921 resultados para Consorzio di bonifica di secondo grado per il Canale Emiliano Romagnolo, CER, QUAL2K, QUAL2E, modelli di qualità fluviale


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Determinazione del Documento Preliminare relativamente alle fasi di sintesi del QC, di individuazione degli obiettivi, e di definizione delle misure da adottare per il risanamento della risorsa idrica nel territorio ferrarese.


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La tesi riguarda lo studio degli effetti indotti dal deposito di terreno che si trova sopra il substrato roccioso. la Valutazione è stata condotta con riferimento al sito del Duomo di Modena. Il segnale sismico che giunge dagli strati rocciosi profonfi, attraversando il deposito ed interagendo con il terreno soffice che lo compone, si modifica fino a giungere in superficie. Sono state condotte analisi in campo libero e con interazione suolo-struttura, facendo riferimento a 63 eventi sismici scelti in funzione dei risultati di specifiche analisi di pericolosità sismica condotte per il Duomo. Sono stati impiegati tre approcci di calcolo: monodimensionale lineare, tramite script implementato in Matlab a cura dello scrivente, monodimensionale lineare-equivalente, a mezzo del codice EERA, bidimensionale ad elementi finiti con software PLAXIS. Si sono ottenuti i periodi propri di vibrazione del deposito, i coefficienti di amplificazione stratigrafica, gli accelerogrammi e gli spettri di risposta elastici a livello del piano campagna utilizzabili direttamente per la verifica sismica di strutture poste in superficie nel centro di Modena. E' stato infine condotto un confronto scientifico tra gli spettri di risposta calcolati e quelli proposti dal D.M. 14/01/2008.


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Urbanization is a continuing phenomenon in all the world. Grasslands, forests, etc. are being continually changed to residential, commercial and industrial complexes, roads and streets, and so on. One of the side effects of urbanization with which engineers and planners must deal with, is the increase of peak flows and volumes of runoff from rainfall events. As a result, the urban drainage and flood control systems must be designed to accommodate the peak flows from a variety of storms that may occur. Usually the peak flow, after development, is required not to exceed what would have occurred from the same storm under conditions existing prior to development. In order to do this it is necessary to design detention storage to hold back runoff and to release it downstream at controlled rates. In the first part of the work have been developed various simplified formulations that can be adopted for the design of stormwater detention facilities. In order to obtain a simplified hydrograph were adopted two approaches: the kinematic routing technique and the linear reservoir schematization. For the two approaches have been also obtained other two formulations depending if the IDF (intensity-duration-frequency) curve is described with two or three parameters. Other formulations have been developed taking into account if the outlet have a constant discharge or it depends on the water level in the pond. All these formulations can be easily applied when are known the characteristics of the drainage system and maximum discharge that these is in the outlet and has been defined a Return Period which characterize the IDF curve. In this way the volume of the detention pond can be calculated. In the second part of the work have been analyzed the design of detention ponds adopting continuous simulation models. The drainage systems adopted for the simulations, performed with SWMM5, are fictitious systems characterized by different sizes, and different shapes of the catchments and with a rainfall historical time series of 16 years recorded in Bologna. This approach suffers from the fact that continuous record of rainfall is often not available and when it is, the cost of such modelling can be very expensive, and that the majority of design practitioners are not prepared to use continuous long term modelling in the design of stormwater detention facilities. In the third part of the work have been analyzed statistical and stochastic methodologies in order to define the volume of the detention pond. In particular have been adopted the results of the long term simulation, performed with SWMM, to obtain the data to apply statistic and stochastic formulation. All these methodologies have been compared and correction coefficient have been proposed on the basis of the statistic and stochastic form. In this way engineers which have to design a detention pond can apply a simplified procedure appropriately corrected with the proposed coefficient.