517 resultados para Comunitats microbianas


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A lo largo de este artículo se analizan los efectos del sistema electoral europeo en España sobre los partidos políticos de ámbito no estatal. Por un lado, se estudia el funcionamiento de la normativa electoral española, subrayando la sobrerepresentación de unos partidos políticos y la infrarepresentación de otros en función del ámbito territorial organizativo de la formación política. Por otro lado, se presentan datos sistemáticos y comparados que demuestran esta distorsión de la representación política –fruto de la normativa electoral-, y dibujamos la estrategia electoral que los partidos políticos afectados negativamente desarrollan: las coaliciones electorales. Pero, ¿en base a qué criterios se organizan tales coaliciones electorales? El enfoque multivariable –la circunscripción, la magnitud electoral y el número de eurodiputados españoles- nos va permitir responder a esta y otras preguntas. El objetivo es ahondar en el debate sobre la normativa electoral en la arena política europea.


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En este trabajo se analiza una vía alternativa en el debate de la convergencia regional en España: el estudio de la dinámica industrial de sus Comunidades Autónomas. Para ello se analizan los flujos de entrada y salida de establecimientos industriales en las manufacturas delas regiones españolas y se abordan los factores de carácter sectorial o regional que inciden sobre la movilidad industrial. Las specificaciones econométricas adoptan la estructura de un sistema de ecuaciones y cubren las tres hipótesis fundamentales que se han abordado en laliteratura (independencia, simetría y simultaneidad) a partir de un panel de datos construido con informaciones procedentes del Registro de Establecimientos Industriales y la Encuesta Industrial. Palabras clave: demografía industrial, sistemas de ecuaciones, datos de panel


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El Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) i el Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) des del 1999, com a fruït del llavors Pla Estratègic Catalunya en Xarxa, promouen activitats per posar continguts a la xarxa en accés obert. Això s’ha materialitzat, de moment, en la posada en marxa de tres dipòsits col·lectius d'e-informació: Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa (TDX), Dipòsit de la Recerca de Catalunya (RECERCAT) i Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert (RACO). Al febrer de 2001 va néixer el TDX (www.tesisenxarxa.net), que permet la consulta de més de 3400 tesis doctorals llegides a les universitats de Catalunya i d'altres comunitats autònomes. Al setembre de 2005 es va inaugurar RECERCAT (www.recercat.net), un dipòsit cooperatiu de documents digitals que inclou la literatura de recerca de les universitats i dels centres d’investigació de Catalunya, com ara articles encara no publicats (preprints), comunicacions a congressos, informes de recerca, working papers, projectes de final de carrera, memòries tècniques, etc. El tercer dipòsit, RACO (www.raco.cat), s'ha posat en marxa a març de 2006, fent possible la consulta, en accés obert, dels articles a text complet de revistes científiques, culturals i erudites catalanes. Per al desenvolupament de tots tres dipòsits s'ha usat programari lliure. Per al TDX es va adaptar l'Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) de la Universitat de Virgina Tech. Per a RECERCAT, el DSpace, fet pel Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) i Hewlett-Packard (HP). I per a RACO s'ha fet servir el Open Journal Systems (OJS) del Public Knowledge Project (PKP). La comunicació pretén explicar breument què són aquests tres dipòsits, els beneficis obtinguts pel fet que hagin estat desenvolupats sota programari lliure i que les tesis, els documents de recerca i les revistes que contenen siguin en accés obert. Programari lliure i accés obert, un binomi guanyador.


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Biological invasions have been object of ecological research for years. As one objective, natural scientists investigate the effects of invasive species on ecosystems and their functioning (Levine et al. 2003). However, impacts on ecosystems are also of relevance for society. Changes in ecosystems affect humans in so far as ecosystems provide goods and services, such as fresh water, food and fibbers or recreation, which might be altered due to invasive species. Therefore impacts of biological invasions should be an object of socio-economic interest, which is also demanded by the Convention on Biological Diversity


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Suècia ) entre setembre i desembre del 2006. El SAC-Empuriabrava va ser dissenyat per dur a terme el tractament terciari de l’aigua que prové d’una estació depuradora. La purificació en un sistema d’aiguamolls construïts engloba una complexa barreja de processos on es troben implicats el sediment, la vegetació i les comunitats microbianes relacionades amb aquests. Un dels passos clau en l’eliminació de nitrogen és la desnitrificació, coneguda com la reducció seqüencial d’òxids de nitrogen que desemboca en la pèrdua neta de nitrogen molecular a l’atmosfera, catalitzada exclusivament per microorganismes. Els bacteris desnitrificants es troben àmpliament distribuïts en les divisions de l’arbre filogenètic procariota, fet que restringeix la seva anàlisi a marcadors moleculars basats en gens funcionals dels enzims implicats en la desnitrificació tals com narG nirS, nirK, nrfA nosZ. Tot i que l’estudi del marcador molecular nirS de desnitrificants s’ha dut a terme amb èxit, no ha estat possible analitzar altres marcadors com nosZ, que codifica la òxid nitrós reductasa, responsable de l’últim pas de la desnitrificació. L’ interès principal ha estat doncs estendre l’ àrea d’estudi a aquest marcador per tal de proveir una visió complerta de la comunitat desnitrificant. S’ha analitzat la comunitat desnitrificant de la rizosfera i sediment del SACEmpuriabrava a través del monitoreig del gen nosZ per PCR-DGGE, comparant alhora diferents períodes de temps afectats per diferents condicions hídriques. Amb la mateixa intenció, s’ha dut a terme assajos d’activitat desnitrificant mitjançant cromatografia de gasos, mesurant en aquest cas la producció de nitrogen gas que representa la consecució de la desnitrificació completa.


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The aim of this contract was to finalise in vitro rearing on artificial diets of entomophagous insects useful to control insect pests mainly in greenhouses through an analytical and rational approach. The work focuses on the development and optimisation of artificial diets for one coccinellid (Harmonia axyridis), two heteropteran predators (Orius laevigatus, Dicyphus tamaninii), and a braconid parasitoid of aphids (Aphidius ervi). The definition of the artificial diets was based on biochemical analyses of their natural food (aphids) or substitution food for the predators (Ephestia kuehniella eggs). Reliable quality control parameters of the entomophages produced were used in order to adjust dietary composition and formulation of the different diets tested.


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The aim of the project has been to demonstrate how the farm animal breeding industry can utilise gene mapping technology to accelerate genetic improvement. Previous theoretical studies had suggested that the use of marker assisted selection could potentially increase the annual improvement for quantitative traits like backfat with about 10% and for more difficult traits such as meat quality and reproduction by as much as 40-60% compared with existing technology. The work has comprised two major tasks: 1. Commercially relevant populations have been screened for segregation at QTLs identified in experimental populations. The aim has been to establish optimal strategies for QTL detection in commercial pig populations and the extent to which QTLs explaining major phenotypic differences between divergent lines used in experimental studies also explain quantitative variation within commercial lines. The results are important for specifying future strategies for finding economically valuable QTLs. 2. Marker assisted backcrossing has been used to demonstrate how a QTL allele can be introgressed from one breed to another. The work has focused on the major fatness QTL on pig chromosome 4 previously identified in a wild pig/Large White intercross. The end result was not designed to be a commercially viable product in its own right, but the process has validated a number of points of major importance for the exploitation of QTLs in livestock.


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The objectives of Participant 4 were: - Establishment and maintenance of a representative collection of AM fungal species in vivo on trap plant cultures. - Study of the effects of early mycorrhizal inoculation in the growth and health of in vitro plantlets and their subsequent behaviour in the nursery. - Effect of the mycorrhization of in vitro produced bananas and plantains on plant growth and health, under biotic stress conditions (nematode and fungi)


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A sample of about 70 young bulls of each of ten beef cattle breeds reared in their typical production systems has been studied regarding growth and carcass quality traits. Breeds included were Asturiana de los Valles (AV), Asturiana de la Montaña (AM), Avileña-Negra Ibérica (A-NI), Bruna dels Pirineus (BP), Morucha (Mo), Pirenaica (Pi) and Retinta (Re) from Spain, and Aubrac (Au), Gasconne (Ga) and Salers (Sal) from France. There existed large differences between breeds and also within breeds. AV and Pi were the breeds with more muscle and less fat, whereas A-NI, Mo and Re were in the opposite side. BP and AM occupied an intermediate position. This allows to classify the Spanish breeds in three groups: AV and Pi would belong to the group of late maturity, A-NI, Mo and Re, would be early maturing breeds, whereas BP and AM, despite the small size of the last, will be of intermediate maturity. In the French populations, Au was the breed with the highest carcass weight and Ga exhibited the lowest. Sal occupied an intermediate position, showing the longer and thinner thigh. In a wide range of carcass weight, the general relationships among carcass traits have been confirmed. Animals with the better conformation were also the leaner and longer carcasses tended to be lowly associated with a poorer conformation and fatter carcasses. Bone content was clearly opposed to carcass conformation and muscle content and was associated with longer carcasses


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A sample of about 70 young bulls of each of ten beef cattle breeds reared in their typical production systems has been characterised with respect to meat quality traits. Breeds included were Asturiana de los Valles, Asturiana de la Montaña, Avileña-Negra Ibérica, Bruna dels Pirineus, Morucha, Pirenaica and Retinta from Spain, and Aubrac, Gasconne and Salers from France. As was previously showed regarding carcass traits, there exist large differences both between and within breed – systems. In general, rustic breeds tended to present darker and redder meats with higher haematin contents, whereas less precocious and more specialised breeds showed brighter meats with bigger water losses. Protein content was similar, whereas intramuscular fat presented the larger variations both between and within breeds. ICDH content was higher in the more rustic breeds, showing the predominantly oxidative character of their fibres. Texture measurements showed in general large within breed-system variations, the differences between breeds being less evident. Within breed-system, daily gain weight was positively associated with brighter and tender meats. In the range studied, increasing slaughter weight within breed did not have influence on meat quality. Conformation was related to lower water holding capacity and less dry matter and intramuscular fat, as well as to a lower haematin content giving brighter meats. The increase in fatness scores was related to an augment of toughness in meat specialised breeds, although in Avileña-Negra Ibérica breed fatness carcasses were related to more tender meats. Redness parameter a* was positively related to fatter animals and opposed to conformation, the opposite being true for the L* (lightness) parameter. There was a small trend of fatter carcasses to be related to oxidative fibres, whereas the muscular fibres of the more conformed carcasses were more glycolytic. Texture measurements maximum load, maximum stress and toughness were very closely related. Shear force was opposed to tenderness. Losses at cooking were opposed to juiciness, but only in the Spanish breeds. No consistent trends regarding relationships between carcass characteristics and tenderness could be observed. Overall acceptability was primarily related with tenderness and flavour, and later on juiciness.