958 resultados para Comprehensive Dental Care


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência do uso de serviços odontológicos por pré- escolares e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 1.129 crianças de cinco anos de idade da Coorte de Nascimentos de Pelotas 2004, RS, de setembro de 2009 a janeiro de 2010. Registrou-se o uso de serviço odontológico pelo menos uma vez na vida e o motivo para a primeira consulta odontológica da criança. As categorias do desfecho foram: ter feito a primeira consulta por rotina, para resolver um problema ou nunca ter ido ao dentista. Os exames bucais e as entrevistas foram realizados nos domicílios. Aspectos socioeconômicos e variáveis independentes ligadas à mãe e à criança foram analisados por meio de regressão logística multinomial. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de uso por qualquer motivo foi 37,0%. Os principais preditores para consulta de rotina foram nível econômico mais elevado, mãe com maior escolaridade e ter recebido orientação sobre prevenção. Principais preditores para consulta por problema foram ter sentido dor nos últimos seis meses, mãe com maior escolaridade e ter recebido orientação sobre prevenção. Cerca de 45,0% das mães receberam orientação de como prevenir cárie, principalmente fornecida por dentistas. Filhos de mães com história de maior aderência a programas de saúde tiveram maior probabilidade de ter feito uma consulta odontológica de rotina. CONCLUSÕES: A taxa de utilização dos serviços odontológicos por pré- escolares foi inferior às de consultas médicas (puericultura). Além da renda e da escolaridade, comportamentos maternos têm papel importante no uso por rotina. Relato de dor nos últimos seis meses e número elevado de dentes afetados por cárie, independentemente dos demais fatores, estiveram associados ao uso para resolver problema. É necessária a integração de ações de saúde bucal nos programas materno-infantis.


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OBJECTIVE: To understand how nurses see care delivery to elderly women. METHODS: In this phenomenological study, ten nurses working at Primary Health Care Units were interviewed between September 2010 and January 2011. RESULTS: In care delivery, nurses consider the elderly women's knowledge background and biographical situation, and also value the family's participation as a care mediator. These professionals have the acuity to capture these women's specific demands, but face difficulties to deliver care to these clients. Nurses expect to deliver qualified care to these women. CONCLUSION: The theoretical and methodological approach of social phenomenology permitted revealing that the nurse designs qualified care to elderly women, considering the possibilities in the context. This includes the participation of different social actors and health sectors, assuming collective efforts in action strategies and professional training, in line with the particularities and care needs of elderly women nurses identify.


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Abstract Background Disparities in utilization of oral healthcare services have been attributed to socioeconomic and individual behavioral factors. Parents’ socioeconomic status, demographics, schooling, and perceptions of oral health may influence their children’s use of dental services. This cross-sectional study assessed the relationships between socioeconomic and psychosocial factors and the utilization of dental health services by children aged 1–5 years. Methods Data were collected through clinical exams and a structured questionnaire administered during the National Day of Children’s Vaccination. A Poisson regression model was used to estimate prevalence ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Results Data were collected from a total of 478 children. Only 112 (23.68%) were found to have visited a dentist; 67.77% of those had seen the dentist for preventive care. Most (63.11%) used public rather than private services. The use of dental services varied according to parental socioeconomic status; children from low socioeconomic backgrounds and those whose parents rated their oral health as “poor” used dental services less frequently. The reason for visiting the dentist also varied with socioeconomic status, in that children of parents with poor socioeconomic status and who reported their child’s oral health as “fair/poor” were less likely to have visited the dentist for preventive care. Conclusion This study demonstrated that psychosocial and socioeconomic factors are important predictors of the utilization of dental care services.


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The quality of dental care and modern achievements in dental science depend strongly on understanding the properties of teeth and the basic principles and mechanisms involved in their interaction with surrounding media. Erosion is a disorder to which such properties as structural features of tooth, physiological properties of saliva, and extrinsic and intrinsic acidic sources and habits contribute, and all must be carefully considered. The degree of saturation in the surrounding solution, which is determined by pH and calcium and phosphate concentrations, is the driving force for dissolution of dental hard tissue. In relation to caries, with the calcium and phosphate concentrations in plaque fluid, the 'critical pH' below which enamel dissolves is about 5.5. For erosion, the critical pH is lower in products (e.g. yoghurt) containing more calcium and phosphate than plaque fluid and higher when the concentrations are lower. Dental erosion starts by initial softening of the enamel surface followed by loss of volume with a softened layer persisting at the surface of the remaining tissue. Dentine erosion is not clearly understood, so further in vivo studies, including histopathological aspects, are needed. Clinical reports show that exposure to acids combined with an insufficient salivary flow rate results in enhanced dissolution. The effects of these and other interactions result in a permanent ion/substance exchange and reorganisation within the tooth material or at its interface, thus altering its strength and structure. The rate and severity of erosion are determined by the susceptibility of the dental tissues towards dissolution. Because enamel contains less soluble mineral than dentine, it tends to erode more slowly. The chemical mechanisms of erosion are also summarised in this review. Special attention is given to the microscopic and macroscopic histopathology of erosion.


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Oral health (OH) is indivisible from general health. Several studies have established the link between morbi-mortality, especially cardiovascular, and bad OH, particularly in the case of edentation. Regrettably, part of the population choses dental care renunciation for financial reasons. The primary care physician (PCP), as the health professionnal with the most frequent and intense contacts with the patients, plays an important role to reinforce prevention measures, OH maintenance and to detect oral pathologies. To fulfill this mission, he has to be trained to endo-buccal examination. Furthermore, both the PCP and the dentist have to proactively build an interprofessional approach to promote patients' OH.


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The shift of psychiatric care from the hospital to the community has been accompanied by a reduction of hospital beds and shortened durations of inpatient treatment, but also by an increase in admissions. This evolution may be largely attributed to the prime focus of community mental health institutions on rehabilitation. The continued implementation of reforms in psychiatric care is contingent upon effectively halting the "revolving door phenomenon" by incorporating community-integrated treatment approaches into the care of acutely ill patients. Since the mid-1960s, a series of studies have established the efficacy of two community-integrated modalities for the treatment of acute psychiatric illness, i.e. home-based and day hospital treatment. In general, these approaches not only seem to be as effective as inpatient care for certain groups of patients but also reduce their need of hospitalisation, thereby contributing towards a cost effective, comprehensive psychiatric care system.


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OBJECTIVES This article reviews the present literature on the issues encountered while coping with children with autistic spectrum disorder from the dental perspective. The autistic patient profile and external factors affecting the oral health status of this patient population are discussed upon the existing body of evidence. MATERIAL AND METHODS The MEDLINE database was searched using the terms 'Autistic Disorder', 'Behaviour Control/methods', 'Child', 'Dental care for disabled', 'Education', 'Oral Health', and 'Pediatric Dentistry' to locate related articles published up to January 2013. RESULTS Most of the relevant studies indicate poor oral hygiene whereas they are inconclusive regarding the caries incidence in autistic individuals. Undergraduate dental education appears to determine the competence of dental professionals to treat developmentally disabled children and account partly for compromised access to dental care. Dental management of an autistic child requires in-depth understanding of the background of the autism and available behavioural guidance theories. The dental professional should be flexible to modify the treatment approach according to the individual patient needs.


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BACKGROUND Due to the increasing number of older people, there is a need for studies focused on this population. The aims of the present study are to assess oral and systemic conditions in individuals aged 60 to 95 years with access to dental insurance. METHODS Probing depths (PDs), tooth loss, alveolar bone levels, and systemic health were studied among a representative cohort of older individuals. RESULTS A total of 1,147 individuals in young-old (aged 60 or 67 years), old (aged 72 or 78 years), and old-old (aged ≥81 years) age groups were enrolled, including 200 individuals who were edentulous, in this study. Annual dental care was received by 82% of dentate individuals. Systemic diseases were common (diabetes: 5.8%; cardiovascular diseases: 20.7%; obesity: 71.2%; elevated C-reactive protein [CRP]: 98.4%). Serum CRP values were unrelated to periodontal conditions. Rates of periodontitis, defined as ≥30% of sites with a distance from cemento-enamel junction to bone of ≥5 mm, were 11.2% in women in the young-old age group and 44.9% in men in the old-old age group. Individuals in older age groups had a higher likelihood of periodontitis defined by bone loss and cutoff levels of PD ≥5 mm (odds ratio: 1.8; 95% confidence interval: 1.2 to 2.5; P <0.01). A total of 7% of individuals in the old-old age group had ≥20 teeth and no periodontitis. Systemic diseases, dental use, or smoking were not explanatory, whereas age and sex were explanatory for periodontitis. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of periodontitis increased with age. Sex seems to be the dominant explanatory factor for periodontitis in older individuals. Despite frequent dental visits, overall oral health in the oldest age cohort was poor.


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OBJECTIVES Dental satisfaction is associated with continuity of dental care, compliance with dentist advice, and positive health outcomes. It is expected that people with higher dental fear might have less dental satisfaction because of more negative dental experiences. The objective of this study was to examine satisfaction and reasons for satisfaction with dental practitioners in Switzerland and variations by dental fear. METHODS A national sample of 1,129 Swiss residents aged 15-74 (mean = 43.2 years) completed a personal interview at their home with questions assessing dental fear, dental service use, general satisfaction with their dentist, and reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction. RESULTS Overall, 47.9 percent of participants responded that they were satisfied with their dentist and 47.6 percent that they were very satisfied. Satisfaction differed significantly by gender, language spoken, region of residence, and educational attainment. Greater dental fear was significantly associated with greater dissatisfaction with the dentist. The percentage of people who were very satisfied with the dentist ranged from 56.0 percent among people with no fear to 30.5 percent for participants with "quite a lot" of fear but was higher (44.4 percent) for people who stated that they were "very much" afraid of the dentist. The most common reasons attributed for satisfaction with dentists were interpersonal characteristics of the dentist and staff. People with "quite a lot" of fear were found to endorse these sentiments least. CONCLUSIONS Although higher dental fear was associated with more dissatisfaction with the dentist, the level of satisfaction among fearful individuals in Switzerland is still high.


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Fluorides are used in dental care due to their beneficial effect in tooth enamel de-/remineralization cycles. To achieve a desired constant supply of soluble fluorides in the oral cavity, different approaches have been followed. Here we present results on the preparation of CaF2 particles and their characterization with respect to a potential application as enamel associated fluoride releasing reservoirs. CaF2 particles were synthesized by precipitation from soluble NaF and CaCl2 salt solutions of defined concentrations and their morphology analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. CaF2 particles with defined sizes and shapes could be synthesized by adjusting the concentrations of the precursor salt solutions. Such particles interacted with enamel surfaces when applied at fluoride concentrations correlating to typical dental care products. Fluoride release from the synthesized CaF2 particles was observed to be largely influenced by the concentration of phosphate in the solution. Physiological solutions with phosphate concentration similar to saliva (3.5 mM) reduced the fluoride release from pure CaF2 particles by a factor of 10-20 × as compared to phosphate free buffer solutions. Fluoride release was even lower in human saliva. The fluoride release could be increased by the addition of phosphate in substoichiometric amounts during CaF2 particle synthesis. The presented results demonstrate that the morphology and fluoride release characteristics of CaF2 particles can be tuned and provide evidence of the suitability of synthetic CaF2 particles as enamel associated fluoride reservoirs.


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Introduction. It has been well established that poor uninsured children lack access to dental care and have greater dental needs than their insured counterparts. ^ Objective. To assess the capacity of Bexar County's dental safety net to treat children. To assess the dental needs of Bexar County children ages 0-18 who are uninsured or are Medicaid or SCHIP recipients. ^ Methods. Information was requested from dental safety net clinics that treat children ages 0-18. Data from the census, NHANES and other sources was used to estimate the dental needs. ^ Results. The capacity of the current safety net to treat children is 33,537 patient encounters per year. The dental needs of the community are 227,124 patient encounters per year. ^ Conclusion. The results of the study indicate that Bexar County is not prepared to treat the dental needs of the underserved children in San Antonio.^


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The purpose of this thesis is to identify "best practice" recommendations for successful implementation of the EPSDT outreach program at Memorial Health System's Hospital for Children in Colorado Springs through a policy analysis of Medicaid EPSDT services in Colorado. A successful program at Memorial will increase education and awareness of EPSDT services, enrollment, and access to and utilization of health care services for eligible children. Methodology utilized in this study included questionnaires designed for the EPSDT contract administrator and outreach coordinators/workers; analysis of current federal and state policies; and studies conducted at the federal and state level, and by various advocacy groups. The need for this analysis of EPSDT came about in part through an awareness of increasingly high numbers of children in poverty and who are uninsured. Though the percentage of children living in poverty in Colorado is slightly below the national average (see Table 2), according to data analyzed by The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the percentage of children (0-18) living in poverty in Colorado increased from 10% in 2000 to 16% in 2006, a dramatic increase of 60% surpassed by only one other state in the nation (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2008). By comparison, the U.S. percentage of children in poverty during the same time frame rose from 17% to 18% (The Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2008). What kind of health care services are available to this vulnerable and growing group of Coloradans, and what are the barriers that affect their enrollment in, access to and utilization of these health care services? Barriers identified included difficulty with the application process; system and process issues; a lack of providers; and a lack of awareness and knowledge of EPSDT. Fiscal restraints and legislation at the federal and state level are also barriers to increasing enrollment and access to services. Outreach services are a critical component of providing EPSDT services, and there were several recommendations regarding outreach and case management that will benefit the program in the future. Through this analysis and identification of a broad range of barriers, a clearer picture emerged of current challenges within the EPSDT program as well as a broad range of strategies and recommendations to address these challenges. Through increased education and advocacy for EPSDT and the services it encompasses; stronger collaboration and cooperation between all groups involved, including providing a Medical Home for all eligible children; and new legislation putting more money and focus on comprehensive health care for low-income uninsured children; enrollment, access to and utilization of developmentally appropriate and quality health care services can be achieved. ^


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Lack of access to oral health care frequently affects those of lower socio-economic level; individuals in this group experience more dental decay, and the caries experience is more likely to be untreated. Inadequate dental care access may be attributed to exclusion that is due to income, geography, age, race or ethnicity. Objective: The present study aims were to: (1) determine how oral disease prevalence and access to dental services in four US-Mexico Border unincorporated low socioeconomic settlements identified as colonias compare to each other and Laredo, Texas, and (2) determine if insurance status affects dental care access and/or disease prevalence. Methods: A secondary analysis of data from a retrospective chart review of 672 patients attending a Mobile Dental Van Program in the Webb County colonias. Demographic information, (ethnicity, age, gender, insurance coverage and colonia site), dental visits within past year, insurance status, presence of dental sealants, prevalence of untreated dental decay (caries), and presence of gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) were extracted. Pearson's chi-square tests (χ2) were computed to compare the prevalence of these outcomes between colonias and Laredo and their potential association with insurance status. Results: For 6 - 11 year olds, dental visits in the past year were lower for colonias (39%), than Laredo (58.5%) (p<0.002). Caries prevalence was higher for colonias (56.6%), than Laredo (37.1%) (p<0.001). Gum disease prevalence was higher in colonias (73%), than in Laredo (21.4%) (p<0.001). No significant differences were noted for caries (χ2=1.73; p<0.188) and gum disease (χ2=0.0098; p<0.921) by patient's insurance status. For adults 36 - 64 years of age, dental visits in the past year were lower in colonias (22.4%), than Laredo (36.3%) (p<0.001). Caries prevalence was higher for colonias (78.3%), than Laredo (54.0%) (p<0.001). Gum disease prevalence was also higher among colonias (91.3%) than Laredo (61.3%) (p<0.001). No significant differences were noted for caries (χ2=0.0010; p<0.975) and gum disease (χ2=0.0607; p<0.805) by patient's insurance status. Conclusion: Colonia residents seeking dental care at a Mobile Dental Van Program in Webb County have significantly higher prevalence of oral disease regardless of insurance status.^


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Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, are a disease of the oral cavity that affects the tooth structure and leads to the occurrence of cavities in teeth. Dental caries are one of the leading chronic diseases in the population and are very common in childhood. If not treated appropriately, dental caries have debilitating effect on the oral and general health of individuals. ^ Objectives. The aims of this review are to (1) analyze and elucidate the relationship between the social and economic determinants of health like income, education and race/ethnicity and the prevalence of dental caries and (2) identify and understand the pathways/underlying causes through which these factors affect the occurrence of dental caries. This review will provide a foundation for formulation of better oral health policies in future by identifying the key socio-economic factors and pathways affecting the prevalence of dental caries. Knowledge about these socioeconomic factors could be incorporated in the design of future policies and interventions to achieve greater benefits.^ Methods. This review includes information from all pertinent articles, reviews, surveys, reports, peer reviewed literature and web sources that were published after 2000. The selection criterion includes literature focusing on individuals between the ages of 1 to 65 years, and individuals from different subgroups of community based on income, education and race/ethnicity. The analyses of literature include identifying if a relationship between income/education/race and the prevalence of dental caries exists by comparing the prevalence of dental caries in different socio-economic groups. Also included in this review are articles that are relevant to the mechanisms/pathways through which income/education/race affect the prevalence of dental caries.^ Results. Analyses of available literature suggests that disparities in the prevalence of dental caries may be attributed to differences in income, education and race/ethnicity. Higher prevalence of dental caries was observed in African-American and Mexican-American individuals, and in people with low income and low education. The leading pathways through which the socioeconomic factors affect the prevalence of dental caries are the lack of access to dental care, lack of awareness about good oral hygiene beliefs and habits, oral health, inability to afford dental care, lack of social support to maintain oral health and lack of dental insurance.^ Conclusion. Disparities in the prevalence of dental caries exist in various socio-economic groups. The relationship between socio-economic factors and dental caries prevalence should be considered in the development of future policies and interventions that are aimed at reducing the prevalence of dental caries and enhancing oral health status.^


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Differential access to health care services has been observed among various groups in the United States. Minorities and low-income groups have been especially notable in their decreased access to regular providers of care. This is believed by many to account for some of the higher rates of morbidity and mortality and shorter life expectancies of these groups.^ This research delineated the factors associated with health care access for a particular subset of a minority group, the Mexican American elderly in Texas. Hospital admission and evidence of a regular source of medical care and dental care were chosen as the indicators of access to health care.^ This study analyzed survey interview data from the Texas Study on Aging, 1976. The 597 Mexican American elderly included in this study were representative of the non-institutionalized Mexican American elderly in Texas aged 55 or older.^ The results indicate that hospital admission is not a question of discretion and that common barriers to access, such as income, health insurance, and distance to the nearest facility, are not important in determining hospital admission. Mexican American elderly who need to be hospitalized, as indicated by self-perception of health and disability days, will be hospitalized.^ The results also indicate that having a regular source of medical care is influenced by many factors, some mutable and some immutable. The well-established and immutable factors of age, sex, and need were confirmed. However, the mutable factors such as area of residence and income were also found to have a significant influence. Mexican American elderly living in urban areas had significantly less access to a regular source of medical care as did those who were near the poverty level (as opposed to those who were well below the poverty level). In general, persons claiming a regular source of medical care were more likely to be women, persons who had many health needs, were near the poverty level, lived in urban areas, and had extensive social support systems.^ Persons claiming a regular source of dental care tended to be more advantaged. They had more education, a more extensive informal social support network, higher income, and were generally younger and in better health. They were also more likely to have private health insurance. . . . (Author's abstract exceeds stipulated maximum length. Discontinued here with permission of author.) UMI ^