962 resultados para Continuous glucose monitoring
La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por la nula o insuficiente producción de insulina, o la resistencia del organismo a la misma. La insulina es una hormona que ayuda a que la glucosa (por ejemplo la obtenida a partir de los alimentos ingeridos) llegue a los tejidos periféricos y al sistema nervioso para suministrar energía. Hoy en día la tecnología actual permite abordar el desarrollo del llamado “páncreas endocrino artificial”, que consta de un sensor continuo de glucosa subcutánea, una bomba de infusión subcutánea de insulina y un algoritmo de control en lazo cerrado que calcule la dosis de insulina requerida por el paciente en cada momento, según la medida de glucosa obtenida por el sensor y según unos objetivos. El mayor problema que presentan los sistemas de control en lazo cerrado son los retardos, el sensor de glucosa subcutánea mide la glucosa del líquido intersticial, que representa la que hubo en la sangre un tiempo atrás, por tanto, un cambio en los niveles de glucosa en la sangre, debidos por ejemplo, a una ingesta, tardaría un tiempo en ser detectado por el sensor. Además, una dosis de insulina suministrada al paciente, tarda un tiempo aproximado de 20-30 minutos para la llegar a la sangre. Para evitar trabajar en la medida que sea posible con estos retardos, se intenta predecir cuál será el nivel de glucosa en un futuro próximo, para ello se utilizara un predictor de glucosa subcutánea, con la información disponible de glucosa e insulina. El objetivo del proyecto es diseñar una metodología para estimar el valor futuro de los niveles de glucosa obtenida a partir de un sensor subcutáneo, basada en la identificación recursiva del sistema glucorregulatorio a través de modelos lineales y determinando un horizonte de predicción óptimo de trabajo y analizando la influencia de la insulina en los resultados de la predicción. Se ha implementado un predictor paramétrico basado en un modelo autorregresivo ARX que predice con mejor precisión y con menor RMSE que un predictor ZOH a un horizonte de predicción de treinta minutos. Utilizar información relativa a la insulina no tiene efecto en la predicción. El preprocesado, postprocesado y el tratamiento de la estabilidad tienen un efecto muy beneficioso en la predicción. Diabetes mellitusis a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin produced. The insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose to reach to outlying tissues and the nervous system to supply energy. Nowadays, the actual technology allows raising the development of the “artificial endocrine pancreas”. It involves a continuous glucose sensor, an insulin bump, and a full closed loop algorithm that calculate the insulin units required by patient at any time, according to the glucose measure obtained by the sensor and any target. The main problem of the full closed loop systems is the delays, the glucose sensor measures the glucose in the interstitial fluid that represents the glucose was in the blood some time ago. Because of this, a change in the glucose in blood would take some time to be detected by the sensor. In addition, insulin units administered by a patient take about 20-30 minutes to reach the blood stream. In order to avoid this effect, it will try to predict the glucose level in the near future. To do that, a subcutaneous glucose predictor is used to predict the future glucose with the information about insulin and glucose. The goal of the proyect is to design a method in order to estimate the future valor of glucose obtained by a subcutaneous sensor. It is based on the recursive identification of the regulatory system through the linear models, determining optimal prediction horizon and analyzing the influence of insuline on the prediction results. A parametric predictor based in ARX autoregressive model predicts with better precision and with lesser RMSE than ZOH predictor in a thirty minutes prediction horizon. Using the relative insulin information has no effect in the prediction. The preprocessing, the postprocessing and the stability treatment have many advantages in the prediction.
La diabetes mellitus es un trastorno del metabolismo de los carbohidratos producido por la insuficiente o nula producción de insulina o la reducida sensibilidad a esta hormona. Es una enfermedad crónica con una mayor prevalencia en los países desarrollados debido principalmente a la obesidad, la vida sedentaria y disfunciones en el sistema endocrino relacionado con el páncreas. La diabetes Tipo 1 es una enfermedad autoinmune en la que son destruidas las células beta del páncreas, que producen la insulina, y es necesaria la administración de insulina exógena. Un enfermo de diabetes Tipo 1 debe seguir una terapia con insulina administrada por la vía subcutánea que debe estar adaptada a sus necesidades metabólicas y a sus hábitos de vida, esta terapia intenta imitar el perfil insulínico de un páncreas no patológico. La tecnología actual permite abordar el desarrollo del denominado “páncreas endocrino artificial”, que aportaría precisión, eficacia y seguridad para los pacientes, en cuanto a la normalización del control glucémico y reducción del riesgo de hipoglucemias. Permitiría que el paciente no estuviera tan pendiente de su enfermedad. El páncreas artificial consta de un sensor continuo de glucosa, una bomba de infusión de insulina y un algoritmo de control, que calcula la insulina a infusionar usando la glucosa como información principal. Este trabajo presenta un método de control en lazo semi-cerrado mediante un sistema borroso experto basado en reglas. La regulación borrosa se fundamenta en la ambigüedad del lenguaje del ser humano. Esta incertidumbre sirve para la formación de una serie de reglas que representan el pensamiento humano, pero a la vez es el sistema que controla un proceso, en este caso el sistema glucorregulatorio. Este proyecto está enfocado en el diseño de un controlador borroso que haciendo uso de variables como la glucosa, insulina y dieta, sea capaz de restaurar la función endocrina del páncreas de forma tecnológica. La validación del algoritmo se ha realizado principalmente mediante experimentos en simulación utilizando una población de pacientes sintéticos, evaluando los resultados con estadísticos de primer orden y algunos más específicos como el índice de riesgo de Kovatchev, para después comparar estos resultados con los obtenidos por otros métodos de control anteriores. Los resultados demuestran que el control borroso (FBPC) mejora el control glucémico con respecto a un sistema predictivo experto basado en reglas booleanas (pBRES). El FBPC consigue reducir siempre la glucosa máxima y aumentar la mínima respecto del pBRES pero es en terapias desajustadas, donde el FBPC es especialmente robusto, hace descender la glucosa máxima 8,64 mg/dl, el uso de insulina es 3,92 UI menor, aumenta la glucosa mínima 3,32 mg/dl y lleva al rango de glucosa 80 – 110 mg/dl 15,33 muestras más. Por lo tanto se puede concluir que el FBPC realiza un mejor control glucémico que el controlador pBRES haciéndole especialmente efectivo, robusto y seguro en condiciones de desajustes de terapia basal y con gran capacidad de mejora futura. SUMMARY The diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by a poor or null insulin secretion or a reduced sensibility to insulin. Diabetes is a chronic disease with a higher prevalence in the industrialized countries, mainly due to obesity, the sedentary life and endocrine disfunctions connected with the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes is a self-immune disease where the beta cells of the pancreas, which are the responsible of secreting insulin, are damaged. Hence, it is necessary an exogenous delivery of insulin. The Type 1 diabetic patient has to follow a therapy with subcutaneous insulin administration which should be adjusted to his/her metabolic needs and life style. This therapy tries to mimic the insulin profile of a non-pathological pancreas. Current technology lets the development of the so-called endocrine artificial pancreas that would provide accuracy, efficiency and safety to patients, in regards to the glycemic control normalization and reduction of the risk of hypoglycemic. In addition, it would help the patient not to be so concerned about his disease. The artificial pancreas has a continuous glucose sensor, an insulin infusion pump and a control algorithm, that calculates the insulin infusion using the glucose as main information. This project presents a method of control in semi-closed-loop, through an expert fuzzy system based on rules. The fuzzy regulation is based on the human language ambiguity. This uncertainty serves for construction of some rules that represent the human language besides it is the system that controls a process, in this case the glucoregulatory system. This project is focus on the design of a fuzzy controller that, using variables like glucose insulin and diet, will be able to restore the pancreas endocrine function with technology. The algorithm assessment has mainly been done through experiments in simulation using a population of synthetic patients, evaluating the results with first order statistical parameters and some other more specific such as the Kovatchev risk index, to compare later these results with the ones obtained in others previous methods of control. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy control (FBPC) improves the glycemic control connected with a predictive expert system based on Booleans rules (pBRES). The FBPC is always able to reduce the maximum level of glucose and increase the minimum level as compared with pBRES but it is in unadjusted therapies where FBPC is especially strong, it manages to decrease the maximum level of glucose and insulin used by 8,64 mg/dl and 3,92 UI respectively, also increases the value of minimum glucose by 3,32 mg/dl, getting 15,33 samples more inside the 80-110 mg/dl glucose rank. Therefore we can conclude that FBPC achieves a better glycemic control than the controller pBRES doing it especially effective, robust and safe in conditions of mismatch basal therapy and with a great capacity for future improvements.
La Diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad caracterizada por la insuficiente o nula producción de insulina por parte del páncreas o la reducida sensibilidad del organismo a esta hormona, que ayuda a que la glucosa llegue a los tejidos y al sistema nervioso para suministrar energía. La Diabetes tiene una mayor prevalencia en los países desarrollados debido a múltiples factores, entre ellos la obesidad, la vida sedentaria, y disfunciones en el sistema endocrino relacionadas con el páncreas. La Diabetes Tipo 1 es una enfermedad crónica e incurable, en la que son destruidas las células beta del páncreas, que producen la insulina, haciéndose necesaria la administración de insulina de forma exógena para controlar los niveles de glucosa en sangre. El paciente debe seguir una terapia con insulina administrada por vía subcutánea, que debe estar adaptada a sus necesidades metabólicas y a sus hábitos de vida. Esta terapia intenta imitar el perfil insulínico de un páncreas sano. La tecnología actual permite abordar el desarrollo del denominado “páncreas endocrino artificial” (PEA), que aportaría precisión, eficacia y seguridad en la aplicación de las terapias con insulina y permitiría una mayor independencia de los pacientes frente a su enfermedad, que en la actualidad están sujetos a una constante toma de decisiones. El PEA consta de un sensor continuo de glucosa, una bomba de infusión de insulina y un algoritmo de control, que calcula la insulina a infusionar utilizando los niveles de glucosa del paciente como información principal. Este trabajo presenta una modificación en el método de control en lazo cerrado propuesto en un proyecto previo. El controlador del que se parte está compuesto por un controlador basal booleano y un controlador borroso postprandial basado en reglas borrosas heredadas del controlador basal. El controlador postprandial administra el 50% del bolo manual (calculado a partir de la cantidad de carbohidratos que el paciente va a consumir) en el instante del aviso de la ingesta y reparte el resto en instantes posteriores. El objetivo es conseguir una regulación óptima del nivel de glucosa en el periodo postprandial. Con el objetivo de reducir las hiperglucemias que se producen en el periodo postprandial se realiza un transporte de insulina, que es un adelanto de la insulina basal del periodo postprandial que se suministrará junto con un porcentaje variable del bolo manual. Este porcentaje estará relacionado con el estado metabólico del paciente previo a la ingesta. Además se modificará la base de conocimiento para adecuar el comportamiento del controlador al periodo postprandial. Este proyecto está enfocado en la mejora del controlador borroso postprandial previo, modificando dos aspectos: la inferencia del controlador postprandial y añadiendo una toma de decisiones automática sobre el % del bolo manual y el transporte. Se ha propuesto un controlador borroso con una nueva inferencia, que no hereda las características del controlado basal, y ha sido adaptado al periodo postprandial. Se ha añadido una inferencia borrosa que modifica la cantidad de insulina a administrar en el momento del aviso de ingesta y la cantidad de insulina basal a transportar del periodo postprandial al bolo manual. La validación del algoritmo se ha realizado mediante experimentos en simulación utilizando una población de diez pacientes sintéticos pertenecientes al Simulador de Padua/Virginia, evaluando los resultados con estadísticos para después compararlos con los obtenidos con el método de control anterior. Tras la evaluación de los resultados se puede concluir que el nuevo controlador postprandial, acompañado de la toma de decisiones automática, realiza un mejor control glucémico en el periodo postprandial, disminuyendo los niveles de las hiperglucemias. ABSTRACT. Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterized by the insufficient or null production of insulin from the pancreas or by a reduced sensitivity to this hormone, which helps glucose get to the tissues and the nervous system to provide energy. Diabetes has more prevalence in developed countries due to multiple factors, including obesity, sedentary lifestyle and endocrine dysfunctions related to the pancreas. Type 1 Diabetes is a chronic, incurable disease in which beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin are destroyed, and exogenous insulin delivery is required to control blood glucose levels. The patient must follow a therapy with insulin administered by the subcutaneous route that should be adjusted to the metabolic needs and lifestyle of the patient. This therapy tries to imitate the insulin profile of a non-pathological pancreas. Current technology can adress the development of the so-called “endocrine artificial pancreas” (EAP) that would provide accuracy, efficacy and safety in the application of insulin therapies and will allow patients a higher level of independence from their disease. Patients are currently tied to constant decision making. The EAP consists of a continuous glucose sensor, an insulin infusion pump and a control algorithm that computes the insulin amount that has to be infused using the glucose as the main source of information. This work shows modifications to the control method in closed loop proposed in a previous project. The reference controller is composed by a boolean basal controller and a postprandial rule-based fuzzy controller which inherits the rules from the basal controller. The postprandial controller administrates 50% of the bolus (calculated from the amount of carbohydrates that the patient is going to ingest) in the moment of the intake warning, and distributes the remaining in later instants. The goal is to achieve an optimum regulation of the glucose level in the postprandial period. In order to reduce hyperglycemia in the postprandial period an insulin transport is carried out. It consists on a feedforward of the basal insulin from the postprandial period, which will be administered with a variable percentage of the manual bolus. This percentage would be linked with the metabolic state of the patient in moments previous to the intake. Furthermore, the knowledge base is going to be modified in order to fit the controller performance to the postprandial period. This project is focused on the improvement of the previous controller, modifying two aspects: the postprandial controller inference, and the automatic decision making on the percentage of the manual bolus and the transport. A fuzzy controller with a new inference has been proposed and has been adapted to the postprandial period. A fuzzy inference has been added, which modifies both the amount of manual bolus to administrate at the intake warning and the amount of basal insulin to transport to the prandial bolus. The algorithm assessment has been done through simulation experiments using a synthetic population of 10 patients in the UVA/PADOVA simulator, evaluating the results with statistical parameters for further comparison with those obtained with the previous control method. After comparing results it can be concluded that the new postprandial controller, combined with the automatic decision making, carries out a better glycemic control in the postprandial period, decreasing levels of hyperglycemia.
Pancreatic beta cells exhibit oscillations in electrical activity, cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)), and insulin release upon glucose stimulation. The mechanism by which these oscillations are generated is not known. Here we demonstrate fluctuations in the activity of the ATP-dependent K+ channels (K(ATP) channels) in single beta cells subject to glucose stimulation or to stimulation with low concentrations of tolbutamide. During stimulation with glucose or low concentrations of tolbutamide, K(ATP) channel activity decreased and action potentials ensued. After 2-3 min, despite continuous stimulation, action potentials subsided and openings of K(ATP) channels could again be observed. Transient suppression of metabolism by azide in glucose-stimulated beta cells caused reversible termination of electrical activity, mimicking the spontaneous changes observed with continuous glucose stimulation. Thus, oscillations in K(ATP) channel activity during continuous glucose stimulation result in oscillations in electrical activity and [Ca2+](i).
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Based on this new data, the Illinois EPA has requested that the Illinois Attorney General initiate legal action against H. Kramer relative to its contribution to a violation of the lead National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
I was recently part of a small committee looking at higher qualifications in contact lens practice and the discussion turned to future technologies. There was mention of different materials and different applications of contact lenses. Drug delivery with contact lenses was discussed as this has been talked about in the literature for a while. The first paper I could find that talked about using contact lenses for drug delivery dates back over 40 years. There was a review paper in CLAE in 2008 that looked specifically at this too [1]. However, where are these products? Why are we not seeing them in the market place? Maybe the technology is not quite there yet, or maybe patents are prohibiting usage or maybe the market is not big enough to develop such products? We do have lenses on the market with slow release of lubricating agents but not therapeutic agents used for ocular or systemic conditions. Contact lenses with pathogen detectors may be part of our contact lens armoury of the future and again we can already see papers in the literature that have trialled this technology for glucose monitoring in diabetics or lactate concentration in the tear film. Future contact lenses may incorporate better optics based on aberration control and we see this starting to emerge with aspheric designs designed to minimise spherical aberration. Irregular corneas can be fitted with topography based designs and again this technology exists and is being used by some manufacturers in their designs already. Moreover, the topography based fitting of irregular corneas is certainly something we see a lot of today and CLAE has seen many articles related to this over the last decade or so. What about further into the future? Well one interesting area must the 3-dimensional contact lenses, or contact lenses with electronic devices built in that simulate a display screen. A little like the virtual display spectacles that are already sold by electronics companies. It does not take much of a stretch of the imagination to see a large electronic company taking this technology on and making it viable. Will we see people on the train watching movies on these electronic virtual reality contact lenses? I think we will, but when is harder to know.
Aim: To examine the relationship between electrographic seizures and long-term outcome in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). Method: Full-term neonates with HIE born in Cork University Maternity Hospital from 2003 to 2006 (pre-hypothermia era) and 2009 to 2012 (hypothermia era) were included in this observational study. All had early continuous electroencephalography monitoring. All electrographic seizures were annotated. The total seizure burden and hourly seizure burden were calculated. Outcome (normal/abnormal) was assessed at 24 to 48 months in surviving neonates using either the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition or the Griffiths Mental Development Scales; a diagnosis of cerebral palsy or epilepsy was also considered an abnormal outcome. Results: Continuous electroencephalography was recorded for a median of 57.1 hours (interquartile range 33.5-80.5h) in 47 neonates (31 males, 16 females); 29 out of 47 (62%) had electrographic seizures and 25 out of 47 (53%) had an abnormal outcome. The presence of seizures per se was not associated with abnormal outcome (p=0.126); however, the odds of an abnormal outcome increased over ninefold (odds ratio [OR] 9.56; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 2.43-37.67) if a neonate had a total seizure burden of more than 40 minutes (p=0.001), and eightfold (OR: 8.00; 95% CI: 2.06-31.07) if a neonate had a maximum hourly seizure burden of more than 13 minutes per hour (p=0.003). Controlling for electrographic HIE grade or treatment with hypothermia did not change the direction of the relationship between seizure burden and outcome. Interpretation: In HIE, a high electrographic seizure burden is significantly associated with abnormal outcome, independent of HIE severity or treatment with hypothermia.
Poor sleep is increasingly being recognised as an important prognostic parameter of health. For those with suspected sleep disorders, patients are referred to sleep clinics which guide treatment. However, sleep clinics are not always a viable option due to their high cost, a lack of experienced practitioners, lengthy waiting lists and an unrepresentative sleeping environment. A home-based non-contact sleep/wake monitoring system may be used as a guide for treatment potentially stratifying patients by clinical need or highlighting longitudinal changes in sleep and nocturnal patterns. This paper presents the evaluation of an under-mattress sleep monitoring system for non-contact sleep/wake discrimination. A large dataset of sensor data with concomitant sleep/wake state was collected from both younger and older adults participating in a circadian sleep study. A thorough training/testing/validation procedure was configured and optimised feature extraction and sleep/wake discrimination algorithms evaluated both within and across the two cohorts. An accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 74.3%, 95.5%, and 53.2% is reported over all subjects using an external validation
dataset (71.9%, 87.9% and 56%, and 77.5%, 98% and 57% is reported for younger and older subjects respectively). These results compare favourably with similar research, however this system provides an ambient alternative suitable for long term continuous sleep monitoring, particularly amongst vulnerable populations.
A quantificação do material sólido transportado (transporte sólido) ao longo de um curso de água é extremamente importante nas mais variadas áreas da engenharia fluvial. O transporte sólido em rios de montanha dá-se maioritariamente por arrastamento no fundo, através de deslizamento, rolamento e saltação dos sedimentos. Ao longo dos tempos foram desenvolvidas várias fórmulas para estimar o transporte sólido por arrastamento, contudo, devido à complexidade dos processos de transporte de sedimentos, bem como a variabilidade espacial e temporal, a previsão de taxas de transporte não foi conseguida exclusivamente através de investigação teórica. Para obter um melhor conhecimento sobre os processos de transporte sólido por arrastamento em rios de montanha, torna-se necessário monitorizá-los com maior precisão possível. Com os avanços na electrónica, novos métodos tecnológicos foram desenvolvidos para resolver a problemática da quantificação do transporte sólido, em detrimento dos atuais métodos tradicionais, que se baseiam na recolha de amostras em campo, para posterior correlação. O objetivo principal da presente dissertação foi o desenvolvimento de um equipamento capaz de estimar/monitorizar continuamente o transporte sólido por arrastamento em rios de montanha, que utilizasse tecnologia de baixo custo. Este equipamento dispõe de um sensor piezolelétrico que realizará medições à vibração causada pelo embate dos sedimentos sobre uma chapa metálica. A energia do sinal resultante dos impactos reverterá em peso. A metodologia usada para a obtenção das medições foi a realização de ensaios laboratoriais, tendo sido dado especial destaque à influência da variação do caudal, bem como da forma dos sedimentos, na intensidade do sinal adquirido.