940 resultados para Cross-correlation
In this paper, we try to detect the SZ effect in the 2MASS DWT clusters and less bound objects in order to constrain the warm-hot intergalactic medium distribution on large scales by cross-correlation analysis. The results of both observed WMAP and mock SZ effect map indicate that the hot gas distributes from inside as well as outside of the high density regions of galaxy clusters, which is consistent with the results of both observation and hydro simulation. Therefore, the DWT measurement of the cross-correlation would be a powerful tool to probe the missing of baryons in the universe.
Attaining sufficient accuracy and efficiency of generalized screen propagator and improving the quality of input gathers are often problems of wave equation presack depth migration, in this paper,a high order formula of generalized screen propagator for one-way wave equation is proposed by using the asymptotic expansion of single-square-root operator. Based on the formula,a new generalized screen propagator is developed ,which is composed of split-step Fourier propagator and high order correction terms,the new generalized screen propagator not only improving calculation precision without sharply increasing the quantity of computation,facilitates the suitability of generalized screen propagator to the media with strong lateral velocity variation. As wave-equation prestack depth migration is sensitive to the quality of input gathers, which greatly affect the output,and the available seismic data processing system has inability to obtain traveltimes corresponding to the multiple arrivals, to estimate of great residual statics, to merge seismic datum from different projects and to design inverse Q filter, we establish difference equations with an embodiment of Huygens’s principle for obtaining traveltimes corresponding to the multiple arrivals,bring forward a time variable matching filter for seismic datum merging by using the fast algorithm called Mallat tree for wavelet transformations, put forward a method for estimation of residual statics by applying the optimum model parameters estimated by iterative inversion with three organized algorithm,i.e,the CMP intertrace cross-correlation algorithm,the Laplacian image edge extraction algorithm,and the DFP algorithm, and present phase-shift inverse Q filter based on Futterman’s amplitude and phase-velocity dispersion formula and wave field extrapolation theory. All of their numerical and real data calculating results shows that our theory and method are practical and efficient. Key words: prestack depth migration, generalized screen propagator, residual statics,inverse Q filter ,traveltime,3D seismic datum mergence
Template matching by means of cross-correlation is common practice in pattern recognition. However, its sensitivity to deformations of the pattern and the broad and unsharp peaks it produces are significant drawbacks. This paper reviews some results on how these shortcomings can be removed. Several techniques (Matched Spatial Filters, Synthetic Discriminant Functions, Principal Components Projections and Reconstruction Residuals) are reviewed and compared on a common task: locating eyes in a database of faces. New variants are also proposed and compared: least squares Discriminant Functions and the combined use of projections on eigenfunctions and the corresponding reconstruction residuals. Finally, approximation networks are introduced in an attempt to improve filter design by the introduction of nonlinearity.
Charman, D. West, S. Kelly, A. Grattan, J. environmental change and Tephra Deposition: the strath of Kildonan, Northern Scotland. Journal of Archaeological Science. 1995. 22 pp 799-809
Complex systems, from environmental behaviour to electronics reliability, can now be monitored with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), where multiple environmental sensors are deployed in remote locations. This ensures aggregation and reading of data, at lower cost and lower power consumption. Because miniaturisation of the sensing system is hampered by the fact that discrete sensors and electronics consume board area, the development of MEMS sensors offers a promising solution. At Tyndall, the fabrication flow of multiple sensors has been made compatible with CMOS circuitry to further reduce size and cost. An ideal platform on which to host these MEMS environmental sensors is the Tyndall modular wireless mote. This paper describes the development and test of the latest sensors incorporating temperature, humidity, corrosion, and gas. It demonstrates their deployment on the Tyndall platform, allowing real-time readings, data aggregation and cross-correlation capabilities. It also presents the design of the next generation sensing platform using the novel 10mm wireless cube developed by Tyndall.
Analysis of five-year records of temperatures and currents collected at Moorea reveal strong internal wave activity at predominantly semi-diurnal frequencies impacting reef slopes at depths 30m around the entire island. Temperature changes of 1.5C to 3C are accompanied by surges of upward and onshore flow and vertical shear in onshore currents. Superimposed on annual temperature changes of approximately 3C, internal wave activity is high from Oct-May and markedly lower from Jun-Sep. The offshore pycnocline is broadly distributed with continuous stratification to at least 500m depth, and a subsurface fluorescence maximum above the strong nutricline at approximately 200m. Minimum buoyancy periods range from 4.8 to 6min, with the maximum density gradient occurring at 50 to 60m depth in summer and deepening to approximately 150 to 200m in winter. The bottom slope angle around all of Moorea is super-critical relative to the vertical stratification angle suggesting that energy propagating into shallow water is only a portion of total incident internal wave energy. Vertical gradient Richardson numbers indicate dominance by density stability relative to current shear with relatively limited diapycnal mixing. Coherence and lagged cross-correlation of semi-diurnal temperature variation indicate complex patterns of inter-site arrival of internal waves and no clear coherence or lagged correlation relationships among island sides. Semi-diurnal and high frequency internal wave packets likely arrive on Moorea from a combination of local and distant sources and may have important impacts for nutrient and particle fluxes in deep reef environments. © 2012 American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.
The diversity gains achievable in the generalised distributed antenna system with cooperative users (GDAS-CU) are considered. A GDAS-CU is comprised of M largely separated access points (APs) at one side of the link, and N geographically closed user terminals (UTs) at the other side. The UTs are collaborating together to enhance the system performance, where an idealised message sharing among the UTs is assumed. First, geometry-based network models are proposed to describe the topology of a GDAS-CU. The mean cross-correlation coefficients of signals received from non-collocated APs and UTs are calculated based on the network topology and the correlation models derived from the empirical data. The analysis is also extendable to more general scenarios where the APs are placed in a clustered form due to the constraints of street layout or building structure. Subsequently, a generalised signal attenuation model derived from several stochastic ray-tracing-based pathloss models is applied to describe the power-decaying pattern in urban built-up areas, where the GDAS-CU may be deployed. Armed with the cross-correlation and pathloss model preliminaries, an intrinsic measure of cooperative diversity obtainable from a GDAS-CU is then derived, which is the number of independent fading channels that can be averaged over to detect symbols. The proposed analytical framework would provide critical insight into the degree of possible performance improvement when combining multiple copies of the received signal in such systems.
Theoretical and experimental studies of cross correlation techniques applied to non-restrictive velocity measurement of pneumatically conveyed solids using ring-shaped electrodynamic flow sensors are presented. In-depth studies of the electrodynamic sensing mechanism, and also of the spatial sensitivity and spatial filtering properties of the sensor are included, together with their relationships to measurement accuracy and the effects of solids' velocity profiles. The experimental evaluation of a 53 mm bore sensing head is described, including trials using a calibrated pneumatic conveyor circulating pulverized fuel and cement. Comparisons of test results with the mathematical models of the sensor are used to identify important aspects of the instrument design. Off-line test results obtained using gravity-fed solids flow show that the system repeatability is within +/-0.5% over the velocity range of 2-4 m s(-1) for volumetric concentrations of solids no greater than 0.2%. Results obtained in the pilot-plant trials demonstrate that the system is capable of achieving repeatability better than +/-2% and linearity within +/-2% over the velocity range 20-40 m s(-1) for volumetric concentrations of solids in the range 0.01-0.44%.
This paper points out a serious flaw in dynamic multivariate statistical process control (MSPC). The principal component analysis of a linear time series model that is employed to capture auto- and cross-correlation in recorded data may produce a considerable number of variables to be analysed. To give a dynamic representation of the data (based on variable correlation) and circumvent the production of a large time-series structure, a linear state space model is used here instead. The paper demonstrates that incorporating a state space model, the number of variables to be analysed dynamically can be considerably reduced, compared to conventional dynamic MSPC techniques.
This paper builds on work presented in the first paper, Part 1 [1] and is of equal significance. The paper proposes a novel compensation method to preserve the integrity of step-fault signatures prevalent in various processes that can be masked during the removal of both auto- and cross correlation. Using industrial data, the paper demonstrates the benefit of the proposed method, which is applicable to chemical, electrical, and mechanical process monitoring. This paper, (and Part 1 [1]), has led to further work supported by EPSRC grant GR/S84354/01 involving kernel PCA methods.
Oscillations in network bright points (NBPs) are studied at a variety of chromospheric heights. In particular, the three-dimensional variation of NBP oscillations is studied using image segmentation and cross-correlation analysis between images taken in light of Ca II K3, Ha core, Mg I b2, and Mg I b1-0.4 Å. Wavelet analysis is used to isolate wave packets in time and to search for height-dependent time delays that result from upward- or downward-directed traveling waves. In each NBP studied, we find evidence for kink-mode waves (1.3, 1.9 mHz), traveling up through the chromosphere and coupling with sausage-mode waves (2.6, 3.8 mHz). This provides a means for depositing energy in the upper chromosphere. We also find evidence for other upward- and downward-propagating waves in the 1.3-4.6 mHz range. Some oscillations do not correspond to traveling waves, and we attribute these to waves generated in neighboring regions.
High-cadence multiwavelength optical observations were taken with the Dunn Solar Telescope at the National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, accompanied by Advanced Stokes Polarimeter vector magnetograms. A total of 11 network bright points (NBPs) have been studied at different atmospheric heights using images taken in wave bands centered on Mg I b(1) - 0.4 Angstrom, Halpha, and Ca II K-3. Wavelet analysis was used to study wave packets and identify traveling magnetohydrodynamic waves. Wave speeds were estimated through the temporal cross-correlation of signals, in selected frequency bands of wavelet power, in each wavelength. Four mode-coupling cases were identified, one in each of four of the NBPs, and the variation of the associated Fourier power with height was studied. Three of the detected mode-coupling, transverse-mode frequencies were observed in the 1.2-1.6 mHz range (mean NBP apparent flux density magnitudes over 99-111 Mx cm(-2)), with the final case showing 2.0-2.2 mHz (with 142 Mx cm(-2)). Following this, longitudinal-mode frequencies were detected in the range 2.6-3.2 mHz for three of our cases, with 3.9-4.1 mHz for the remaining case. After mode coupling, two cases displayed a decrease in longitudinal-mode Fourier power in the higher chromosphere.
Abstract: Raman spectroscopy has been used for the first time to predict the FA composition of unextracted adipose tissue of pork, beef, lamb, and chicken. It was found that the bulk unsaturation parameters could be predicted successfully [R-2 = 0.97, root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) = 4.6% of 4 sigma], with cis unsaturation, which accounted for the majority of the unsaturation, giving similar correlations. The combined abundance of all measured PUFA (>= 2 double bonds per chain) was also well predicted with R-2 = 0.97 and RMSEP = 4.0% of 4 sigma. Trans unsaturation was not as well modeled (R-2 = 0.52, RMSEP = 18% of 4 sigma); this reduced prediction ability can be attributed to the low levels of trans FA found in adipose tissue (0.035 times the cis unsaturation level). For the individual FA, the average partial least squares (PLS) regression coefficient of the 18 most abundant FA (relative abundances ranging from 0.1 to 38.6% of the total FA content) was R-2 = 0.73; the average RMSEP = 11.9% of 4 sigma. Regression coefficients and prediction errors for the five most abundant FA were all better than the average value (in some cases as low as RMSEP = 4.7% of 4 sigma). Cross-correlation between the abundances of the minor FA and more abundant acids could be determined by principal component analysis methods, and the resulting groups of correlated compounds were also well-predicted using PLS. The accuracy of the prediction of individual FA was at least as good as other spectroscopic methods, and the extremely straightforward sampling method meant that very rapid analysis of samples at ambient temperature was easily achieved. This work shows that Raman profiling of hundreds of samples per day is easily achievable with an automated sampling system.
Two-color above threshold ionization of helium and xenon has been used to analyze the synchronization between individual pulses of the femtosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) free electron laser in Hamburg and an independent intense 120 fs mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser. Characteristic sidebands appear in the photoelectron spectra when the two pulses overlap spatially and temporally. The cross-correlation curve points to a 250 fs rms jitter between the two sources at the experiment. A more precise determination of the temporal fluctuation between the XUV and infrared pulses is obtained through the analysis of the single-shot sideband intensities. ©2007 American Institute of Physics
We present a multimodal detection and tracking algorithm for sensors composed of a camera mounted between two microphones. Target localization is performed on color-based change detection in the video modality and on time difference of arrival (TDOA) estimation between the two microphones in the audio modality. The TDOA is computed by multiband generalized cross correlation (GCC) analysis. The estimated directions of arrival are then postprocessed using a Riccati Kalman filter. The visual and audio estimates are finally integrated, at the likelihood level, into a particle filter (PF) that uses a zero-order motion model, and a weighted probabilistic data association (WPDA) scheme. We demonstrate that the Kalman filtering (KF) improves the accuracy of the audio source localization and that the WPDA helps to enhance the tracking performance of sensor fusion in reverberant scenarios. The combination of multiband GCC, KF, and WPDA within the particle filtering framework improves the performance of the algorithm in noisy scenarios. We also show how the proposed audiovisual tracker summarizes the observed scene by generating metadata that can be transmitted to other network nodes instead of transmitting the raw images and can be used for very low bit rate communication. Moreover, the generated metadata can also be used to detect and monitor events of interest.