940 resultados para Computational Complexity


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This paper(1) presents novel algorithms and applications for a particular class of mixed-norm regularization based Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) formulations. The formulations assume that the given kernels are grouped and employ l(1) norm regularization for promoting sparsity within RKHS norms of each group and l(s), s >= 2 norm regularization for promoting non-sparse combinations across groups. Various sparsity levels in combining the kernels can be achieved by varying the grouping of kernels-hence we name the formulations as Variable Sparsity Kernel Learning (VSKL) formulations. While previous attempts have a non-convex formulation, here we present a convex formulation which admits efficient Mirror-Descent (MD) based solving techniques. The proposed MD based algorithm optimizes over product of simplices and has a computational complexity of O (m(2)n(tot) log n(max)/epsilon(2)) where m is no. training data points, n(max), n(tot) are the maximum no. kernels in any group, total no. kernels respectively and epsilon is the error in approximating the objective. A detailed proof of convergence of the algorithm is also presented. Experimental results show that the VSKL formulations are well-suited for multi-modal learning tasks like object categorization. Results also show that the MD based algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art MKL solvers in terms of computational efficiency.


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We examine three hierarchies of circuit classes and show they are closed under complementation. (1) The class of languages recognized by a family of polynomial size skew circuits with width O(w), are closed under complement. (2) The class of languages recognized by family of polynomial size circuits with width O(w) and polynomial tree-size, are closed under complement. (3) The class of languages recognized by a family of polynomial size, O(log(n)) depth, bounded AND fan-in with OR fan-in f (f⩾log(n)) circuits are closed under complement. These improve upon the results of (i) Immerman (1988) and Szelepcsenyi (1988), who show that 𝒩L𝒪𝒢 is closed under complementation, and (ii) Borodin et al. (1989), who show that L𝒪𝒢𝒞ℱL is closed under complement


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We propose, for the first time, a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm with function approximation for traffic signal control. Our algorithm incorporates state-action features and is easily implementable in high-dimensional settings. Prior work, e. g., the work of Abdulhai et al., on the application of RL to traffic signal control requires full-state representations and cannot be implemented, even in moderate-sized road networks, because the computational complexity exponentially grows in the numbers of lanes and junctions. We tackle this problem of the curse of dimensionality by effectively using feature-based state representations that use a broad characterization of the level of congestion as low, medium, or high. One advantage of our algorithm is that, unlike prior work based on RL, it does not require precise information on queue lengths and elapsed times at each lane but instead works with the aforementioned described features. The number of features that our algorithm requires is linear to the number of signaled lanes, thereby leading to several orders of magnitude reduction in the computational complexity. We perform implementations of our algorithm on various settings and show performance comparisons with other algorithms in the literature, including the works of Abdulhai et al. and Cools et al., as well as the fixed-timing and the longest queue algorithms. For comparison, we also develop an RL algorithm that uses full-state representation and incorporates prioritization of traffic, unlike the work of Abdulhai et al. We observe that our algorithm outperforms all the other algorithms on all the road network settings that we consider.


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We know, from the classical work of Tarski on real closed fields, that elimination is, in principle, a fundamental engine for mechanized deduction. But, in practice, the high complexity of elimination algorithms has limited their use in the realization of mechanical theorem proving. We advocate qualitative theorem proving, where elimination is attractive since most processes of reasoning take place through the elimination of middle terms, and because the computational complexity of the proof is not an issue. Indeed what we need is the existence of the proof and not its mechanization. In this paper, we treat the linear case and illustrate the power of this paradigm by giving extremely simple proofs of two central theorems in the complexity and geometry of linear programming.


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We introduce a novel temporal feature of a signal, namely extrema-based signal track length (ESTL) for the problem of speech segmentation. We show that ESTL measure is sensitive to both amplitude and frequency of the signal. The short-time ESTL (ST_ESTL) shows a promising way to capture the significant segments of speech signal, where the segments correspond to acoustic units of speech having distinct temporal waveforms. We compare ESTL based segmentation with ML and STM methods and find that it is as good as spectral feature based segmentation, but with lesser computational complexity.


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A geometric and non parametric procedure for testing if two finite set of points are linearly separable is proposed. The Linear Separability Test is equivalent to a test that determines if a strictly positive point h > 0 exists in the range of a matrix A (related to the points in the two finite sets). The algorithm proposed in the paper iteratively checks if a strictly positive point exists in a subspace by projecting a strictly positive vector with equal co-ordinates (p), on the subspace. At the end of each iteration, the subspace is reduced to a lower dimensional subspace. The test is completed within r ≤ min(n, d + 1) steps, for both linearly separable and non separable problems (r is the rank of A, n is the number of points and d is the dimension of the space containing the points). The worst case time complexity of the algorithm is O(nr3) and space complexity of the algorithm is O(nd). A small review of some of the prominent algorithms and their time complexities is included. The worst case computational complexity of our algorithm is lower than the worst case computational complexity of Simplex, Perceptron, Support Vector Machine and Convex Hull Algorithms, if d


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Our work is motivated by geographical forwarding of sporadic alarm packets to a base station in a wireless sensor network (WSN), where the nodes are sleep-wake cycling periodically and asynchronously. We seek to develop local forwarding algorithms that can be tuned so as to tradeoff the end-to-end delay against a total cost, such as the hop count or total energy. Our approach is to solve, at each forwarding node enroute to the sink, the local forwarding problem of minimizing one-hop waiting delay subject to a lower bound constraint on a suitable reward offered by the next-hop relay; the constraint serves to tune the tradeoff. The reward metric used for the local problem is based on the end-to-end total cost objective (for instance, when the total cost is hop count, we choose to use the progress toward sink made by a relay as the reward). The forwarding node, to begin with, is uncertain about the number of relays, their wake-up times, and the reward values, but knows the probability distributions of these quantities. At each relay wake-up instant, when a relay reveals its reward value, the forwarding node's problem is to forward the packet or to wait for further relays to wake-up. In terms of the operations research literature, our work can be considered as a variant of the asset selling problem. We formulate our local forwarding problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) and obtain inner and outer bounds for the optimal policy. Motivated by the computational complexity involved in the policies derived out of these bounds, we formulate an alternate simplified model, the optimal policy for which is a simple threshold rule. We provide simulation results to compare the performance of the inner and outer bound policies against the simple policy, and also against the optimal policy when the source knows the exact number of relays. Observing the good performance and the ease of implementation of the simple policy, we apply it to our motivating problem, i.e., local geographical routing of sporadic alarm packets in a large WSN. We compare the end-to-end performance (i.e., average total delay and average total cost) obtained by the simple policy, when used for local geographical forwarding, against that obtained by the globally optimal forwarding algorithm proposed by Kim et al. 1].


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Border basis detection (BBD) is described as follows: given a set of generators of an ideal, decide whether that set of generators is a border basis of the ideal with respect to some order ideal. The motivation for this problem comes from a similar problem related to Grobner bases termed as Grobner basis detection (GBD) which was proposed by Gritzmann and Sturmfels (1993). GBD was shown to be NP-hard by Sturmfels and Wiegelmann (1996). In this paper, we investigate the computational complexity of BBD and show that it is NP-complete.


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Purpose: Developing a computationally efficient automated method for the optimal choice of regularization parameter in diffuse optical tomography. Methods: The least-squares QR (LSQR)-type method that uses Lanczos bidiagonalization is known to be computationally efficient in performing the reconstruction procedure in diffuse optical tomography. The same is effectively deployed via an optimization procedure that uses the simplex method to find the optimal regularization parameter. The proposed LSQR-type method is compared with the traditional methods such as L-curve, generalized cross-validation (GCV), and recently proposed minimal residual method (MRM)-based choice of regularization parameter using numerical and experimental phantom data. Results: The results indicate that the proposed LSQR-type and MRM-based methods performance in terms of reconstructed image quality is similar and superior compared to L-curve and GCV-based methods. The proposed method computational complexity is at least five times lower compared to MRM-based method, making it an optimal technique. Conclusions: The LSQR-type method was able to overcome the inherent limitation of computationally expensive nature of MRM-based automated way finding the optimal regularization parameter in diffuse optical tomographic imaging, making this method more suitable to be deployed in real-time. (C) 2013 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4792459]


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The rapid growth in the field of data mining has lead to the development of various methods for outlier detection. Though detection of outliers has been well explored in the context of numerical data, dealing with categorical data is still evolving. In this paper, we propose a two-phase algorithm for detecting outliers in categorical data based on a novel definition of outliers. In the first phase, this algorithm explores a clustering of the given data, followed by the ranking phase for determining the set of most likely outliers. The proposed algorithm is expected to perform better as it can identify different types of outliers, employing two independent ranking schemes based on the attribute value frequencies and the inherent clustering structure in the given data. Unlike some existing methods, the computational complexity of this algorithm is not affected by the number of outliers to be detected. The efficacy of this algorithm is demonstrated through experiments on various public domain categorical data sets.


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Compressive Sensing theory combines the signal sampling and compression for sparse signals resulting in reduction in sampling rate and computational complexity of the measurement system. In recent years, many recovery algorithms were proposed to reconstruct the signal efficiently. Look Ahead OMP (LAOMP) is a recently proposed method which uses a look ahead strategy and performs significantly better than other greedy methods. In this paper, we propose a modification to the LAOMP algorithm to choose the look ahead parameter L adaptively, thus reducing the complexity of the algorithm, without compromising on the performance. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated through Monte Carlo simulations.


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Sparse representation based classification (SRC) is one of the most successful methods that has been developed in recent times for face recognition. Optimal projection for Sparse representation based classification (OPSRC)1] provides a dimensionality reduction map that is supposed to give optimum performance for SRC framework. However, the computational complexity involved in this method is too high. Here, we propose a new projection technique using the data scatter matrix which is computationally superior to the optimal projection method with comparable classification accuracy with respect OPSRC. The performance of the proposed approach is benchmarked with various publicly available face database.


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Recently, it has been shown that fusion of the estimates of a set of sparse recovery algorithms result in an estimate better than the best estimate in the set, especially when the number of measurements is very limited. Though these schemes provide better sparse signal recovery performance, the higher computational requirement makes it less attractive for low latency applications. To alleviate this drawback, in this paper, we develop a progressive fusion based scheme for low latency applications in compressed sensing. In progressive fusion, the estimates of the participating algorithms are fused progressively according to the availability of estimates. The availability of estimates depends on computational complexity of the participating algorithms, in turn on their latency requirement. Unlike the other fusion algorithms, the proposed progressive fusion algorithm provides quick interim results and successive refinements during the fusion process, which is highly desirable in low latency applications. We analyse the developed scheme by providing sufficient conditions for improvement of CS reconstruction quality and show the practical efficacy by numerical experiments using synthetic and real-world data. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Maximum entropy approach to classification is very well studied in applied statistics and machine learning and almost all the methods that exists in literature are discriminative in nature. In this paper, we introduce a maximum entropy classification method with feature selection for large dimensional data such as text datasets that is generative in nature. To tackle the curse of dimensionality of large data sets, we employ conditional independence assumption (Naive Bayes) and we perform feature selection simultaneously, by enforcing a `maximum discrimination' between estimated class conditional densities. For two class problems, in the proposed method, we use Jeffreys (J) divergence to discriminate the class conditional densities. To extend our method to the multi-class case, we propose a completely new approach by considering a multi-distribution divergence: we replace Jeffreys divergence by Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence to discriminate conditional densities of multiple classes. In order to reduce computational complexity, we employ a modified Jensen-Shannon divergence (JS(GM)), based on AM-GM inequality. We show that the resulting divergence is a natural generalization of Jeffreys divergence to a multiple distributions case. As far as the theoretical justifications are concerned we show that when one intends to select the best features in a generative maximum entropy approach, maximum discrimination using J-divergence emerges naturally in binary classification. Performance and comparative study of the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated on large dimensional text and gene expression datasets that show our methods scale up very well with large dimensional datasets.


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In this paper, the approach for assigning cooperative communication of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles (UAV) to perform multiple tasks on multiple targets is posed as a combinatorial optimization problem. The multiple task such as classification, attack and verification of target using UAV is employed using nature inspired techniques such as Artificial Immune System (AIS), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Virtual Bee Algorithm (VBA). The nature inspired techniques have an advantage over classical combinatorial optimization methods like prohibitive computational complexity to solve this NP-hard problem. Using the algorithms we find the best sequence in which to attack and destroy the targets while minimizing the total distance traveled or the maximum distance traveled by an UAV. The performance analysis of the UAV to classify, attack and verify the target is evaluated using AIS, PSO and VBA.