1000 resultados para Contaminação bacteriológica
Organic markers, such as sterols and ketones, were used to assess sewage contamination in sediments from the Santos Bay, SP, and its continental shelf. These compounds were analyzed by GC/FID after soxhlet extraction, clean up and derivatization. The concentration of coprostanol and ratios between selected sterols were used to evaluate fecal contamination. The stations located in the mid-western part of the Santos Bay presented organic matter from sewage due to the input of fecal material from the city of Santos by submarine sewage outfall. Stations located at the continental shelf did not present fecal contamination. Coprostanol levels in sewage outfall stations were higher in comparison to other Brazilian coastal areas, except Guanabara Bay/RJ, and could be related to the fraction of the population without sewage treatment.
Water pollution is a serious environmental problem. In Rondinha, Rio Grande do Sul, on a small area planted with tobacco, it has been using organophosphates pesticides. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the organophosphates pesticides contamination of the superficial water in this municipality. The samples collected in fifteen places were evaluated by the method of organophosphates acethylcolinestherase inhibition. In five samples the organophosphates levels were above the limit established by CONAMA, indicating the necessity of arrangements that allow reducing the risk of the population and the environment contamination.
Pesticides can be quite useful in agricultural production, however, some pesticides after application can reach and contaminate the hydric resource. Pesticide monitoring must be careful because it is expensive and lengthy. Thus, in this work, a theoretical prediction was made using the approaches suggested by EPA-USA, the Groundwater Ubiquity Score index (GUS) and the Goss method associated with physicochemical properties of 27 pesticides used in a region in the south of Brazil. The results of this work led to the identification of the pesticides that should be prioritized in the environmental monitoring due to their high potential for contaminating water resources.
This work aimed to carry out an environmental monitoring in sabino narrow river (affluent of Tibiri Basin, in São Luís - MA, Brazil), in order to verify the main environmental impacts caused by effluent residues from Ribeira landfill. Chemical analysis and bibliographic and cartographic researches on this ecosystem were also carried out. In addition, heavy metals, such as Hg, Pb and Zn, were investigated in water samples by ICP-MS technique. It was observed that the contents of such heavy metals were above the tolerance limits established by the Brazilian legislation, showing a strong impact level on the evaluated ecosystem.
N-nitrosamines are carcinogenic compounds that have been found during the last three decades in a variety of consumer products, including cosmetic and personal care products, and their raw materials. These compounds are formed from amine precursors and nitrosating agents present in the formulations. This paper reviews the formation and occurrence of N-nitrosamines in cosmetic products, as well as presents considerations about analytical, toxicological and regulatory aspects.
This work was performed to evaluate the distribution of metals Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in the sediment surface in the Itaipu Lake-PR-Brazil. It was also performed to measurement the pH, phosphorus, organic carbon and particle size. In accordance of international criteria of quality of sediment, the results indicate an anthropogenic collaborations since some metals reached an excessive values. The factor of contamination was also used to evaluate the levels of contamination. The levels of Cu and Pb indicate a moderate contamination, so that it's possible to do harm to the balance of the ecosystem studied.
In order to evaluate the response of Brachiaria decumbens Stapf to Cd and Zn, plants were hydroponically exposed to 50 and 100 mmol L-1 of Cd and 500 and 2000 mmol L-1 of Zn. Metal content of shoots and roots was determined, as well as alterations in photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments, antioxidant metabolites and phytochelatin synthesis. Plants concentrated elevated levels of Cd and Zn, especially in roots. Zinc exposure negatively affected chlorophyll and β-carotene content, whereas the highest dose of Cd reduced VAZ cycle pigments and tocopherol levels in plant shoots. Cadmium was the maximum inducer of the phytochelatin synthesis pathway.
A preliminary analyses of the possible contamination of surface and groundwater by the active ingredients of the pesticide products used in the areas with intensive agricultural activities of Alto Paranaíba region, MG, Brazil, was carried out. The active ingredients and formulated products most used in the region were identified and their characteristics of environmental importance were presented. The EPA screening criteria, the groundwater ubiquity score (GUS) and the criteria proposed by Goss were used to evaluate which pesticides might contaminate the local waters. Among the active ingredients studied, several present risks to the local aquatic environment.
Following application herbicides usually reach the soil and undergo several dissipation processes which determine their effects on target organisms and on the environment. This work aimed to evaluate atrazine and mesotrione sorption in Oxisols and estimate their potential impact on the environment. We observed that atrazine sorption was influenced by soil organic matter content and its hydrophobic character. Clay fraction was the main factor influencing mesotrione sorption followed in a lesser extent by soil organic matter content. In contrast to atrazine, mesotrione retention was favored by the higher carboxylic substitution in the aliphatic chains of soil organic matter. Atrazine and mesotrione were considered compounds that are likely to pose an appreciable risk of causing deleterious effects on the environment.
Lead and copper concentrations in drinking water increase considerably on going from municipality reservoirs to the households sampled in Ribeirão Preto (SP-Brazil). Flushing of only 3 liters of water reduced metal concentrations by more than 50%. Relatively small changes in water pH rapidly affected corrosion processes in lead pipes, while water hardness appeared to have a long-term effect. This approach aims to encourage University teachers to use its content as a case study in disciplines of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry and consequently increase knowledge about drinking water contamination in locations where no public monitoring of trace metals is in place.
The first diagnosis of risk of environmental contamination was conducted for an area of intense agricultural activity in the semiarid cearense (Baixo Jaguaribe and Litoral de Aracati area). We verified the use of 201 rural products (pesticides) in the region, comprising 151 active ingredients. Regarding the active ingredients evaluated, 15.9% were associated with sediment and 29.8% were dissolved in surface water. The study showed that 13.2% to 36.4% of the active ingredients evaluated were classified as potential contaminants of groundwater resources. The study also revealed the most abundant pesticides and which environmental compartment must be evaluated.
Atualmente, a preocupação com a proteção de áreas destinadas ao abastecimento público é eminente, pois a disponibilidade de água é cada vez menor. Entre as prováveis fontes de poluição das águas estão os aterros sanitários mal operados, aterros controlados e lixões. Os processos de contaminação no solo ocorrem lentamente e, frequentemente, sem consequências imediatas, porém, em longo prazo, podem ter efeitos sérios e possivelmente irreversíveis. O diagnóstico e a visualização da possível pluma de contaminação, em áreas destinadas à disposição de resíduos, podem ser realizados pela utilização de softwares que utilizam técnicas de interpolação, que transformam dados X, Y, Z, criando mapas temáticos. Com esse objetivo, foram coletadas amostras de solo a 1 e 2 m de profundidade, obtidos os valores de condutividade elétrica e pH para cada amostra e posteriormente inseridos no Software SURFER32, para a produção dos mapas. Verificam-se, claramente, nos mapas gerados, as áreas passíveis de contaminação por percolado e que os valores de pH e condutividade elétrica do solo são diretamente proporcionais, demonstrando os padrões representados nos mapas temáticos.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade das águas da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio São Domingos (BHRSD), correlacionando-a com as possíveis fontes poluidoras advindas das características naturais e antrópicas da área. Alguns parâmetros físico-químicos foram analisados em 65 pontos (superficiais e subterrâneos) de amostragem. Os resultados foram confrontados com os limites estabelecidos pelas Resoluções CONAMA 357/05 (classe 2), que trata das águas superficiais, e CONAMA 396/08 (consumo humano), que contempla as águas subterrâneas. Foram analisados diversos cátions e ânions, temperatura, alcalinidade, pH, condutividade elétrica (CE), sólidos totais dissolvidos (STD), oxigênio dissolvido (OD), demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO), coliformes termotolerantes e alguns agrotóxicos organoclorados e organofosforados. Os parâmetros que apresentaram inconformidades, com maior frequência, foram: alumínio dissolvido, boro total, ferro dissolvido, manganês total, nitratos, pH, OD, DBO e alguns organoclorados e organofosforados. Embora a área esteja situada em terreno cristalino tropical úmido, o que pode justificar os teores elevados de alumínio, manganês e ferro, os resultados apontam que o comprometimento da qualidade das águas da BHRSD é influenciado pela prática agrícola.
Objetivou-se avaliar a infecção parasitária de cordeiros e contaminação larval no pasto de azevém submetido a adubação nitrogenada. Foram utilizados 72 ovinos desmamados sendo estes distribuídos entre as 12 unidades experimentais (piquetes) com seis cordeiros (animais testes) em cada. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, composto por quatro tratamentos (doses de N), com três repetições (piquetes). Em relação ao número de ovos de helmintos por grama de fezes não se obteve diferença estatística entre as diferentes doses de N aplicadas no pasto. Já em relação ao número de larvas recuperadas no pasto pode-se observar efeito significativo (P<0,05) através do comportamento linear decrescente de acordo com as doses de adubação nitrogenada. Não houve diferença estatística ao avaliar a distribuição das larvas ao longo dos estratos do pasto. A interpretação da coprocultura revelou maior predominância de Haemonchus spp. e Trichostrongylus spp. independente da dose de nitrogênio aplicada.