901 resultados para Conflict of classes
The microbiological quality of various fresh waters in the Araraquara region, state of São Paulo, Brazil was investigated. Ninety-nine water samples were taken from rivers, reservoirs, artesian and non-artesian wells, springs and tap waters, and these waters were analysed using: plate counts of heterotrophic microorganisms (per 1 ml); Most Probable Number (MPN) of fecal coliforms and E. coli (per 100 ml); tests for presence of Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, the E. coli pathogens of classes EPEC, ETEC and EIEC and Mycobacterium, Shigella, Yersinia and enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC) were not isolated. The other types of microorganisms were isolated in varying proportions. We conclude that the waters investigated represent a potential microbiological health risk.
Studies indicate that teachers constitute a professional segment, in which the work characteristics and the demands originating from the act of teaching, favor the emergence of sickness, concerning physical or emotional aspects. The present work aimed to describe physical and postural aspects during the working activity of teachers. A total of 120 elementary school teachers (1st to 8th grade) took part in the survey. For data collection, a questionnaire was applied: it included personal and occupational information, perception of discomfort and being off work; physical strength activities; posture at work and physical conditioning activities. The average age of teachers of the present sample corresponds to 35,8 years. In relation to activities which generate more physical strength, the answer none of the activities was predominant with 30 answers; followed by writing on the board, standing up during the period of classes, explanation of the subjects, class elaboration, correction of homework and others. The area of the body with higher amount of occurrences and prevalent discomfort referred to the lower limbs and spinal cord. These data inform the necessity of investing in prevention programs for the teachers, in order to develop strategies into the organizational context and interventions at the work environment.
The great diversity of materials that characterizes the urban environment determines a structure of mixed classes in a classification of multiespectral images. In that sense, it is important to define an appropriate classification system using a non parametric classifier, that allows incorporating non spectral (such as texture) data to the process. They also allow analyzing the uncertainty associated to each class from the output alues of the network calculated in relation to each class. Considering these properties, an experiment was carried out. This experiment consisted in the application of an Artificial Neural Network aiming at the classification of the urban land cover of Presidente Prudente and the analysis of the uncertainty in the representation of the mapped thematic classes. The results showed that it is possible to discriminate the variations in the urban land cover through the application of an Artificial Neural Network. It was also possible to visualize the spatial variation of the uncertainty in the attribution of classes of urban land cover from the generated representations. The class characterized by a defined pattern as intermediary related to the impermeability of the urban soil presented larger ambiguity degree and, therefore, larger mixture.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. In CAD systems, several studies have investigated the use of wavelet transform as a multiresolution analysis tool for texture analysis and could be interpreted as inputs to a classifier. In classification, polynomial classifier has been used due to the advantages of providing only one model for optimal separation of classes and to consider this as the solution of the problem. In this paper, a system is proposed for texture analysis and classification of lesions in mammographic images. Multiresolution analysis features were extracted from the region of interest of a given image. These features were computed based on three different wavelet functions, Daubechies 8, Symlet 8 and bi-orthogonal 3.7. For classification, we used the polynomial classification algorithm to define the mammogram images as normal or abnormal. We also made a comparison with other artificial intelligence algorithms (Decision Tree, SVM, K-NN). A Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. Our system is evaluated using 360 digitized mammograms from DDSM database and the result shows that the algorithm has an area under the ROC curve Az of 0.98 ± 0.03. The performance of the polynomial classifier has proved to be better in comparison to other classification algorithms. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Com esta pesquisa objetivou-se investigar os saberes em ação na prática docente no ensino de Matemática a alunos surdos incluídos em uma escola com alunos ouvintes. Direcionados pela pergunta norteadora que saberes os professores desenvolvem para incluir o aluno surdo nas aulas de Matemática com alunos ouvintes na Escola Regular? Buscaram-se respostas nos dados coletados em uma escola que atua nas séries iniciais, no Município de Belém-Pa, em uma turma de 4ª série, com 25 alunos, 20 ouvintes e 05 surdos incluídos. Os sujeitos informantes foi a professora regente da turma (PR), a professora itinerante que atende a turma (PI) e 03 futuros professores de Matemática (FP), alunos da Licenciatura em Matemática da UFPA também envolvidos no processo a partir de um trabalho colaborativo com a pesquisadora e o orientador da pesquisa. Trata-se de um estudo de caso do tipo etnográfico em que foram realizadas: observação participante sistemática e assistemática durante 08 meses, entrevista não estruturada com os 05 sujeitos e análise documental de plano anual, livro didático de Matemática, atividades de aula e diário de bordo dos futuros professores, que foram trianguladas originando eixos de análises para cada sujeito e seus saberes e ainda 03 episódios de sala de aula durante as aulas de fração dos quais foram extraídas 03 categorias que subsidiaram as análises sendo elas: (1) o saber da Língua nas aulas de matemática para alunos surdos incluídos com alunos ouvintes em que os resultados apontam para a importância dos saberes disciplinares / específicos, os curriculares, os experienciais e o saber da reflexão – na - ação como saber público validado evidenciando o saber da língua de sinais como o diferencial da cultura surda, gerou-se 02 subcategorias: 1ª a Língua de Sinais como saber necessário e a Língua Portuguesa Oral como imposição de saber e poder cultural e assim foi possível sinalizar para o conflito de culturas no processo de ensino de Matemática para alunos surdos incluídos na escola de ouvintes; (2) o saber inclusivo, o impacto entre a cultura surda e a cultura ouvinte no mesmo ambiente de aprendizagem, o que sinalizou para a existência de duas escolas no mesmo espaço e situações de aulas que propiciaram a inclusão e a exclusão dos alunos surdos no contexto; (3) o saber da reflexão – na - ação durante as aulas de Matemática a alunos surdos com alunos ouvintes enquanto o constituinte do habitus profissional desde a formação inicial como forma de propiciar a assimilação da diversidade cultural na prática docente.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The present study applied the comet assay to erythrocytes of Oreochromis niloticus with the aim of improving protocols to detect DNA damage in these cells, by using two distinct pHs (pH = 12.1 and pH > 13) and evaluating whether there is a correspondence between silver and ethidium bromide staining. Comets were visually examined and, the frequency of cells with and without damage was obtained, as well as the distribution of classes and scores. By using the Kruskal-Wallis test, our results revealed that pH 12.1 is more effective, although both pHs can be used. Our findings also suggest that silver staining can substitute ethidium bromide, an expensive and highly toxic stain that requires specific equipment for examination.
We sought to explore the effects of doxorubicin on inflammatory profiles and energy metabolism in the hypothalamus of rats. To investigate these effects, we formed two groups: a control (C) group and a Doxorubicin (DOXO) group. Sixteen rats were randomly assigned to either the control (C) or DOXO groups. The hypothalamus was collected. The levels of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α and energy metabolism (malate dehydrogenase, complex I and III activities) were analysed in the hypothalamus. The DOXO group exhibited a decreased body weight (p < 0.01). Hypothalamic malate dehydrogenase activity was reduced when compared with control (p < 0.05). In addition, pro-inflammatory cytokine levels were unchanged. Therefore, our results demonstrate that doxorubicin leads to an impairment of \hypothalamic energy metabolism, but do not affect the inflammatory pathway. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Conflict of Interest Significance paragraph The hypothalamus is a central organ that regulates a great number of functions, such as food intake, temperature and energy expenditure, among others. Doxorubicin can lead to deep anorexia and metabolic chaos; thus, we observed the effect of this chemotherapeutic drug on the inflammation and metabolism in rats after the administration of doxorubicin in order to understand the central effect in the hypothalamus. Drug treatment by doxorubicin is used as a cancer therapy; however the use of this drug may cause harmful alterations to the metabolism. Thus, further investigations are needed on the impact of drug therapy over the long term.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Evaluation and adequacy of land occupation in Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) are important to ensure quantity and quality of water and local biodiversity. The objective of the study was mapping PPAs according to the Brazilian Forest Code and quantifying land cover and use, establishing the conflict of PPAs occupation in the Ribeirão Lavapés sub watershed. The area is 11,154.58 ha, and is located in Botucatu city, Midwestern region of São Paulo state. For this reason, geoprocessing tools, such as Remote Sensing and the Geographic Information System (SIG) were used. The dominant classes of land use and cover were the Urban Zone in Reverse Cuesta, 4,394.27 ha (39.39%) and Annual Crops in the Peripheral Depression, 3,670.89 ha (39.39%). The mapped area of native forest vegetal cover in the sub watershed was of 1,109.70 ha. Regarding the mapping of PPAs, considering the total area of 1,721.80 ha, a total of 532.15 ha (30.91%) are covered by Riparian Forest and 1,189.65 ha (69.09%) had no native riparian vegetation, therefore, requiring its reforestation.
This research deals with the behaviour of grouted dowels used in beam-to-column connections in precast concrete structures. The research focuses primarily on the theoretical and experimental analysis of the resistance mechanism of the dowels. The experimental programme included 15 models for analysing the following variations in dowel parameters: a) dowel diameters of 16, 20 and 25 mm, b) dowel inclinations of 0 degrees (i.e. perpendicular to the interface), 45 degrees and 60 degrees, c) compressive strength of classes C35 and C50 for the concrete adjacent to the dowels, and d) the absence or presence of compressive loads normal to the interface. The experimental results indicate that the ultimate capacity and shear stiffness of the inclined dowels are significantly higher than those of the perpendicular dowels. Based on these results, an analytical model is proposed that considers the influence of the parameters studied regarding the capacity of the dowel.