961 resultados para Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD)


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This paper aims to show practical and effectiveexperiencesfor lessons Industrial Automation Laboratory taught inundergraduate degreein ElectricalEngineering from the University Júlio MesquitaFilho - UNESP, Guaratinguetá. Experiments carriedsimulatecontrol and drive systems of electric three phase induction motors (MIT)widely usedinindustries. The experiments simulate a manufacturing environment where there isa need to control the activation and continuous operation ofelectricmotors. Seven experimentsthat simulatethe firing of electrical motors through a controlsystem, a driver along with asimulator loads coupled to the electric motor was developed. Experiments usinga Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as acontroller,an inverter frequencyasdriver, and MagneticBrake, as simulatorengine loads . The experiments were divided accordingto the speed reference signal used fordrivingand operating the electric motor: digital and analog. The first five experiments performing the drive control and operation of the electric motor via digital signals. The sixth and seventh experiments using an analog signal as a reference speed for the electric motor


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This work aims to make the closed loop control of a three phase induction motor, through the integration of the following equipment: a frequency inverter, the actuator system; a programmable logic controller (PLC), the controller; an encoder, the velocity sensor, used as a feedback monitoring the control variable and the three-phase induction motor, the plant to be controlled. The control is performed using a Proportional - Integrative - Derivative (PID) approach. The PLC has a help instruction, which performs the auto adjustment of the controller, that instruction is used and confronted with other adjustment methods. There are several types of methods adjustments to the PID controllers, where the empirical methods are addressed in this work. The system is deployed at the Interface and Electro Electronic Control laboratory in the Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio Mesquita Filho, Guaratinguetá, São Paulo, then, in the future, this work becomes an experiment to be conducted in the classroom, allowing undergraduate students to develop a greater affinity to the programs used by the PLC as well as studies of undergraduate and graduate works with the help of assembly made


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Automated Production Systems Development involves aspects concerning the integration of technological components that exist on the market, such as: Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), robot manipulators, various sensors and actuators, image processing systems, communication networks and collaborative supervisory systems; all integrated into a single application. This paper proposes an automated platform for experimentation, implemented through typical architecture for Automated Production Systems, which integrates the technological components described above, in order to allow researchers and students to carry out practical laboratory activities. These activities will complement the theoretical knowledge acquired by the students in the classroom, thus improving their training and professional skills. A platform designed using this generic structure will allow users to work within an educational environment that reflects most aspects found in Industrial Automated Manufacturing Systems, such as technology integration, communication networks, process control and production management. In addition, this platform offers the possibility complete automated process of control and supervision via remote connection through the internet (WebLab), enabling knowledge sharing between different teaching and research groups.


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This monograph presents the main objective of analyzing the redundancy protection systems of protection for redundancy and block of energies against accident in presses and rotating equipment. After understanding two specific goals, on this case, show the systems of protection against accidents in rotating equipments, presses and similar; and discuss the vulnerabilities of current systems of protection against accidents in presses and similar, we will propose a system of autonomous redundancy of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) operating simultaneously taking online in the event of failure of one of the two. The methodology was worked through a revision of a variety of bibliography, and interpretation of national and international standards as well as access to research on systems, practices used in industrial and companies supplying products and of companies and energy blockages solutions


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This monograph presents the main objective of analyzing the redundancy protection systems of protection for redundancy and block of energies against accident in presses and rotating equipment. After understanding two specific goals, on this case, show the systems of protection against accidents in rotating equipments, presses and similar; and discuss the vulnerabilities of current systems of protection against accidents in presses and similar, we will propose a system of autonomous redundancy of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) operating simultaneously taking online in the event of failure of one of the two. The methodology was worked through a revision of a variety of bibliography, and interpretation of national and international standards as well as access to research on systems, practices used in industrial and companies supplying products and of companies and energy blockages solutions


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The radiation environment of space presents a significant threat to the reliability of nonvolatile memory technologies. Ionizing radiation disturbs the charge stored on floating gates, and cosmic rays can permanently damage thin oxides. A new memory technology based on the magnetic tunneling junction (MTJ) appears to offer superior resistance to radiation effects and virtually unlimited write endurance. A magnetic flip flop has a number of potential applications, such as the configuration memory in field-programmable logic devices. However, using MTJs in a flip flop requires radically different circuitry for storing and retrieving data. New techniques are needed to insure that magnetic flip flops are reliable in the radiation environment of space. We propose a new radiation-tolerant magnetic flip flop that uses the inherent resistance of the MTJ to increase its immunity to single event upset and employs a robust “Pac-man” magnetic element.


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The single electron transistor (SET) is a charge-based device that may complement the dominant metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) technology. As the cost of scaling MOSFET to smaller dimensions are rising and the the basic functionality of MOSFET is encountering numerous challenges at dimensions smaller than 10nm, the SET has shown the potential to become the next generation device which operates based on the tunneling of electrons. Since the electron transfer mechanism of a SET device is based on the non-dissipative electron tunneling effect, the power consumption of a SET device is extremely low, estimated to be on the order of 10^-18J. The objectives of this research are to demonstrate technologies that would enable the mass produce of SET devices that are operational at room temperature and to integrate these devices on top of an active complementary-MOSFET (CMOS) substrate. To achieve these goals, two fabrication techniques are considered in this work. The Focus Ion Beam (FIB) technique is used to fabricate the islands and the tunnel junctions of the SET device. A Ultra-Violet (UV) light based Nano-Imprint Lithography (NIL) call Step-and-Flash- Imprint Lithography (SFIL) is used to fabricate the interconnections of the SET devices. Combining these two techniques, a full array of SET devices are fabricated on a planar substrate. Test and characterization of the SET devices has shown consistent Coulomb blockade effect, an important single electron characteristic. To realize a room temperature operational SET device that function as a logic device to work along CMOS, it is important to know the device behavior at different temperatures. Based on the theory developed for a single island SET device, a thermal analysis is carried out on the multi-island SET device and the observation of changes in Coulomb blockade effect is presented. The results show that the multi-island SET device operation highly depends on temperature. The important parameters that determine the SET operation is the effective capacitance Ceff and tunneling resistance Rt . These two parameters lead to the tunneling rate of an electron in the SET device, Γ. To obtain an accurate model for SET operation, the effects of the deviation in dimensions, the trap states in the insulation, and the background charge effect have to be taken into consideration. The theoretical and experimental evidence for these non-ideal effects are presented in this work.


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Liquid crystal properties make them useful for the development of security devices in applications of authentication and detection of fakes. Induced orientation of liquid crystal molecules and birefringence are the two main properties used in security devices. Employing liquid crystal and dichroic colorants, we have developed devices that show, with the aid of a polarizer, multiple images on each side of the device. Rubbed polyimide is used as alignment layer on each substrate of the LC cell. By rubbing the polyimide in different directions in each substrate it is possible to create any kind of symbols, drawings or motifs with a greyscale; the more complex the created device is, the more difficult is to fake it. To identify the motifs it is necessary to use polarized light. Depending on whether the polarizer is located in front of the LC cell or behind it, different motifs from one or the other substrate are shown. The effect arises from the dopant colour dye added to the liquid crystal, the induced orientation and the twist structure. In practice, a grazing reflection on a dielectric surface is polarized enough to see the effect. Any LC flat panel display can obviously be used as backlight as well.


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Systems relying on fixed hardware components with a static level of parallelism can suffer from an underuse of logical resources, since they have to be designed for the worst-case scenario. This problem is especially important in video applications due to the emergence of new flexible standards, like Scalable Video Coding (SVC), which offer several levels of scalability. In this paper, Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) of modern FPGAs is used to achieve run-time variable parallelism, by using scalable architectures where the size can be adapted at run-time. Based on this proposal, a scalable Deblocking Filter core (DF), compliant with the H.264/AVC and SVC standards has been designed. This scalable DF allows run-time addition or removal of computational units working in parallel. Scalability is offered together with a scalable parallelization strategy at the macroblock (MB) level, such that when the size of the architecture changes, MB filtering order is modified accordingly


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Esta tesis se centra en el estudio y desarrollo de dispositivos de aplicación basados en cristal líquido polimérico. Las propiedades de los cristales líquidos los hacen interesantes para su uso en el desarrollo de dispositivos de seguridad para autenticación de productos y marcas, y detección y prevención de falsificaciones. Asimismo, pueden ser muy útiles para fabricar dispositivos basados en CLs dispersos en polímero, los cuales tienen a su vez múltiples aplicaciones. La orientación de las moléculas de cristal líquido y la birrefringencia son las dos características principales que afectan a las propiedades de estos dispositivos. Un dispositivo de cristal líquido estándar consiste en un sándwich formado por dos sustratos de vidrio transparente, dotados con electrodo de ITO (Indium Tin Oxide) en su superficie interna, que confinan el cristal líquido en su interior. En la primera parte de esta tesis se describen las características más importantes que describen una célula de cristal líquido. Esta introducción básica en necesaria para la correcta comprensión de los capítulos posteriores en los que se detalla el desarrollo concreto de los dispositivos desarrollados en la investigación llevada a cabo. Por ejemplo, en el caso de los dispositivos de seguridad se han eliminado los sustratos de vidrio (en la última fase de su desarrollo) para conseguir dispositivos flexibles. En la segunda parte de la tesis se incluye la descripción completa de los dispositivos fabricados, así como de los protocolos de fabricación seguidos y diseñados específicamente para ello. También se detallan en esta parte los resultados obtenidos, así como las propiedades ópticas y electroópticas en cada caso, y el/los equipos de caracterización utilizados. Utilizando cristal líquido nemático y colorante dicroico, se han desarrollado dispositivos que contienen múltiples imágenes latentes en cada cara del mismo. Utilizando distintas técnicas de alineamiento se consigue crear cualquier tipo de motivo latente, ya sean símbolos sencillos, figuras, logotipos o incluso imágenes con escala de gris. Cuanto más complejo es el dispositivo, mayor es la dificultad para reproducirlo en una eventual falsificación. Para visualizar e identificar los motivos es necesario emplear luz polarizada, por ejemplo, con la ayuda de un sencillo polarizador lineal. Dependiendo de si el polarizador está colocado delante del dispositivo o detrás del él, se mostrarán las imágenes generadas en una u otra cara. Este efecto es posible gracias al colorante dicroico añadido al CL, a la orientación inducida sobre las moléculas, y a la estructura de twist utilizada en los dispositivos. En realidad, para ver el efecto de los dispositivos no es necesario el uso de un polarizador, basta con el reflejo de una superficie dielétrica (percialmente polarizado), o la luz emitida por la pantalla de dispositivos de consumo comunes como un televisor LCD, un monitor de ordenador o un “smartphone”. Por otro lado, utilizando una mezcla entre un CL nemático polimérico y un CL nemático no polimérico es posible fabricar dispositivos LCPC (Liquid Crystal Polymer Composite) con propiedades electroópticas muy interesantes, que funcionan a tensiones de conmutación bajas. El CL polimérico conforma una estructura de red en el interior del sándwich que mantiene confinado al CL nemático en pequeños microdominios. Se han fabricado dispositivos LCPC con conmutación inversa utilizando tanto alineamiento homogéneo como homeotrópico. Debido a que tanto la estructura de CL polimérico como el CL nemático que rellena los microdominios están orientados en una misma dirección de alineamiento preinducida, la luz dispersada por el dispositivo se encuentra polarizada. La dirección de polarización coincide con la dirección de alineamiento. La innovación aportada por esta investigación: un nuevo dispositivo LCPC inverso de respuesta ultrarápida y polarizada basado en la mezcla de dos CL nemáticos y, un dispositivo de seguridad y autenticación, patentado internacionalmente, basado en CL nemáticos dopados con colorante dicroico. Abstract This thesis is centered on the availability to use polymerizable liquid crystals to develop non-display application LC devices. Liquid crystal properties make them useful for the development of security devices in applications of authentication and detection of fakes, and also to achieve polymer dispersed LC devices to be used for different applications that will be studied here. Induced orientation of liquid crystal molecules and birefringence are the two main properties used in these devices. A standard liquid crystal device is a sandwich consisting of two parallel glass substrates carrying a thin transparent ITO (Indium‐Tin‐Oxide) electrode on their inner surfaces with the liquid crystal in the middle. The first part of this thesis will describe the most important parameters describing a liquid crystal cell. This basis is necessary for the understanding of later chapters where models of the liquid crystal devices will be discussed and developed. In the case of security devices the standard structure of an LC device has been modified by eliminating the glass substrates in order to achieve plastic and flexible devices. The second part of the thesis includes a detailed description of the devices achieved and the manufacturing protocols that have been developed ad-hoc. The optical and electrooptical properties and the characterization equipment are described here as well. Employing nematic liquid crystal and dichroic colorants, we have developed devices that show, with the aid of a polarizer, multiple images on each side of the device. By different alignment techniques it is possible to create any kind of symbols, drawings or motifs with a grayscale; the more complex the created device is, the more difficult is to fake it. To identify the motifs it is necessary to use polarized light. Depending on whether the polarizer is located in front of the LC cell or behind it, different motifs from one or the other substrate are shown. The effect arises from the dopant color dye added to the liquid crystal, the induced orientation and the twist structure. In practice, a grazing reflection on a dielectric surface is polarized enough to see the effect. Any LC flat panel display (LCD TV, computer, mobile phone) can obviously be used as backlight as well. On the other hand, by using a mixture of polymerizable and non-polymerizable nematics liquid crystals it is also possible to achieve LCPC (Liquid Crystal Polymer Composite) devices that show really interesting electrooptical characteristics using low switching voltages. Polymerizable LC creates a hollow structure inside the sandwich glass cell that keep nematics liquid crystal confined creating microdomains. Homogeneous and homeotropic alignments have been used to develop inverse switching mode LCPCs. Due to the double LC oriented structure, the outgoing scattered light from these devices is already polarized. The polarization axis coincides with LC molecules director, the alignment direction promoted. The novelties derived from the investigation presented here, new ultrafast inverse LCPC with polarized outgoing scattered light based on oriented nematic LC mixture, and an internationally patented security and authentication device based on nematics (doped with dichroic dye) oriented polymerizable LC.


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This paper proposes an automatic framework for the seamless integration of hardware accelerators, starting from an OpenMP-based application and an XML file describing the HW/SW partitioning. It extends a fully software architecture by generating and integrating the cores, along with the proper interfaces, and the code for scheduling and synchronization. Experimental results show that it is possible to validate different solutions only by varying the input code.


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Adaptive hardware requires some reconfiguration capabilities. FPGAs with native dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) support pose a dilemma for system designers: whether to use native DPR or to build a virtual reconfigurable circuit (VRC) on top of the FPGA which allows selecting alternative functions by a multiplexing scheme. This solution allows much faster reconfiguration, but with higher resource overhead. This paper discusses the advantages of both implementations for a 2D image processing matrix. Results show how higher operating frequency is obtained for the matrix using DPR. However, this is compensated in the VRC during evolution due to the comparatively negligible reconfiguration time. Regarding area, the DPR implementation consumes slightly more resources due to the reconfiguration engine, but adds further more capabilities to the system.


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A new method to analyze the influence of possible hysteresis cycles in devices employed for optical computing architectures is reported. A simple full adder structure is taken as the basis for this method. Single units, called optical programmable logic cells, previously reported by the authors, compose this structure. These cells employ, as basic devices, on-off and SEED-like components. Their hysteresis cycles have been modeled by numerical analysis. The influence of the different characteristic cycles is studied with respect to the obtained possible errors at the output. Two different approaches have been adopted. The first one shows the change in the arithmetic result output with respect to the different values and positions of the hysteresis cycle. The second one offers a similar result, but in a polar diagram where the total behavior of the system is better analyzed.


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A new method to obtain digital chaos synchronization between two systems is reported. It is based on the use of Optically Programmable Logic Cells as chaos generators. When these cells are feedbacked, periodic and chaotic behaviours are obtained. They depend on the ratio between internal and external delay times. Chaos synchronization is obtained if a common driving signal feeds both systems. A control to impose the same boundary conditions to both systems is added to the emitter. New techniques to analyse digital chaos are presented. The main application of these structures is to obtain secure communications in optical networks.