968 resultados para Comunidade Ibero-Americana


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Our work aims to discuss the teaching of science in the context of informal education. Thus, we present and analyze the results of an initiative that we have made seeking to interest high school students to study sciences and technology. The Energy shows are activities which are presented in experimental demonstrations of science concepts to middle school students. After the show the students respond to a questionnaire which formed the basis for this study. The results indicate that the achievement of shows have had an impact on students.


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This paper describes the development of educational materials on media education as a result of workshops held for students and teachers of high school in Midialab – Media Education Laboratory of Universidade Sagrado Coração. The objectives of this exploratory research were to investigate how teachers and students learn about media, looking for similarities and differences in the performance of the two groups in order to make it possible to conclude what methodology frameworks had a best result for promoting the media literacy of each group, taking on account the characteristics of public school and the paradigms of international media literacy. The methodology involved the application of activities focusing on six strategies: textual analysis, contextual analysis, content analysis, case study, translation, simulation and production. The results suggested that such activities are a productive way to develop critical reading skill and to reduce the differences between teachers and students’ repertoire. They also presented good results in the development of language usage by them and promoted collaborative learning, in a social approach.


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The work appeared before the process of articulation and curricular restructuring of Pedagogy courses conducted at the request of the Dean of undergraduate studies at UNESP. The documents surveyed pointed out that, although all courses obey the same laws, curriculum organization of each features singularities, where the course of pedagogy of Bauru (SP) is the only one which is distinguished by the presence of disciplines that work with the issue of technologies. Thus, we have as objectives: to analyze a proposal of curricular use of distance education; map of the curricula of pedagogy of UNESP with respect to technologies; Verify there is possibility of use of a virtual learning scenario in teachers ' initial formation. Thus, there was a didactic experience of use of distance education, which happened in 2010, 2011 and 2012, with students of the first and third year of the course. Were job steps: 1) literature review; 2) study of official documents of the courses of pedagogy of UNESP; 3) elaboration and execution of a didactic proposal of virtual learning environment; 4) description and categorization of data; 5) analysis and interpretation of results. We conclude that there is a need for reorganization of curriculum Pedagogy courses on the use of technologies and virtual learning environments are theoretical and practical articulation opportunities.


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This article discusses the dialogism in Mikhail Bakhtin and the grounds of the linguistic sign in Umberto Eco, with the intention to use the themes and authors, to support the teaching-learning methodologies of foreign language (English and Spanish) at the public school of São Paulo state. The conceptual approach of the two authors allows us to infer that learning a foreign language is effected by the appropriation of utterances and cultural knowledge, pedagogical concept that confronts the traditional method used in the São Paulo school, which is based mainly on grammar teaching and lexicons. The paper derives the theoretical research used to support a dissertation, posing and evaluates preliminary, the integration of traditional theaters in foreign language in public schools, with digital environments (in online courses), and also the educational effects -the use of audiovisual material at the classroom and online learning.


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With the deployment of Digital TV in Brazil, there is a need to foment the development and production of interactive audiovisual quality content, especially for programs that present educational messages from the entertainment concept - defined as Edutertainment. The objective of this study is to propose application of the gamification as a link of communication to encourage and modify user behavior, through a narrative that encourages intrinsic motivation for learning and entertainment in this media. This paper points out that there are few models of screenplays for applications production, particularly educational, with simultaneous interactive applications for television flow or complementary programming content offered. For this reason, a special attention is given to the screenplay, by virtue of inserting in its construction, the elements that make up the mechanics and dynamics of games. As a result, is shown the entry "Gamification-iDTV", which defines these two scenarios, as well as the development of a modeling methodology of a content and process, supported by conceptual maps, wireframes and roadmaps, substantiating the conception and elaboration of screenplay's prototype with elements of gamification for educational programs and its interaction applications.


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In modern society technologies have played an important space exerting influences in different spheres. Today's young people are born immersed in the digital and virtual reality, which has changed the ways of learning, as well as to relate to the world. All this context has intensified the debate on the potential of ICT in education and training means. In this study, we sought to investigate the teachers' vision of ICT in the school environment, how they are being incorporated into the school and the limits and possibilities of the use of ICT in the learning process. Questionnaires were administered to 150 teachers who teach in high school in the state network of São Paulo teaching, but specifically in Piracicaba. Continuing, semi-structured interviews with a group of 8 directors were carried out so that there was a deepening on the issues raised by teachers in the questionnaire. The research brought to light important issues for discussion and referral measures striving to support public policies of integration of ICT in schools. Teachers spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of their use and the process of integration. It was observed that, despite efforts to implementation, there are still problems with infrastructure of schools, teacher training and working conditions


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People with disabilities are sexual and they need clarifying and sexual education. This article describes an intervention program in sexual education for people with disabilities that have objective by: a) transmit a broad notion and emancipatory of sexuality, b) clarify and inform about education and sexual repression, c) reflect about changes in body image of the person’s self-esteem with disability and implications in sexuality and d) discuss about the social belief that disability is an impediment to sexuality. The program was done in ten weekly meetings of two hours of duration and it is used of pedagogical resources such as group dynamics, videos and images. The young people participated actively, discussing and reflecting about social issues of sexuality. Concludes that the population stigmatized by disability lacks of clarifying and reflections about social construction of sexuality and of disability and that opportunities of group reflections on sexual education process for this population are fundamental in inclusive society.


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El presente artículo aborda el estudio crítico de la antología Los mejores poetas de la Argentina, publicada en 1927 por la Compañía Ibero-Americana de Publicaciones (CIAP). El antólogo es el escritor y diplomático español Eduardo de Ory, meritorio por su abnegada labor en favor de las relaciones entre España e Hispanoamérica. A pesar de sus buenas intenciones, el panorama de poetas argentinos que presenta su obra queda fuera del debate estético que tiene lugar en la Argentina en la segunda mitad de la década del 20, en el que las antologías cobran un papel relevante


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El presente artículo aborda el estudio crítico de la antología Los mejores poetas de la Argentina, publicada en 1927 por la Compañía Ibero-Americana de Publicaciones (CIAP). El antólogo es el escritor y diplomático español Eduardo de Ory, meritorio por su abnegada labor en favor de las relaciones entre España e Hispanoamérica. A pesar de sus buenas intenciones, el panorama de poetas argentinos que presenta su obra queda fuera del debate estético que tiene lugar en la Argentina en la segunda mitad de la década del 20, en el que las antologías cobran un papel relevante


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El presente artículo aborda el estudio crítico de la antología Los mejores poetas de la Argentina, publicada en 1927 por la Compañía Ibero-Americana de Publicaciones (CIAP). El antólogo es el escritor y diplomático español Eduardo de Ory, meritorio por su abnegada labor en favor de las relaciones entre España e Hispanoamérica. A pesar de sus buenas intenciones, el panorama de poetas argentinos que presenta su obra queda fuera del debate estético que tiene lugar en la Argentina en la segunda mitad de la década del 20, en el que las antologías cobran un papel relevante


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Este artículo presenta una solución al problema de autenticación segura, portable y expandible realizando una combinación de la tecnología Java y el almacenamiento del certificado digital X.509 en las tarjetas Java para acceder a los servicios ofrecidos por una institución, en este caso concreto la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, garantizando la autenticidad, confidencialidad, integridad y no repudio.


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La disponibilidad en Internet de grandes volúmenes de información en los que se basan decisiones relacionadas con el funcionamiento de sistemas dinámicos hace que cada vez sean más necesarios métodos efectivos de generación automáti-ca de resumen de información de comportamiento. En este artículo se describe la aplicación MSB (Multimedia Summari-zer of Behavior) como una herramienta software que genera presentaciones multimedia de resumen de comportamiento de sistemas dinámicos para ser presentadas en la Web. MSB usa como entrada datos de comportamiento de fuentes remo-tas (medidos por sensores) que pueden estar disponibles en diferentes servidores Web. Estas fuentes de información se interpretan y resumen usando métodos del campo de la Inteligencia Artificial simulando formas de razonamiento que realizan las personas al resumir información de interés. En el artículo se describe la arquitectura basada en el conocimien-to del sistema MSB y la aplicación desarrollada en el dominio de hidrología sobre comportamiento de cuencas hidrográ-ficas.


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Edição especial sobre Reforma Processual Penal, organizado por Fabiano Augusto Martins Silveira.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.