986 resultados para Coordination chemistry


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Work in the area of molecule-based magnetic and/or conducting materials is presented in two projects. The first project describes the use of 4,4’-bipyridine as a scaffold for the preparation of a new family of tetracarboxamide ligands. Four new ligands I-III have been prepared and characterized and the coordination chemistry of these ligands is presented. This project was then extended to exploit 4,4’-bipyridine as a covalent linker between two N3O2 macrocyles. In this respect, three dimeric macrocycles have been prepared IV-VI. Substitution of the labile axial ligands of the Co(II) complex IV by [Fe(CN)6]4- afforded the self-assembly of the 1-D polymeric chain {[Co(N3O2)H2O]2Fe(CN)6}n•3H2O that has been structurally and magnetically characterized. Magnetic studies on the Fe(II) complexes V and VI indicate that they undergo incomplete spin crossover transitions in the solid state. Strategies for the preparation of chiral spin crossover N3O2 macrocycles are discussed and the synthesis of the novel chiral Fe(II) macrocyclic complex VII is reported. Magnetic susceptibility and Mössbauer studies reveal that this complex undergoes a gradual spin crossover in the solid state with no thermal hysteresis. Variable temperature X-ray diffraction studies on single crystals of VII reveal interesting structural changes in the coordination geometry of the macrocycle accompanying its SCO transition. The second project reports the synthesis and characterization of a new family of tetrathiafulvalene derivatives VIII – XII, where a heterocyclic chelating ligand is appended to a TTF donor via an imine linker. The coordination chemistries of these ligands with M(hfac)2.H2O (M( = Co, Ni, Mn, Cu) have been explored and the structural and magnetic properties of these complexes are described.


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The employment of the bridging/chelating Schiff bases, N-salicylidene-4-methyl-o-aminophenol (samphH2) and N-naphthalidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid (nacbH2), in nickel cluster chemistry has afforded eight polynuclear Ni(II) complexes with new structural motifs, interesting magnetic and optical properties, and unexpected organic ligand transformations. In the present thesis, Chapter 1 deals with all the fundamental aspects of polynuclear metal complexes, molecular magnetism and optics, while research results are reported in Chapters 2 and 3. In the first project (Chapter 2), I investigated the coordination chemistry of the organic chelating/bridging ligand, N-salicylidene-4-methyl-o-aminophenol (samphH2). The general NiII/tBuCO2-/samphH2 reaction system afforded two new tetranuclear NiII clusters, namely [Ni4(samph)4(EtOH)4] (1) and [Ni4(samph)4(DMF)2] (2), with different structural motifs. Complex 1 possessed a cubane core while in complex 2 the four NiII ions were located at the four vertices of a defective dicubane. The nature of the organic solvent was found to be of pivotal importance, leading to compounds with the same nuclearity, but different structural topologies and magnetic properties. The second project, the results of which are summarized in Chapter 3, included the systematic study of a new optically-active Schiff base ligand, N-naphthalidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid (nacbH2), in NiII cluster chemistry. Various reactions between NiX2 (X- = inorganic anions) and nacbH2 were performed under basic conditions to yield six new polynuclear NiII complexes, namely (NHEt3)[Ni12(nacb)12(H2O)4](ClO4) (3), (NHEt3)2[Ni5(nacb)4(L)(LH)2(MeOH)] (4), [Ni5(OH)2(nacb)4(DMF)4] (5), [Ni5(OMe)Cl(nacb)4(MeOH)3(MeCN)] (6), (NHEt3)2[Ni6(OH)2(nacb)6(H2O)4] (7), and [Ni6(nacb)6(H2O)3(MeOH)6] (8). The nature of the solvent, the inorganic anion, X-, and the organic base were all found to be of critical importance, leading to products with different structural topologies and nuclearities (i.e., {Ni5}, {Ni6} and {Ni12}). Magnetic studies on all synthesized complexes revealed an overall ferromagnetic behavior for complexes 4 and 8, with the remaining complexes being dominated by antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. In order to assess the optical efficiency of the organic ligand when bound to the metal centers, photoluminescence studies were performed on all synthesized compounds. Complexes 4 and 5 show strong emission in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Finally, the ligand nacbH2 allowed for some unexpected organic transformations to occur; for instance, the pentanuclear compound 5 comprises both nacb2- groups and a new organic chelate, namely the anion of 5-chloro-2-[(3-hydroxy-4-oxo-1,4-dihydronaphthalen-1-yl)amino]benzoic acid. In the last section of this thesis, an attempt to compare the NiII cluster chemistry of the N-naphthalidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid ligand with that of the structurally similar but less bulky, N-salicylidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid (sacbH2), was made.


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This thesis describes two different approaches for the preparation of polynuclear clusters with interesting structural, magnetic and optical properties. Firstly, exploiting p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene (TBC4) macrocycles together with selected Ln(III) ions for the assembly of emissive single molecule magnets, and secondly the preparation and coordination of a chiral mpmH ligand with selected 3d transition metal ions, working towards the discovery of chiral polynuclear clusters. In Project 1, the coordination chemistry of the TBC4 macrocycle together with Dy(III) and Tb(III) afforded two Ln6[TBC4]2 complexes that have been structurally, magnetically and optically characterized. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that both complexes contain an octahedral core of Ln6 ions capped by two fully deprotonated TBC4 macrocycles. Although the unit cells of the two complexes are very similar, the coordination geometries of their Ln(III) ions are subtly different. Variable temperature ac magnetic susceptibility studies reveal that both complexes display single molecule magnet (SMM) behaviour in zero dc field and the energy barriers and associated pre-exponential factors for each relaxation process have been determined. Low temperature solid state photoluminescence studies reveal that both complexes are emissive; however, the f-f transitions within the Dy6 complex were masked by broad emissions from the TBC4 ligand. In contrast, the Tb(III) complex displayed green emission with the spectrum comprising four sharp bands corresponding to 5D4 → 7FJ transitions (where J = 3, 4, 5 and 6), highlighting that energy transfer from the TBC4 macrocycle to the Tb(III) ion is more effective than to Dy. Examples of zero field Tb(III) SMMs are scarce in the chemical literature and the Tb6[TBC4]2 complex represents the first example of a Tb(III) dual property SMM assembled from a p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene macrocycle with two magnetically derived energy barriers, Ueff of 79 and 63 K. In Project 2, the coordination of both enantiomers of the chiral ligand, α-methyl-2-pyridinemethanol (mpmH) to Ni(II) and Co(II) afforded three polynuclear clusters that have been structurally and magnetically characterized. The first complex, a Ni4 cluster of stoichiometry [Ni4(O2CCMe3)4(mpm)4]·H2O crystallizes in a distorted cubane topology that is well known in Ni(II) cluster chemistry. The final two Co(II) complexes crystallize as a linear mixed valence trimer with stoichiometry [Co3(mpm)6]·(ClO4)2, and a Co4 mixed valence complex [Co(II)¬2Co(III)2(NO3)2(μ-mpm)4(ONO2)2], whose structural topology resembles that of a defective double cubane. All three complexes crystallize in chiral space groups and circular dichroism experiments further confirm that the chirality of the ligand has been transferred to the respective coordination complex. Magnetic susceptibility studies reveal that for all three complexes, there are competing ferro- and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. The [Co(II)¬2Co(III)2(NO3)2(μ-mpm)4(ONO2)2] complex represents the first example of a chiral mixed valence Co4 cluster with a defective double cubane topology.


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Dans un contexte où l’approvisionnement énergétique mondial du 21e siècle est un enjeu majeur, le développement de sources d’énergie renouvelables suscite l’attention croissante de la communauté scientifique et industrielle. L’énergie solaire est définitivement l’une des meilleures alternatives aux combustibles fossiles en tant que source d’énergie du monde de demain. Ce mémoire traite donc du développement de nouveaux matériaux organométalliques pour des applications de photorécoltage d’énergie en photovoltaïque et en production d’hydrogène. Le premier chapitre présente la synthèse assistée par microondes de quatre nouveaux complexes de Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) et Zn(II) basés sur le ligand tétra-p-méthoxyphényl-azadipyrrométhène (ADPM) avec des rendements variant de 89% à quantitatif. Ces complexes sont mis en relation avec d’autres complexes homoleptiques connus portant le tétraphényl-ADPM comme ligand ainsi qu’avec leurs chélates de BF2+ pour une meilleure compréhension des tendances engendrées par la substitution de l’agent coordonnant et/ou des substituants p-méthoxy. Pour ce faire, le comportement électrochimique et photophysique est présenté. De façon générale, la présence des quatre groupements p-méthoxy semble rendre les dérivés de cet ADPM plus susceptibles à la dégradation électrochimique en conditions d’oxydation et induire un déplacement bathochromique des propriétés optiques d’absorption et d’émission. Les structures rayons X du ligand tétra-p-méthoxyphényl-ADPM et de son complexe homoleptique de Co(II) sont aussi discutées. Cette étude a été effectuée dans l’espoir de fournir des informations utiles sur la stabilité des ADPM aux chercheurs du domaine photovoltaïque en quête de nouveaux chromophores dans le proche infrarouge (NIR). Le deuxième chapitre présente quant à lui les propriétés de senseur envers les anions F-, OAc- et H2PO4- de deux nouveaux complexes neutres de Re(I) de type mono- et dinucléaire basés sur une phénanthroline substituée en position 5 contenant un récepteur thio-urée. Ces composés ont été obtenus dans des rendements de 81% et 60%, respectivement. L’effet de la formation de ponts hydrogène lors de l’ajout d’anions versus la déprotonation du récepteur a été évalué par des titrations UV/Vis et RMN 1H et semble indiquer que la formation de la base conjuguée du récepteur est favorisée pour ce type de système. De plus, la structure rayons X d’un des précurseurs est présentée et permet une discussion sur la chiralité des complexes mono- et dinucléaire obtenus. L’obtention d’un complexe bimétallique par autoassemblage ouvre la voie à la préparation d’antennes moléculaires pour des systèmes de photosynthèse artificielle.


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Ce travail est axé vers la compréhension détaillée des propriétés de luminescence de composés de certains métaux lourds. La première partie de ce mémoire décrit la caractérisation spectroscopique d'un radical de type nitronyle nitroxyde, 2-(2-pyridinyl)-4,4,5,5-tétraméthyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazolyl-1-oxyl-3-oxyde, abrégé (NIT2-Py), et de ses complexes avec les cations Tb(III), [Tb(hfac)3NIT2-Py], et Y(III), [Y(hfac)3NIT2-Py]. La variation de la température affecte les spectres de luminescence qui montrent de la structure vibronique résolue. Les maxima de ces transitions vibroniques se rapprochent au fur et à mesure que la température augmente. Ces variations des maxima en fonction de la température ne correspondent pas à des variations de fréquences vibrationnelles et sont de l'ordre de 200 cm-1 entre 80 K et 240 K. La variation de la température n'a pas d'influence significative sur la structure moléculaire, comme atteste la variation mineure des maxima des spectres Raman entre 80 K et 300 K. La comparaison des spectres expérimentaux à des spectres calculés montre que ces variations peuvent être reproduites par l'utilisation d'une combinaison de fréquences vibrationnelles. Le paramètre dont la variation est très significative est la résolution du spectre de luminescence, représentée par la largeur à mi-hauteur des transitions vibroniques qui forment le spectre de luminescence. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire décrit les propriétés de luminescence d'une série de complexes d’or(I). Elles sont comparées aux changements structuraux à pression et température variable. Les interactions aurophiles ont une grande influence sur la luminescence. La variation de la température et de la pression est une approche efficace pour varier la luminescence. Les effets observés dans les spectres d'émission de ces complexes dépendent des changements de structure induits par variation de la température et de la pression. Ces petites variations structurales mènent à des changements importants, à titre d'exemple à un déplacement du maximum de la bande de luminescence de 60 cm-1/ kbar vers les faibles énergies pour un des complexes de l'or(I) étudiés au cours de ce projet.


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Coordination chemistry of schiff bases is of considerable interest due to their various magnetic, catalytic and biological applications. Here it describes the spectral characterization of schiff bases and its Mn (II), Cu (II) and Ni (II) complexes. Then synthesis and spectral characterization of Zn (II), Cd (II) and Co (II) complexes of schiff base derived from 3-Formylsalicilic Acid and 1,3-diaminopropane. Then it discusses the synthesis and spectral studies of Copper (II) complexes of 2-Hydroxyacetophenone N-phenyl semicarbazone. Finally it discusses the synthesis and spectral characterization of Co (III) complexes of salicylaldehyde N-phenyl semicarbazone. The preparation and characterization of Cobalt (III) complexes of salicylaldehyde, N-phenylthiosemicarbazone containing hetrocyclic bases phenalthroline and bipyridine. Thiocyanate, azide and perchlorate ions act as coligands. Elemental analysis suggests +3 state for Cobalt. HNMR, IR and UV-visible spectra characterize the complexes.


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The mononuclear cobalt(II) complex [CoL2] H2O (where HL is quinoxaline-2-carboxalidine- 2-amino-5-methylphenol) has been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis, conductivity measurement, IR, UV-Vis spectroscopy, TG-DTA, and X-ray structure determination. The crystallographic study shows that cobalt(II) is distorted octahedral with each tridentate NNO Schiff base in a cis arrangement. The crystal exhibits a 2-D polymeric structure parallel to [010] plane, formed by O-H...N and O-H... O intermolecular hydrogen bonds and pye stacking interactions, as a racemic mixture of optical enantiomers. The ligand is a Schiff base derived from quinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde


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The thesis deals with studies on the synthesis, characterisation and catalytic applications of some new transition metal complexes of the Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline 2-carboxaldehyde.. Schiff bases which are considered as ‘privileged ligands’ have the ability to stabilize different metals in different oxidation states and thus regulate the performance of metals in a large variety of catalytic transformations. The catalytic activity of the Schiff base complexes is highly dependant on the environment about the metal center and their conformational flexibility. Therefore it is to be expected that the introduction of bulky substituents near the coordination sites might lead to low symmetry complexes with enhanced catalytic properties. With this view new transition metal complexes of Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde have been synthesised. These Schiff bases have more basic donor nitrogen atoms and the presence of the quinoxaline ring may be presumed to build a favourable topography and electronic environment in the immediate coordination sphere of the metal. The aldehyde was condensed with amines 1,8-diaminonaphthalene, 2,3-diaminomaleonitrile, 1,2-diaminocyclohexane, 2-aminophenol and 4-aminoantipyrine to give the respective Schiff bases. The oxovanadium(IV), copper(II) and ruthenium(II)complexes of these Schiff bases were synthesised and characterised. All the oxovanadium(IV) complexes have binuclear structure with a square pyramidal geometry. Ruthenium and copper form mononuclear complexes with the Schiff base derived from 4- aminoantipyrine while binuclear square planar complexes are formed with the other Schiff bases. The catalytic activity of the copper complexes was evaluated in the hydroxylation of phenol with hydrogen peroxide as oxidant. Catechol and hydroquinone are the major products. Catalytic properties of the oxovanadium(IV) complexes were evaluated in the oxidation of cyclohexene with hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. Here allylic oxidation products rather than epoxides are formed as the major products. The ruthenium(II) complexes are found to be effective catalysts for the hydrogenation of benzene and toluene. The kinetics of hydrogenation was studied and a suitable mechanism has been proposed.


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A series of nonelectrolytic lanthanide(III) complexes, [ ML 2 Cl 3 ] · 2 H 2 O, where M is lanthanum(III), praseodymium(III), neodymium(III), samarium(III), gadolinium(III), terbium(III), dysprosium(III), and yttrium(III), containing sulfamethoxazole ligand (L) are prepared. The structure and bonding of the ligand are studied by elemental analysis, magnetic susceptibility measurements, IR, 1 H NMR, TG / DTA , X-ray diffraction studies, and electronic spectra of the complexes. The stereochemistry around the metal ions is a monocapped trigonal prism in which four of the coordination sites are occupied by two each from two chelating ligands, sulfonyl oxygen, and nitrogen of the amide group and the remaining three positions are occupied by three chlorines. The ligand and the new complexes were tested in vitro to evaluate their activity against the bacteria Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.


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Schiff base complexes of transition metal ions have played a significant role in coordination chemistry.The convenient route of synthesis and thermal stability of Schiff base complexes have contributed significantly for their possible applications in catalysis,biology,medicine and photonics.Significant variations in cataltytic activity with structure and type are observed for these complexes.The thesis deals with synthsis and characterization of transition metal complexes of quinoxaline based Schiff base ligands and their catalytic activity study.The Schiff bases synthesized in the present study are quinoxaline-2-carboxalidine-2-amino-5-methylphenol,3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxalidine-2-amino-5-methylphenol,quinoxaline-2-aminothiophenol.They provide great structural diversity during complexation.To the best of our knowledge, the transition metal complexes of quinoxaline based Schiff bases are poorly utilised in academic and industrial research.


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Coordination chemistry of pentadentate 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(thiosemicarbazone) Schiff base ligands has been intensively studied due to the versatility of the molecular chain in order to obtain very different geometries as well as their broad therapeutic activity. Metal complexes of thiosemicarbazone with aldehydes and ketones have been widely reported. But there have been fewer reports on potential pentadentate bis(thiosemicarbazones) formed from 2,6-diacetylpyridine. Keeping these in view, we have synthesized four bis(thiosemicarbazone) systems with 2,6-diacetylpyridine. In the present work, the chelating behavior of bis(thiosemicarbazones) are studied, with the aim of investigating the influence of coordination exerts on their conformation and or configuration, in connection with the nature of the metal and of the counter ion. The selection of the 2,6-diacetylpyridine as the ketonic part was based on its capability to form polynuclear complexes with different coordination number. The doubled armed bis(thiosemicarbazones) can coordinate to a metal centre as dianionic ligand by losing its amide protons or it can coordinate as monoanionic ligand by losing its amide proton from one of the thiosemicarbazone moiety or it can also be coordinate as neutral ligand. Hence it is interesting to explore the coordinating capabilities of these ligands whether in neutral form or anionic form and to study the structural variations occurring in the ligands during complexation such as change in conformation.


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Schiff base complexes of transition metal ions have played a significant role in coordination chemistry.In the present study we have synthesized some new Mn(II),Co(II) and Cu(II) complexes of Schiff bases derived from 1,8-diaminonaphthalene.Even though we could not isolate theses Schiff bases (as they readily cyclise to form the perimidine compounds),we were able to characterize unequivacally the complexes synthesized from these compounds as complexes of Schiff Bases. We Synthesized three perimidine derivatives ,2-(quinoxalin-2-yl)-2,3-dihydro-1H-perimidine,2-(2,3-dihydro-1H-perimidin-2-yl)-6-methoxyphenol and 4-(2,3-dihyro-1H-perimidin-2-yl)-2-methoxyphenol by the condensation of 1,8-diaminonaphthalene with quinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde,2- hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde or 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde respectively.Theses compounds were used as precursor ligands for the preparation of Schiff base complexes.The complexes were characterized by using elemental analysis ,conductance and magnetic susceptibility measuremets ,infrared and UV-Visible spectroscopy ,thermogravimetric analysis and EPR spectroscopy .We also encapsulated the complexes in zeolite Y matrix and these encapsulated complexes were also characterized. We have also tried theses complexes as catalysts in the oxidation of cyclohexanol and decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.


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Studies on transition metal complexes have achieved a great interest due to their versatile applications.The convenient route for synthesis,the nature of ligands and stability of metal complexes has significant contributions in their applications in medicine,biology,catalysis and photonics.The present work deals wth the synthesis and characterization of metal complexes of some tridentate acylhydrazones .Hydrazones are promising ligands in coordination chemistry with interesting binding modes and applications.The acylhydrazones chosen for the current study are capable of forming complexes in different forms through tautomerism.


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The present work deals with the complexation of Schiff bases of aroylhydrazides with various transition metal ions. The hydrazone systems selected for study are capable of forming bridged polymeric structures which is one of the fascinating subjects in the crystal engineering of coordination polymers owing to their attractive new topologies and intriguing structural features. Complexation with metal ions like copper, manganese, vanadium, nickel, palladium, zinc and cadmium are tried. Various spectral techniques are employed for characterization. The structures of some complexes have been well established by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies.The work is presented in seven chapters and the last section deals with summary and conclusion. The studies reveal that the aroylhydrazone systems vary in their geometrical configuration depending on the substituents. The coordination modes of the ligands also differ upon chelating with metal ions. One of the hydrazone system selected for study proved that it could give rise to polymeric metal complexes.