996 resultados para Condensed matter theory


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The d.c. conductivity of phosphomolybdate and phosphotungstate glasses is discussed. The conductivity of these glasses is due to the hopping of electrons between two valence states (Mo5+ to Mo6+ or W5+ W6+). In some of the glasses, the activation energy itself is found to be a function of temperature. This appears to be due to thermally activated and variable-range hopping mechanisms operating in different temperature regimes. The relation between conductivity and the [M5+]/[Mtotal](M ≡ Mo, W) ratio does not show any systematic variation. This anomaly can be understood using the structural models of these glasses. In contrast, Mott's theory and the Triberis and Friedman model have been used to obtain conductivity parameters such as the percolation distance Rij and 2agrRij (agr is the tunnelling probability). The conductivity parameter 2agrRij is quite useful to resolve the controversy regarding the tunnelling term exp(2agrRij) existing in the literature. For low values of 2agrRij, it is shown that the exp (2agrRij) term is very significant.


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Using a continuum Dirac theory, we study the density and spin response of zigzag edge-terminated graphene ribbons subjected to edge potentials and Zeeman fields. Our analytical calculations of the density and spin responses of the closed system (fixed particle number) to the static edge fields, show a highly nonlinear Weber-Fechner type behavior where the response depends logarithmically on the edge potential. The dependence of the response on the size of the system (e.g., width of a nanoribbon) is also uncovered. Zigzag edge graphene nanoribbons, therefore, provide a realization of response of organs such as the eye and ear that obey Weber-Fechner law. We validate our analytical results with tight-binding calculations. These results are crucial in understanding important effects of electron-electron interactions in graphene nanoribbons such as edge magnetism, etc., and also suggest possibilities for device applications of graphene nanoribbons.


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We present a variety of physical implications of a mean-field theory for spiral spin-density-wave states in the square-lattice Hubbard model for small deviations from half filling. The phase diagram with the paramagnetic metal, two spiral (semimetallic) states, and ferromagnet is calculated. The momentum distribution function and the (quasiparticle) density of states are discussed. There is a significant broadening of the quasiparticle bands when the antiferromagnetic insulator is doped. The evolution of the Fermi surface and the variation of the plasma frequency and a charge-stiffness constant with U/t and δ are calculated. The connection to results based on the Schwinger-boson-slave-fermion formalism is made.


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The π-electronic excitations and excited-state geometries of trans-stilbene (tS) are found by combining exact solutions of the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model and semiempirical Parametric Method 3 (PM3) calculations. Comprehensive comparisons with tS spectra are obtained and related to the fluorescence and topological alternation of poly(paraphenylenevinylene) (PPV). The one-photon absorption and triplet of tS correspond, respectively, to singlet and triplet bipolarons confined to two phenyls, while the tS2- ground state is a confined charged bipolaron. Independent estimates of the relaxation energy between vertical and adiabatic excitation show the bipolaron binding energy to depend on both charge and spin, as expected for interacting π electrons in correlated or molecular states. Complete configuration interaction within the PPP model of tS accounts for the singlet-triplet gap, for the fine-structure constants and triplet-triplet spectra, for two-photon transitions and intensities, and for one-photon spectra and the radiative lifetime, although the relative position of nearly degenerate covalent and ionic singlets is not resolved. The planar PM3 geometry and low rotational barrier of tS agree with resolved rotational and vibrational spectra in molecular beams. PM3 excitation and relaxation energies for tS bipolarons are consistent with experiment and with PPP results. Instead of the exciton model, we interpret tS excitations in terms of states that are localized on each ring or extended over an alternating chain, as found exactly in Hückel theory, and find nearly degenerate transitions between extended and localized states in the singlet, triplet, and dianion manifolds. The large topological alternation of the extended system increases the ionicity and interchanges the order of the lowest one- and two-photon absorption of PPV relative to polyenes.


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: Within two months of the first report on quasicrystals in PRL in November 1984, Indian research which had a 'premature discovery' in 1978 in this area got under way, In the past nine years these efforts have led to original discoveries relating to new types of quasicrystalline phases as well as extensive investigations involving tiling theory, hyperspace, positron annihilation and electrical properties, These researches have been multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary. Enlightened and generous funding was extended by DST from 1986 by recognizing it as a thrust area in basic research via SERC and US-India Funds. International recognition, subjective though it is, in the form of citation of Indian papers, invited lectures and reviews, books as well as the membership of International Advisory Committee has followed and is among the highest in the fields of condensed matter science covered at the Bangalore meeting, Future directions pertaining to the exploration of mechanical and electronic properties as well as structures beyond the quasicrystalline order will be pointed out.


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We present the details of a formalism for calculating spatially varying zero-frequency response functions and equal-time correlation functions in models of magnetic and mixed-valence impurities of metals. The method is based on a combination of perturbative, thermodynamic scaling theory [H. R. Krishna-murthy and C. Jayaprakash, Phys. Rev. B 30, 2806 (1984)] and a nonperturbative technique such as the Wilson renormalization group. We illustrate the formalism for the spin-1/2 Kondo problem and present results for the conduction-spin-density�impurity-spin correlation function and conduction-electron charge density near the impurity. We also discuss qualitative features that emerge from our calculations and discuss how they can be carried over to the case of realistic models for transition-metal impurities.


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Temperature and magnetic field studies of the elastic constants of the chromium spinel CdCr2O4 show pronounced anomalies related to strong spin-phonon coupling in this frustrated antiferromagnet. A detailed comparison of the longitudinal acoustic mode propagating along the 111] direction with a theory based on an exchange-striction mechanism leads to an estimate of the strength of the magnetoelastic interaction. The derived spin-phonon coupling constant is in good agreement with previous determinations based on infrared absorption. Further insight is gained from intermediate and high magnetic field experiments in the field regime of the magnetization plateau. The role of the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is discussed.


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We present experimental x-ray-absorption spectra at the oxygen and 3d transition-metal K edges of LaFeO3 and LaCoO3. We interpret the experimental results in terms of detailed theoretical calculations based on multiple-scattering theory. Along with providing an understanding of the origin of various experimental features, we investigate the effects of structural distortions and the core-hole potential in determining the experimental spectral shape. The results indicate that the core-hole potential as well as many-body effects within the valence electrons do not have any strong effect on the spectra suggesting that the spectral features can be directly interpreted in terms of the electronic structure of such compounds.


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The anisotropic magnetic susceptibilities of single crystals of the isostructural layered antiferromagnets, MnPS3 (T-N = 78 K) and MnPSe3 (T-N = 74 K), have been measured as functions of temperature. In both compounds, divalent manganese is present in the high-spin S = 5/2 state. The anisotropies in the susceptibilities of the two are, however, very different; while the susceptibility of MnPS3 is isotropic, that of MnPSe3 shows a large XY anisotropy, unusual for a manganese compound. The anisotropic susceptibilities are described by the zero-field spin Hamiltonian: H = DSiz2 - Sigma J(ij).(S) over right arrow (S) over right arrow(j) with the quadratic single-ion anisotropy term introducing anisotropy in an otherwise isotropic situation. The exchange J and the single-ion zero-field-splitting (ZFS) parameter D were evaluated using the correlated effective-field theory of Lines. For MnPSe3, J/k = -5.29 K and D/k = 26.6 K, while for isotropic MnPS3, J/k = -8.1 K. It is suggested that the large value of the ZFS parameter for MnPSe3 as compared to MnPS3 could be due to the large ligand spin-orbit contribution of the heavier selenium.


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Inelastic light scattering studies on a single crystal of electron-doped Ca(Fe0.95Co0.05)(2)As-2 superconductor, covering the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition as well as the magnetic transition at T-SM similar to 140 K and the superconducting transition temperature T-c similar to 23 K, reveal evidence for superconductivity-induced phonon renormalization. In particular, the phonon mode near 260 cm(-1) shows hardening below T-c, signaling its coupling with the superconducting gap. All three Raman active phonon modes show anomalous temperature dependence between room temperature and T-c, i.e. the phonon frequency decreases with lowering temperature. Further, the frequency of one of the modes shows a sudden change in temperature dependence at TSM. Using first-principles density functional theory based calculations, we show that the low temperature phase (T-c < T < T-SM) exhibits short-ranged stripe antiferromagnetic ordering, and estimate the spin-phonon couplings that are responsible for these phonon anomalies.


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We study muon-spin rotation (mu SR) spectra in the mixed phase of highly anisotropic layered superconductors, specifically Bi2+xSr2-xCaCu2O8+delta (BSCCO), by modeling the fluid and solid phases of pancake Vortices using liquid-state and density functional methods. The role of thermal fluctuations in causing motional narrowing of mu SR line shapes is quantified in terms of a first-principles theory of the flux-lattice melting transition. The effects of random point pinning are investigated using a replica treatment of liquid-state correlations and a replicated density functional theory. Our results indicate that motional narrowing in the pure system, although substantial, cannot account for the remarkably small linewidths obtained experimentally at relatively high fields and low temperatures. We find that satisfactory agreement with the mu SR data for BSCCO in this regime can be obtained through the ansatz that this ''phase'' is characterized by frozen short-range positional correlations reflecting the structure of the liquid just above the melting transition. This proposal is consistent with recent suggestions of a ''pinned liquid'' or ''glassy'' state of pancake Vortices in the presence of pinning disorder. Our results for the high-temperature liquid phase indicate that measurable linewidths may be obtained in this phase as a consequence of density inhomogeneities induced by the pinning disorder. The results presented here comprise a unified, first-principles theoretical treatment of mu SR spectra in highly anisotropic layered superconductors in terms of a controlled set of approximations. [S0163-1829(99)08033-9].


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A many-body theory of paramagnetic Kondo insulators is described, focusing specifically on single-particle dynamics, scattering rates, dc transport and optical conductivities. This is achieved by development of a non-perturbative local moment approach to the symmetric periodic Anderson model within the framework of dynamical mean-field theory. Our natural focus is the strong-coupling, Kondo lattice regime, in particular the resultant 'universal' scaling behaviour in terms of the single, exponentially small low-energy scale characteristic of the problem. Dynamics/transport on all relevant (ω, T)-scales are considered, from the gapped/activated behaviour characteristic of the low-temperature insulator through to explicit connection to single-impurity physics at high ω and/or T; and for optical conductivities emphasis is given to the nature of the optical gap, the temperature scale responsible for its destruction and the consequent clear distinction between indirect and direct gap scales. Using scaling, explicit comparison is also made to experimental results for dc transport and optical conductivities of Ce3Bi4Pt3, SmB6 and YbB12. Good agreement is found, even quantitatively; and a mutually consistent picture of transport and optics results.


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We study the fate of spin-1/2 spiral-ordered two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets that are disordered by quantum fluctuations. A crucial role is played by the topological point defects of the spiral phase, which are known to have a Z(2) character. Previous works established that a nontrivial quantum spin-liquid phase results when the spiral is disordered without proliferating the Z(2) vortices. Here, we show that when the spiral is disordered by proliferating and condensing these vortices, valence-bond solid ordering occurs due to quantum Berry phase effects. We develop a general theory for this latter phase transition and apply it to a lattice model. This transition potentially provides a new example of a Landau-forbidden deconfined quantum critical point.


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We present a spin model, namely, the Kitaev model augmented by a loop term and perturbed by an Ising Hamiltonian, and show that it exhibits both confinement-deconfinement transitions from spin liquid to antiferromagnetic/spin-chain/ferromagnetic phases and topological quantum phase transitions between gapped and gapless spin-liquid phases. We develop a fermionic resonating-valence-bonds (RVB) mean-field theory to chart out the phase diagram of the model and estimate the stability of its spin-liquid phases, which might be relevant for attempts to realize the model in optical lattices and other spin systems. We present an analytical mean-field theory to study the confinement-deconfinement transition for large coefficient of the loop term and show that this transition is first order within such mean-field analysis in this limit. We also conjecture that in some other regimes, the confinement-deconfinement transitions in the model, predicted to be first order within the mean-field theory, may become second order via a defect condensation mechanism. Finally, we present a general classification of the perturbations to the Kitaev model on the basis of their effect on it's spin correlation functions and derive a necessary and sufficient condition, within the regime of validity of perturbation theory, for the spin correlators to exhibit a long-ranged power-law behavior in the presence of such perturbations. Our results reproduce those of Tikhonov et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 067203 (2011)] as a special case.


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We provide a theory for the tunneling conductance G(V) of Dirac electrons on the surface of a topological insulator as measured by a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope tip for low-bias voltages V. We show that if the in-plane rotational symmetry on the surface of the topological insulator is broken by an external field that does not couple to spin directly (such as an in-plane electric field), G(V) exhibits an unconventional dependence on the direction of the magnetization of the tip, i.e., it acquires a dependence on the azimuthal angle of the magnetization of the tip. We also show that G(V) can be used to measure the magnitude of the local out-of-plane spin orientation of the Dirac electrons on the surface. We explain the role of the Dirac electrons in this unconventional behavior and suggest experiments to test our theory.