984 resultados para Crisi financera global, 2007-2009 -- Espanya
Resumen tomado de la web del Departamento de Educación
Se analiza el proceso de incorporaci??n de ni??os y ni??as extranjeros al sistema educativo espa??ol desde 1996 hasta 2007, teniendo en cuenta las siguientes variables: curso escolar, regi??n geogr??fica de procedencia del alumnado, comunidad aut??noma, nivel educativo, y titularidad del centro. Se aporta como resultado, un mapa diagn??stico cuantitativo de c??mo se ha configurado en Espa??a la pluriculturalidad del sistema educativo. Por ??ltimo, se ofrece un an??lisis detallado del ??ltimo curso escolar 2006-2007 basado en las mismas variables citadas anteriormente.
Este título forma parte de la serie Planeta bajo presión. Combina la geografía física y la geografía humana para dar respuesta a preguntas difíciles y explica cómo los problemas globales afectan a la vida del lector. El clima está cambiando. El calentamiento global está teniendo un gran impacto, en la fusión del hielo de los polos, subida del nivel del mar, sequías e inundaciones. Todo esto afectará la vida en la Tierra. En esta obra para niños se pone de manifiesto las cuestiones implicadas y examina qué medidas se pueden tomar para reducir las consecuencias del cambio climático. Dirigido a lectores de edades a partir de 12 años. Incluye referencias bibliográficas, glosario e índice.
A nivel internacional existe consenso respecto a la importancia que tiene el marco institucional para el funcionamiento eficiente del sistema financiero y para la generación de incentivos correctos para mantener la disciplina de mercado. Por eso mismo, durante los últimos diez años, se ha estado discutiendo, especialmente a nivel técnico, respecto de las condiciones de una nueva arquitectura financiera internacional que se ajuste a la realidad de un sistema financiero globalizado, y se han generado políticas, lineamientos y mínimos estándares para los sistemas financieros que han sido recogidos fundamentalmente por normas informales conocidas como softlaw y por órganos igualmente informales. La Declaración de la Cumbre del G20 en Washington de noviembre de 2008 estableció cinco principios comunes para reforma del sistema financiero que deben ser considerados en esta nueva arquitectura, a la que se puede definir como ""el establecimiento e implementación, a nivel nacional e internacional, de reglas, principios y arreglos institucionales que aseguren la estabilidad del sistema financiero internacional, previniendo las crisis y estableciendo los mecanismos institucionales para enfrentarlas o mitigarlas"". Sin embargo de esto, no existe una conciencia clara de que el problema de la nueva arquitectura financiera internacional es un problema ante todo jurídico: los órganos informales creados y el softlaw son insuficientes para crear las condiciones necesarias para asegurar el obligatorio cumplimiento y la aplicación general de este marco de regulación financiera global. Además, el principio de la soberanía de los Estados, base de los ordenamientos y sistemas jurídicos actuales, de naturaleza fundamentalmente nacional, y norma fundamental para las relaciones entre Estados, en el Derecho público internacional, vuelve complejay demorada la creación de un nuevo sistema de gobernanza global que viabilice esta nueva arquitectura financiera internacional y permita devolver rápidamente la confianza perdida y la estabilidad de este nuevo sistema financiero global.
La crisis financiera global de 2007 – 2009 fue un acontecimiento solamente comparable con la Gran Depresión de los años treinta y su impacto negativo en las economías de todo el planeta ha disminuido las expectativas de crecimiento y desarrollo mundial. Latinoamérica salió relativamente bien librada de esta crisis y sus sistemas financieros han evolucionado de manera favorable gracias al menor contagio y a la solidez adquirida como consecuencia de crisis pasadas y una mejor regulación. Sin embargo, existió un impacto en los mismos como consecuencia de la operación de los flujos comerciales y financieros como canales de transmisión de la crisis. Ecuador no fue la excepción. Se presenta a continuación el trabajo titulado ¨IMPACTO DE LA CRISIS FINANCIERA Y ECONÓMICA INTERNACIONAL EN EL SISTEMA BANCARIO DEL ECUADOR”. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el impacto y las medidas de respuesta de la banca ecuatoriana frente al agravamiento de la crisis económica y financiera mundial en el Ecuador, así como una comparación con el caso de sus países vecinos, Colombia y Perú. Para lograr este objetivo en el capítulo uno se revisa los debates teóricos relevantes para el trabajo planteado. Se abordan igualmente aspectos principales de la crisis financiera mundial que arrancó en el año 2007. Se identifican los canales de transmisión de la crisis hacia los países en desarrollo y se describen sus impactos en Latinoamérica, principalmente en su sistema financiero. En el capítulo dos se analiza el impacto de la crisis financiera y económica global en el Ecuador y los canales por los cuales se transmitió. Se establece la evolución del sistema financiero ecuatoriano en el periodo 2002 – 2010 y el impacto y la respuesta del sistema bancario en el espacio que contempla diciembre 2008 hasta el primer semestre de 2009. Se analiza el comportamiento del sistema en este periodo y cuál fue su respuesta. Se realiza una comparación con Colombia y Perú. Finalmente se presentan las conclusiones relevantes de los dos capítulos que permiten establecer que el sistema bancario fue afectado por la ralentización del ritmo de crecimiento de la economía y que su respuesta fue procíclica en la medida que la actividad bancaria se expandió durante el periodo de bonanza de la economía en años anteriores y se contrajo como consecuencia de la crisis.
The financial crisis of 2007-2009 and the subsequent reaction of the G20 have created a new global regulatory landscape. Within the EU, change of regulatory institutions is ongoing. The research objective of this study is to understand how institutional changes to the EU regulatory landscape may affect corresponding institutionalized operational practices within financial organizations and to understand the role of agency within this process. Our motivation is to provide insight into these changes from an operational management perspective, as well as to test Thelen and Mahoney?s (2010) modes of institutional change. Consequently, the study researched implementations of an Investment Management System with a rules-based compliance module within financial organizations. The research consulted compliance and risk managers, as well as systems experts. The study suggests that prescriptive regulations are likely to create isomorphic configurations of rules-based compliance systems, which consequently will enable the institutionalization of associated compliance practices. The study reveals the ability of some agents within financial organizations to control the impact of regulatory institutions, not directly, but through the systems and processes they adopt to meet requirements. Furthermore, the research highlights the boundaries and relationships between each mode of change as future avenues of research.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of the crisis on the pricing of asset quality attributes. This paper uses sales transaction data to examine whether flight from risk phenomena took place in the US office market during the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Design/methodology/approach – Hedonic regression procedures are used to test the hypothesis that the spread between the pricing of low-quality and high-quality characteristics increased during the crisis period compared to the pre-crisis period. Findings – The results of the hedonic regression models suggest that the price spread between Class A and other properties grew significantly during the downturn. Research limitations/implications – Our results are consistent with the hypothesis of an increased price spread following a market downturn between Class A and non-Class A offices. The evidence suggests that the relationships between the returns on Class A and non-Class A assets changed during the period of market stress or crisis. Practical implications – These findings have implications for real estate portfolio construction. If regime switches can be predicted and/or responded to rapidly, portfolios may be rebalanced. In crisis periods, portfolios might be reweighted towards Class A properties and in positive market periods, the reweighting would be towards non-Class A assets. Social implications – The global financial crisis has demonstrated that real estate markets play a crucial role in modern economies and that negative developments in these markets have the potential to spillover and create contagion for the larger economy, thereby affecting jobs, incomes and ultimately people’s livelihoods. Originality/value – This is one of the first studies that address the flight to quality phenomenon in commercial real estate markets during periods of financial crisis and market turmoil.
This paper is designed to provide a first approach to some questions raised by the Global administrative Law Project concerning the anti money laundering system, as a global governance project, and how it works in Latin America. We address some interactions between actors at the global, regional and local level. So we have organized our presentation according to those three spaces: 1) global standards, 2) regional efforts and 3) national experiences, where we present the contrast between Brazil and Argentina.
Why did house prices fall in 2007‐2009? This is the fundamental question to most Americans, and to those who lent them money. Most homeowners did not care why residential real estate prices rose. They assumed prices always rose, and they should simply enjoy their good fortune. It was not until prices began to fall that people were left searching for answers. How much did regulation or lack thereof play in the role of the devastation? To what degree did greed and unrealistic consumer expectation have on the real estate bubble? Using existing literature as well as face to face interviews of experienced leaders within the real estate industry in California who experienced both the up and down of the real estate cycle, the overarching purpose of this study is to investigate the opinions and beliefs of the leaders and drivers within the real estate industry about the cause of the real estate bubble that occurred sharply in 2008 . Specifically, this project will focus on the opinions of real estate industry leaders who worked in the center of the subprime universe located in Irvine, California, during 2004‐2008. Comparing the mainstream beliefs with the interviewees it is fair to say that the main finding in the mainstream beliefs are reflected very well with the finding of the subject’s opinion. The thesis is divided into 6 chapters starting with “introduction”, followed by chapter 2 “Literature Review”. Chapter 3 is “Research Methodology” followed by chapter 4 “Data Presentation”. Finally, the results are discussed in chapter 5 “Analysis and Discussion” and conclusions in Chapter 6.
A presente dissertação procura identificar as medidas de gestão adotadas pela RFB para combater os efeitos da crise financeira global de 2008 na arrecadação federal. Para o estudo, foi realizada pesquisa de campo, por meio de entrevistas com dez dirigentes da RFB. Os dados foram tratados qualitativamente, utilizando o método de análise de conteúdo. O estudo identifica que a RFB reagiu positivamente à crise financeira global, por meio do diagnóstico da arrecadação federal, da fiscalização dos setores que apresentaram inconsistências no seu perfil de arrecadação, principalmente dos grandes contribuintes, da reestruturação das Delegacias Financeiras, da realização da operação “Ouro de Tolo”. Além disso, foi possível identificar o aprendizado de algumas lições pela RFB, por meio de algumas medidas adotadas pela organização mesmo depois da crise, mas que foram evidenciadas pela crise.
O primeiro capítulo trata do problema de pesquisa consubstanciado na pergunta: como a crise financeira mundial de 2008 atingiu o equilíbrio de poder global e quais foram os desdobramentos no sistema internacional, e a respectiva argumentação de objetivos, delimitação e relevância do estudo. O capítulo dois aborda a questão metodológica do ponto de vista dos métodos de abordagem e da coleta e tratamento das informações. O capítulo terceiro apresenta a complexidade da interação entre ordem internacional e governança global, termos difíceis de serem definidos, porém constantes nas agendas da diplomacia e política internacional. O capítulo quarto introduz o conceito de governança multinível para expressar a interação de diversos atores em diversas camadas abaixo e acima do Estado. O capítulo quinto trata das crises pré-2008, buscando verificar possíveis características comuns entre elas. O capítulo sexto trata da crise de 2008 e alargamento e prolongamento para a Europa, articulando variáveis econômicas e financeiras globais. O capítulo sete procura relacionar a política externa brasileira à arquitetura da governança global, aspirando uma participação mais ativa nos fóruns internacionais. No capítulo nono é apresentada a conclusão do estudo em termos de dilemas e obstáculos comportamentais e/ou estruturais e os campos que devem ser melhor investigados e aprofundados.
There has been 47 recessions in the United States of America (US) since 1790. US recessions have increasingly affected economies of other countries in the world as nations become more and more interdependent on each other. The worst economic recession so far was the “Great Depression” – an economic recession that was caused by the 1929 crash of the stock market in the US. The 2008 economic recession in the US was a result of the burst of the “housing bubble” created by predatory lending. The economic recession resulted in increased unemployment (according to NBER 8.7 million jobs were lost from Feb. 2008 to Feb. 2010); decrease in GDP by 5.1%; increase in poverty level from 12.1% (2007) to 16.0% (2008) (NBER) This dissertation is an attempt to research the impact of the 2008 economic recession on different types of residential investments: a case study of five (5) diverse neighborhoods/zip codes in Washington DC, USA The main findings were that the effect of the 2008 economic depression on the different types of residential properties was dependent on the location of the property and the demographics/socio-economic factors associated with that location.
The private equity industry was experiencing a phenomenal boom at the turn of the century but collapsed abruptly in 2008 with the onset of the financial crisis. Considered one of the worst crises since the Great Depression of the 1930s, it had sent ripples around the world threatening the collapse of financial institutions and provoking a liquidity crunch followed by a huge downturn in economic activity and recession. Furthermore, the physiognomy of the financial landscape had considerably altered with banks retracting from the lending space, accompanied by a hardening of financial regulation that sought to better contain systemic risk. Given the new set of changes and challenges that had arisen from this period of financial turmoil, private equity found itself having to question current practices and methods of operation in order to adjust to the harsh realities of a new post-apocalyptic world. Consequently, this paper goes on to explore how the private equity business, management and operation model has evolved since the credit crunch with a specific focus on mature markets such as the United States and Europe. More specifically, this paper will aim to gather insights on the development of the industry since the crisis in Western Europe through a case study approach using as a base interviews with professionals working in the industry and those external to the sector but who have/have had considerable interaction with PE players from 2007 to the present.
Logo após à crise financeira de 2007-08 o Federal Reserve interveio para tentar controlar a recessão. No entanto, ele não apenas baixou os juros, como também adotou políticas não-convencionais, incluindo o empréstimo direto para empresas em mercados de crédito de alto nível. Estas novas medidas foram controversas e alguns opositores protestaram porque elas estariam ajudando disproporcionalmente aquelas pessoas ligadas ao sistema financeiro que já eram ricas. Nós utilizamos um modelo DSGE para a análise de políticas monetária não convencional e introduzimos dois tipos distintos de agentes, capitalistas e trabalhadores, para investigar o seu impacto distributivo. Nós encontramos que a política de crédito to Fed foi bem sucedida no mercado de trabalho, o que ajuda mais os trabalhadores, e introduziu um novo competidor no mercado bancário, o governo, o que prejudica mais os capitalistas. Logo, nós encontramos que a política de crédito diminuiu a desigualdade nos EUA.