981 resultados para Corporation law -- Australia


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This work is a clear and concise study of the principles underlying criminal procedure in Victoria and the Commonwealth jurisdictions. The book provides succinct extracts of leading cases and critiques the law. this content informs readers of the current law and how it can be reformed to deal more appropriately with the complexities and challenges of this area. The text includes a discussion of the recent reforms in Victoria.This book is for all readers with an interest in criminal procedure, including judicial officers,lawyers and students.


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Unlike the constitutions of many nations, such as the United States of America and the Republic of South Africa, the constitutions of the Australian States and Territories and the Commonwealth Constitution Act 1901 (UK) contain no bill of rights. Australia is the only western democracy without a federal bill of rights. The debate regarding the need for a bill of rights necessitates an understanding of what human rights the people of Australia already enjoy. If sufficient protection can be found in existing sources, does Australia really need a federal bill of rights? Opponents of a bill of rights state that we have sufficient protection from arbitrary government intervention in our personal affairs and thus a bill of rights is unnecessary. There are a number of potential sources of human rights in Australia that might provide the suggested existing protection, including the common law, specific domestic legislation, international law and constitutional law. Each of these sources of human rights has, however, important limitations. The focus of this article is on the inadequacy of the Australian constitutions as a source of purported protection. This in turn suggests that an alternative source of rights is needed - a federal bill of rights? In the course of this analysis the author makes suggestions for reform; specifically how a federal bill of rights may address the paucity of constitutional protection.


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Provides a critical analysis of the carrier's liability under the Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg Rules. Focusing on Australian and English jurisprudence, the work also demonstrates that, quite contrary to prevailing opinions, the Hamburg Rules do not materially change (still less increase) the carrier's existing liability.


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It appears that the legal system's response to the issues relating to family breakdown and "the best interests of the child" concept can sometimes be inadequate. There also appears to a lack of consistency with regards to enforcing the best interests of the child concept in legal proceedings concerning children.


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The absence of the doctrine of fair use from Australian copyright law has been a bone of contention in Australia after the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (FTA). As the Australian government reformed the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) in the aftermath of the FTA it eschewed the option of adopting fair use. Instead, Australia chose to incorporate a version of fair use into its existing fair dealing framework. Accordingly, the Copyright Amendment Act 2006 (Cth) inserted ss 41A and 103AA into the Copyright Act. These provisions provide that a fair dealing with a copyright protected work does not constitute an infringement if it is done for the purposes of parody or satire. These provisions codify part of the ratio of the United States Supreme Court in the seminal case of Campbell v Acuff Rose Music. However, the parameters of these new provisions are unexplored and the sparse nature of fair dealing jurisprudence means that the true meaning of the provisions is unclear. Moreover, two cases from the United States, SunTrust Bank v Houghton Mifflin and Salinger v Colting, underline just how important it is to have legal rules that protect literary ‘re-writes’. Both cases involved authors using an original novel to ‘write back’ to the original author and the broader culture. ‘Writing back’ or the ‘re-write’ has a firm basis in literature. It adds something invaluable to our culture. The key question is whether our legal landscape can allow it to flourish. This paper examines the interaction between fair use and literary re-writes.


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 The principal subject of this thesis is the employer’s summary dismissal power under Australian contract law. Summary dismissal is by far the most brutal way that an employment relationship may end. Its suddenness can have long-lasting economic and psychological impacts upon the dismissed employee. However, the area has been neglected in legal scholarship. The result of this is that issues arising from the jurisprudence have not been the subject of critique and scrutiny, until now. This thesis addresses this gap in the scholarship. The thesis also proposes a new approach to resolving these disputes based on the proportionality concept. An employer's decision to dismiss its employees in this way should be commensurate to the detriment caused by the employee's actions. Therefore, one 'should not use a sledgehammer to crack a nut.'


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a operação de incorporação de ações, prevista no artigo 252 da Lei nº 6.404/76 (Lei das Sociedades por Ações) e sua utilização como meio para promover o fechamento de capital. A incorporação de ações é operação societária mediante a qual a totalidade de ações de determinada companhia é incorporada ao patrimônio de outra companhia, obrigatoriamente constituída de acordo com as leis brasileiras. Eventualmente, a operação de incorporação de ações pode levar ao fechamento de capital da companhia “alvo”. Diante desta possível consequência, controladores e minoritários têm discutido acerca da legitimidade do fechamento de capital mediante a incorporação de ações, e da necessidade de realização de oferta pública para aquisição de ações como condição à operação. São analisadas as diferentes posições doutrinárias e principais precedentes julgados pela Comissão de Valores Mobiliários sobre essa questão, a fim de concluir acerca da legitimidade da operação e da necessidade ou não de realização de oferta pública para aquisição de ações como condição para promover o fechamento de capital.


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O estudo refere-se à verificação da admissibilidade e da conveniência da exclusão facultativa de acionista controlador em sociedade anônima. O tema não é propriamente novo no Brasil. Intenciona-se, no entanto, construir a hipótese a partir de fundamento legal diferente. A Lei 6.404/76 (LSA) apenas destina a exclusão para casos de acionista remisso (artigo 107, II), permanecendo silente com relação ao inadimplemento de deveres de colaboração e lealdade (em conjunto, deveres de cooperação). Nesse contexto, a doutrina e a jurisprudência brasileiras tendem a admitir a hipótese de exclusão em tais casos por aplicação do artigo 1.030 do Código Civil, destinado a regular a matéria no âmbito das sociedades simples. Para tanto, aproximam a companhia fechada das sociedades de pessoas a fim de justificar, dada a alegada omissão da lei especial a esse respeito, o tratamento por analogia. A partir do estudo sistemático da LSA, que compreende, entre outros, o entendimento do princípio da circulação de ações e da extensão dos deveres de boa-fé entre os sócios, pretende-se admitir a hipótese com base na própria lógica acionária, em razão da eventual relevância do relacionamento societário para a consecução do fim social. Em tais companhias, o adimplemento dos deveres de cooperação torna-se tão imprescindível quanto o adimplemento do dever de conferimento para o alcance do escopo comum. Em decorrência desse raciocínio, a exclusão torna-se admissível na ocorrência de inadimplemento de qualquer dever social que inviabilize, real ou potencialmente, o preenchimento do fim social. A identificação de eventual affectio societatis entre os acionistas, portanto, passa a ser irrelevante. Admitir a hipótese no que se refere a acionista controlador se revela ainda importante instrumento de limitação do exercício ilegítimo do poder de controle e não se confunde com a sanção de perdas e danos prevista na LSA por abuso de poder de controle. Por fim, será analisada a conveniência da exclusão do controlador, em razão de sua relevância pessoal para a consecução da atividade, a participação societária por ele detida e da possibilidade de dissolver-se parcialmente a sociedade, com a saída do acionista minoritário descontente.


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The Delaware legislature has taken steps towards the adoption of amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law (DGCL) that would prohibit fee shifting provisions in the articles and bylaws. The language in the legislative proposal, however, addresses fee shifting provisions only in the context of "internal corporate claims." Some have raised concerns that this language would allow for fee shifting provisions that applied to other types of actions, including at least some cases brought under the securities laws. This piece suggests that in fact the Delaware General Corporation Law already prohibits the adoption of bylaws and certificate provisions that apply to causes of action unrelated to internal corporate claims. As a result, there was no reason for the Delaware legislature to expressly bar fee shifting provisions in these types of actions.


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Tesis--Univ. de Montevideo.