200 resultados para Cribb, J
Las reacciones alérgicas a medicamentos cutáneas severas (RAM) como el Síndrome Stevens Johnson (SJS) y la Necrólisis Epidérmica Tóxica (NET),caracterizadas por exantema, erosión de la piel y las membranas mucosas, flictenas, desprendimiento de la piel secundario a la muerte de queratinocitos y compromiso ocular. Son infrecuentes en la población pero con elevada morbi-mortalidad, se presentan luego de la administración de diferentes fármacos. En Asia se ha asociado el alelo HLA-B*15:02 como marcador genético para SJS. En Colombia no hay datos de la incidencia de estas RAM, ni de la relación con medicamentos específicos o potenciales y tampoco estudios de aproximación genómica de genes de susceptibilidad.
Comprehensive surface-based retrievals of cloud optical and microphysical properties were made at Taihu, a highly polluted site in the central Yangtze Delta region, during a research campaign from May 2008 to December 2009. Cloud optical depth (COD), effective radius (Re), and liquid water path (LWP) were retrieved from measurements made with a suite of ground-based and spaceborne instruments, including an Analytical Spectral Devices spectroradiometer, a multi␣lter rotating shadowband radiometer, a multichannel microwave radiometer profiler, and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on Terra and Aqua satellites. Retrievals from zenith radiance measurements capture better the temporal variation of cloud properties than do retrievals from hemispherical fluxes. Annual mean LWP, COD, and Re are 115.8 ± 90.8 g/m2, 28.5 ± 19.2, and 6.9 ± 4.2 microns. Over 90% of LWP values are less than 250 g/m2. Most of the COD values (>90%) fall between 5 and 60, and ~80% of Re values are less than 10 microns. Maximum (minimum) values of LWP and Re occur in summer (winter); COD is highest in winter and spring. Raining and nonraining clouds have signi␣cant differences in LWP, COD, and Re. Rainfall frequency is best correlated with LWP, followed by COD and Re. Cloud properties retrieved from multiple ground-based instruments are also compared with those from satellite retrievals. On average, relative to surface retrievals, mean differences of satellite retrievals in cloud LWP, COD, and Re were -33.6 g/m2 (-26.4%), -5.8 (-31.4%), and 2.9 ␣m (29.3%) for 11 MODIS-Terra overpasses and -43.3 g/m2 (-22.3%), -3.0 (-10.0%), and -1.3 ␣m (-12.0%) for 8 MODIS-Aqua overpasses, respectively. These discrepancies indicate that MODIS cloud products still suffer from large uncertainties in this region.
Las actuales políticas educativas, se inscriben dentro de la denominada “perspectiva de derechos.” Hoy se considera a la educación como un derecho básico y debe garantizarse que todos los niños, jóvenes y adultos que la requieran, accedan a ella. En relación con la cuestión de garantizar accesibilidad e igualdad de oportunidades para todos, se inscribe la denominada “educación inclusiva.” En este marco, las escuelas se comprometerían a dar cabida a todos los niños, independientemente de sus condiciones físicas, intelectuales, sociales, emocionales, lingüísticas o de otro tipo; pasando a funcionar como “escuelas inclusivas.” Como consecuencia de esto, algunos/as niños/as y jóvenes con discapacidad, (que cumplen con ciertos requisitos) inician procesos de inclusión en escuelas comunes, para desarrollar en ellas su escolaridad. La mayoría de las investigaciones referidas a estas experiencias, se centran en los discursos y perspectivas acerca de las mismas, de los docentes que participan en ellas: tanto los docentes de Educación Común, como los docentes de Educación Especial. Pero se desconocen investigaciones sobre la percepción y las concepciones, desde la perspectiva de los alumnos/as de las escuelas en las que se implementan proyectos de inclusión, siendo que son parte fundamental de estos procesos, en tanto conforman el grupo que recibirá a los sujetos que se desea incluir y serán su pares durante las actividades escolares. Creemos que estudiando las cuestiones vinculares y valorativas, que se ponen en juego durante los procesos de inclusión, se podrá intervenir en ellas de modo de facilitar el proceso de inclusión escolar de niños y jóvenes con discapacidad. El abordaje metodológico será cualitativo, mediante grupos focales y entrevistas.
Este proyecto estuvo encaminado analizar los textos literarios y de la literatura misionera, editados desde 1990 hasta la actualidad. La investigación ha sido posible por la existencia de una numerosa producción literaria durante el período mencionado. En una primera etapa se incursionó en conceptos teóricos que hicieron inteligibles ciertas particularidades de los textos considerados. En primer término, hemos postulado un concepto de región construido desde la diferencia, con el que se intentó considerar los matices de heterogeneidad e hibridez, característicos de la población en estudio. Su aplicación permitió superar o mantener en suspenso el tratamiento de los estereotipos de la tradición así como los temas y los personajes propios del marco geográfico, para considerar, en cambio, las reglas de la práctica discursiva, así como los procedimientos empleados en la modelización de los textos. Uno de los criterios seguidos fue considerar el tiempo como factor a tener en cuenta en la constitución del corpus. Si bien, toda producción literaria no irrumpe repentinamente sino que se necesitan décadas para que ella adquiera vigencia en la mente de los lectores, lo cierto es que hemos inventariado más de cien obras de diferentes momentos de los 90 hasta la actualidad. La lectura arrojó una gran variación respecto de las manifestaciones literarias y las posiciones de los escritores de los años 80 y 70, descriptos en investigaciones anteriores como más apegados a la escritura individual y al rescate de los valores tradicionales, en el terreno literario. Otro criterio fue considerar en los lugares de producción periférica la presencia de una literatura menor con visibles marcas de desterritorialización. Fue preciso estudiar las relaciones discontinuas así como las relaciones de fuerza en las articulaciones o agenciamientos singulares de discursos de diversos espacios de modelización. En sentido general, durante el período analizado en esta investigación, la literatura de Misiones muestra una desordenada dispersión de sus recorridos, en ciertos aspectos despojada de los lugares comunes propios del canon tradicional. Esto hizo posible indagar en variadas producciones estéticas del imaginario local.
Las actuales políticas educativas, se inscriben dentro de la denominada “perspectiva de derechos.” Hoy se considera a la educación como un derecho básico y debe garantizarse que todos los niños, jóvenes y adultos que la requieran, accedan a ella. En relación con la cuestión de garantizar accesibilidad e igualdad de oportunidades para todos, se inscribe la denominada “educación inclusiva.” En este marco, las escuelas se comprometerían a dar cabida a todos los niños, independientemente de sus condiciones físicas, intelectuales, sociales, emocionales, lingüísticas o de otro tipo; pasando a funcionar como “escuelas inclusivas.” Como consecuencia de esto, algunos/as niños/as y jóvenes con discapacidad, (que cumplen con ciertos requisitos) inician procesos de inclusión en escuelas comunes, para desarrollar en ellas su escolaridad. La mayoría de las investigaciones referidas a estas experiencias, se centran en los discursos y perspectivas acerca de las mismas, de los docentes que participan en ellas: tanto los docentes de Educación Común, como los docentes de Educación Especial. Pero se desconocen investigaciones sobre la percepción y las concepciones, desde la perspectiva de los alumnos/as de las escuelas en las que se implementan proyectos de inclusión, siendo que son parte fundamental de estos procesos, en tanto conforman el grupo que recibirá a los sujetos que se desea incluir y serán su pares durante las actividades escolares. Creemos que estudiando las cuestiones vinculares y valorativas, que se ponen en juego durante los procesos de inclusión, se podrá intervenir en ellas de modo de facilitar el proceso de inclusión escolar de niños y jóvenes con discapacidad. El abordaje metodológico será cualitativo, mediante grupos focales y entrevistas. El presente estudio, es continuación del Proyecto 16H291 “Concepciones acerca de la discapacidad de los niños y jóvenes de las escuelas de Misiones" desarrollado entre 2009 y 2012, que nos permitió indagar sobre las concepciones en los niños. Ahora, pretendemos hacer lo propio con los adolescentes.
Richard Bankes Harraden "made the drawings of Cambridge for his father's work, "Cantabrigia depicta."--Dict. nat. biog., v.24, p.433.
Simultaneous fixation was investigated for a marine organism: the monogenean flatworm ectoparasite Merizocotyle icopae. Four protocols for primary fixation were compared: 3% glutaraldehyde alone in OAM cacodylate buffer for a minimum of 2 hours; 1% glutaraldehyde in combination with 1% osmium tetroxide, both in 0.1M cacodylate buffer, until tissues darkened (5-20 minutes); 1% glutaraldehyde in OAM cacodylate buffer in combination with 0.5% potassium ferricyanide-reduced osmium until tissues darkened (5-20 minutes); 1% glutaraldehyde in combination with 1% osmium tetroxide, both in 0.1M cacodylate buffer, for 30 minutes. The study confirms that the standard method for transmission electron microscopic fixation (first listed protocol) routinely applied to platyhelminths is optimal for ultrastructural preservation, but some simultaneous fixation methods (second and third listed protocols) are acceptable when rapid immobilization is needed. Scanning electron microscopic preparations may be improved using simultaneous primary fixation. (C) 2004 Wilcy-Liss, Inc.
The monogeneans Decacotyle lymmae and D. tetrakordyle (Monocotylidae: Decacotylinae), from gills of the dasyatid stingrays Taeniura lymma and Pastinachus sephen, respectively, have a single aperture for adhesive secretion on each side of the anterior ventrolateral region. Rod-shaped bodies (S1) and electron-dense spherical secretion (S2) exit through specialised ducts opening adjacent to one another within these apertures. The S1 bodies are 230 +/- 11 nm wide and greater than or equal to4 mum long in D. lymmae and 240 +/- 9 nm wide and greater than or equal to3.3 mum long in D. tetrakordyle. The S2 bodies have a diameter of 88 +/- 7 nm in D. lymmae and 65 +/- 6 nm in D. tetrakordyle. The apertures are unusual in being extremely small (internal diameter, 3-5 mum). Each aperture has a slit-like surface opening as small as 160 nm wide, surrounded by muscle fibres indicating that they may be opened and closed. The aperture is also surrounded and underlain by muscle fibres that may aid in secretion from, or even eversion of, the tissue within the aperture. Sensilla/cilia are also found within the apertures. Additional secretions from anteromedian and anterolateral glands (body glands), each containing granular secretions, occur in profusion and exit anteriorly and posteriorly to the position of the apertures, through duct openings in the general body tegument. These granular secretions do not appear to be associated with anterior adhesion. Both species show similarities in aperture, underlying tissue, sense organ, and secretion detail, in accordance with findings from other monogenean genera, and which supports the importance of such data for phylogenetic studies.
A new thelastomatid, Aoruroides queenslandensis, is described from two native Australian cockroaches, Panesthia tryoni tryoni Shaw and P. cribrata Saussure, from sub-tropical rainforest in south-eastern Queensland. Species of Aoruroides Travassos & Kloss, 1958 have previously been reported from cockroaches found in Brazil and the Philippines, but A. queenslandensis n. sp. is the first species of this genus found in Australia. The new species differs from the other members of Aoruroides principally in the position of the nerve-ring and egg morphology.
Adult bucephalid trematodes (Digenea) generally only occur in piscivorous fish. Within labrid fishes they are very rare, however, we have found them in labrid cleaner fish that feed on the ectoparasites of fish. We surveyed 969 labrid fishes from the tropical Pacific and found bucephalids only in cleaners (Lahroides dimidiatus, L. bicolor, and Bodianus axillaris) and none in piscivores. The prevalences of bucephalids in L. dimidiatus at Lizard Island, Heron Island, Orpheus Island (all on the Great Barrier Reef), New Caledonia, and Moorea (French Polynesia) were 51, 47, 67, 56, and 67%, respectively. All of the L. bicolor examined from Moorea were infected. Bucephalids were highly prevalent in all size classes of L. dimidiatus from Lizard Island. Bucephalids were found in a 1.6-cm long juvenile L. dimidiatus, in which, piscivory is highly unlikely. We examined the literature on the worldwide bucephalid fauna in labrids and all hosts were found to be cleaners (Symphodus tinca, S. mediterraneus, L. dimidiatus, L. bicolor, and Bodianus axillaris) except Notolabrus parilus, whose ecology is unknown. We suggest that cleaners eat bucephalid metacercariae directly from the exterior surface of client fish during cleaning interactions. This is the first evidence of digeneans in the diet of L. dimidiatus, and the first study to show this novel form of parasite transmission where infective stages are eaten as a result of cleaning behaviour. Cleaning-mediated parasite transmission may result in behavioural modification of second intermediate hosts because clients and parasites both benefit from transmission. If the infection is costly to cleaners and acquired during cheating behaviour, then this parasite might regulate mutualism. Alternatively, if infective stages are targeted, infection by these bucephalids may be a negative consequence of an honest foraging strategy.
The anterior adhesive mechanism was studied for Merizocotyle icopae (Monogenea: Monocotylidae). Adult anterior apertures can open and close. In addition, duct endings terminating within the apertures are everted or retracted depending on the stage of attachment. Adhesive in adults is synthesized from all 3 secretory types (rod-shaped, small and large spheroidal bodies) found within anterior apertures. All exit together and undergo mixing to produce the adhesive matrix, a process that depletes duct contents. A greater number of ducts carrying rod-shaped bodies is depleted than ducts containing spheroidal bodies which changes the ratio of secretory types present on detachment. Detachment involves elongation of duct endings and secretion of additional matrix as the worm pulls away from the substrate. The change in secretory type ratio putatively modifies the properties of the secreted matrix enabling detachment. Only after detachment do ducts refill. During attachment, individual secretory bodies undergo morphological changes. The larval and adult adhesive matrix differs. Anterior adhesive in oncomiracidia does not show fibres with banding whereas banded fibres comprise a large part of adult adhesive. The data Suggest that this is the result of adult spheroidal secretions modifying the way in which the adult adhesive matrix forms.
The ability of adult cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner), to distinguish and respond to enantiomers of alpha-pinene was investigated with electrophysiological and behavioral methods. Electroantennogram recordings using mixtures of the enantiomers at saturating dose levels, and single unit electrophysiology, indicated that the two forms were detected by the same receptor neurons. The relative size of the electroantennogram response was higher for the (-) compared to the (+) form, indicating greater affinity for the (-) form at the level of the dendrites. Behavioral assays investigated the ability of moths to discriminate between, and respond to the (+) and (-) forms of alpha-pinene. Moths with no odor conditioning showed an innate preference for (+)-alpha-pinene. This preference displayed by naive moths was not significantly different from the preferences of moths conditioned on (+)-alpha-pinene. However, we found a significant difference in preference between moths conditioned on the (-) enantiomer compared to naive moths and moths conditioned on (+)-alpha-pinene, showing that learning plays an important role in the behavioral response. Moths are less able to distinguish between enantiomers of alpha-pinene than different odors (e.g., phenylacetaldehyde versus (-)-alpha-pinene) in learning experiments. The relevance of receptor discrimination of enantiomers and learning ability of the moths in host plant choice is discussed.
We propose a new genus of the Gyliauchenidae Fukui, 1929 ( Digenea), Ptychogyliauchen, gen. nov., for four new species that infect Indo-West Pacific siganid fishes. Ptychogyliauchen, gen. nov. is a morphologically distinctive genus, diagnosed principally by the presence of a highly convoluted oesophagus, which generally exceeds the total body length of the worm, and by the unusual folded structure of the ejaculatory duct. Ptychogyliauchen thetidis, sp. nov. is designated as the type species, and is described from the intestine of Siganus punctatus (Siganidae) from Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. Ptychogyliauchen himinglaeva, sp. nov. is described from the intestine of Siganus corallinus ( Siganidae) from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. Ptychogyliauchen leucothea, sp. nov. is described from the intestine of S. argenteus, and further recorded from S. fuscescens, off Ningaloo, Western Australia, Australia. Ptychogyliauchen thistilbardi, sp. nov. is described from the intestine of S. doliatus from Noumea, New Caledonia, and is also found in S. argenteus, S. canaliculatus, S. corallinus and S. spinus from Noumea, New Caledonia, and Moorea, Tahiti, French Pacific. Ptychogyliauchen thistilbardi, sp. nov. also occurs in the intestine of Chaetodon citrinellus (Chaetodontidae) from Moorea. A key to species is provided. All species have been described following morphological examination using light microscopy, and specimens of P. thetidis, sp. nov., P. leucothea, sp. nov. and P. thistilbardi, sp. nov. have been characterised using molecular methods. Sequences were obtained for a combination of nuclear ribosomal (28S (D1-D3) and ITS2) and mitochondrial (ND1) genes. A phylogenetic analysis of sequenced specimens of Ptychogyliauchen, gen. nov. was conducted using species of Petalocotyle Ozaki, 1934 for outgroup comparison. This analysis, based on alignments of the ITS2 and 28S (D1-D3) rDNA genes, supports monophyly of the geographically widespread P. thistilbardi, sp. nov., which is known from both siganid and chaetodontid hosts. We discuss the taxonomy of the genus and the host associations of each species and the group.