876 resultados para Counseling Psychology
This study analyzes the role of the working alliance on the life satisfaction and career decision difficulties of clients participating in career counseling in Switzerland. The study also compares these career counseling clients to a group of students who did not seek counseling, to explore the overall effectiveness of a face-to-face career counseling intervention, using a pre-post design. Results indicated that the working alliance was positively associated with clients' satisfaction with the intervention and with the final level of their life satisfaction. Working alliance was also negatively associated with the final levels of career decision difficulties. Moreover, clients' career decision difficulties significantly decreased and their life satisfaction increased throughout the intervention. These findings suggest that working alliance represents an important variable to better understand career interventions' underlying mechanisms. Moreover, face-to-face career counseling is effective considering career-specific as well as broader, life-related indicators.
Between the Lake and the Mountains: an intermediary place for Critical Thinking in Health Psychology
Objective: To identify genetic counseling programs that do not encourage therapeutic abortion for individuals with hemoglobin disorders and/or for their relatives. Method: Systematic literature review of articles published from 2001 to 2012 that are located in the PubMed, LILACS, SciELO and SCOPUS databases using keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish and that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria described on a standardized form. Results: A total of 409 articles were located, but only eight (1.9%) were selected for analysis. Conclusion: Although seldom mentioned in the literature, educational/preventive programs targeting hemoglobinopathies are feasible and allow the affected individuals to acquire knowledge on the consequences of this condition and their odds of transmitting it.
The demands of representative design, as formulated by Egon Brunswik (1956), set a high methodological standard. Both experimental participants and the situations with which they are faced should be representative of the populations to which researchers claim to generalize results. Failure to observe the latter has led to notable experimental failures in psychology from which economics could learn. It also raises questions about the meaning of testing economic theories in abstract environments. Logically, abstract tests can only be generalized to abstract realities and these may or may not have anything to do with the empirical realities experienced by economic actors.
The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS) in a French-speaking Swiss sample and its relationship with personality dimensions and work engagement. The heterogeneous sample of 391 participants (Mage = 39.59, SD = 12.30) completed the CAAS-International and a short version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. To assess personality dimensions, participants completed either the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (n=283) or the NEO-FFI-R (n=108). The internal consistencies for the four subscales and total scores of the CAAS ranged from good to excellent, and skewness and kurtosis values indicated that scores were normally distributed. Gender differences and cor- relations with age were small or negligible. Several CFA models confirmed the factor structure of the French version of the CAAS-International, with loadings very similar to the ones observed for the international form. Adaptability was related to different personality dimensions, particularly neuroticism and conscientiousness, and also to work engagement. When predicting work engage- ment, career adaptability had a significant incremental validity over personality dimensions. Fi- nally, career adaptability partially moderated the relationship between personality and work engagement, suggesting that career adaptability also contributes to regulating the expression of personality dispositions.
Abstract : Cardíac rhabdomyomas are benign cardiac tumors with few cardiac complications but with a known association to tuberous sclerosis that affects the neurologic outcome of the patients. Thís study analyses the long-term cardiac and neurological outcome of patients with cardiac rhabdomyomas in order to allow comprehensive prenatal counseling. qll prenatal and postnatal cases with echocardiographic diagnosis of cardiac rhabdomyomas encountered from August 1982 -September 2007 have been recorded. Independent factors, such às the number and the location of the tumors, have been analyzed for association with a diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis, in order to predict the cardiac and neurologic outcome of the patients. Cardiac complications include arrhythmias, outflow tract obstruction, secondary cardiogenic shock. Arrhythmias are the most often encountered problems during the neonatal period. Supraventricular tachycardia is the commonest rhythm disturbance identified. However, no specific dimension or location of the cardiac rhabdomyomas may predict the rhythm disturbances. The importance of the diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis in patients presenting with cardiac rhabdomyomas is exemplified by the neurodevelopmental complications showing 80% of cases with epilepsy and 63% of cases with a delayed development. The presence of multiple cardiac tumors in patients suggests a higher risk to be affected by tuberous sclerosis, compared to patients with a single tumor. Cardiac rhabdomyomas generally regress aftér birth and after the perinatal period cardiac-related problems are rare, but tuberous sclerosis and the associated neurodevelopmental complications dominate the clinical picture and should form an important aspect of the prenatal counseling of parents. Résumé : Les rhabdomyomes cardiaques sont des tumeurs cardiaques bénignes avec toutefois des complications. cardiaques possibles et surtout avec une association pour la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville qui détermine le pronostic neurologique. Cette étude présente une analyse du suivi cardiologique. et neurologique à long terme d'enfants avec un diagnostic de rhabdomyomes cardiaques dans le but de mieux informer les parents lors de la consultation anténatale. L'ensemble des cas de rhabdomyomes cardiaques diagnostiqués au moyen de l'échocardiographie pendant la période anténatale ainsi que postnatale a été répertorié d'août 1982 à septembre 2007. Des facteurs indépendants, tels que le nombre et la localisation des tumeurs, ont été analysés pour leur association avec le diagnostic de la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville, afin de prédire le pronostic cardiaque et neurologique de ces patients. Les complications cardiaques retrouvées sont les arythmies, les obstructions des voies d'éjection ventriculaire et le choc cardiogène secondaire. Les arythmies sont les problèmes les plus fréquemment rencontrés pendant la période néonatale.. La tachycardie supraventriculaire est le trouble de rythme le plus souvent identifié. Néanmoins, il n'y a pas de dimension ou de localisation.- spécifique d'un rhabdomyome cardiaque qui pourrait prédire ces troubles du rythme. L'importance de l'association au diagnostic de la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville chez les patients atteints de rhabdomyomes est démontrée à travers les complications du développement neurologique avec une attéinte épileptique dans 80% des cas ainsi qu'un retard de développement dans 63% des cas. La présence de multiples tumeurs cardiaques chez un patient suggère un risque accru d'être atteint de la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville comparé à un patient atteint d'une tumeur unique. Les rhabdomyomes cardiaques régressent après la naissance et après la période périnatale les complications cardiaques deviennent rares. Toutefois, l'association à la sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville domine le tableau clinique avec des complications au niveau du développement neurologique et formé donc un aspect important lors de la consultation anténatale.
A review of nearly three decades of cross-cultural research shows that this domain still has to address several issues regarding the biases of data collection and sampling methods, the lack of clear and consensual definitions of constructs and variables, and measurement invariance issues that seriously limit the comparability of results across cultures. Indeed, a large majority of the existing studies are still based on the anthropological model, which compares two cultures and mainly uses convenience samples of university students. This paper stresses the need to incorporate a larger variety of regions and cultures in the research designs, the necessity to theorize and identify a larger set of variables in order to describe a human environment, and the importance of overcoming methodological weaknesses to improve the comparability of measurement results. Cross-cultural psychology is at the next crossroads in it's development, and researchers can certainly make major contributions to this domain if they can address these weaknesses and challenges.