952 resultados para Copper (Cu) sensitive DNAzyme


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This paper presents results of studies of rocks sampled during Cruise 19 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh with the Mir submersibles in the Atlantic Ocean (slopes of the King's Trough and Palmer Ridge). Based on these materials and published data two stages of magmatism and evolution in the region are distinguished: 1) formation of a mid-ocean ridge in the rift zone (68-32 Ma); 2) development of intraplate volcanism during movement of the plate over a "hot spot" (32-0 Ma).


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The carbonate cements found in Sites 717-719 of ODP Leg 116 correspond to the precipitation of inorganic calcite due to circulation of hot fluid associated with intraplate deformation in the central Indian Ocean. A first burst of hydrothermal activity may have occurred 7.5-9 Ma and a second burst less than 0.5 Ma. These fluids were probably derived from the basaltic basement and the immediately overlying sediments.


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A manganese oxide crust from an extensive deposit in the median valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was found to be unusually high in manganese (up to 39.4% Mn), low in Fe (as low as 0.01% Fe), low in trace metals and deficient in Th230 and Pa231 with respect to the parent uranium isotopes in the sample. The accumulation rate is 100 mm to 200 mm/10 million year, or 2 orders of magnitude faster than the typical rate for deep-sea ferromanganese deposits. The rapid growth rate and unusual chemistry are consistent with a hydrothermal origin or with a diagenetic origin by manganese remobilized from reduced sediments. Because of the association with an active ridge, geophysical evidence indicative of hydrothermal activity, and a scarcity of sediment in the sampling area, we suggest that a submarine hot spring has created the deposit.


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Interstitial water samples from Sites 834 through 839, drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 in the backarc Lau basin (Southwestern Pacific), have been analyzed for major elements, manganese, copper, strontium, barium, vanadium, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic composition values. The concentration-depth profiles of the major chemical components show almost straight concentration gradients at all sites, and seem to reflect slight alteration of volcanic material. However, in the lower part of the sedimentary cover, where volcanogenic material is abundant and where diagenetic minerals occur, systematic decreases in calcium, strontium, manganese, copper, and vanadium concentrations are observed. A downwelling flow of bottom seawater, which affected the diagenetic chemical signature of the interstitial water, is probably responsible for the recorded chemical features. This hypothesis is supported by strontium isotope data obtained from interstitial water samples at Site 835. It is also in accordance with data from heat flow and physical properties.


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Behavior of rare earth elements (REE) was examined in oceanic phillipsites collected from four horizons of eupelagic clay in the Southwest Basin of the Pacific Ocean. REE concentrations were determined in >50 ?m size fraction phillipsite samples by the ICP-MS method. Composition of separate phillipsite aggregates was studied by electron microprobe and secondary ion mass-spectrometry. Rare earth elements in phillipsite samples are related to admixture of ferrocalcium hydroxophosphates. Analysis of separate phillipsite aggregates reveals low (<0.1-18.1 ppm) REE(III) concentrations. Ce concentration varies between 2.7 and 140 ppm. The correlation analysis shows that REE(III) present in admixture of iron oxyhydroxides in separate phillipsite aggregates. Based on the REE(III) concentration in iron oxyhydroxides we can identify two generations of phillipsite aggregates. Massive rounded aggregates (phillipsite I) are depleted in REE, while pseudorhombic (phillipsite II) aggregates are enriched in REE and marked by a positive Ce anomaly. Oceanic phillipsites do not accumulate REE or inherit the REE signature of volcaniclastic material and oceanic deep water. Hence, REE distribution in phillipsites does not depend on sedimentation rate and composition of host sediments.


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Bulk X-ray mineralogy of 47 hemipelagic mud and clay samples from the Blake Outer Ridge has revealed that the sediments contain low magnesian calcite, calcian dolomite, ferroan dolomite, and magnesian siderite. Dolomite and siderite are authigenic and occur as rhombohedrons scattered through the sediments, whereas calcite is mostly biogenic. Pliocene dolomitic lenses are made up of interlocking polyhedral grains of ferroan dolomite. The contents of authigenic dolomite and siderite are 3 to 8% in carbonate sediments and 70 to 89% in dolomitic lenses. Dolomite occurs largely in the cores above 192 m sub-bottom depth, whereas siderite occurs in the cores below 87 m. The distribution and occurrence of dolomite and siderite have determined the diagenetic zonation of carbonates as Zone I (dolomitic zone, top-90 m), Zone II (transition zone, 90-180 m), and Zone III (sideritic zone, 180 m-bottom). Measurements of major and minor elements in the untreated total sediment samples and the insoluble residues after digestion in acid-reducing solution have revealed that the soluble fraction concentrates carbonates and ferromanganese associations (Ca, Mg, Sr, Fe, and Mn). Typical "hydrogenous elements" (Co, Cu, Ni, and V) are more concentrated in the insoluble residues rather than in the soluble fraction; the concentrations of these four elements are low and comparable to modern offshore mud, probably because the Site 533 sediments were deposited at a high rate of sedimentation. The contents of Fe2O3 and MnO are somewhat high for rapidly accumulated mud, particularly in the Pliocene sediments (8.09 and 0.26%, respectively, on a Carbonate-free basis). The high Fe and Mn contents are mainly due to the high contribution of the leacheable nonlithogenous fraction; leacheable Fe and Mn originate in the ferromanganese oxide accumulated on the seafloor. Only a small amount of ferric oxide was converted to iron sulfide in the surficial part of Zone I. Most ferromanganese oxide was reduced and precipitated as ferroan dolomite and magnesian siderite in Zones II and III under high alkalinity and high pH conditions in the organic-matter-rich sediments. Fe2+ and Mn2+ in the deeper sediments beneath Zone III possibly migrated upward and concentrated as siderite in Zone III, hence resulting in high contents of Fe and Mn in the Pliocene sediments. Analysis of carbonate zonation on the Blake Outer Ridge has revealed that the zonation is subparallel to the bedding plane rather than to the present seafloor. The sediments at Site 103 on the flank region of the Ridge are lacking Zone I and most of Zone II, probably the result of erosion of the most of the Pleistocene and Pliocene sediments by the enhanced bottom currents during the Pleistocene.


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New data on chemical and trace component compositions of acidic and low acidic swamp waters and other types of low mineralized waters are reported in the paper. Special attention is paid to dissolved organic compounds: fulvic and humic acids, bitumen, and hydrocarbons. For the first time detailed data on organic trace components (alkanes, pentacyclic terpenoids, steranes, alkylbenzenes, naphthalenes, phenanthrenes, tetraarenes, etc.) in the swamp waters of the Western Siberia: are reported.


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Basalts from DSDP Site 417 (109 Ma) exhibit the effects of several stages of alteration reflecting the evolution of seawater-derived solution compositions and control by the structure and permeability of the crust. Characteristic secondary mineral assemblages occur in often superimposed alteration zones within individual basalt fragments. By combining bulk rock and single phase chemical analyses with detailed mineralogic and petrographic studies, chemical changes have been determined for most of the alteration stages identified in the basalts. 1) Minor amounts of saponite, chlorite, and pyrite formed locally in coarse grained portions of massive units, possibly at high temperatures during initial cooling of the basalts. No chemical changes could be determined for this stage. 2) Possible mixing of cooled hydrothermal fluids with seawater resulted in the formation of celadonite-nontronite and Fe-hydroxide-rich black halos around cracks and pillow rims. Gains of K, Rb, H20, increase of Fe 3 +/FeT and possibly some losses of Ca and Mg occurred during this stage. 3a) Extensive circulation of oxygenated seawater resulted in the formation of various smectites, K-feldspar, and Fe-hydroxides in brown and light grey alteration zones around formerly exposed surfaces. K, Rb, H20, and occasionally P were added to the rocks, Fe3+/FeT increased, and Ca, Mg, Si and occasionally Al and Na were lost. 3 b) Anoxic alteration occurred during reaction of basalt with seawater at low water-rock ratios, or with seawater that had previously reacted with basalt. Saponite-rich dark grey alteration zones formed which exhibit very little chemical change: generally only slight increases in Fe 3 +/FeT and H20 occurred. 4) Zeolites and calcite formed from seawater-derived fluids modified by previous reactions with basalt. Chemical changes involved increases of Ca, Na, H20 , and CO2 in the rocks. 5) A late stage of anoxic conditions resulted in the formation of minor amounts of Mn-calcites and secondary sulfides in previously oxidized rocks. No chemical changes were determined for this stage. Recognition of such alteration sequences is important in understanding the evolution of submarine hydrothermal systems and in interpreting chemical exchange due to seawater-basalt reactions.


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Upper Miocene to Pleistocene hemipelagites and resedimented facies recovered at Holes 976B and 977A (Leg 161) in the Alboran Basin consist mainly of biogenic and detrital components, with a minor contribution of neoformed mineral phases. Diagenetic processes have not obliterated the primary deposition signal, and therefore detrital components (quartz, feldspar, detrital dolomite, rock fragments, and clays) provide information about source rocks and provenances. No major bulk or clay mineralogy differences were recognized between resedimented and hemipelagic facies; in fact, similar mineral assemblages in both types of facies suggest common source rocks. However, mineral abundance fluctuations can be related to climate variations and tectonic factors, as the main controls of sediment fill of this basin. A marked increase in smectites in Messinian sediments suggests an extensive development of soils during that time, probably favored by the alternation of wet and dry climate episodes and the relative aridification of the Mediterranean borderlands. A notable increase in detrital components suggests a sea-level fall and/or tectonic uplift during the late Pliocene. The significant increase in detrital dolomite in the uppermost Pliocene deposits suggests the uplift of dolomite-rich rocks as source areas. Mineral components in Pleistocene sediments indicate increasing tectonic stability, and clay-mineral fluctuations during the Pleistocene can be related not only to tectonic events, but also to alternating cooling and warming periods.


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The sediment column overlying basement in the Lau Basin consists of a sequence of volcaniclastic turbidites interbedded with hemipelagic clayey nannofossil mixed sediments, overlain in turn by a sequence of hemipelagic clayey nannofossil oozes containing sporadic calcareous turbidites. The clayey nannofossil oozes and mixed sediments are pervasively stained by hydrothermally derived iron and manganese oxyhydroxides. Sharply defined, lighter colored bands occur in the hemipelagic sediments, immediately beneath some (but by no means all) volcaniclastic and calcareous turbidites. These are identified as reduction haloes, of a type previously identified in quite different turbidite/pelagic sequences. The haloes are attributed to the burial of labile surficial Corg by turbidites, followed by the remineralization of this Corg with Mn and Fe oxyhydroxides as electron acceptors. The resultant characteristic Mn and Fe concentration/depth profiles are described, and a model is proposed for their development. The color alteration of the halo is ascribed to the removal of Mn oxyhydroxides, because, although the Fe content fluctuates through the haloes, this does not appear to affect their color. Other elements (Co, Cu, and Ni) are also at low concentration levels in the haloes like Mn, consistent with remobilization and migration out of the halo section, although the profile shapes are not identical with those of Mn. The behavior of V is distinctive in that it appears to have migrated into the haloes to be enriched there. Haloes are unlikely to form if turbidite emplacement is erosive and removes the near-surface layer, which generally is the most fluid part of the sediment and contains the highest levels of reactive Corg to drive the reduction process. Conversely, the presence of a halo implies that emplacement of the overlying turbidite did not significantly erode the pre-existing sediment/water interface.


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Mineral and chemical compositions of authigenic carbonates are studied by several methods in a sediment core collected in the axial zone of the Deryugin riftogenic basin. Manganese carbonates (kutnahorite, rhodochrosite) associated with manganiferous calcite, manganiferous pyrite, and nontronite are firstly identified in the Sea of Okhotsk. Manganese carbonates in Holocene diatomaceous ooze were presumably formed due to diagenetic transformation of sedimentary manganese hydroxides, organic matter, and biogenic silica, while those found in the underlying turbidites precipitated owing to the intermittent influx of endogenic fluids migrating along sand interbeds.


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Authigenic ferromanganese manifestations in bottom sediments from two horizons (0-10 and 240-250 cm) located in the low/high bioproductive transitional zone of the Pacific Ocean were studied. In addition two compositionally different types of micronodules, crusts and ferromanganese nodules were detected in the surface horizon (0-1 cm). Three size fractions (50-100, 100-250, and 250-500 µm) of manganese micronodules were investigated. In terms of surface morphology, color, and shape, the micronodules are divided into dull round (MN1) and angular lustrous (MN2) varieties with different mineral and chemical compositions. MN1 are enriched in Mn and depleted in Fe as compared with MN2. Mn/Fe ratio in MN1 varies from 13 to 14. Asbolane-buserite and birnessite are the major manganese minerals in them. MN2 is mainly composed of vernadite with Mn/Fe ratio from 4.3 to 4.8. Relative to MN1, fraction 50-100 µm of MN2 is enriched in Fe (2.6 times), W (1.8), Mo (3.2), Th (2.3), Ce (5.8), and REE (from 1.2 to 1.8). Relative to counterparts from MN1, separate fractions of MN2 are characterized by greater compositional difference. For example, increase in size of micronodules leads to decrease in contents of Fe (by 10 rel. %), Ce (2 times), W (2.1 times), Mo (2.2 times), and Co (1.5 times). At the same time one can see increase in contents of other elements: Th and Cu (2.1 times), Ni (1.9 times), and REE (from 1.2 to 1.6 times). Differences in chemical and mineral compositions of MN1 and MN2 fractions can be related to alternation of oxidative and suboxidative conditions in the sediments owing to input of labile organic matter, which acts as the major reducer, and allochthonous genesis of MN2.


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Analysis of rare earth element (REE) distribution and behavior in ore-bearing hydrothermal-sedimentary deposits from the Red Sea is carried out. Geochemical patterns and mechanisms of REE accumulation in metalliferous sediments of the open ocean and in deposits adjoined to areas of hydrothermal discharge are shown. Main factors, which determine composition of REE and the level of their accumulation in hydrothermal occurrences of the Red Sea, are considered.


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In Snake Pit massive sulfide fragments and friable, unconsolidated material recovered during ODP Leg 106, isocubanite and pyrite are generally the predominant phases, followed by marcasite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrrhotite. Detailed analyses of paragenetic relations of minerals indicate that isocubanite first precipitated together with pyrrhotite. With decreasing temperature, chalcopyrite and sphalerite precipitated, and at the latest stage colloform sphalerite-pyrite (or colloform marcasite) formed. Isocubanite usually has exsolution lamellae of chalcopyrite and less commonly of pyrrhotite. The average bulk chemical composition of the friable, unconsolidated material indicates that it is rich in copper, reflecting the dominance of isocubanite in the specimens, and is characterized by high Co, low Pb, and Ag contents. Sulfur isotope ratios are very uniform, ranging in d34S from +1.2 to +2.8 per mil. The obtained values are apparently low, compared to those for the eastern Pacific sulfide samples, reflecting a smaller contribution of seawater sulfate in the Snake Pit sulfide deposit.


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A combination of changes in the species composition of the radiolarian populations, and in the sediment chemical composition (content and mass accumulation rates of carbonate, organic carbon, and selected major and trace elements, with special attention paid to Ba) is used to reconstruct the variations in upwelling activity over the last 250 kyr in the Socotra gyre area (Somali-Socotra upwelling system, NW Indian Ocean). In the Socotra gyre (Core MD 962073 at 10°N), the variations in upwelling intensity are reconstructed by the upwelling radiolarian index (URI) while the thermocline/surface radiolarian index (TSRI) testifies to productivity variations during non-upwelling intervals. Despite an origin related both to marine and terrigenous inputs, the geochemical records of organic carbon, silica, and trace elements (Ba, P, Cu, and Zn) normalized to Al are controlled by the variations in surface paleoproductivity. The data indicate a continuous increase in upwelling intensity during the last 250 kyr with a maximum activity within the MIS 3, while high productivity periods in between the upwelling seasons occurred both during glacial and interglacial intervals. A comparison of our data with published observations from another gyre of the Somalian upwelling area located at 5°N in the Somali gyre area shows differences regarding periods of upwelling activity and their geochemical imprint. Three hypotheses are proposed to explain these differences: (1) changes in the planktonic community, resulting in more silica-rich deposits in the Socotra gyre, and more carbonate-rich deposits in the Somali gyre, that are controlled by differences in the source water of the upwelling; (2) a more important terrigenous input in the southern gyre; and (3) a different location of the sites relative to the geographic distribution of the upwelling gyres and hydrologic fronts.