366 resultados para Condensate


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Vapour species effusing from a magnesia Knudsen cell containing Mg-Zn alloy at 923 K were condensed on a water cooled copper plate. The equilibrium composition of the vapour phase over the alloy was determined from chemical analysis of the condensate. The activity coefficients of both components in the alloy have been derived from the data using a modified Gibbs-Duhem relation. The ratio of saturation vapour pressures of pure Zn and Mg obtained from the analysis of alloy data agree well with values from the literature, providing an internal check on the accuracy of data obtained in this study. Both components of the alloy exhibit negative deviations from Raoult's law. The concentration-concentration structure factor of Bhatia and Thomton at zero wave vector, evaluated from the measurements, indicate the presence of MgZn2 type complex in the liquid state. The associated regular solution model has been used for the thermodynamic description of liquid Mg-Zn alloys.


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For the first time, we find the complex solitons for a quasi-one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate with two-and three-body interactions. These localized solutions are characterized by a power law behaviour. Both dark and right solitons can be excited in the experimentally allowed parameter domain, when two-and three-body interactions are,respectively, repulsive and attractive. The dark solitons travel with a constant speed, which is quite different from the Lieb mode, where profiles with different speeds, bounded above by sound velocity, can exist for specified interaction strengths. We also study the properties of these solitons in the presence of harmonic confinement with time-dependent nonlinearity and loss. The modulational instability and the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion of stability are also studied.


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When heated to high temperatures, the behavior of matter changes dramatically. The standard model fields go through phase transitions, where the strongly interacting quarks and gluons are liberated from their confinement to hadrons, and the Higgs field condensate melts, restoring the electroweak symmetry. The theoretical framework for describing matter at these extreme conditions is thermal field theory, combining relativistic field theory and quantum statistical mechanics. For static observables the physics is simplified at very high temperatures, and an effective three-dimensional theory can be used instead of the full four-dimensional one via a method called dimensional reduction. In this thesis dimensional reduction is applied to two distinct problems, the pressure of electroweak theory and the screening masses of mesonic operators in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The introductory part contains a brief review of finite-temperature field theory, dimensional reduction and the central results, while the details of the computations are contained in the original research papers. The electroweak pressure is shown to converge well to a value slightly below the ideal gas result, whereas the pressure of the full standard model is dominated by the QCD pressure with worse convergence properties. For the mesonic screening masses a small positive perturbative correction is found, and the interpretation of dimensional reduction on the fermionic sector is discussed.


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We construct dark soliton solutions in a holographic model of a relativistic superfluid. We study the length scales associated with the condensate and the charge density depletion, and find that the two scales differ by a non-trivial function of the chemical potential. By adjusting the chemical potential, we study the variation of the depletion of charge density at the interface.


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We begin an investigation of inhomogeneous structures in holographic superfluids. As a first example, we study domain wall like defects in the 3+1 dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs theory, which was developed as a dual model for a holographic superconductor. In [1], we reported on such "dark solitons" in holographic superfluids. In this work, we present an extensive numerical study of their properties, working in the probe limit. We construct dark solitons for two possible condensing operators, and find that both of them share common features with their standard superfluid counterparts. However, both are characterized by two distinct coherence length scales (one for order parameter, one for charge condensate). We study the relative charge depletion factor and find that solitons in the two different condensates have very distinct depletion characteristics. We also study quasiparticle excitations above the holographic superfluid, and find that the scale of the excitations is comparable to the soliton coherence length scales.


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RECENT work on the lower oxide of sulphur1,2 has established that disulphur monoxide (S2O) or its polymeric form is produced when sulphur is burnt in oxygen under reduced pressure. It has now been shown that it is possible to make use of an oxide of a heavy metal as a source of limited supply of oxygen to prepare the disulphur monoxide. For example, when a mixture of finely powdered cupric oxide and sulphur (1 : 5 by weight) is heated under vacuum in a glass tube gaseous products are evolved. which, on cooling in a trap surrounded by liquid air, will give an orange-red condensate (S2O)x. This condensate also gives off sulphur dioxide in stages as the temperature is raised, finally leaving a residue of elemental sulphur. Copper sulphide and excess of sulphur are left behind in the reaction tube.


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We present analytic results to show that the Schwinger-boson hole-fermion mean-field state exhibits non-Fermi liquid behavior due to spin-charge separation. The physical electron Green's function consists of three additive components. (a) A Fermi-liquid component associated with the bose condensate. (b) A non-Fermi liquid component which has a logarithmic peak and a long tail that gives rise to a linear density of states that is symmetric about the Fermi level and a momentum distribution function with a logarithmic discontinuity at the Fermi surface. (c) A second non-Fermi liquid component associated with the thermal bosons which leads to a constant density of states. It is shown that zero-point fluctuations associated with the spin-degrees of freedom are responsible for the logarithmic instabilities and the restoration of particle-hole symmetry close to the Fermi surface.


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We investigate the ground state of interacting spin-1/2 fermions in three dimensions at a finite density (rho similar to k(F)(3)) in the presence of a uniform non-Abelian gauge field. The gauge-field configuration (GFC) described by a vector lambda equivalent to (lambda(x),lambda(y),lambda(z)), whose magnitude lambda determines the gauge coupling strength, generates a generalized Rashba spin-orbit interaction. For a weak attractive interaction in the singlet channel described by a small negative scattering length (k(F)vertical bar a(s)vertical bar less than or similar to 1), the ground state in the absence of the gauge field (lambda = 0) is a BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) superfluid with large overlapping pairs. With increasing gauge-coupling strength, a non-Abelian gauge field engenders a crossover of this BCS ground state to a BEC (Bose-Einstein condensate) of bosons even with a weak attractive interaction that fails to produce a two-body bound state in free vacuum (lambda = 0). For large gauge couplings (lambda/k(F) >> 1), the BEC attained is a condensate of bosons whose properties are solely determined by the Rashba gauge field (and not by the scattering length so long as it is nonzero)-we call these bosons ``rashbons.'' In the absence of interactions (a(s) = 0(-)), the shape of the Fermi surface of the system undergoes a topological transition at a critical gauge coupling lambda(T). For high-symmetry GFCs we show that the crossover from the BCS superfluid to the rashbon BEC occurs in the regime of lambda near lambda(T). In the context of cold atomic systems, these results make an interesting suggestion of obtaining BCS-BEC crossover through a route other than tuning the interaction between the fermions.


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Motivated by experiments on Josephson junction arrays, and cold atoms in an optical lattice in a synthetic magnetic field, we study the ``fully frustrated'' Bose-Hubbard model with half a magnetic flux quantum per plaquette. We obtain the phase diagram of this model on a two-leg ladder at integer filling via the density matrix renormalization group approach, complemented by Monte Carlo simulations on an effective classical XY model. The ground state at intermediate correlations is consistently shown to be a chiral Mott insulator (CMI) with a gap to all excitations and staggered loop currents which spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry. We characterize the CMI state as a vortex supersolid or an indirect exciton condensate, and discuss various experimental implications.


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In the presence of a synthetic non-Abelian gauge field that produces a Rashba-like spin-orbit interaction, a collection of weakly interacting fermions undergoes a crossover from a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) ground state to a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) ground state when the strength of the gauge field is increased (Vyasanakere et al 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 014512). The BEC that is obtained at large gauge coupling strengths is a condensate of tightly bound bosonic fermion pairs. The properties of these bosons are solely determined by the Rashba gauge field-hence called rashbons. In this paper, we conduct a systematic study of the properties of rashbons and their dispersion. This study reveals a new qualitative aspect of the problem of interacting fermions in non-Abelian gauge fields, i.e. that the rashbon state ceases to exist when the center-of-mass momentum of the fermions exceeds a critical value that is of the order of the gauge coupling strength. The study allows us to estimate the transition temperature of the rashbon BEC and suggests a route to enhance the exponentially small transition temperature of the system with a fixed weak attraction to the order of the Fermi temperature by tuning the strength of the non-Abelian gauge field. The nature of the rashbon dispersion, and in particular the absence of the rashbon states at large momenta, suggests a regime in parameter space where the normal state of the system will be a dynamical mixture of uncondensed rashbons and unpaired helical fermions. Such a state should show many novel features including pseudogap physics.


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Generation and study of synthetic gauge fields has enhanced the possibility of using cold atom systems as quantum emulators of condensed matter Hamiltonians. In this article we describe the physics of interacting spin -1/2 fermions in synthetic non-Abelian gauge fields which induce a Rashba spin-orbit interaction on the motion of the fermions. We show that the fermion system can evolve to a Bose-Einstein condensate of a novel boson which we call rashbon. The rashbon-rashbon interaction is shown to be independent of the interaction between the constituent fermions. We also show that spin-orbit coupling can help enhancing superfluid transition temperature of weak superfluids to the order of Fermi temperature. A non-Abelian gauge field, when used in conjunction with another potential, can generate interesting Hamiltonians such as that of a magnetic monopole.


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Motivated by experiments on Josephson junction arrays in a magnetic field and ultracold interacting atoms in an optical lattice in the presence of a ``synthetic'' orbital magnetic field, we study the ``fully frustrated'' Bose-Hubbard model and quantum XY model with half a flux quantum per lattice plaquette. Using Monte Carlo simulations and the density matrix renormalization group method, we show that these kinetically frustrated boson models admit three phases at integer filling: a weakly interacting chiral superfluid phase with staggered loop currents which spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry, a conventional Mott insulator at strong coupling, and a remarkable ``chiral Mott insulator'' (CMI) with staggered loop currents sandwiched between them at intermediate correlation. We discuss how the CMI state may be viewed as an exciton condensate or a vortex supersolid, study a Jastrow variational wave function which captures its correlations, present results for the boson momentum distribution across the phase diagram, and consider various experimental implications of our phase diagram. Finally, we consider generalizations to a staggered flux Bose-Hubbard model and a two-dimensional (2D) version of the CMI in weakly coupled ladders.


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Recent advances in the generation of synthetic gauge fields in cold atomic systems have stimulated interest in the physics of interacting bosons and fermions in them. In this paper, we discuss interacting two-component fermionic systems in uniform non-Abelian gauge fields that produce a spin-orbit interaction and uniform spin potentials. Two classes of gauge fields discussed include those that produce a Rashba spin-orbit interaction and the type of gauge fields (SM gauge fields) obtained in experiments by the Shanxi and MIT groups. For high symmetry Rashba gauge fields, a two-particle bound state exists even for a vanishingly small attractive interaction described by a scattering length. Upon increasing the strength of a Rashba gauge field, a finite density of weakly interacting fermions undergoes a crossover from a BCS like ground state to a BEC state of a new kind of boson called the rashbon whose properties are determined solely by the gauge field and not by the interaction between the fermions. The rashbon Bose-Einstein condensate (RBEC) is a quite intriguing state with the rashbon-rashbon interactions being independent of the fermion-fermion interactions (scattering length). Furthermore, we show that the RBEC has a transition temperature of the order of the Fermi temperature, suggesting routes to enhance the transition temperatures of weakly interacting superfluids by tuning the spin-orbit coupling. For the SM gauge fields, we show that in a regime of parameters, a pair of particles with finite centre-of-mass momentum is the most strongly bound. In other regimes of centre-of-mass momenta, there is no two-body bound state, but a resonance like feature appears in the scattering continuum. In the many-body setting, this results in flow enhanced pairing. Also, strongly interacting normal states utilizing the scattering resonance can be created opening the possibility of studying properties of helical Fermi liquids. This paper contains a general discussion of the physics of Feshbach resonance in a non-Abelian gauge field, where several novel features such as centre-of-mass-momentum-dependent effective interactions are shown. It is also shown that a uniform non-Abelian gauge field in conjunction with a spatial potential can be used to generate novel Hamiltonians; we discuss an explicit example of the generation of a monopole Hamiltonian.


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We study the dynamics of a single vortex and a pair of vortices in quasi two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperatures. To this end, we use the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation, which is the Langevin equation for the Bose-Einstein condensate. For a pair of vortices, we study the dynamics of both the vortex-vortex and vortex-antivortex pairs, which are generated by rotating the trap and moving the Gaussian obstacle potential, respectively. Due to thermal fluctuations, the constituent vortices are not symmetrically generated with respect to each other at finite temperatures. This initial asymmetry coupled with the presence of random thermal fluctuations in the system can lead to different decay rates for the component vortices of the pair, especially in the case of two corotating vortices.


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The realization of optical lattices of cold atoms has opened up the possibility of engineering interacting lattice systems of bosons and fermions, stimulating a frenzy of research over the last decade. More recently, experimental techniques have been developed to apply synthetic gauge fields to these optical lattices. As a result, it has become possible to study quantum Hall physics and the effects of frustration in lattices of cold atoms. In this article we describe the combined effect of frustration and interactions on the superfluidity of bosons. By focussing on a frustrated ladder of interacting bosons, we show that the effect of frustration is for ``chiral'' order to develop, which manifests itself as an alternating pattern of circulating supercurrents. Remarkably, this order persists even when superfluidity is lost and the system enters a Mott phase giving rise to a novel chiral Mott insulator. We describe the combined physics of frustration and interactions by studying a fully frustrated one dimensional model of interacting bosons. The model is studied using mean-field theory, a direct quantum simulation and a higher dimensional classical theory in order to offer a full description of the different quantum phases contained in it and transitions between the different phases. In addition, we provide physical descriptions of the chiral Mott insulator as a vortex-anitvortex super solid and indirect excitonic condensate in addition to obtaining a variational wavefunction for it. We also briefly describe the chiral Mott states arising in other microscopic models.