964 resultados para Context-aware


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The deployment of wireless communications coupled with the popularity of portable devices has led to significant research in the area of mobile data caching. Prior research has focused on the development of solutions that allow applications to run in wireless environments using proxy based techniques. Most of these approaches are semantic based and do not provide adequate support for representing the context of a user (i.e., the interpreted human intention.). Although the context may be treated implicitly it is still crucial to data management. In order to address this challenge this dissertation focuses on two characteristics: how to predict (i) the future location of the user and (ii) locations of the fetched data where the queried data item has valid answers. Using this approach, more complete information about the dynamics of an application environment is maintained. ^ The contribution of this dissertation is a novel data caching mechanism for pervasive computing environments that can adapt dynamically to a mobile user's context. In this dissertation, we design and develop a conceptual model and context aware protocols for wireless data caching management. Our replacement policy uses the validity of the data fetched from the server and the neighboring locations to decide which of the cache entries is less likely to be needed in the future, and therefore a good candidate for eviction when cache space is needed. The context aware driven prefetching algorithm exploits the query context to effectively guide the prefetching process. The query context is defined using a mobile user's movement pattern and requested information context. Numerical results and simulations show that the proposed prefetching and replacement policies significantly outperform conventional ones. ^ Anticipated applications of these solutions include biomedical engineering, tele-health, medical information systems and business. ^


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This dissertation studies the context-aware application with its proposed algorithms at client side. The required context-aware infrastructure is discussed in depth to illustrate that such an infrastructure collects the mobile user’s context information, registers service providers, derives mobile user’s current context, distributes user context among context-aware applications, and provides tailored services. The approach proposed tries to strike a balance between the context server and mobile devices. The context acquisition is centralized at the server to ensure the reusability of context information among mobile devices, while context reasoning remains at the application level. Hence, a centralized context acquisition and distributed context reasoning are viewed as a better solution overall. The context-aware search application is designed and implemented at the server side. A new algorithm is proposed to take into consideration the user context profiles. By promoting feedback on the dynamics of the system, any prior user selection is now saved for further analysis such that it may contribute to help the results of a subsequent search. On the basis of these developments at the server side, various solutions are consequently provided at the client side. A proxy software-based component is set up for the purpose of data collection. This research endorses the belief that the proxy at the client side should contain the context reasoning component. Implementation of such a component provides credence to this belief in that the context applications are able to derive the user context profiles. Furthermore, a context cache scheme is implemented to manage the cache on the client device in order to minimize processing requirements and other resources (bandwidth, CPU cycle, power). Java and MySQL platforms are used to implement the proposed architecture and to test scenarios derived from user’s daily activities. To meet the practical demands required of a testing environment without the impositions of a heavy cost for establishing such a comprehensive infrastructure, a software simulation using a free Yahoo search API is provided as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the design approach in a most realistic way. The integration of Yahoo search engine into the context-aware architecture design proves how context aware application can meet user demands for tailored services and products in and around the user’s environment. The test results show that the overall design is highly effective, providing new features and enriching the mobile user’s experience through a broad scope of potential applications.


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This dissertation studies the context-aware application with its proposed algorithms at client side. The required context-aware infrastructure is discussed in depth to illustrate that such an infrastructure collects the mobile user’s context information, registers service providers, derives mobile user’s current context, distributes user context among context-aware applications, and provides tailored services. The approach proposed tries to strike a balance between the context server and mobile devices. The context acquisition is centralized at the server to ensure the usability of context information among mobile devices, while context reasoning remains at the application level. Hence, a centralized context acquisition and distributed context reasoning are viewed as a better solution overall. The context-aware search application is designed and implemented at the server side. A new algorithm is proposed to take into consideration the user context profiles. By promoting feedback on the dynamics of the system, any prior user selection is now saved for further analysis such that it may contribute to help the results of a subsequent search. On the basis of these developments at the server side, various solutions are consequently provided at the client side. A proxy software-based component is set up for the purpose of data collection. This research endorses the belief that the proxy at the client side should contain the context reasoning component. Implementation of such a component provides credence to this belief in that the context applications are able to derive the user context profiles. Furthermore, a context cache scheme is implemented to manage the cache on the client device in order to minimize processing requirements and other resources (bandwidth, CPU cycle, power). Java and MySQL platforms are used to implement the proposed architecture and to test scenarios derived from user’s daily activities. To meet the practical demands required of a testing environment without the impositions of a heavy cost for establishing such a comprehensive infrastructure, a software simulation using a free Yahoo search API is provided as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the design approach in a most realistic way. The integration of Yahoo search engine into the context-aware architecture design proves how context aware application can meet user demands for tailored services and products in and around the user’s environment. The test results show that the overall design is highly effective,providing new features and enriching the mobile user’s experience through a broad scope of potential applications.


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Future pervasive environments will take into consideration not only individual user’s interest, but also social relationships. In this way, pervasive communities can lead the user to participate beyond traditional pervasive spaces, enabling the cooperation among groups and taking into account not only individual interests, but also the collective and social context. Social applications in CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) field represent new challenges and possibilities in terms of use of social context information for adaptability in pervasive environments. In particular, the research describes the approach in the design and development of a context.aware framework for collaborative applications (CAFCA), utilizing user’s context social information for proactive adaptations in pervasive environments. In order to validate the proposed framework an evaluation was conducted with a group of users based on enterprise scenario. The analysis enabled to verify the impact of the framework in terms of functionality and efficiency in real-world conditions. The main contribution of this thesis was to provide a context-aware framework to support collaborative applications in pervasive environments. The research focused on providing an innovative socio-technical approach to exploit collaboration in pervasive communities. Finally, the main results reside in social matching capabilities for session formation, communication and coordinations of groupware for collaborative activities.


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A primary goal of context-aware systems is delivering the right information at the right place and right time to users in order to enable them to make effective decisions and improve their quality of life. There are three key requirements for achieving this goal: determining what information is relevant, personalizing it based on the users’ context (location, preferences, behavioral history etc.), and delivering it to them in a timely manner without an explicit request from them. These requirements create a paradigm that we term as “Proactive Context-aware Computing”. Most of the existing context-aware systems fulfill only a subset of these requirements. Many of these systems focus only on personalization of the requested information based on users’ current context. Moreover, they are often designed for specific domains. In addition, most of the existing systems are reactive - the users request for some information and the system delivers it to them. These systems are not proactive i.e. they cannot anticipate users’ intent and behavior and act proactively without an explicit request from them. In order to overcome these limitations, we need to conduct a deeper analysis and enhance our understanding of context-aware systems that are generic, universal, proactive and applicable to a wide variety of domains. To support this dissertation, we explore several directions. Clearly the most significant sources of information about users today are smartphones. A large amount of users’ context can be acquired through them and they can be used as an effective means to deliver information to users. In addition, social media such as Facebook, Flickr and Foursquare provide a rich and powerful platform to mine users’ interests, preferences and behavioral history. We employ the ubiquity of smartphones and the wealth of information available from social media to address the challenge of building proactive context-aware systems. We have implemented and evaluated a few approaches, including some as part of the Rover framework, to achieve the paradigm of Proactive Context-aware Computing. Rover is a context-aware research platform which has been evolving for the last 6 years. Since location is one of the most important context for users, we have developed ‘Locus’, an indoor localization, tracking and navigation system for multi-story buildings. Other important dimensions of users’ context include the activities that they are engaged in. To this end, we have developed ‘SenseMe’, a system that leverages the smartphone and its multiple sensors in order to perform multidimensional context and activity recognition for users. As part of the ‘SenseMe’ project, we also conducted an exploratory study of privacy, trust, risks and other concerns of users with smart phone based personal sensing systems and applications. To determine what information would be relevant to users’ situations, we have developed ‘TellMe’ - a system that employs a new, flexible and scalable approach based on Natural Language Processing techniques to perform bootstrapped discovery and ranking of relevant information in context-aware systems. In order to personalize the relevant information, we have also developed an algorithm and system for mining a broad range of users’ preferences from their social network profiles and activities. For recommending new information to the users based on their past behavior and context history (such as visited locations, activities and time), we have developed a recommender system and approach for performing multi-dimensional collaborative recommendations using tensor factorization. For timely delivery of personalized and relevant information, it is essential to anticipate and predict users’ behavior. To this end, we have developed a unified infrastructure, within the Rover framework, and implemented several novel approaches and algorithms that employ various contextual features and state of the art machine learning techniques for building diverse behavioral models of users. Examples of generated models include classifying users’ semantic places and mobility states, predicting their availability for accepting calls on smartphones and inferring their device charging behavior. Finally, to enable proactivity in context-aware systems, we have also developed a planning framework based on HTN planning. Together, these works provide a major push in the direction of proactive context-aware computing.


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La diffusione di smartphone e dispostivi mobili a cui si è assistito nell’ultima decade ha portato con sé lo sviluppo di nuovi sistemi e tecnologie basate sulla localizzazione. Questi sistemi vengono chiamati Location Based Systems (LBS) ed il loro successo è stato reso possibile dai sensori come GPS, antenna WiFi e accelerometro che hanno permesso agli sviluppatori di creare contenuti e servizi basati sulla posizione dell’utente. Una delle tecnologie su cui si basano i LBS è chiamata Geofencing e consiste nella creazione di aree virtuali (dette geofence) per delimitare luoghi di interesse (Point of Interests) e notificare l’utente quando entra, esce o si trova nelle vicinanze di una delle aree delimitate. Questa caratteristica viene utilizzata soprattutto per realizzare applicazioni che ricordano all’utente di svolgere delle azioni, per esempio un’app di promemoria che ricorda all’utente di comprare il latte quando si trova vicino ad un supermercato. Dal punto di vista economico, uno degli utilizzi piu` promettenti `e il co- siddetto Context Aware Advertising: i possessori di dispositivi mobili che si trovano a camminare nelle vicinanze di un negozio o un centro commer- ciale possono essere considerati possibili clienti e ricevere delle notifiche con pubblicit`a o questionari. Nel seguente lavoro verrà analizzato nel dettaglio cos’è il Geofencing, le sue applicazioni e le tecnologie sulla quale si basa. Verranno presi in considerazione alcuni problemi relativi all’utilizzo delle tecnologie di posizionamento, con particolare attenzione ai consumi di batteria. Verrà inoltre descritta la progettazione e l’implementazione di una piattaforma che permette ai possessori di attività commerciali di creare e gestire dei POI nonché di monitorare gli spostamenti dei possibili clienti. Dopo aver installato l’applicazione mobile sul proprio smartphone, i clienti potranno ricevere notifiche una volta oltrepassati i confini di un geofence.


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Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in context-aware recommender system (CARS), which explores the impact of context factors on personalized Web services recommendation. Basically, the general idea of CARS methods is to mine historical service invocation records through the process of context-aware similarity computation. It is observed that traditional similarity mining process would very likely generate relatively big deviations of QoS values, due to the dynamic change of contexts. As a consequence, including a considerable amount of deviated QoS values in the similarity calculation would probably result in a poor accuracy for predicting unknown QoS values. In allusion to this problem, this paper first distinguishes two definitions of Abnormal Data and True Abnormal Data, the latter of which should be eliminated. Second, we propose a novel CASR-TADE method by incorporating the effectiveness of True Abnormal Data Elimination into context-aware Web services recommendation. Finally, the experimental evaluations on a real-world Web services dataset show that the proposed CASR-TADE method significantly outperforms other existing approaches.


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A Cooperative Collision Warning System (CCWS) is an active safety techno- logy for road vehicles that can potentially reduce traffic accidents. It provides a driver with situational awareness and early warnings of any possible colli- sions through an on-board unit. CCWS is still under active research, and one of the important technical problems is safety message dissemination. Safety messages are disseminated in a high-speed mobile environment using wireless communication technology such as Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC). The wireless communication in CCWS has a limited bandwidth and can become unreliable when used inefficiently, particularly given the dynamic nature of road traffic conditions. Unreliable communication may significantly reduce the performance of CCWS in preventing collisions. There are two types of safety messages: Routine Safety Messages (RSMs) and Event Safety Messages (ESMs). An RSM contains the up-to-date state of a vehicle, and it must be disseminated repeatedly to its neighbouring vehicles. An ESM is a warning message that must be sent to all the endangered vehi- cles. Existing RSM and ESM dissemination schemes are inefficient, unscalable, and unable to give priority to vehicles in the most danger. Thus, this study investigates more efficient and scalable RSM and ESM dissemination schemes that can make use of the context information generated from a particular traffic scenario. Therefore, this study tackles three technical research prob- lems, vehicular traffic scenario modelling and context information generation, context-aware RSM dissemination, and context-aware ESM dissemination. The most relevant context information in CCWS is the information about possible collisions among vehicles given a current vehicular traffic situation. To generate the context information, this study investigates techniques to model interactions among multiple vehicles based on their up-to-date motion state obtained via RSM. To date, there is no existing model that can represent interactions among multiple vehicles in a speciffic region and at a particular time. The major outcome from the first problem is a new interaction graph model that can be used to easily identify the endangered vehicles and their danger severity. By identifying the endangered vehicles, RSM and ESM dis- semination can be optimised while improving safety at the same time. The new model enables the development of context-aware RSM and ESM dissemination schemes. To disseminate RSM efficiently, this study investigates a context-aware dis- semination scheme that can optimise the RSM dissemination rate to improve safety in various vehicle densities. The major outcome from the second problem is a context-aware RSM dissemination protocol. The context-aware protocol can adaptively adjust the dissemination rate based on an estimated channel load and danger severity of vehicle interactions given by the interaction graph model. Unlike existing RSM dissemination schemes, the proposed adaptive scheme can reduce channel congestion and improve safety by prioritising ve- hicles that are most likely to crash with other vehicles. The proposed RSM protocol has been implemented and evaluated by simulation. The simulation results have shown that the proposed RSM protocol outperforms existing pro- tocols in terms of efficiency, scalability and safety. To disseminate ESM efficiently, this study investigates a context-aware ESM dissemination scheme that can reduce unnecessary transmissions and deliver ESMs to endangered vehicles as fast as possible. The major outcome from the third problem is a context-aware ESM dissemination protocol that uses a multicast routing strategy. Existing ESM protocols use broadcast rout- ing, which is not efficient because ESMs may be sent to a large number of ve- hicles in the area. Using multicast routing improves efficiency because ESMs are sent only to the endangered vehicles. The endangered vehicles can be identified using the interaction graph model. The proposed ESM protocol has been implemented and evaluated by simulation. The simulation results have shown that the proposed ESM protocol can prevent potential accidents from occurring better than existing ESM protocols. The context model and the RSM and ESM dissemination protocols can be implemented in any CCWS development to improve the communication and safety performance of CCWS. In effect, the outcomes contribute to the realisation of CCWS that will ultimately improve road safety and save lives.


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Mobile devices and smartphones have become a significant communication channel for everyday life. The sensing capabilities of mobile devices are expanding rapidly, and sensors embedded in these devices are cheaper and more powerful than before. It is evident that mobile devices have become the most suitable candidates to sense contextual information without needing extra tools. However, current research shows only a limited number of sensors are being explored and investigated. As a result, it still needs to be clarified what forms of contextual information extracted from mo- bile sensors are useful. Therefore, this research investigates the context sensing using current mobile sensors, the study follows experimental methods and sensor data is evaluated and synthesised, in order to deduce the value of various sensors and combinations of sensor for the use in context-aware mobile applications. This study aims to develop a context fusion framework that will enhance the context-awareness on mobile applications, as well as exploring innovative techniques for context sensing on smartphone devices.


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Every day we are confronted with social interactions with other people. Our social life is characterised by norms that manifest as attitudinal and behavioural uniformities among people. With greater awareness about our social context, we can interact more efficiently. Any theory or model of human interaction that fails to include social concepts could be suggested to lack a critical element. This paper identifies the construct of social concepts that need to be supported by future context-aw are systems from an interdisciplinary perspective. It discusses the limitations of existing context-aware systems to support social psychology theories related to the identification and membership of social groups. We argue that social norms are among the core modelling concepts that future context-aware systems need to capture with the view to support and enhance social interactions. A detailed summary of social psychology theory relevant to social computing is given, followed by a formal definition of the process with each such norm advertised and acquired. The social concepts identified in this paper could be used to simulate agent interactions imbued with social norms or use ICT to facilitate, assist, enhance or understand social interactions. They also could be used in virtual communities modelling where the social awareness of a community as well as the process of joining and exiting a community are important.


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Ubiquitous Computing is an emerging paradigm which facilitates user to access preferred services, wherever they are, whenever they want, and the way they need, with zero administration. While moving from one place to another the user does not need to specify and configure their surrounding environment, the system initiates necessary adaptation by itself to cope up with the changing environment. In this paper we propose a system to provide context-aware ubiquitous multimedia services, without user’s intervention. We analyze the context of the user based on weights, identify the UMMS (Ubiquitous Multimedia Service) based on the collected context information and user profile, search for the optimal server to provide the required service, then adapts the service according to user’s local environment and preferences, etc. The experiment conducted several times with different context parameters, their weights and various preferences for a user. The results are quite encouraging.


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Enhancing the handover process in broadband wireless communication deployment has traditionally motivated many research initiatives. In a high-speed railway domain, the challenge is even greater. Owing to the long distances covered, the mobile node gets involved in a compulsory sequence of handover processes. Consequently, poor performance during the execution of these handover processes significantly degrades the global end-to-end performance. This article proposes a new handover strategy for the railway domain: the RMPA handover, a Reliable Mobility Pattern Aware IEEE 802.16 handover strategy "customized" for a high-speed mobility scenario. The stringent high mobility feature is balanced with three other positive features in a high-speed context: mobility pattern awareness, different sources for location discovery techniques, and a previously known traffic data profile. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there is no IEEE 802.16 handover scheme that simultaneously covers the optimization of the handover process itself and the efficient timing of the handover process. Our strategy covers both areas of research while providing a cost-effective and standards-based solution. To schedule the handover process efficiently, the RMPA strategy makes use of a context aware handover policy; that is, a handover policy based on the mobile node mobility pattern, the time required to perform the handover, the neighboring network conditions, the data traffic profile, the received power signal, and current location and speed information of the train. Our proposal merges all these variables in a cross layer interaction in the handover policy engine. It also enhances the handover process itself by establishing the values for the set of handover configuration parameters and mechanisms of the handover process. RMPA is a cost-effective strategy because compatibility with standards-based equipment is guaranteed. The major contributions of the RMPA handover are in areas that have been left open to the handover designer's discretion. Our simulation analysis validates the RMPA handover decision rules and design choices. Our results supporting a high-demand video application in the uplink stream show a significant improvement in the end-to-end quality of service parameters, including end-to-end delay (22%) and jitter (80%), when compared with a policy based on signal-to-noise-ratio information.


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This paper presents a framework for context-driven policy-based QoS control and end-to-end resource management in converged next generation networks. The Converged Networks QoS Framework (CNQF) is being developed within the IU-ATC project, and comprises distributed functional entities whose instances co-ordinate the converged network infrastructure to facilitate scalable and efficient end-to-end QoS management. The CNQF design leverages aspects of TISPAN, IETF and 3GPP policy-based management architectures whilst also introducing important innovative extensions to support context-aware QoS control in converged networks. The framework architecture is presented and its functionalities and operation in specific application scenarios are described.