935 resultados para Control Strategy
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We evaluated oil and powder formulations of Melia azedarach for controlling larvae of Diabrotica speciosa (Germar) in corn and plant enhancement. Five concentrations of each formulation were evaluated and compared to fipronil (negative control) and distilled water (positive control). After treatment, the number of surviving insects (larvae, pupae, and adults), the adult body weight, the sex ratio, and the longevity were recorded, while the height, dry weight of aerial part and roots, and number of leaves of plants were measured. The oil formulation at 4.0 mL reduced the larvae population of D. speciosa similarly to the insecticide fipronil, which resulted in greater height, dry weight of the root system, and number of leaves. Powder formulation at concentrations of 40, 80, and 160 mg caused larval mortality above 80%; however, these concentrations did not prevent reduction of plant height and dry weight of aerial part. Further studies assessing the residual period of M. azedarach control against D. speciosa larvae and its phytotoxicity, which are common traits associated with azadirachtin application, are necessary to subsidize the next steps of this alternative control strategy.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Ball and Beam system is a common didactical experiment in control laboratories that can be used to illustrate many different closed-loop control techniques. The plant itself is subjected to many nonlinear effects, which the most common comes from the relative motion between the ball and the beam. The modeling process normally uses the lagrangean formulation. However, many other nonlinear effects, such as non-viscous friction, beam flexibility, ball slip, actuator elasticity, collisions at the end of the beam, to name a few, are present. Besides that, the system is naturally unstable. In this work, we analyze a subset of these characteristics, in which the ball rolls with slipping and the friction force between the ball and the beam is non-viscous (Coulomb friction). Also, we consider collisions at the ends of the beam, the actuator consists of a (rubber made) belt attached at the free ends of the beam and connected to a DC motor. The model becomes, with those nonlinearities, a differential inclusion system. The elastic coefficients of the belt are experimentally identified, as well as the collision coefficients. The nonlinear behavior of the system is studied and a control strategy is proposed.
Saccadic eye movements have been shown to affect posture by decreasing the magnitude of body sway in young adults. However, there is no evidence of how the search for visual information that occurs during eye movements affects postural control in older adults. The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of saccadic eye movements on postural control in older adults while they stood on 2 different bases of support. Twelve older adults stood upright in 70-s trials under 2 stance conditions (wide and narrow) and 3 gaze conditions (fixation, saccadic eye movements at 0.5 Hz, and saccadic eye movements at 1.1 Hz). Head and trunk sway amplitude and mean sway frequency were measured in both the anterior/posterior (AP) and medial/lateral (ML) directions. The results showed that the amplitude of body sway was reduced during saccades compared with fixation, as previously observed in young adults. However, older adults exhibited similar sway amplitude and frequency in the AP direction under the wide and narrow stance conditions, which is different from observations in young adults, who display larger sway in a narrow stance compared with a wide stance while performing saccades. These results suggest that although older adults are affected by saccadic eye movements by a decrease in the amplitude of body sway, as observed in young adults, they present a more rigid postural control strategy that does not allow larger sway during a more challenging stance condition.
Biological control of the bronze bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, in eucalyptus plantations in Brazil
The bronze bug Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) was detected in Brazil in 2008 and infested >180 000 ha of eucalyptus plantations in 2011. The bronze bug can cause a reduction of 10–15% in wood productivity after 2 years of heavy infestation. Although there is not an effective control method known, biological control is the main control strategy studied. An exotic egg parasitoid, Cleruchoides noackae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), was imported from Australia in 2012, reared in a laboratory and released in three Brazilian regions. Parasitoids were recovered at release points after 20–30 d. In 2013, preliminary evaluations demonstrated parasitoid establishment in these areas, and the parasitoid was recovered in adjacent areas after 1 year of release. Bioassays confi rmed egg parasitism of 15–20% by C. noackae. Other native natural enemies were studied. We found green lacewing Chrysoperla externa and predatory bugs Supputius cincticeps and Atopozelus opsimus preying on nymphs and/or adults of T. peregrinus. Another promising possibility is entomopathogenic fungi. Commercial formulations of Beauveria bassiana were tested with success in lab and fi eld conditions. Fusarium proliferatum and Paecilomyces cateniannulatus caused mortality of T. peregrinus in natural epizooties. After 5 years of research, it is possible to develop an integrated pest management system (IPM) for eucalyptus plantations based on biocontrol strategy for bronze bug.
In this paper, we consider the stochastic optimal control problem of discrete-time linear systems subject to Markov jumps and multiplicative noises under two criteria. The first one is an unconstrained mean-variance trade-off performance criterion along the time, and the second one is a minimum variance criterion along the time with constraints on the expected output. We present explicit conditions for the existence of an optimal control strategy for the problems, generalizing previous results in the literature. We conclude the paper by presenting a numerical example of a multi-period portfolio selection problem with regime switching in which it is desired to minimize the sum of the variances of the portfolio along the time under the restriction of keeping the expected value of the portfolio greater than some minimum values specified by the investor. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ever-increasing spread of automation in industry puts the electrical engineer in a central role as a promoter of technological development in a sector such as the use of electricity, which is the basis of all the machinery and productive processes. Moreover the spread of drives for motor control and static converters with structures ever more complex, places the electrical engineer to face new challenges whose solution has as critical elements in the implementation of digital control techniques with the requirements of inexpensiveness and efficiency of the final product. The successfully application of solutions using non-conventional static converters awake an increasing interest in science and industry due to the promising opportunities. However, in the same time, new problems emerge whose solution is still under study and debate in the scientific community During the Ph.D. course several themes have been developed that, while obtaining the recent and growing interest of scientific community, have much space for the development of research activity and for industrial applications. The first area of research is related to the control of three phase induction motors with high dynamic performance and the sensorless control in the high speed range. The management of the operation of induction machine without position or speed sensors awakes interest in the industrial world due to the increased reliability and robustness of this solution combined with a lower cost of production and purchase of this technology compared to the others available in the market. During this dissertation control techniques will be proposed which are able to exploit the total dc link voltage and at the same time capable to exploit the maximum torque capability in whole speed range with good dynamic performance. The proposed solution preserves the simplicity of tuning of the regulators. Furthermore, in order to validate the effectiveness of presented solution, it is assessed in terms of performance and complexity and compared to two other algorithm presented in literature. The feasibility of the proposed algorithm is also tested on induction motor drive fed by a matrix converter. Another important research area is connected to the development of technology for vehicular applications. In this field the dynamic performances and the low power consumption is one of most important goals for an effective algorithm. Towards this direction, a control scheme for induction motor that integrates within a coherent solution some of the features that are commonly required to an electric vehicle drive is presented. The main features of the proposed control scheme are the capability to exploit the maximum torque in the whole speed range, a weak dependence on the motor parameters, a good robustness against the variations of the dc-link voltage and, whenever possible, the maximum efficiency. The second part of this dissertation is dedicated to the multi-phase systems. This technology, in fact, is characterized by a number of issues worthy of investigation that make it competitive with other technologies already on the market. Multiphase systems, allow to redistribute power at a higher number of phases, thus making possible the construction of electronic converters which otherwise would be very difficult to achieve due to the limits of present power electronics. Multiphase drives have an intrinsic reliability given by the possibility that a fault of a phase, caused by the possible failure of a component of the converter, can be solved without inefficiency of the machine or application of a pulsating torque. The control of the magnetic field spatial harmonics in the air-gap with order higher than one allows to reduce torque noise and to obtain high torque density motor and multi-motor applications. In one of the next chapters a control scheme able to increase the motor torque by adding a third harmonic component to the air-gap magnetic field will be presented. Above the base speed the control system reduces the motor flux in such a way to ensure the maximum torque capability. The presented analysis considers the drive constrains and shows how these limits modify the motor performance. The multi-motor applications are described by a well-defined number of multiphase machines, having series connected stator windings, with an opportune permutation of the phases these machines can be independently controlled with a single multi-phase inverter. In this dissertation this solution will be presented and an electric drive consisting of two five-phase PM tubular actuators fed by a single five-phase inverter will be presented. Finally the modulation strategies for a multi-phase inverter will be illustrated. The problem of the space vector modulation of multiphase inverters with an odd number of phases is solved in different way. An algorithmic approach and a look-up table solution will be proposed. The inverter output voltage capability will be investigated, showing that the proposed modulation strategy is able to fully exploit the dc input voltage either in sinusoidal or non-sinusoidal operating conditions. All this aspects are considered in the next chapters. In particular, Chapter 1 summarizes the mathematical model of induction motor. The Chapter 2 is a brief state of art on three-phase inverter. Chapter 3 proposes a stator flux vector control for a three- phase induction machine and compares this solution with two other algorithms presented in literature. Furthermore, in the same chapter, a complete electric drive based on matrix converter is presented. In Chapter 4 a control strategy suitable for electric vehicles is illustrated. Chapter 5 describes the mathematical model of multi-phase induction machines whereas chapter 6 analyzes the multi-phase inverter and its modulation strategies. Chapter 7 discusses the minimization of the power losses in IGBT multi-phase inverters with carrier-based pulse width modulation. In Chapter 8 an extended stator flux vector control for a seven-phase induction motor is presented. Chapter 9 concerns the high torque density applications and in Chapter 10 different fault tolerant control strategies are analyzed. Finally, the last chapter presents a positioning multi-motor drive consisting of two PM tubular five-phase actuators fed by a single five-phase inverter.
This thesis deals with distributed control strategies for cooperative control of multi-robot systems. Specifically, distributed coordination strategies are presented for groups of mobile robots. The formation control problem is initially solved exploiting artificial potential fields. The purpose of the presented formation control algorithm is to drive a group of mobile robots to create a completely arbitrarily shaped formation. Robots are initially controlled to create a regular polygon formation. A bijective coordinate transformation is then exploited to extend the scope of this strategy, to obtain arbitrarily shaped formations. For this purpose, artificial potential fields are specifically designed, and robots are driven to follow their negative gradient. Artificial potential fields are then subsequently exploited to solve the coordinated path tracking problem, thus making the robots autonomously spread along predefined paths, and move along them in a coordinated way. Formation control problem is then solved exploiting a consensus based approach. Specifically, weighted graphs are used both to define the desired formation, and to implement collision avoidance. As expected for consensus based algorithms, this control strategy is experimentally shown to be robust to the presence of communication delays. The global connectivity maintenance issue is then considered. Specifically, an estimation procedure is introduced to allow each agent to compute its own estimate of the algebraic connectivity of the communication graph, in a distributed manner. This estimate is then exploited to develop a gradient based control strategy that ensures that the communication graph remains connected, as the system evolves. The proposed control strategy is developed initially for single-integrator kinematic agents, and is then extended to Lagrangian dynamical systems.
Hybrid vehicles (HV), comprising a conventional ICE-based powertrain and a secondary energy source, to be converted into mechanical power as well, represent a well-established alternative to substantially reduce both fuel consumption and tailpipe emissions of passenger cars. Several HV architectures are either being studied or already available on market, e.g. Mechanical, Electric, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Hybrid Vehicles. Among the others, Electric (HEV) and Mechanical (HSF-HV) parallel Hybrid configurations are examined throughout this Thesis. To fully exploit the HVs potential, an optimal choice of the hybrid components to be installed must be properly designed, while an effective Supervisory Control must be adopted to coordinate the way the different power sources are managed and how they interact. Real-time controllers can be derived starting from the obtained optimal benchmark results. However, the application of these powerful instruments require a simplified and yet reliable and accurate model of the hybrid vehicle system. This can be a complex task, especially when the complexity of the system grows, i.e. a HSF-HV system assessed in this Thesis. The first task of the following dissertation is to establish the optimal modeling approach for an innovative and promising mechanical hybrid vehicle architecture. It will be shown how the chosen modeling paradigm can affect the goodness and the amount of computational effort of the solution, using an optimization technique based on Dynamic Programming. The second goal concerns the control of pollutant emissions in a parallel Diesel-HEV. The emissions level obtained under real world driving conditions is substantially higher than the usual result obtained in a homologation cycle. For this reason, an on-line control strategy capable of guaranteeing the respect of the desired emissions level, while minimizing fuel consumption and avoiding excessive battery depletion is the target of the corresponding section of the Thesis.
The present study was conducted to estimate the direct losses due to Neospora caninum in Swiss dairy cattle and to assess the costs and benefits of different potential control strategies. A Monte Carlo simulation spreadsheet module was developed to estimate the direct costs caused by N. caninum, with and without control strategies, and to estimate the costs of these control strategies in a financial analysis. The control strategies considered were "testing and culling of seropositive female cattle", "discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows", "chemotherapeutical treatment of female offspring" and "vaccination of all female cattle". Each parameter in the module that was considered to be uncertain, was described using probability distributions. The simulations were run with 20,000 iterations over a time period of 25 years. The median annual losses due to N. caninum in the Swiss dairy cow population were estimated to be euro 9.7 million euros. All control strategies that required yearly serological testing of all cattle in the population produced high costs and thus were not financially profitable. Among the other control strategies, two showed benefit-cost ratios (BCR) >1 and positive net present values (NPV): "Discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows" (BCR=1.29, NPV=25 million euros ) and "chemotherapeutical treatment of all female offspring" (BCR=2.95, NPV=59 million euros). In economic terms, the best control strategy currently available would therefore be "discontinued breeding with offspring from seropositive cows".
Electrical Power Assisted Steering system (EPAS) will likely be used on future automotive power steering systems. The sinusoidal brushless DC (BLDC) motor has been identified as one of the most suitable actuators for the EPAS application. Motor characteristic variations, which can be indicated by variations of the motor parameters such as the coil resistance and the torque constant, directly impart inaccuracies in the control scheme based on the nominal values of parameters and thus the whole system performance suffers. The motor controller must address the time-varying motor characteristics problem and maintain the performance in its long service life. In this dissertation, four adaptive control algorithms for brushless DC (BLDC) motors are explored. The first algorithm engages a simplified inverse dq-coordinate dynamics controller and solves for the parameter errors with the q-axis current (iq) feedback from several past sampling steps. The controller parameter values are updated by slow integration of the parameter errors. Improvement such as dynamic approximation, speed approximation and Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization are discussed for better estimation performance. The second algorithm is proposed to use both the d-axis current (id) and the q-axis current (iq) feedback for parameter estimation since id always accompanies iq. Stochastic conditions for unbiased estimation are shown through Monte Carlo simulations. Study of the first two adaptive algorithms indicates that the parameter estimation performance can be achieved by using more history data. The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), a representative recursive estimation algorithm, is then investigated for the BLDC motor application. Simulation results validated the superior estimation performance with the EKF. However, the computation complexity and stability may be barriers for practical implementation of the EKF. The fourth algorithm is a model reference adaptive control (MRAC) that utilizes the desired motor characteristics as a reference model. Its stability is guaranteed by Lyapunov’s direct method. Simulation shows superior performance in terms of the convergence speed and current tracking. These algorithms are compared in closed loop simulation with an EPAS model and a motor speed control application. The MRAC is identified as the most promising candidate controller because of its combination of superior performance and low computational complexity. A BLDC motor controller developed with the dq-coordinate model cannot be implemented without several supplemental functions such as the coordinate transformation and a DC-to-AC current encoding scheme. A quasi-physical BLDC motor model is developed to study the practical implementation issues of the dq-coordinate control strategy, such as the initialization and rotor angle transducer resolution. This model can also be beneficial during first stage development in automotive BLDC motor applications.