886 resultados para Countermovememt jump


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The transition from tunneling to metallic contact between two surfaces does not always involve a jump, but can be smooth. We have observed that the configuration and material composition of the electrodes before contact largely determine the presence or absence of a jump. Moreover, when jumps are found preferential values of conductance have been identified. Through a combination of experiments, molecular dynamics, and first-principles transport calculations these conductance values are identified with atomic contacts of either monomers, dimers, or double-bond contacts.


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The interface between a Pt(111) electrode and a room temperature ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, was investigated with the laser-induced temperature jump method. In this technique, the temperature of the interface is suddenly increased by applying short laser pulses. The change of the electrode potential caused by the thermal perturbation is measured under coulostatic conditions during the subsequent temperature relaxation. This change is mainly related to the reorganization of the solvent components near the electrode surface. The sign of the potential transient depends on the potential of the experiment. At high potential values, positive transients indicate a higher density of anions than cations close the surface, contributing negatively to the potential of the electrode. Decreasing the applied potential to sufficiently low values, the transient becomes negative, meaning that the density of cations becomes then higher at the surface of the electrode. The potential dependence of the interfacial response shows a marked hysteresis depending on the direction in which the applied potential is changed.


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As the new European Commission steps in and looks for ways to promote growth and competitiveness, its success will depend on what emphasis will be given to creating a more sustainable European economy. What will determine the EU’s competitiveness and comparative advantage on a global scene is how well we will respond to the ongoing economic and ecological crises – which are intertwined and reinforce each other. The big question is what emphasis will the new Commission and the EU as a whole give to promoting sustainable and greener growth, based on good management of natural resources and biodiversity, smarter use of resources and mitigating climate change?


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Le mandat d’eurodéputé est conçu différemment dans chaque état membre. Cet article teste la validité des cultures politiques inclusive et exclusive, créées pour l’analyse des sélections des candidats français et suédois et leur conception du mandat européen. Leur sélection demeure un monopole partisan national où l’adhésion à un parti et la professionnalisation politique priment. La distinction apparait dans le degré d’ouverture de la sélection et la conception de la fonction d’eurodéputé et du Parlement européen. Les conclusions valident l’approche créée, montrant un déplacement du curseur le long des continuums formés par les cultures inclusive et exclusive. La France, «exclusive», reste centrée sur Paris et des élections ayant des conséquences sur le pouvoir exécutif. La Suède est plus inclusive tant dans les profils des candidats que dans les processus qui les intègrent aux listes et dans la façon de concevoir le rôle des MEP et du Parlement européen. Cet article se fonde sur un mémoire de Master: E. Cazenave, Eurodéputé: «Seconde chance» ou «Tremplin»? Comparaison des trajectoires politiques de candidats PPE et PSE aux élections européennes de 2014 en France et en Suède, Bruges, Collège d’Europe, 2014


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[1980 Central Collegiate Meet]


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