d’avanguardia di abilitazione e riabilitazione. In ultimo, come appendice, vengono riferiti i risultati del percorso laboratoriale condotto nel corso degli anni del dottorato di ricerca. Le esperienze sul campo maturate nell’ambito dell’attività pedagogica e laboratoriale si sono inoltre sviluppate a partire da un Progetto Strategico d’Ateneo dell’Università di Bologna intitolato “La Voce nel Corpo. La Recitazione e il Movimento Coreografico”, di cui Marco Galignano è responsabile scientifico. Un tempo specifico della tesi di dottorato è dunque composto a partire dai risultati maturati attraverso le varie azioni, laboratoriali e artistiche, che fin qui il progetto “La Voce nel Corpo” ha prodotto. In definitiva, attraverso il tessuto composto da esperienze pedagogiche, pratica artistica e ricerca scientifica, la tesi di dottorato di Galignano, work in progress, mira a comporre un sistema integrato, teorico-pratico, per l’insegnamento e la trasmissione di una specifica tecnica vocale calata nella pratica attoriale, ma utile a fini ulteriori, da quello riabilitativo fino alle tecniche di cura del sé su cui s’e appuntata la riflessione filosofica erede della teoresi artaudiana. La parte conclusiva della ricerca riguarda i suoi possibili futuri sviluppi, specifici, impostati attraverso la collaborazione, attuale, passata o in divenire, con artisti quali Marco Baliani, Matteo Belli, Alessandro Bergonzoni, Albert Hera, Michela Lucenti, Danio Manfredini e altri a cui Marco Galignano è particolarmente riconoscente.