957 resultados para Conservação ex situ


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The sliding history in friction-induced material transfer of dry 2H-MoS2 particles in a sheared contact was studied. Video images in contact showed fragmentation of lubricant particles and build-up of a transfer film, and were used to measure the speed of fragmented particles in the contact region. Total internal reflection (TIR) Raman spectroscopy was used to follow the build-up of the MoS2 transfer film. A combination of in situ and ex situ analysis of the mating bodies revealed the thickness of the transfer film at steady state to be of the order of 35 nm on the ball surface and 15 nm on the flat substrate. Insights into the mechanism of formation of the transfer film in the early stages of sliding contact are deduced.


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In order to study cell electroporation in situ, polymer devices have been fabricated from poly-dimethyl siloxane with transparent indium tin oxide parallel plate electrodes in horizontal geometry. This geometry with cells located on a single focal plane at the interface of the bottom electrode allows a longer observation time in both transmitted bright-field and reflected fluorescence microscopy modes. Using propidium iodide (PI) as a marker dye, the number of electroporated cells in a typical culture volume of 10-100 mu l was quantified in situ as a function of applied voltage from 10 to 90 V in a series of 2-ms pulses across 0.5-mm electrode spacing. The electric field at the interface and device current was calculated using a model that takes into account bulk screening of the transient pulse. The voltage dependence of the number of electroporated cells could be explained using a stochastic model for the electroporation kinetics, and the free energy for pore formation was found to be kT at room temperature. With this device, the optimum electroporation conditions can be quickly determined by monitoring the uptake of PI marker dye in situ under the application of millisecond voltage pulses. The electroporation efficiency was also quantified using an ex situ fluorescence-assisted cell sorter, and the morphology of cultured cells was evaluated after the pulsing experiment. Importantly, the efficacy of the developed device was tested independently using two cell lines (C2C12 mouse myoblast cells and yeast cells) as well as in three different electroporation buffers (phosphate buffer saline, electroporation buffer and 10 % glycerol).


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Graphene oxide (GO), prepared by chemical oxidation of graphite, serves as a building block for developing polymeric nanocomposites. However, their application in electrical conductivity is limited by the fact that the oxygen sites on GO trap electrons and impede charge transport. Conducting nanocomposites can be developed by reducing GO. Various strategies have been adopted to either reduce GO ex situ, before the composite preparation, or in situ during the development of the nanocomposites. The current state of research on in situ reduction of GO during the preparation of conducting polymeric nanocomposites is discussed in this review. The mechanism and the efficiency of reduction is discussed with respect to various strategies employed during the preparation of the nanocomposite, the type of polymer used, and the processing conditions employed, etc. Its overall effect on the electrical conductivity of the nanocomposites is also discussed and the future outlook in this area is presented.


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The thermal stability of InN in the growth environment in metalorganic chemical vapor deposition was systematically investigated in situ by laser reflectance system and ex situ by morphology characterization, X-ray diffraction and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It was found that InN can withstand isothermal annealing at temperature as high as 600 degrees C in NH3 ambient. While in N-2 atmosphere, it will decompose quickly to form In-droplets at least at the temperature around 500 degrees C, and the activation energy of InN decomposition was estimated to be 2.1 +/- 0.1 eV. Thermal stability of InN when annealing in NH3 ambient during temperature altering would be very sensitive to ramping rate and NH3 flow rate, and InN would sustain annealing process at small ramping rate and sufficient supply of reactive nitrogen radicals. Whereas In-droplets formation was found to be the most frequently encountered phenomenon concerning InN decomposition, annealing window for conditions free of In-droplets was worked out and possible reasons related are discussed. In addition, InN will decompose in a uniform way in the annealing window, and the decomposition rate was found to be in the range of 50 and 100 nm/h. Hall measurement shows that annealing treatment in such window will improve the electrical properties of InN. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Immobilization of protein molecules is a fundamental problem for scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) measurements with high resolution. In this paper, an electrochemical method has been proved to be an effective way to fix native horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as well as inactivated HRP from electrolyte onto a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface. This preparation is suitable for both ex situ and in situ electrochemical STM (ECSTM) measurements. In situ STM has been successfully employed to observe totally different structures of HRP in three typical cases: (1) in situ ECSTM reveals an oval-shaped pattern for a single molecule in neutral buffer solution, which is in good agreement with the dimension determined as 6.2 x 4.3 x 1.2. nm(3) by ex situ STM for native HRP; (2) in situ ECSTM shows that the adsorbed HRP molecules on HOPG in a denatured environment exhibit swelling globes at the beginning and then change into a V-shaped pattern after 30 min; (3) in situ ECSTM reveals a black hole in every ellipsoidal sphere for inactivated HRP in strong alkali solution. The cyclic voltammetry results indicate that the adsorbed native HRP can directly catalyse the reduction of hydrogen peroxide, demonstrating that a direct electron transfer reduction occurred between the enzyme and HOPG electrode, whereas the corresponding cyclic voltammograms for denatured HRP and inactivated HRP adsorbed on HOPG electrodes indicate a lack of ability to catalyse H2O2 reduction, which confirms that the HRP molecules lost their biological activity. Obviously, electrochemical results powerfully support in situ STM observations.


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Considerando o alto valor comercial do safrol, bem como a ocorrência natural de pimenta longa no Acre, esta espécie poderá constituir-se em mais uma alternativa econômica de produção para os pequenos, médios e grandes produtores do Estado. Sendo uma espécie pouco conhecida geneticamente, desenvolveu-se um protocolo de análise isoenzimática com o objetivo de avaliar a estrutura genética e distribuição da variabilidade genética entre as populações nativas da espécie, visando traçar uma estratégia de coleta de material vegetal mais adequada para conservação da variabilidade ex situ e detectar populações superiores com relação aos teores de safrol, rendimento em base livre de umidade, resistência a pragas e/ou doenças e outros parâmetros de interesse.


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The growth of magnetron sputtered Co/Au and Pd/Co/Au superlattices on Au and Pd buffer layers, deposited onto glass substrates, has been monitored optically and magneto-optically in real time, using rotating analyser ellipsometry and Kerr polarimetry, at a wavelength of 633 nm. The magneto-optical traces, combined with ex situ and in situ hysteresis loops, provide a detailed and informative fingerprint of the optical and magnetic properties of the films as they evolve during growth. For Co/Au, oscillations in the polar magneto-optical effect developed during the deposition of An overlayers on Co and these may be attributed to quantum well states. However, the hysteresis measurements show that the magnetic field required to maintain saturation magnetization throughout the experiment was larger than available in situ, introducing a degree of confusion concerning the interpretation of the data. This problem was overcome by the incorporation of Pd layers into the Co/Au structure, thereby eliminating variation in magnetic orientation during growth of the Au layers as a contributory factor to the observations.


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Understanding the labile status of phosphorus (P) in sediments is crucial for managing a eutrophic lake, but it is hindered by lacking in situ data particularly on a catchment scale. In this study, we for the first time characterized in situ labile P in sediments with the Zr-oxide diffusive gradients in thin films (Zr-oxide DGT) technique at a two-dimensional (2D), submillimeter resolution in a large eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu, China, with an area of 2338km2). The concentration of DGT-labile P in the sediment profiles showed strong variation mostly ranging from 0.01 to 0.35mgL-1 with a considerable number of hotspots. The horizontal heterogeneity index of labile P varied from 0.04 to 4.5. High values appeared at the depths of 0-30mm, likely reflecting an active layer of labile P under the sediment-water interface (SWI). Concentration gradients of labile P were observed from the high-resolution 1D DGT profiles in both the sediment and overlying water layers close to the SWI. The apparent diffusion flux of P across the SWI was calculated between -21 and 65ngcm-2d-1, which showed that the sediments tended to be a source and sink of overlying water P in the algal- and macrophyte-dominated regions, respectively. The DGT-labile P in the 0-30mm active layer showed a better correlation with overlying water P than the labile P measured by ex situ chemical extraction methods. It implies that in situ, high-resolution profiling of labile P with DGT is a more reliable approach and will significantly extend our ability in in situ monitoring of the labile status of P in sediments in the field.


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Co-electrolysis of carbon dioxide and steam has been shown to be an efficient way to produce syngas, however further optimisation requires detailed understanding of the complex reactions, transport processes and degradation mechanisms occurring in the solid oxide cell (SOC) during operation. Whilst electrochemical measurements are currently conducted in situ, many analytical techniques can only be used ex situ and may even be destructive to the cell (e.g. SEM imaging of microstructure). In order to fully understand and characterise co-electrolysis, in situ monitoring of the reactants, products and SOC is necessary. Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) is ideal for in situ monitoring of co-electrolysis as both gaseous and adsorbed CO and CO2 species can be detected, however it has previously not been used for this purpose. The challenges of designing an experimental rig which allows optical access alongside electrochemical measurements at high temperature and operates in a dual atmosphere are discussed. The rig developed has thus far been used for symmetric cell testing at temperatures from 450[degree]C to 600[degree]C. Under a CO atmosphere, significant changes in spectra were observed even over a simple Au|10Sc1CeSZ|Au SOC. The changes relate to a combination of CO oxidation, the water gas shift reaction and carbonate formation and decomposition processes, with the dominant process being both potential and temperature dependent.


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Crop wild relatives (CWRs) will gain in importance as changing climates put both traditional and advanced cultivars under increasing stress, leading to a need for plant breeding to produce new varieties able to grow under the new climate regimes. Traditionally, the approach to the conservation of CWRs has been ex situ - the collection and maintenance of seed accessions in national, regional, and international germplasm banks, supplemented by field genebanks for species with recalcitrant seeds. More recently the need to maintain CWRs in their natural habitats (in situ) has been advocated. This is very different from on-farm conservation of traditional land races and is a complex multidisciplinary process. Particular problems that have to be addressed include the adoption of a workable definition of what is a CWR, application of priority-determining mechanisms because of the large number of candidate species of CWRs, assessment of the effectiveness of conservation approaches, the relative costs of in situ and ex situ approaches, integration of CWR in situ conservation into national programmes, and the challenges posed by global change. CWRs may be conserved in both protected and non-protected areas. Presence in the former is no guarantee of their survival and in most cases some degree of management intervention is required. Experience derived from recent EU- and GEF-funded CWR conservation initiatives will be drawn upon.


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Os catalisadores metalocênicos Me2Si(Ind)2ZrCl2 e Me2Si(2-Me-Ind)2ZrCl2 foram suportados in-situ sobre SMAO e empregados na polimerização de propeno na presença de alquilalumínios tais como TEA, IPRA ou TIBA. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o tipo e a concentração de alquilalumínio presente no meio reacional influenciaram tanto a atividade catalítica quanto as propriedades dos polímeros gerados. Os polímeros obtidos com o catalisador suportado in-situ apresentaram propriedades distintas das obtidas no polímero gerado através da polimerização homogênea, além de morfologia controlada, confirmando que de fato a polimerização ocorreu sobre a superfície do SMAO. Através da deconvolução das curvas de GPC foi constatado o aumento do número de tipos de sítios ativos no sistema catalítico suportado in-situ, resultado que também confirmou a heterogeneização do catalisador sobre o suporte. Com o auxílio de cálculos teóricos e da deconvolução das curvas de GPC foi possível propor estruturas para os sítios ativos dos sistemas homogêneo metaloceno/MAO e heterogêneo (suportado in-situ) metaloceno/SMAO/alquilalumínio. Quando eteno foi utilizado como monômero, o comportamento do sistema catalítico metaloceno/SMAO/alquilalumínio suportado in-situ foi distinto do obtido com propeno. O catalisador Me2Si(Ind)2ZrCl2 suportado ex-situ sobre SMAO através de técnicas convencionais de suportação foi avaliado por EXAFS e foi constatado que a vizinhança eletrônica do zircônio é influenciada pela razão Zr/SMAO. Os resultados obtidos por EXAFS foram correlacionados com a variação na atividade catalítica na polimerização de eteno em função da alteração na razão Zr/SMAO.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)