998 resultados para Counter-revolution


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Cell culture and growth in space is crucial to understand the cellular responses under microgravity. The effects of microgravity were coupled with such environment restrictions as medium perfusion, in which the underlying mechanism has been poorly understood. In the present work, a customer-made counter sheet-flow sandwich cell culture device was developed upon a biomechanical concept from fish gill breathing. The sandwich culture unit consists of two side chambers where the medium flow is counter-directional, a central chamber where the cells are cultured, and two porous polycarbonate membranes between side and central chambers. Flow dynamics analysis revealed the symmetrical velocity profile and uniform low shear rate distribution of flowing medium inside the central culture chamber, which promotes sufficient mass transport and nutrient supply for mammalian cell growth. An on-orbit experiment performed on a recovery satellite was used to validate the availability of the device.


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El café (coffea arábiga L.) representa uno de los cultivos de mayor importancia en Nicaragua Este cultivo se ve afectado por nematodos fitoparasito de los géneros Meloidogyne Spp. Pratylenchus spp0, y Rotylenchulus spp. Se probó el efecto de combinaciones del nematicida counter 10 G y fertilizante N-P sobre los nematodos fitoparasito con un ensayo en el Centro Experimental del Café Mauricio López Munguía”, Masatepe entre los meses de abril y Octubre de 1986. El diseña utilizado fue en bifactorial en bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron al nematicida counter 10 G (terbufos) en dosis de 0; 017: 0.25 y 0, 32 gr de la planta; el fertilizante N-P de la fórmula 18-46 o en dosis de 0.5 y 10 gr/planta, aplicados sobre y en combinación lo que se Hizo un total de 12 tratamientos. la aplicación del nematicida se hizo una sola vez y el fertilizante en dos ocasiones d. A los 55 y 100 DDA se midió el numero de nematodos en el suelo (Meloidogyne spp., Rotylenchulus spp, y pratylenchus spp) nematodos en las raíces (Meloidogyne spp), altura de planta, Numero de hojas y peso de raíz. Los resultados de este ensayo demostraron qué el nematicida tuvo efecto sobre Rotylenchulus spp y Rotylenchulus spp. Pero no sobre Meloidogyne spp en el suelo y en la raíz: No se encontró ningún defecto del fertilizant4e sobre las poblaciones de nematodos. Las combinaciones de nematicida-fertilizante tuvieron un efecto de amplia variabilidad sobre las poblaciones de nematodos lo que dificulto la recomendación de una determinada combinación: La dosis de fertilizantes que resulto con los mejores promedios sobre las variables altura de la planta, Número de hojas y peso de raíz fue la de 5gr, /planta Se encontró una correlaciona negativa significativa entre el género Meloidogyne spp y la altura de la plata a los 55 DDA, no observándose estos mismos resultados a los 100 DDA: también se encontró una correlación positiva significativa entre el número de Meloidogyne spp, del suelo y de la raíz a los 55 y 100 DDA; entre pratylenchus y rotylenchulus a los 55 DDA y entere el número de Nódulos causados por Meloidogyne a los 55 DDA y el peso de la Raíz a los 100 DDA.


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Sources of fish and fishery products in Nigeria were reviewed. The problems of various agencies involved in freshwater fish production in Nigeria were also analysed, such problems included shortage of manpower, inadequate training for personnel, shortage of funds, lack of infrastructures, among others


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Lake Chad fisheries contributes about 13% of all fish produced by the inland and coastal states of the nation and supports a large population of fishermen and allied workers. The species of freshwater fish produced from the Lake such as Gymnarchus, Clarias and Heterotis are very popular with the fish consumers in Nigeria; hence Lake Chad processed fish is transported long distances to southern Nigerian markets. Lake Chad thus contributes significantly to the provision of fish protein and to the Green Revolution Programme


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A study was embarked upon with the twin objectives of reviewing the Green Revolution Strategy for accelerating fish production in the country and proposing an alternative strategy, a private sector approach. Some of the programmes listed in the Green Revolution are very necessary for developing a viable - fish farming industry and that money spent under such programmes is money well spent. Programmes that are also desirable but need to be considerably expanded were identified. Other programmes have been criticised on the grounds that the method chosen to achieve the desired objectives is fraught with dangers if sufficiently long run view of fisheries development is taken


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Polyculture, as presently practiced in Nigeria, focuses interest mainly on finfish. This practice, apart from neglecting indigenous valuable species such as clams and water snails, does not make full use of existing biomass. This paper suggests possible deviations from normal practice. Inclusion of macroinvertebrates in a polyculture system and stocking, temporary bodies of water with seasonal species such as the fresh water crayfish are suggested. A final suggestion is to develop a polyculture of swamp rice and crayfish


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The aim of this study was to examine areas in which fishermen cooperatives can become involved and then suggest operational guidelines in order to increase fishermen income and also to make the Green Revolution Programme a success through increased production of fish. The paper enumerated different areas in which fishermen cooperatives can participate. These include: thrift and credits, thrift and savings, consumers and building cooperative societies. It is the belief of the author that the expansion of fishermen cooperatives into the areas mentioned in this paper can enable members to process and market their products more economically, buy supplies and equipment in large quantities and obtain lower cost credit