736 resultados para Concordance
Aims: To investigate concordance with medication, as assessed at baseline and at 1- and 2-year follow-up, and to examine factors associated with non-concordance in a UK-resident South-Asian population. Methods: Data from the UK Asian Diabetes Study were analysed. Concordance with medications was assessed and recorded at three time points during the study. Multiple logistic regression was used to investigate the factors associated with non-concordance; the associations of baseline factors with year 1 concordance and baseline plus year 1 factors with year 2 concordance. Results: Data for 403 patients from seven practices participating in the UK Asian Diabetes Study were analysed. The numbers of patients who were non-concordant were: 63 (16%) at baseline 101 (25%) at year 1; and 122 (30%) at year 2. The baseline-measured variables that were significantly associated with year 1 non-concordance included diabetes duration, history of cardiovascular disease, components of the EuroQol quality of life questionnaire, the EQ-5D score, and number of medications prescribed. In multivariable analyses, the most important determinant of year 1 non-concordance was baseline non-concordance: odds ratio 13.6 (95% confidence limits 4.7, 39.9). Number of medications prescribed for blood pressure control was also significant: odds ratio 1.8 (95% confidence limits 1.4, 2.4). Similar results were observed for year 2 non-concordance. Conclusions: Non-concordance with medications was common and more likely in people prescribed more medications. The current target-driven management of risk factor levels may lead to increasing numbers and doses of medications. Considering the high cost of medications and the implications of poor health behaviours on morbidity and mortality, further investigation of prescribing behaviours and the factors affecting patient concordance are required.
Objective: To determine the impact of doctors' communication style and doctor-patient race concordance on UK African-Caribbeans' comfort in disclosing depression. Methods: 160 African-Caribbean and 160 white British subjects, stratified by gender and history of depression, participated in simulated depression consultations with video-recorded doctors. Doctors were stratified by black or white race, gender and a high (HPC) or low patient-centred (LPC) communication style, giving a full 2. ×. 2. ×. 2 factorial design. Afterwards, participants rated aspects of doctors' communication style, their comfort in disclosing depression and treatment preferences. Results: Race concordance had no impact on African-Caribbeans' comfort in disclosing depression. However a HPC versus LPC communication style made them significantly more positive about their interactions with doctors (p = 0.000), their overall comfort (p = 0.003), their comfort in disclosing their emotional state (p = 0.001), and about considering talking therapy (p = 0.01); but less positive about considering antidepressant medication (p =0.01). Conclusion: Doctors' communication style was shown to be more important than patient race or race concordance in influencing African Caribbeans' depression consultation experiences. Changing doctors' communication style may help reduce disparities in depression care. Practice Implications: Practitioners should cultivate a HPC style to make African-Caribbeans more comfortable when disclosing depression, so that it is less likely to be missed.
[…] À la fin de notre essai, nous aurons: 1. Identifié les articles de la Loi 71 qui touchent aux droits, aux pouvoirs et aux fonctions du directeur d'école face au Comité de gestion, au Conseil de participation scolaire, au Comité d'École et au Conseil d'orientation scolaire selon la Loi 71. 2. Traduit les obligations et les fonctions du directeur d'école, en termes de tâches à accomplir en relation avec le Comité de gestion, le Conseil de participation scolaire, le Comité d'École et le Conseil d'orientation. 3. Vérifié auprès des directeurs d'école et des directeurs généraux de différentes Commissions Scolaires l'interprétation du rôle du directeur d'école selon la Loi 71, en relation avec le Comité de gestion, le Conseil de participation scolaire, le Comité d'École et le Conseil d'orientation. 4. Comparé l'analyse des résultats entre les directeurs d'école, entre les directeurs généraux, et entre les directeurs d'école et les directeurs généraux, de la perception du rôle du directeur d'école selon la Loi 71, face au Comité de gestion, au Conseil de participation scolaire, au Comité d'École et au Conseil d'orientation. 5. Identifié les principaux points discordants entre les directeurs d'école, entre les directeurs généraux, et entre les directeurs généraux et les directeurs d'école afin de proposer des moyens pour combler l'écart qui existe ou pourrait exister face à la Loi 71, en relation avec le Comité de gestion, le Conseil de participation scolaire, le Comité d'École et le Conseil d'orientation scolaire.
Au début des années 1990, une prise de conscience de la valeur des milieux naturels et de leur biodiversité s’observa à différentes échelles. La Convention sur la diversité biologique, publiée en 1992 lors de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’environnement et le développement, fut un élément déclencheur en matière de protection des milieux naturels. En 2010, la Convention adopta un plan stratégique établissant entre autres l’objectif de protéger 17 % des milieux terrestres pour 2020. C’est de cet objectif, repris par le gouvernement du Québec, que la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal s’inspira afin d’élaborer son propre objectif de protéger le même pourcentage de son territoire. L’atteinte de celui-ci est tributaire d’un processus de concordance établi par la Loi sur l’aménagement et l’urbanisme entre le Plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement, les schémas d’aménagement et de développement des municipalités régionales de comté et les outils d’urbanismes des municipalités locales. L’objectif principal de cet essai est d’analyser, à l’échelle de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal, la performance des municipalités régionales de comté et des municipalités locales à traduire, dans leur outil d’aménagement et d’urbanisme, les orientations, les objectifs et les critères définis au Plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement en matière de protection des milieux naturels. Cette performance est mesurée à l’aide d’un indicateur élaboré pour cet essai. Pour y parvenir, un portrait des milieux naturels de la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal est dressé. L’essai s’appuie sur celui-ci afin de sélectionner deux municipalités régionales de comté et cinq municipalités locales sur lesquelles utiliser l’indicateur de performance. L’analyse des résultats révèle que les municipalités régionales de comté performent mieux que les municipalités locales. De plus, c’est par rapport à la réalisation d’un plan de conservation des milieux humides que ces dernières performent le moins bien. En s’appuyant sur ces analyses, l’essai recommande notamment que l’élaboration du plan de conservation des milieux humides soit réalisée à l’échelle des municipalités régionales de comté plutôt qu’à celle des municipalités locales. Ce travail pourrait servir au gouvernement québécois afin d’améliorer la protection des milieux naturels, non seulement à l’échelle du Grand Montréal, mais également à celle de la province.
Objective: To examine the reliability of work-related activity coding for injury-related hospitalisations in Australia. Method: A random sample of 4373 injury-related hospital separations from 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2004 were obtained from a stratified random sample of 50 hospitals across 4 states in Australia. From this sample, cases were identified as work-related if they contained an ICD-10-AM work-related activity code (U73) allocated by either: (i) the original coder; (ii) an independent auditor, blinded to the original code; or (iii) a research assistant, blinded to both the original and auditor codes, who reviewed narrative text extracted from the medical record. The concordance of activity coding and number of cases identified as work-related using each method were compared. Results: Of the 4373 cases sampled, 318 cases were identified as being work-related using any of the three methods for identification. The original coder identified 217 and the auditor identified 266 work-related cases (68.2% and 83.6% of the total cases identified, respectively). Around 10% of cases were only identified through the text description review. The original coder and auditor agreed on the assignment of work-relatedness for 68.9% of cases. Conclusions and Implications: The current best estimates of the frequency of hospital admissions for occupational injury underestimate the burden by around 32%. This is a substantial underestimate that has major implications for public policy, and highlights the need for further work on improving the quality and completeness of routine, administrative data sources for a more complete identification of work-related injuries.
Objective: To demonstrate properties of the International Classification of the External Cause of Injury (ICECI) as a tool for use in injury prevention research. Methods: The Childhood Injury Prevention Study (CHIPS) is a prospective longitudinal follow up study of a cohort of 871 children 5–12 years of age, with a nested case crossover component. The ICECI is the latest tool in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) family and has been designed to improve the precision of coding injury events. The details of all injury events recorded in the study, as well as all measured injury related exposures, were coded using the ICECI. This paper reports a substudy on the utility and practicability of using the ICECI in the CHIPS to record exposures. Interrater reliability was quantified for a sample of injured participants using the Kappa statistic to measure concordance between codes independently coded by two research staff. Results: There were 767 diaries collected at baseline and event details from 563 injuries and exposure details from injury crossover periods. There were no event, location, or activity details which could not be coded using the ICECI. Kappa statistics for concordance between raters within each of the dimensions ranged from 0.31 to 0.93 for the injury events and 0.94 and 0.97 for activity and location in the control periods. Discussion: This study represents the first detailed account of the properties of the ICECI revealed by its use in a primary analytic epidemiological study of injury prevention. The results of this study provide considerable support for the ICECI and its further use.
Monitoring and enhancing patient compliance with peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a recurring and problematic theme in the renal literature. A growing body of literature also argues that a failure to understand the patient's perspective of compliance may be contributing to these problems. The aim of this study was to understand the concept of compliance with PD from the patient's perspective. Using the case study approach recommended by Stake (1995), five patients on PD consented to in-depth interviews that explored the meaning of compliance in the context of PD treatment and lifestyle regimens recommended by health professionals. Participants also discussed factors that influenced their choices to follow, disregard, or refine these regimens. Results indicate that health professionals acting in alignment with individual patient needs and wishes, and demonstrating an awareness of the constraints under which patients operate and the strengths they bring to their treatment, may be the most significant issues to consider with respect to definitions of PD compliance and the development of related compliance interventions. Aspects of compliance that promoted relative normality were also important to the participants in this study and tended to result in greater concordance with health professionals' advice.