456 resultados para Cu2


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The presence of an indole oxidase (indole: O2 oxidoreductase) was detected in the leaf extracts of Tecoma stans. The end product of the reaction was identified as anthranil. Formylaminobenzaldehyde, and o- aminobenzaldehyde were detected as intermediates in the overall conversion. Oxygen-uptake studies established that 3 atoms of oxygen were consumed in the formation of anthranil form I molecule of indole. The enzyme showed an absolute requirement for FAD and Cu2+ for maximum activity. FMN was ineffective as a cofactor. The enzyme had an optimum pH of 5.0. Inhibition studies with GSH and p-chloromericuribenzoate showed that a sulfhydrylcupric-ion complex at the active centre is highly essential.


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The equilibrium between cuprous ion, cupric ion and metallic copper has been studied using polarographic and redox potential measurements, by reducing cupric ion with copper gauze until equilibrium. Using the well-defined anodic diffusion current plateau, an amperometric method for estimating cuprous copper based on the titration of cuprous ion with dichromate or permanganate has been developed. The diffusion current constant and the disproportionation constant of cuprous ion and the standard potential for the reduction reaction of Cu2+ â Cu+ have been determined. Polarograms have been taken after reducing cupric complexes of ammonia and methylamine with copper until equilibrium. In the case of the copper-ammonia system, reduction to the cuprous state is practically complete while in the case of the cupric-methylamine system, the first cathodic wave occurs to some extent. A new method, called the polarographic-redox potential method, for determining the stability constants of cuprous and cupric complexes has been developed. The method depends upon the determination of the concentration of complexes by polarographic wave heights, and free cupric anc cuprous ions by redox potentials. The stability constants of the following complexes have been obtained: Cu(NH3)2+4, Cu(NH3)+2, Cu(CH3NH2)2(OH)2, Cu(CH3NH2)+2. The stability constants determined by the new method and the half-wave potential shift method agree and the value for the cupric-ammonia complex is in good agreement with Bjerrum method, indicating the reliability of this method.


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Oxidation of representative halophenols and halonaphthols by peroxidisulphate has been examined. The influence of metallic ions, viz. Cu2+, Fe3+, Ag+, on the above reaction has been studied. Cu2+ ion-catalyzed oxidation gives halo-1, 4-quinones in excellent yield. Potassium bis(biureto)cuprate(III) complex also oxidises halophenols to halo-1, 4-quinones.


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Based on Cu K-edge absorption spectroscopy as well as Cu(2p3/2) and Cu(LVV) Auger spectroscopies it is shown that the recently discovered Pb2Sr2Ca1-xLxCu3O8+δ (L=Y or Lu) superconductors contain well-defined Cu1+ species in admixture with Cu2+. The proportion of Cu1+ is small in the nonsuperconducting samples with x=1, a feature which is uniquely different from that in YBa2Cu3O7-δ.


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The utility of rice husk as an adsorbent for metal ions such as iron, zinc and copper from acid mine water was assessed. The adsorption isotherms exhibited Langmuirian behavior and were endothermic in nature. The free energy values for adsorption of the chosen metal ions onto rice husk were found to be highly negative attesting to favorable interaction. Over 99% Fe3+, 98% of Fe2+ and Zn2+ and 95% Cu2+ uptake was achieved from acid mine water, with a concomitant increase in the pH value by two units using rice husk. The remediation studies carried out on acid mine water and simulated acid mine water pretreated with rice husk indicated successful growth of Desulfotomaculum nigrificans (D. nigrificans). The amount of sulphate bioreduction in acid mine water at an initial pH of 5.3 was enhanced by D. nigrificans from 21% to 40% in the presence of rice husk filtrate supplemented with carbon and nitrogen. In simulated acid mine water with fortified husk filtrate, the sulphate reduction was even more extensive, with an enhancement to 73%. Concurrently, almost 90% Fe2+, 89% Zn2+ and 75% Cu2+ bioremoval was attained from simulated acid mine water. Metal adsorption by rice husk was confirmed in desorption experiments in which almost complete removal of metal ions from the rice husk was achieved after two elutions using 1 M HCl. The possible mechanisms of metal ion adsorption onto rice husk and sulphate reduction using D. nigrificans are discussed.


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With a view to understand the oxidation states of metal ions involved in oxide superconductors, oxidation behavior of Cu, Pb, and Bi metals have been studiedi employing x-ray-photoemission and ultraviolet-photoemission spectroscopy. Pb and Bi have distinct 6p (0 to 4 eV) and 6s (7.5 to 10 eV) bands and upon oxidation, only the 6p electrons are ionized forming PbO and Bi2O3 with the simultaneous development of the O2-(2p) band (3 to 7 eV). We show that the 6s band of metals lies below the O2-(2p) band, and hence 6s electrons cannot be ionized to form Pb4+ and Bi4+ as expected in PbO2, BaPbO3, BaBiO3, and BaPb0.75Bi0.25O3. Instead these oxides are stabilized with lower valent O22- along with O2- ions with metals remaining in +2 and +3 states. Similarly, it is shown that the Cu2+(3d) band overlaps with the O2-(2p) band in the YBa2Cu3O6.95 completely and the excess oxygen can be stabilized through lower valent oxide ions instead of Cu3+.


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The magnetic susceptibilities of a large number of ternary oxides of copper having structural features common to the presently identified phases of high-temperature superconductors have been studied in the temperature range 14-300 K. The systems studied are Ln2CuOP( Ln = La, Pr, Nd, etc.), Sr2CuO2CI2,B i2Cu0,, Ca2Cu03,S r2Cu03,S rCu02, MgCu203,B a2Cu3O4CI2Y, 2Cu205,Y2BaCu0,, BaCu02, Li2Cu02, etc. Cu2+ ions take different coordinations, like isolated square planar, square pyramidal or distorted-tetrahedral and octahedral, in these compounds. These compounds also exhibit different varieties of possible magnetic superexchange interactions like 180' or 90' Cu-0-Cu or Cu-0-0-Cu types as well as direct Cu-Cu interactions. Compounds in which there are extended 180' Cu-0-Cu interactions show a low, nearly temperature-independent susceptibility (100 X lod emu/mol). The estimated value of J for the Cu-0-Cu interaction is between 800 and 1500 K in these compounds. Isolated Cu2+ ions in which there are no 180' or close to 180" Cu-0-Cu interactions show Curie-Weiss susceptibility behavior. Compounds with only Cu-0-0-Cu interaction show evidence for the onset of antiferromagnetic coupling between 30 and 50 K. The superexchange rules are useful for explaining the qualitative features of the results. The possibility of disproportionation of Cu2+ ion when there are short Cu-Cu distances as in Bi2Cu04 is discussed. The extended geometry of the copper-oxygen framework seems to be more important than the local geometry around the Cu2+ ion in determining the magnetic properties.


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The nominal composition of YBa2Cu3O7 oxide suggests that 33% of the copper should be in the 3+ state. In structural studies3â5, Cu3+ and Cu2+ ions have been assigned specific sites based on their preferred coordinations, and many of the models of superconductivity also require the presence of Cu3+. Our studies however show that Cu is present only in the Cu1+ and Cu2+ states, the proportion of the former increasing with decreasing temperature. It appears that there is no clear experimental evidence for the presence of Cu3+ in YBa2Cu3O7.


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Oxidation of NADH by rat brain microsomes was stimulated severalfold on addition of vanadate. During the reaction, vanadate was reduced, oxygen was consumed, and H2O2 was generated with a stoichiometry of 1:1 for NADH/O2, as in the case of other membranes. Extra oxygen was found to be consumed over that needed for H2O2 generation specifically when brain microsomes were used. This appears to be due to the peroxidation of lipids known to be accompanied by a large consumption of oxygen. Occurrence of lipid peroxidation in brain microsomes in the presence of NADH and vanadate has been demonstrated. This activity was obtained specifically with the polymeric form of vanadate and with NADH, and was inhibited by the divalent cations Cu2+, Mn2+, and Ca2+, by dihydroxy-phenolic compounds, and by hemin in a concentration-dependent fashion. In the presence of a small concentration of vanadate, addition of an increasing concentration of Fe2+ gave increasing lipid peroxidation. After undergoing lipid peroxidation in the presence of NADH and vanadate, the binding of quinuclidinyl benzylate, a muscarinic antagonist, to brain membranes was decreased.


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The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of ternary oxides of Cu(II) has been studied between 4.2 and 300 K. The systems include those with 180 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions (such as Ln2CuO4, Sr2CuO2Cl2, Sr2CuO3 and Ca2CuO3) or 90 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions (such as Y2Cu2O5 or BaCuO2) as well as those in which the Cu2+ ions are isolated (such as Y2BaCuO5, La1.8Ba1.2Cu0.9O4.8 and Bi2CuO4). The change in the EPR susceptibility as a function of temperature is compared with that of the DC magnetic susceptibility. Compounds with extended 180 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions which have a low susceptibility also do not give EPR signals below room temperature. For compounds such as Ca2CuO3 with one-dimensional 180 degrees Cu-O-Cu interactions a weak EPR signal is found the temperature dependence of which is very different from that of the DC susceptibility. For Y2BaCuO5 as well as for La1.8Ba1.2Cu0.9O4.8 the EPR susceptibility as well as its temperature variation are comparable with those of the static susceptibility near room temperature but very different at low temperatures. Bi2CuO4 also shows a similar behaviour. In contrast, for Y2Cu2O5, in which the copper ions have a very distorted nonsquare-planar configuration, the EPR and the static susceptibility show very similar temperature dependences. In general, compounds in which the copper ions have a square-planar geometry give no EPR signal in the ground state (0 K) while those with a distortion from square-planar geometry do give a signal. The results are analysed in the light of recent MS Xalpha calculations on CuO46- square-planar clusters with various Cu-O distances as well as distortions. It is suggested that in square-planar geometry the ground state has an unpaired electron in anionic orbitals which is EPR inactive. Competing interactions from other cations, an increase in Cu-O distance or distortions from square-planar geometry stabilise another state which has considerably more Cu 3d character. These states are EPR active. Both these states, however, are magnetic. For isolated CuO46- clusters the magnetic interactions seem to involve only the states which have mainly anionic character.


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The infra-red spectra of a large number of ternary Cu(II) oxides with at least a quasi square-planar coordination of oxygen around the copper ions have been studied. The frequency of the bands with the highest frequency,v max, is found to correlate extremely well with the shortest CuâO distance.v max increases at an impressive rate of sim20 cmâ1 per 0.01 Ã when the CuâO distance becomes less than 1.97 Ã, which is the Cu2+âO2â distance in square-planar CuO4 complexes as obtained from empirical ionic radii considerations. The marked sensitivity may be used as a ldquotitrationrdquo procedure not only to assign bands but also to obtain diagnostic information about local coordination in compounds derived, for example, from the YBa2Cu3O7âd structure such as LaCaBaCu3O7âd . The only example where this correlation fails is in the two-layer non-superconducting oxides derived from La2(Ca, Sr)Cu2O6. The significance of this result is discussed. The marked dependence of frequency on the bond-distance is qualitatively examined in terms of an increased electron-phonon coupling to account for the observed tendency of the superconducting transition temperature to go through a maximum as the average basal plane CuâO distance is decreased.


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An indole oxygenase from the leaves of Jasminum grandiflorum was isolated and purified to near homogeneity. The purified enzyme system catalyses the conversion of indole to anthranilic acid. It is optimally active at pH 4.8 and at 30°C. Apart from indole, the oxygenase also attacks 5-hydroxy indole and 5-bromoindole. Both sulfhydryl reagents and sulfhydryl compounds inhibited the enzyme activity. Copper specific metal chelators such as salicylaldoxime, diethyl dithiocarbamate and neocuproine, inhibited the enzyme activity drastically. Inhibition caused by atebrine, could be reversed by FAD. Dialysis resulted in complete loss of enzyme activity. Inactive enzyme could be reactivated only by the addition of both FAD and Cu2+, suggesting that indole oxygenase is a cuproflavoprotein.


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The reaction of imidazole (Him) with [Cu2(µ-O2CMe)4(H2O)2] in waterâNaClO4 led to the formation of a polynuclear copper(II) complex, [Cu5(OH)2(H2O)(O2CMe)6(Him)4][ClO4]21, in which the pentanuclear units, showing four, five and six co-ordination geometries for the copper(II) centres and Cu Cu distances of 3.043(1), 3.178(1) and 3.578(1)Ã, were linked by aqua bridges to give an intra-chain inter-unit Cu Cu separation of 4.507(1)Ã.


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3-Hydroxybenzoic acid-6-hydroxylase from Micrococcus sp. was purified to homogeneity in a single step using the substrate-mediated interaction of the enzyme with blue-Sepharose. The enzyme was bound to the affinity matrix in the presence of 3-hydroxybenzoic acid and was eluted in its absence. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme is 70,000 with no subunit structure. The flavoenzyme required the exogenous addition of FAD for its complete activity and had a strict preference for NADH over NADPH. The activity of the enzyme was drastically inhibited by Cu2+ and Hg2+ and the inhibition was reversed by thiol reagents.


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Three different complexes of copper (I) with bridging 1, 2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane (dppe), namely [Cu2 (mu-dppe) (CH3CN)6] (ClO4)2 (1), [Cu2 (mu-dppe)2 (CH3 CN)2] (ClO4)2 (2), and [Cu2 (mu-dppe) (dppe)2 (CH3CN)2] (ClO4)2 (3) have been prepared. The structure of [Cu2 (mu-dppe) (dPPe)2 (CH3CH)2] (ClO4)2 has been determined by X-ray crystallography. It crystallizes in the space group PT with a=12.984(6) angstrom, b=13.180(6) angstrom, c=14.001(3) angstrom, alpha=105.23(3), beta=105.60(2), gamma=112.53 (4), V=1944 (3) angstrom3, and Z=1. The structure was refined by least-squares method with R=0.0365; R(w)=0.0451 for 6321 reflections with F0 greater-than-or-equal-to 3 sigma (F0). The CP/MAS P-31 and IR spectra of the complexes have been analysed in the light of available crystallographic data. IR spectroscopy is particularly helpful in identifying the presence of chelating dppe. P-31 chemical shifts observed in solid state are very different from those observed in solution, and change significantly with slight changes in structure. In solution, complex 1 remains undissociated but complexes 2 and 3 undergo extensive dissociation. With a combination of room temperature H-1, Cu-63, and variable temperature P-31 NMR spectra, it is possible to understand the various processes occurring in solution.