150 resultados para Culicidae.
Verrallina funerea (Theobald) is a brackish water mosquito that is recognised as an important pest and vector in southeast Queensland, Australia. Immature development time and survival of Ve. funerea was defined in the laboratory in response to a range of temperatures (17-34 degrees C) and salinities (0-35 parts per thousand (p.p.t)). The expression of autogeny in this species was also assessed. Salinity only had a slight effect on mean development time from hatching to adult emergence (7.0-7.4 d at salinities of 0, 17.5 and 31.5 p.p.t) and survival was uniformly high (97.5-99.0%). Mean development times were shorter at 26, 29 and 32 degrees C (7.0, 6.8 and 6.8 d, respectively) and longest at 17 degrees C (12.2 d). The threshold temperature (t) was 5.8 degrees C and the thermal constant (K) was 142.9 degree-days above t. Survival to adulthood decreased from > 95% (at 17-29 degrees C) to 78% (at 32 degrees C) and 0% (at 34 degrees C). No expression of autogeny was observed. Immature development times of Ve. funerea, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse) and Oc. procax (Skuse) were then determined under field conditions at Maroochy Shire. Following tide and rain inundation, cohorts of newly hatched larvae were monitored daily by dipping, and time until pupation was noted. Tidal inundation triggered hatching of Ve. funerea and Oc. vigilax larvae whereas Oc. procax larvae were found only after rain inundation. Estimates of Ve. funerea and Oc. vigilax field development times were similar (8-9 d) while Oc. procax development time was slightly longer (9-10 d). Based on these survey results, control activities targeting Ve. funerea must be initiated 4 d (if using Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis de Barjac) or 5 d (if using s-methoprene) after inundation. However, Casuarina glauca Sieber canopy and branchlets covering breeding habitats may present a problem for the penetration of such treatments.
v. 45, n. 2, abr./jun. 2016.
Background: West Nile virus (WNV) infection, is an arbovirus infection with high morbidity and mortality, the vector responsible for both human and animal transmission is Culex pipens complex. Objective: To determine the species distribution and seasonal abundance of Culex pipens and Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Methods: Mosquitoes belonging to the Culex pipens complex were captured in three different locations located within Abeokuta Metropolis between March 2012 and January 2013. Individual species were identified using morphometric methods. Amplification of the Ace2 gene by PCR confirmed morphormetric identification of the mosquitoes. Results: A total of 751 mosquitoes were captured. Culex quinquefaciatus recorded the highest distribution of vectors with 56.6% and Culex pipens 43.4% (P > 0.05). Idi aba community recorded the highest distribution of mosquito vectors with 42.9% (n=322) and Culex quinqueaciatus was more abundantly distributed with 183 mosquitoes. Aro community recorded 32% (n=240) of captured mosquitoes with Culex quinquefaciatus having a higher level of abundance and lastly Kemta with a distribution of 25.1% (n=189). Conclusion: Results from this study show that potential vectors of WNV abound within Abeokuta, putting residents at high risk of West Nile infection. We advocate for introduction of routine testing of WNV in Abeokuta and Nigeria. Keywords:
Dengue, amongst the virus illnesses one can get by vectorial transmission, is the one that causes more impact in the morbidity and mortality of world s population. The resistance to the insecticides has caused difficulties to control of vector insect (Aedes aegypti) and has stimulated a search for vegetables with larvicidal activity. The biodiversity of Caatinga is barely known and it is potential of use even less. Some plants of this biome are commercialized in free fairs northeast of Brazil, because of its phytotherapics properties. The vegetables in this study had been selected by means of a questionnaire applied between grass salesmen and natives of the Serido region from Rio Grande do Norte state; culicids eggs had been acquired with traps and placed in container with water for the larva birth. Thirty larvae had been used in each group (a group control and five experimental groups), with four repetitions four times. The vegetables had been submitted to the processes of decoction, infusion and maceration in the standard concentration of 100g of the vegetable of study in 1l of H2O and analyzed after ½, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 hours for verification of the average lethal dose (LD50) from the groups with thirty larva. The LD50 was analyzed in different concentrations (50g/l, 100g/l, 150g/l, 200g/l e 300g/l) of Aspidosperma pyrifolium Mart. 48 extracts of rind, leaf and stem of the seven vegetal species: Aspidosperma pyrifolium Mart., Mimosa verrucosa Benth, Mimosa hostilis (Mart.) Benth., Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão, Ximenia americana L, Bumelia sartorum Mart Zizyphus joazeiro Mart, had been analyzed. The extracts proceeding from the three methods were submitted to the freezedrying, to evaluate and to quantify substances extracted in each process. The results had shown that Aspidosperma pyrifolium Mart. and Myracrodruon urundeuva Allemão are the species that are more distinguished as larvicidal after 24 hours of experiment, in all used processes of extraction in the assays. The Zizyphus joazeiro Mart species has not shown larvicidal activity in none of the assays. In relation to the extraction method, the decoction was the most efficient method in the mortality tax of the A. aegypti larvae
O objetivo desta Tese é realizar o levantamento taxonômico e avaliar a dinâmica populacional de Simuliidae em localidades sob influência do Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico de Peixe Angical, TO. Os simulídeos possuem abrangente distribuição geográfica, e os estágios imaturos utilizam ambientes lóticos como sítios de criação. Algumas espécies podem atuar como vetores de vírus, protozoários e helmintos, o que confere ao grupo importância médica e veterinária. O hábito hematofágico das fêmeas de simulídeos pode acarretar sérios prejuízos ao turismo; ocasiona baixa no rendimento escolar; e na agropecuária dificulta a execução do trabalho o que reduz a produtividade. Durante a construção de grandes empreendimentos ocorre em pouco tempo à introdução de contingente populacional com drástica transformação do meio. A intervenção do homem sobre os ecossistemas e o crescimento desordenado pode provocar desequilíbrio ecológico que propicia a proliferação de espécimes vetores com consequentes problemas médico sanitários. A maior parte dos trabalhos realizados com insetos vetores em áreas sob influência da construção de hidrelétricas se refere aos culicídeos. O estudo dos aspectos taxonômicos permitirá o levantamento da biodiversidade e o diferencial deste projeto está no estabelecimento da sazonalidade e dinâmica das populações de imaturos e adultos de simulídeos. As amostras foram obtidas em áreas de influência direta e indireta da UHE Peixe no rio Tocantins, em 12 pontos diferentes de coleta, nos municípios deJaú do Tocantins, Peixe, Palmeirópolis, Paranã e São Salvador do Tocantins. Foram realizadas bimestralmente de 2004 a 2007, um total de 24 campanhas para coleta em criadouros pré-selecionados, que acompanharam todas as fases de construção início das obras, formação do lago, funcionamento da Usina. OS dados abióticos foram aferidos, e os imaturos removidos do substrato manualmente por 10 minutos e posteriormente preparados para eclosão dos adultos. Parte do material foi identificado no Laboratório de Simulídeos e Oncocercose do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, onde foram verificados novos registros específicos para a ocorrência de Simuliidae em Tocantins, além do assinalamento de espécies antropofílicas e/ou vetores de Onchocerca volvulus. Nas áreas usadas para a formação do lago houve desaparecimento de criadouros. O desmatamento ocorrido aliado ao vigor dos simulídeos que conseguem realizar voos de longas distâncias na procura de alimento ou locais adequados a oviposição devem ter contribuído para a dispersão de espécimes. Há relatos sobre a da ocorrência de oncocercose na área estudada, um foco foi demarcado na divisa de Goiás com Tocantins, municípios Paranã e Minaçu investigado a partir de um caso autóctone de oncocercose. Este estudo é relevante uma vez que o Brasil possui potencial hidroenergético e prevê a construção de inúmeras hidrelétricas nos próximos anos. É importante estudas as áreas impactadas, conhecer a sua biodiversidade e os aspectos bioecológicos de Simuliidae no país.
In most parts of China, mosquitoes have been subjected to organophosphate (OP) insecticide treatments since the mid-1960s, and resistance gene monitoring in the Culex pipiens complex (Diptera: Culicidae) started in only a few locations from the end of the 1980s. Many resistant alleles at the Ester locus have been found in field populations, including those commonly found around the world (Ester(B1) and Ester(2)), and those endemic to China (Ester(B6), Ester(B7), Ester(8), and Ester(9)). This situation is atypical, and may represent a complex situation for the evolution of insecticide resistance genes in China. To increase our understanding of the Chinese situation and our ability to manage resistance in the C. pipiens complex, a large study was performed. Twenty field populations were sampled from Beijing to Guangzhou. Bioassays with five insecticides (dichlorvos, parathion, chlorpyrifos, 2-sec-butylphenyl methyl carbamate, and propoxur) disclosed resistance levels variable according to the geographic origin, and up to 85-fold for dichlorvos. Six overproduced esterases were identified, including two that have not been previously described. Most of them were found in all samples, although at variable frequencies, suggesting variable selection or a transient situation, e.g., each one was recently restricted to a particular geographic area. The results are discussed in the context of recent alterations to insecticide campaigns, and of the evolution of resistance genes in Chinese C. pipiens populations.
The sugar-feeding ecology of dipteran vectors has recently been targeted because it presents opportunities to inoculate common food sources for these dipterans with entomopathogenic bacteria as a means of controlling the population of host-seeking adult dipteran vectors. Whereas this approach to vector control holds some promise, differences in the nutrient composition and concentration in sugary food sources can influence the food selection pattern of dipteran vectors and potentially confound the outcomes of field trials on the efficacy of entomopathogenic bacteria as vector control agents. Further, nutrient components of bacteria-inoculated artificial diets may present unintended effects of extending the survivorship or fecundity of the target population and potentially render the whole approach counterproductive. The present study investigated the diet-specific factors that influence the foraging decisions of female Simulium venustum/verecundum (Diptera: Simuliidae) and female Anopheles stephensi (Diptera: Culicidae) on artificial nectar and honeydew. Paired choice experiments showed that the black flies forage more frequently from high calorie diets, which contained melezitose, or those diets that contained amino acids, compared to low calorie melezitose-free diets or amino acid-free diets. The mosquitoes however displayed a more random diet selection pattern. The effects of sugary diets on certain life-history traits considered to be important to the ecological fitness of the black flies and mosquitoes were also investigated. Sugary diets had no significant effect on the survivorship and fecundity of the black flies, but they influenced the resistance of Leucocytozoon-infected flies to the parasite. Amino acid-containing diets appeared to extend the survival of mosquitoes, and also allowed them to take more vertebrate blood when they blood fed.
The phylogeography of South American lineages is a topic of heated debate. Although a single process is unlikely to describe entire ecosystems, related species, which incur similar habitat limitations, can inform the history for a subsection of assemblages. We compared the phylogeographic patterns of the cytochrome oxidase I marker from Anopheles triannulatus (N = 72) and previous results for A. darlingi (N = 126) in a broad portion of their South American distributions. Both species share similar population subdivisions, with aggregations northeast of the Amazon River, in southern coastal Brazil and 2 regions in central Brazil. The average (ST) between these groups was 0.39 for A. triannulatus. Populations northeast of the Amazon and in southeastern Brazil are generally reciprocally monophyletic to the remaining groups. Based on these initial analyses, we constructed the a priori hypothesis that the Amazon and regions of high declivity pose geographic barriers to dispersal in these taxa. Mantel tests confirmed that these areas block gene flow for more than 1000 km for both species. The efficacy of these impediments was tested using landscape genetics, which could not reject our a priori hypothesis but did reject simpler scenarios. Results form summary statistics and phylogenetics suggest that both lineages originated in central Amazonia (south of the Amazon River) during the late Pleistocene (579 000 years ago) and that they followed the same paths of expansion into their contemporary distributions. These results may have implications for other species sharing similar ecological limitations but probably are not applicable as a general paradigm of Neotropical biogeography.
Parity rate, gonotrophic cycle length, and density of a Culex quinquefasciatus female population was estimated at the Parque Ecologico do Tiete (PET), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Adult Cx. quinquefasciatus females were collected from vegetation along the edges of a polluted drainage canal with the use of a battery-powered backpack aspirator from September to November 2005 and from February to April 2006. We examined 255 Cx. quinquefasciatus ovaries to establish the parity rate of 0.22 and determined the gonotrophic cycle length under laboratory conditions to be 3 and 4 days. From these data, we calculated the Cx. quinquefasciatus survival rate to be 0.60 and 0.68 per day. Density of the Cx. quinquefasciatus female (5.71 females per m(2)) was estimated based on a population size of 28,810 individuals divided by the sampled area of 5,040 m(2). Results of all experiments indicate medium survivorship and high density of the Cx. quinquefasciatus female population. This species is epidemiologically relevant in the PET area and should be a target of the vector control program of Sao Paulo municipality.
Dengue is a tropical disease caused by an arbovirus transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Because no effective vaccine is available for the disease, the strategy for its prevention has focused on vector control by the use of natural insecticides. The aim of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of the lignan grandisin, a leaf extract from Piper solmsianum, against Ae. aegypti.
The tropical mosquito Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) is the most important domestic vector of urban yellow fever and dengue viruses. Ae. aegypti originated from Africa and was probably introduced into Brazil during the colonial period through embarkations, and dengue epidemics soon followed. Genetic analysis of 12 Ae. aegypti populations from five states in Brazil was conducted based on two mitochondrial DNA fragments: cytochrome oxidase I and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4. Analyses comparing individual haplotypes indicated the existence of two well-defined clades, probably representing two mitochondrial lineages. Analysis of molecular variance showed significant variability in genetic structure among collections within groups. Mantel regression analysis showed a correlation between genetic and geographic distances, mainly because of northern and northeastern populations, in comparison with those in the southeast. The population from Santos, the largest port in Brazil, showed the greatest diversity, with 10 unique haplotypes, an indication of recent introductions that have not yet spread to other Brazilian cities. Different mitochondrial DNA sequences were found in three specimens, indicating the presence of heteroplasmy.
A maioria dos peixes da família Rivulidae são popularmente conhecidos como anuais por completarem todo seu ciclo biológico em pequenos corpos de água temporários que secam obrigatoriamente em determinados períodos do ano causando a morte dos indivíduos adultos. Possuem características biológicas peculiares como pequeno porte, maturação sexual precoce, reprodução contínua, um elaborado padrão de corte e uma grande capacidade reprodutiva entre os peixes. Os rivulídeos se encontram amplamente distribuídos nas Américas do Norte, Central e Sul. Este trabalho analisou a dieta e a biologia reprodutiva de Cynopoecilus melanotaenia. Foram coletados 263 exemplares e a análise de 233 conteúdos gastrointestinais revelou uma dieta invertívora composta principalmente por microcrustáceos (Cladocera, Amphipoda e Ostracoda) e insetos imaturos (Chaoboridae, Culicidae, Syrphidae, mas principalmente larvas de Chironomidae). Foi registrada a lepidofagia na dieta dos machos. A fecundidade foi estimada pela análise de 59 pares de ovários maduros e variou entre 2 a 157 ovócitos (média, 19 ± 26[DP]). A espécie apresentou desova parcelada, uma estratégia para aumentar a chance de sobrevivência a depleções prolongadas. Este trabalho apresenta a primeira investigação sobre a biologia reprodutiva de C. melanotaenia. Os resultados encontrados sugerem a estratégia reprodutiva oportunista de C. melanotaenia e fornecem novas informações biológicas que podem contribuir para pesquisas de conservação e manutenção da espécie em seu ambiente natural.
OBJETIVO: Experimentos anteriores mostraram que a cafeína bloqueia o desenvolvimento de Aedes aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae) na fase larval, inibindo conseqüentemente a produção de adultos. O objetivo do estudo foi obter dados que pudessem sugerir desenvolvimento de resistência dos mosquitos à cafeína. MÉTODOS: Foi avaliada a produção de adultos em gerações sucessivas, a partir de ovos produzidos na geração anterior e a taxa de oviposição em cada geração, utilizando meios contendo cafeína a 200 e 500 µg/ml e água de torneira proveniente de poço artesiano como controle. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em São José do Rio Preto, entre 2002 e 2005. Nos testes estatísticos foram utilizados a análise exploratória de dados e algoritmos de alisamento. RESULTADOS: Ocorreu redução crescente da produção de adultos, nas duas concentrações, ao longo das gerações, mas apenas no experimento a 200 µg/ml os dados foram estatisticamente significantes. Quanto à oviposição, a análise dos números mostra redução crescente e acentuada na média de ovos por fêmea, no experimento tratado. CONCLUSÕES: Não houve evidência de resistência ao longo das gerações devido ao tratamento com cafeína. Os resultados encontrados podem reforçar a indicação da cafeína como uma alternativa aos principais agentes de controle do Ae. aegypti atualmente usados, contra os quais os mosquitos têm desenvolvido resistência.