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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados anatômicos pós-operatórios de pacientes portadoras de prolapso uterino tratadas utilizando tela de polipropileno para correção dos defeitos do assoalho pélvico, comparando histerectomia vaginal com a preservação do útero. MÉTODO: Estudo randomizado com 31 mulheres portadoras de prolapso uterino estádio III ou IV (POP-Q) divididas em dois grupos: Grupo HV- 15 mulheres submetidas à histerectomia vaginal e reconstrução da anatomia do assoalho pélvico com tela de polipropileno tipo I (Nazca R-Promedon) e Grupo HP- 16 mulheres mulheres submetidas à reconstrução da anatomia do assoalho pélvico com tela de polipropileno tipo I (Nazca R-Promedon) preservando o útero. Raça, urgência miccional, constipação intestinal, dor sacral, sangramento e tempo de operação foram os parâmetros analisados. RESULTADOS: O tempo de seguimento médio foi de nove meses. Não se observou diferença entre os grupos nas complicações funcionais. O tempo cirúrgico foi 120 minutos para grupo HV versus 58.9 minutos para grupo HP ( p < 0.001 ) e o volume de perda sanguínea intraoperatória foi 120 mL no grupo HV versus 20 mL para grupo HP ( p < 0.001*). A taxa de sucesso objetivo foi 86.67% para grupo HV e 75% para grupo HP (p = 0,667). A taxa de erosão de tela foi 20% (3/15) de extrusão no grupo HV versus 18,75% (3/16) no grupo HP (p = 1,000). CONCLUSÃO: A correção cirúrgica do assoalho pélvico com telas nas portadoras de prolapso uterino apresentaram similaridade quer sendo ela feita com histeropexia quer com histerectomia. Contudo, o tempo cirúrgico e o volume da perda sanguínea foram significantemente maiores no grupo com histerectromia (HV). Operações vaginais com telas são procedimentos efetivos para a correção do prolapso.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de duas temperaturas e condições de atmosfera controlada (AC) sobre a conservação de pêssegos da cultivar Maciel, colhidos em dois estádios de maturação. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: armazenamento refrigerado (AR) na temperatura de +0,5°C; AR na temperatura de -0,5°C; 2,0kPa O2 + 4,0kPa CO2 em -0,5°C; 1,0kPa O2 + 3,0kPa CO2 em -0,5°C; 2,0kPa O2 + 6,0kPa CO2 em -0,5°C. As avaliações foram realizadas após 60 dias de armazenamento e mais dois e quatro dias de exposição dos frutos à temperatura de 20ºC. Na análise realizada após dois meses de armazenamento, mais dois dias a 20°C, verificou-se que os frutos submetidos a 2,0kPa de O2 + 4,0 kPa de CO2 apresentaram maior firmeza de polpa em relação aos demais tratamentos, sendo que a mesma não foi influenciada pelo estádio de maturação. Os sólidos solúveis totais foram maiores em frutos com estádio de maturação maduro independente da condição de armazenamento. A ocorrência de podridões e escurecimento interno da polpa não foi influenciada pelo estádio de maturação. No entanto, a condição de AC de 1,0 kPa de O2 + 3,0kPa de CO2 proporcionou o menor percentual de podridões e escurecimento interno da polpa em relação aos demais tratamentos. Na avaliação realizada aos quatro dias de exposição a 20°C, os frutos colhidos no estádio maduro estavam completamente podres, independente da condição de armazenamento praticada.


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Estudou-se o efeito da infiltração de magnésio e cálcio no desenvolvimento de sintomas de bitter pit de maçãs 'Gala'. Examinou-se, também, a eficiência da infiltração de magnésio e da aceleração da maturação de maçãs 'Royal Gala' como métodos de previsão da ocorrência de bitter pit após o armazenamento. No primeiro experimento, maçãs 'Gala' foram infiltradas com MgCl2; CaCl2 ou MgCl2 mais CaCl2. No segundo experimento, maçãs 'Royal Gala' foram infiltradas com MgCl2; ou imersas em solução contendo ethephon por cinco minutos. Como controle, frutos de cada cultivar foram armazenados em atmosfera controlada por seis meses mais 18 dias a 20°C. Frutos infiltrados com MgCl2 apresentaram significativo acréscimo na incidência e severidade de bitter pit, proporcional à concentração de MgCl2 na solução. Frutos infiltrados com CaCl2 não apresentaram sintomas de bitter pit. A aceleração da maturação de maçãs 'Royal Gala' na colheita foi efetiva na previsão de bitter pit após o armazenamento.


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Introduction. This protocol aims at detecting and quantifying quiescent infections of Colletotrichum musae on bananas. The principle, key advantages, starting plant material, time required and expected results are presented. Materials and methods. The materials required and details of the three steps of the protocol (fruit sampling, fruit ripening and anthracnose lesion quantification) are described. Possible troubleshooting is discussed. Results. The protocol results in the quantification of anthracnose lesions on the fruits, which makes it possible to predict postharvest losses due to anthracnose (peel rot), and also to propose a better management of postharvest fungicide applications.


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Introduction. This protocol aims at measuring the mechanical characteristics of bananas, especially peel and fruit hardness, and pulp firmness; it can also allow the mechanical characterisation of green or ripening fruit of different pedo-climatic origins and/or varieties. Materials and methods. This part describes the required laboratory materials and the three steps necessary for the measurement of the mechanical characteristics of bananas. Results. The data allow the drawing of a curve characterising the firmness of the fruit (slope), hardness of the peel (peak) and hardness of the pulp (plateau).


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Banana, an important component in the diet of the global population, is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. This fruit is also very favorable to industry processes (e. g., fermented beverages) due to its rich content on soluble solids and minerals, with low acidity. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of factors such as banana weight and extraction time during a hot aqueous extraction process on the total soluble solids content of banana. The extract is to be used by the food and beverage industries. The experiments were performed with 105 mL of water, considering the moisture of the ripe banana (65%). Total sugar concentrations were obtained in a beer analyzer and the result expressed in degrees Plato (degrees P, which is the weight of the extract or the sugar equivalent in 100 g solution at 20 degrees C), aiming at facilitating the use of these results by the beverage industries. After previous studies of characterization of the fruit and of ripening performance, a 2(2) full-factorial star design was carried out, and a model was developed to describe the behavior of the dependent variable (total soluble solids) as a function of the factors (banana weight and extraction time), indicating as optimum conditions for extraction 38.5 g of banana at 39.7 min.


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The citriculture in Brazil, as well as in other important regions in the world, is based on very few mandarin cultivars. This fact leads to a short harvest period and higher prices for off-season fruit. The `Okitsu` Satsuma (Citrus unshiu Marc.) is among the earliest ripening mandarin cultivars and it is considered to be tolerant to, citrus canker (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al.) and to citrus variegated chlorosis (Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al.). Despite having regular fruit quality under hot climate conditions, the early fruit maturation and absence of seeds of `Okitsu` fruits are well suited for the local market in the summer(December through March), when the availability of citrus fruits for fresh consumption is limited. Yet, only a few studies have been conducted in Brazil on rootstocks for `Okitsu`. Consequently, a field trial was carried out in Bebeclouro, Sao Paulo State, to evaluate the horticultural performance of `Okitsu` Satsuma mandarin budded onto 12 rootstocks: the citrandarin `Changsha` mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) x Poncirus trifoliata `English Small`: the hybrid Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) x `Swingle` citrumelo (P. trifoliata (L.) Raf. x Citrus paradisi Macfad.); the trifoliates (P. trifoliata (L) Raf)`Rubidoux`,`FCAV` and `Flying Dragon`(P. trifoliata var. monstrosa); the mandarins `Sun Chu Sha Kat`(C. reticulata Blanco) and `Sunki`(Citrus sunki (Hayata) Hort. ex. Tanaka); the Rangpur limes (C. limonia Osbeck) `Cravo Limeira` and `Cravo FCAV`;`Carrizo` citrange (Citrus sinensis x P. trifoliata), `Swingle` citrumelo (P. trifoliata x C. paradisi), and `Orlando` tangelo (C. paradisi x Citrus tangerina cv. `Dancy`). The experimental grove was planted in 2001, using a 6 m x 3 m spacing, in a randomized block design. No supplementary irrigation was applied. Fruit yield, canopy volume, and fruit quality were assessed for each rootstock. A cluster multivariate analysis identified three different rootstock pairs with similar effects on plant growth, yield and fruit quality of `Okitsu` mandarin. The `Flying Dragon `trifoliate had a unique effect over the `Okitsu` trees performance, inducing lower canopy volume and higher yield efficiency and fruit quality, and might be suitable for high-density plantings. The `Cravo Limeira` and `Cravo FCAV` Rangpur limes induced early-ripening of fruits, with low fruit quality. `Sun Chu Sha Kat` and `Sunki` mandarins and the `Orlando` tangelo conferred lower yield efficiency and less content of soluble solids for the latter rootstock. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work aimed to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of IBA (indolbutyric acid) in the rooting and growth of Eucalyptus urophylla cuttings. The experimental design used was the randomized blocks, in factorial with an arrangement of split plots, with three concentrations of IBA (2.000; 5.000 and 8.000 mg L(-1)), two ways of the application of plant gowth regulators (paste and powder), and three period of evaluations (30, 45 and 60 days). The experiment was carried out in the Farm Buriti de Prata, an entreprise property of Souza Cruz, in the city of Prata - MG in 2003. After the preparation of the cuttings, patterned in 10 cm of length and 0.8 cm of diameter, those were immersed in mixtures of IBA for 10 seconds, in the forms of dry powder and paste and than planted in plastic tubes contening Plantmax substrate with vermiculite. The cuttings were transported to greenhouse with controled humidity, where they remained for 60 days. The variables studied were: height of plant in the 30(th), 45(th) and 60(th) days after seeding; fresh mass of the aerial part and roots. The IBA applied in powder form as well as in paste form, resulted in an greater seedling growth. To the 60 days, the seedlings presented greater growth, being significantly superior to the heights measured in other times of evaluation. The application of 2.000 mg L(-1) and 5,000 mg L(-1) resulted in significant increases on weight of fresh mass of the aerial part and root system.


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Aims: Geographical indication plays an important role in the improvement of wine quality. In this context, the search for new grape growing areas has been constant. The Sao Francisco River Valley in the cerrado of Minas Gerais State (Brazil) has been pointed out in the Geoviticulture Multicriteria Climatic Classification System (MCC System) as a potentially winegrowing region, especially considering the autumn-winter period when night temperatures are favorable to grape ripening. In this work, we studied the maturation curves and fruit composition of four wine grape varieties (Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet-Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc) in two growing seasons in order to validate the state of Minas Gerais as a new winegrowing region in Brazil. Methods and results: Quality parameters (berry weight, pH, titratable acidity and total soluble solids) were measured weekly from veraison to harvest, and sugar, organic acid, anthocyanin and phenolic concentrations were determined in must and berry skins and seeds at harvest. Syrah berries showed the highest weight throughout maturation which contributed to higher yield (8.92 ton ha(-1)), followed closely by Merlot (8.07 ton ha(-1)). Bern, sugar concentrations were higher and malic acid levels were lower than the values usually observed in wine grapes harvested during summer in traditional winegrowing regions in Brazil. Cabernet Franc showed lower levels of anthocyanins and skin phenolics per kg berries and the highest values of seed phenolics, which were not affected by growing season. Conclusion: Weather conditions of the cerrado of Minas Gerais State in Brazil during winter allowed complete maturation of Cabernet-Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Syrah cultivars as revealed by the satisfactory sugar, anthocyanin and skin phenolic accumulation. Significance and impact of the study: This study revealed the potential of the cerrado ecoregion in the northeast of Minas Gerais to become a new winemaking region in Brazil.


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The objective of this research was to verify the effect of drying conditions on thermal properties and resistant starch content of green banana flour (Musa cavendishii). The green banana flour is a complex-carbohydrates source, mainly of resistant starch, and quantifying its gelatinization is important to understand how it affects food processing and the functional properties of the flour. The green banana flour was obtained by drying unripe peeled bananas (first stage of ripening) in a dryer tunnel at 52 degrees C, 55 degrees C and 58 degrees C and air velocity at 0.6 m s(-1), 1.0 m s(-1) and 1.4 m s(-1). The results obtained from differential scanning calorimetry, (DSC) curves show a single endothermic transition and a flow of maximum heating at peak temperatures from (67.95 +/- 0.31)degrees C to (68.63 +/- 0.28) degrees C. ANOVA shows that only drying temperature influenced significantly (P < 0.05) the gelatinization peak temperature (Tp). Gelatinization enthalpy (Delta H) varied from 9.04 J g(-1) to 11.63 J g(-1) and no significant difference was observed for either temperature or air velocity. The resistant starch content of the flour produced varied from (40.9 +/- 0.4) g/100 g to (58.5 +/- 5.4) g/100 g, on dry basis (d. b.), and was influenced by the combination of drying conditions: flour produced at 55 degrees C/1.4 m s(-1) and 55 degrees C/1.0 m s(-1) presented higher content of resistant starch. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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Fruits represent a rich source of soluble and insoluble fibre, and the pectin is the most common and known soluble fraction from the cell wall solubilization occurring during fruit ripening. Banana fruit, for example, is one of the most consumed fruits in the world, but its non-starch polysaccharide composition is almost unknown. Despite few works have been carried out about the enzymes concerning cell wall loosening focusing banana ripening, there is no knowledge about the composition of the banana cell wall. Moreover, there is no information about the influence of the cultivar in that composition. Nanicao and Mysore cultivars were chosen for this work because of their differential accumulation of both starch during development and amounts of total fibre in the ripe fruit. Nanicao and Mysore had their fibres subfractioned and their composition analysed. Results showed that the cultivars are distinct not only in terms of starch and soluble sugars accumulation, but also in non-starch polysaccharides amounts and composition. Non-starch polysaccharides are similar in total amounts in both banana cultivars (similar to 3.5), but substantially different in the content of CDTA and NaOH-4M soluble fractions and also in the molecular mass distribution of WSP and CDTA. Nanicao has more calcium-linked pectin than Mysore, which in turn is richer in hemicellulose-like polysaccharides. Both cultivars likewise cereals polysaccharides seem to be composed of galacturonans and arabinoxylans.(c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Application of the thermal sum concept was developed to determine the optimal harvesting stage of new banana hybrids to be grown for export. It was tested on two triploid hybrid bananas, FlhorBan 916 (F916) and FlhorBan 918 (F918), created by CIRAD`s banana breeding programme, using two different approaches. The first approach was used with F916 and involved calculating the base temperature of bunches sampled at two sites at the ripening stage, and then determining the thermal sum at which the stage of maturity would be identical to that of the control Cavendish export banana. The second approach was used to assess the harvest stage of F918 and involved calculating the two thermal parameters directly, but using more plants and a longer period. Using the linear regression model, the estimated thermal parameters were a thermal sum of 680 degree-days (dd) at a base temperature of 17.0 degrees C for cv. F916, and 970 dd at 13.9 degrees C for cv. F918. This easy-to-use method provides quick and reliable calculations of the two thermal parameters required at a specific harvesting stage for a given banana variety in tropical climate conditions. Determining these two values is an essential step for gaining insight into the agronomic features of a new variety and its potential for export. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Experiments were performed to determine whether the dormancy release effect of hydrated storage in darkness (dark-stratification) is common amongst annual ryegrass populations and has the potential to occur under field conditions. Dormant seeds from all populations tested (22) became sensitive to light during dark-stratification, enabling them to germinate when subsequently exposed to light. Under controlled temperature (25/15degreesC), light (12-h photoperiod), and hydration (solidified agar-water) conditions, more seeds germinated by 28 days if the first 14 days were in darkness followed by exposure to light for 12 h per day than if they were exposed to light throughout or darkness throughout. Constraint over the conditions imposed during dark-stratification and germination was gradually reduced to investigate whether the dormancy release effect was diminished. Dark-stratification was effective in promoting germination when performed under natural diurnal temperatures, and burial in moist soil provided suitable conditions for dark-stratification to occur. The surface of moist soil, with natural diurnal temperatures and sunlight, was suitable for germination of dark-stratified seeds. Dark-stratification is a quick and effective means to enhance the sensitivity of dormant annual ryegrass seeds to light, enabling the majority of the population to germinate. However, large quantities of light are required to promote germination of dark-stratified seeds, so buried seeds must be moved to the soil surface to allow exposure to adequate light for germination.


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The role of temperature and rainfall during seed development in modulating subsequent seed dormancy status was studied for Lolium rigidum Gaud. (annual ryegrass). Climatic parameters relating to geographic origin were compared with annual ryegrass seed dormancy characteristics for seeds collected from 12 sites across the southern Western Australian cropping region. Seed germination was tested soon after collection and periodically during subsequent after-ripening. Temperature in the year of seed development and long-term rainfall patterns showed correlations with aspects of seed dormancy, particularly the proportion of seeds remaining dormant following 5 months of after-ripening. Consequently, for one population the temperature (warm/cool) and water supply (adequate/reduced) during seed development were manipulated to investigate the role of maternal environment in the quantity and dormancy characteristics of seeds produced. Seeds from plants grown at warm temperatures were fewer in number, weighed less, and were less dormant than those from plants grown at cool temperature. Seeds that developed under both cool temperature and reduced moisture conditions lost dormancy faster than seeds from well-watered plants. Seed maturation environment, particularly temperature, can have a significant effect on annual ryegrass seed numbers and seed dormancy characteristics.