967 resultados para Construções nominais


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Estudo sobre o processo de construção imaginária do público de gênero feminino ao consumir os produtos dos fenômenos musicais de massa, no Brasil. Tendo como base o caso do sucesso do cantor Michel Teló, representante do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, o objetivo é compreender o processo de construção imaginária que permeia a relação do público feminino (fãs) e consumo do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, a partir do discurso do cantor Michel Teló. Para tal, será tomado referencial teórico do campo dos Estudos Culturais em diálogo com estudos sobre imaginário e música de massa. A análise do discurso, de linha francesa, é a metodologia empregada em duas instâncias para se testar as reflexões construídas com a base teórica: a priori, a partir de um processo de observação participante, durante um espetáculo do artista, em que será observada a interação entre fenômeno e público, no momento de execução da sua música Ai, se eu te pego! ; e, doravante, o discurso do músico é analisado, por meio de entrevistas realizadas em programas televisivos. Um questionário aplicado a uma amostra entre o público feminino apreciador do cantor e de suas músicas contribui ainda no aprofundamento da reflexão. Resulta desta pesquisa a compreensão da proeminência do discurso ao conteúdo. Desta maneira, a importância maior se encontra na forma com que o cantor dialoga com seu público, por meio da imagem que ele constrói em torno de si.


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The object of this study is the construction of metaphor and metonymy in comics. This work is inserted in the field of Embodied Cognitive Linguistics, specifically based on the Neural Theory of Language (FELDMAN, 2006) and, consistent with this theoretical and methodological framework, the notions of categorization (LAKOFF & JOHNSON, 1999), embodiment (GIBBS, 2005), figurativity (GIBBS, 1994; BERGEN, 2005), and mental simulation (BARSALOU, 1999; FELDMAN, 2006) have also been used. The hypothesis defended is that the construction of figurativity in texts consisting of verbal and nonverbal mechanisms is linked to the activation of neural structures related to our actions and perceptions. Thus, language is considered a cognitive faculty connected to the brain apparatus and to bodily experiences, in such a way that it provides samples of the continuous process of meaning (re)construction performed by the reader, whom (re)defines his or her views about the world as certain neural networks are (or stop being) activated during linguistic processing. The data obtained during the analysys shows that, as regards comics, the act of reading together the graphics and verbal language seems to have an important role in the construction of figurativity, including cases of metaphors which are metonymically motivated. These preliminary conclusions were drawn from the data analysis taken from V de Vingança (MOORE; LLOYD, 2006). The corpus study was guided by the methodology of introspection, i.e., the individual analysis of linguistic aspects as manifested in one's own cognition (TALMY, 2005).


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This study has as objective to investigate the identity constructions of Mossoró, at the statements of the string literature. Having as thread the episode of resistance of the city against the group of Lampião at June the thirteenth of nineteen twenty seven, our study built itself at the statements present in nine strings, produced between the space-time of 1927 and 2007, year that Mossoró celebrated eighty years of the episode. Aware that the theme extrapolated the limits of the means of communication of the time and it became part of the everyday of the people from Mossoró, producing at the collective memory the image of a resistance city at the street’s names, at companies’ names, at radios’ names with the “FM Resistance”, at the discourses of the politicians, at the city hall which name is “Palace of the Resistance”, the central question that guides our investigation congregates the discussion around the dialogical relations done at the statements about the theme in vogue. This bias, the research elected as categories of analysis the concept of social voices and chronology, considering that the different identities are produced according to placements made by the subjects, as well as, by the context of production. Admitted at the area of Applied Linguistics (AL) and its line language and pratic of social the research articulates the theorizations provided from the area of Cultural Studies (especially regarding identity) with the theoretical framework of the bakhitinian Circle (regarding the social-historical conception of language and in its dialogical character). The results indicate that even existing an axiological movement around the representations of Mossoró and of the episode of 1927, the statements of the strings converge to a hegemonic discourse, corroborating with the identity profile of resistance transported over eighty decades


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Este trabajo presentado, direccionado a la defensa de la disertación de maestría, intitulada ¿Lo que se quiere imagen, lo que se quiere deseo?: Entre el fabular de deseos y las construcciones imagéticas en la prosa de Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, discute hasta donde el deseo impulse la imagen y hasta donde esta imagen es tocada por este deseo, visualizando dentro de un sistema literario poético y singular, las construcciones de la imagen junto a las fabulaciones de deseos, lo que nos expone delante de procesos de semiotización por medio de la escrita, de subjetivación, de vértigo, de sensibilización para los efectos y deseos en cuanto producción de sentido y multiplicidades estéticas en cuya letra transgresiva se aventura. En este sentido, el análisis transitará entre el discurso erótico y los problemas fundamentales que este pode, bien como el proceso de construcción de imagen, recortado por vía de discursos problematizados por el lenguaje presentado por la autora Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão. Para tanto, colocase como escopo una investigación norteada por autores como Bataille, Roland Barthes, Luiz Roberto Monzani, Suely Rolnik, Walter Benjamin, Georges Didi-Huberman, Maurice Blanchot, Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze, dentre otros que puedan transitar por las relaciones, en este estudio, establecidas, constituyendo el corpus teórico y de discusión, atendiendo al caráter cualitativo implicito en el desarrollo de esta disertación. Cuanto al corpus literario, este es compuesto por los contos trídos en Cuentos de la imagen (2005), de manera a constituiren cuerpo-subjetividad, envolviendo ideas, afectos, perceptos y imagens.


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We study the use of nominal suffixes of degree, such as -inho, -ão, -íssimo, -ílimo, -érrimo in written texts in Brazilian Portuguese, by focusing on semantic, cognitive, pragmatic and discourse aspects involved in using these suffixes. In general, we aim to identify semanticcognitive and discourse-pragmatic factors that motivate the usage of nominal suffixes of degree and to contribute for the study of degree in Portuguese class in Basic Education. The theoretical perspective underlying our research is the Linguística Funcional Centrada no Uso, as conceived by group of researchers of Discurso & Gramática (FURTADO DA CUNHA, BISPO, SILVA, 2013; MARTELOTTA, 2011). According to this theoretical model, language model uses the shape of the grammar of a language at the same time they are provisioned for it. In this sense, speech and grammar influence each other. In terms of methodology, we make an eminently qualitative research with quantitative support as evidence of use of trend. It is characterized also by descriptive and interpretive bias of the phenomenon under study. Empirical evidence from our analysis come from a corpus consisting of written texts from Veja magazine, January to June 2011 issues, particularly Carta do Leitor e Gente sections, the latter representative of the Coluna Social magazine. The results of our analysis showed that the use of nominal graders suffixes are related to semantic-cognitive factors (construction of certain text directions, the association more grounded aspects of concrete experience or the more abstract meanings, for example), the discourse-pragmatic issues (range certain communicative purposes, as critique, judge, mock, claim, involving the reader, seeking her membership of a particular point of view). In addition, we found that the use of these morphic elements in genres of the sample analyzed were related to the subjectivity of the writer and the inter-subjective issues involving writer and reader, as Traugott and Dasher (2002). Finally, we contemplate discussion about the approach of our object of study in Portuguese classes in Basic Education.


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In line with the model of grammar competition (Kroch, 1989; 2001), according to which the change in the syntactic domains is a process that develops via competition between different grammars, we describe and analyze the superficial constructions V2 / V3 in matrices / roots sentences of brazilian personal letters of the 19th and 20th centuries. The corpus, composed by 154 personal letters of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Norte, is divided into three century halves: (i) latter half of the 19th century; (ii) first half of the 20th century; and (iii) latter half of the 20th century. Our focus was the observation of the nature of preverbal constituents in superficial constructions V2 (verb in second position in the sentence) and V3 (verb in third position in the sentence), with a special attention on the position of the subject. Based on the various diachronical studies about the Portuguese ordination standards (Ambar (1992); Ribeiro (1995, 2001); Paixão de Sousa (2004); Paiva (2011), Coelho and Martins (2009, 2012)), our study sought to realize what are empirical ordination standards that involve superficial constructions V2 / V3 and how these patterns structure syntactically within a formal theoretical perspective (Chomsky, 1981; 1986), more specifically, in accordance with studies of Antonelli (2011), and Costa & Galves (2002). The survey results show that the data from the second half of the 19th century – unlike the first and second half of the 20th century data – have a greater balance in relation to the syntactic nature of preverbal constituent (contiguous or not), so that, in this period, the occurrence of orders with the subject in a preverbal position arrives at, at most, 52% (231/444 data); while in the 48% (213/444 data) remaining, the preverbal constituents are represented by a non-subject constituent, almost always an adverbial adjunct. Seen the results, we advocate that the brazilian personal letters of the 19th century have ordination patterns associated with a V2 system and an SV system, configuring, therefore, a possible competition process between different grammars that instantiate or a V2 system or an SV system. In other words, the brazilian letters of the 19th century instantiate a competition between the grammar of Classic Portuguese (a V2 system) and the grammars of Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese (an SV system). Therefore, that period is subject to the completion of two distinct parametric markings: (i) verb moved to the Fin core (grammar of Classic Portuguese) and (ii) verb moved to the T core (grammar of Brazilian Portuguese /European Portuguese). On the other hand, in the personal letters of the 20th century (first and second halves), there is a clear increase in ordenation patterns associated with the SV system, which shows more stable.


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Estudo sobre o processo de construção imaginária do público de gênero feminino ao consumir os produtos dos fenômenos musicais de massa, no Brasil. Tendo como base o caso do sucesso do cantor Michel Teló, representante do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, o objetivo é compreender o processo de construção imaginária que permeia a relação do público feminino (fãs) e consumo do gênero musical sertanejo universitário, a partir do discurso do cantor Michel Teló. Para tal, será tomado referencial teórico do campo dos Estudos Culturais em diálogo com estudos sobre imaginário e música de massa. A análise do discurso, de linha francesa, é a metodologia empregada em duas instâncias para se testar as reflexões construídas com a base teórica: a priori, a partir de um processo de observação participante, durante um espetáculo do artista, em que será observada a interação entre “fenômeno” e público, no momento de execução da sua música “Ai, se eu te pego!”; e, doravante, o discurso do músico é analisado, por meio de entrevistas realizadas em programas televisivos. Um questionário aplicado a uma amostra entre o público feminino apreciador do cantor e de suas músicas contribui ainda no aprofundamento da reflexão. Resulta desta pesquisa a compreensão da proeminência do discurso ao conteúdo. Desta maneira, a importância maior se encontra na forma com que o cantor dialoga com seu público, por meio da imagem que ele constrói em torno de si.


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Ce travail est une contribution aux études anthropologiques conduites sur Ia beauté et le corps dans des segments moyens urbains. Il cherche à analyser le processus de construction du corps et sa relation avec le individualisme et Ia beauté et la réalisation de chirurgies plasticiennes esthétiques, à partir d'une approche de la construction sociale. En ce sens, la ligne directrice de cette discussion sont le concept de corps comme une construction sociale et culturelle spécifique de chaque société et les différentes utilisations et les représentations que les divers segments font de celui-ci. A cette fin, une recherche de caractere ethnographique a été réalisé aupres des femmes âgés de vingt à quarante et cinq ans, résidents des quartiers Tirol et Petrópolis de Ia ville de Natal-RN (Brésil), dans Ia période d'avril à novembre 2006. Le travail de terrain a mêlé observation directe et entretiens avec des femmes et des médecins chirurgiens plasticiens


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The theater of puppets is one of the many expressions of popular culture which is marked by ongoing constructions and transformations in its symbolic representations as well as its characters and performances. In the city of Natal/RN, there is a manipulator called Heraldo Lins, an artist who operates such puppets, and has been performing his puppet since 1992. Lins has his own look at how he produces his performances and seeks to adjust his puppets to social and rentable contexts. Lins‟s performances are tailor-made in accordance with the request of his customers, as he makes up the passages and lines of his puppets according to his audience. This research aimed to study how the Heraldo Lins Mamulengos Show is built, especially its changes. We note that Lins chooses to dismantle the symbolic values of the tradition in the regular puppet theater once he adapts to modern patterns, placing himself between the traditional puppet theater and the cultural industry. The work in camp was made through a methodological focused in a participative observation and an audiovisual registry


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Neste trabalho, procuro associar as análises teóricas dentro do Programa Minimalista para as construções com SE ao seu comportamento ao longo do tempo nos dados do Corpus Tycho Brahe, em comparação com o comportamento dos sujeitos ao longo do tempo (séculos XVI a XIX). As diferenças que aparecem nos padrões estatísticos de argumentos pré-verbais, pós-verbais e nulos permitiram corroborar análises teóricas que consideram tais construções ativas e não passivas. Além disso, procuro contribuir para o entendimento da mudança linguística que ocorre do SE como um morfema passivo para o SE como um argumento, e proponho uma análise teórica para as construções com SE que dê conta do comportamento estatístico dos dados associando a proposta de Raposo e Uriagereka (1996) sobre a motivação de um núcleo F(orce) com a de D’Alessandro (2003) sobre a maneira como o objeto checa Caso nominativo.


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This work aims to provide high school students an development in his mathematical and geometrical knowledge, through the use of Geometric Constructions as a teaching resource in Mathematics classes. First a literature search to understand how it emerged and evolved the field of geometry was carried out and the Geometric Constructions. The ways in which the teaching of geometry happened in our country, also were studied some theories related to learning and in particular the Van Hiele theory which deals with the geometric learning also through the literature search were diagnosed. Two forms of the Geometric Constructions approach are analyzed in class: through the design of hand tools - ruler and compass - and through the computational tool - geometric software - being that we chose to approach using the ruler and compass instruments. It is proposed a workshop with nine Geometric Construction activities which was applied with a group of 3rd year of high school, the Escola de Educac¸ ˜ao B´asica Professor Anacleto Damiani in the city of Abelardo Luz, Santa Catarina. Each workshop activity includes the following topics: Activity Goals, Activity Sheet, Steps of Construction Activity Background and activity of the solution. After application of the workshop, the data were analyzed through content analysis according to three categories: Drawing Instruments, angles and their implications and Parallel and its Implications. Was observed that most of the students managed to achieve the research objectives, and had an development in their mathematical and geometrical knowledge, which can be perceived through the analysis of questionnaires administered to students, audio recordings, observations made during the workshop and especially through the improvement of the students in the development of the proposed activities.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança


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Ce travail est une contribution aux études anthropologiques conduites sur Ia beauté et le corps dans des segments moyens urbains. Il cherche à analyser le processus de construction du corps et sa relation avec le individualisme et Ia beauté et la réalisation de chirurgies plasticiennes esthétiques, à partir d'une approche de la construction sociale. En ce sens, la ligne directrice de cette discussion sont le concept de corps comme une construction sociale et culturelle spécifique de chaque société et les différentes utilisations et les représentations que les divers segments font de celui-ci. A cette fin, une recherche de caractere ethnographique a été réalisé aupres des femmes âgés de vingt à quarante et cinq ans, résidents des quartiers Tirol et Petrópolis de Ia ville de Natal-RN (Brésil), dans Ia période d'avril à novembre 2006. Le travail de terrain a mêlé observation directe et entretiens avec des femmes et des médecins chirurgiens plasticiens


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A comparação entre diferentes blocos regionais do globo não é fácil devido às suas dissemelhanças estruturais. Tal intensifica-se quando contrapomos realidades cujos dados são ainda de difícil congruência e até veracidade. Este é o caso da maioria dos países africanos, e facto semelhante presente em certas zonas do “Velho Continente”, mais precisamente, na zona dos Balcãs. Ambas as regiões tiveram que lidar, e continuam a fazê-lo, com conflitos intestinos dentro das suas fronteiras e encararam, não raras vezes, debates fratricidas no seu território. A democracia e os processos de democratização pareceram ser caminho de resolução pacífica para estas zonas onde o enlace geopolítico quase sempre foi de conflito latente. Será que a democracia, com base na tese liberal da paz entre Estados, é elemento suficiente para um Estado estável? Ou, conforme intui a teoria, a combinação de uma democracia recente com divisões étnicas num determinado país é necessariamente fator de instabilidade? Com este cenário como pano de fundo, pretendemos fazer um estudo comparativo com vista a percecionarmos se a democratização recente a que se chamou de terceira vaga e a existência de conflitos étnicos influenciam na estabilidade política.


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The theater of puppets is one of the many expressions of popular culture which is marked by ongoing constructions and transformations in its symbolic representations as well as its characters and performances. In the city of Natal/RN, there is a manipulator called Heraldo Lins, an artist who operates such puppets, and has been performing his puppet since 1992. Lins has his own look at how he produces his performances and seeks to adjust his puppets to social and rentable contexts. Lins‟s performances are tailor-made in accordance with the request of his customers, as he makes up the passages and lines of his puppets according to his audience. This research aimed to study how the Heraldo Lins Mamulengos Show is built, especially its changes. We note that Lins chooses to dismantle the symbolic values of the tradition in the regular puppet theater once he adapts to modern patterns, placing himself between the traditional puppet theater and the cultural industry. The work in camp was made through a methodological focused in a participative observation and an audiovisual registry