968 resultados para Companhia de Navegação


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Desde a ECO-92 houve um crescimento substancial de ações de Educação Ambiental (EA) no Brasil e no mundo, ligadas aos mais diversos segmentos da sociedade, como movimentos sociais, associações de bairros, ONG‟s, escolas, universidades, instituições de pesquisa e empresas. As ações de EA ganharam visibilidade no setor empresarial, particularmente, na área portuária, objeto de interesse desse trabalho. Essa dissertação objetiva analisar, numa perspectiva crítica, a lógica da inserção da EA no setor empresarial portuário e seus impactos, a partir da análise da Companhia Ambiental Rural(CDP). Os estudos da EA no setor portuário não elucidam as intenções de “ordem econômica” ao adotarem programas ambientais. Partimos do pressuposto de que a EA é um campo de conhecimento de caráter sistêmico. Seguindo a noção de campo de Bourdieu, procuramos mostrar que a lógica da inserção da EA é acumular “capital simbólico” (crédito/reconhecimento) para conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis. Isso permite promover uma boa imagem da empresa e a conquista de selos e certificados. Observou-se que houve a construção do que chamamos de “habitus eco-lógico” reproduzido nas relações de trabalho pela qualificação profissional e gerenciamento ambiental dos negócios da empresa; na apropriação crescente da dimensão intelectual e cognitiva, procurando envolver os trabalhadores mais intensamente pelo disciplinamento, e, consequentemente, obtendo ganho de performance empresarial. Finalmente, conclui-se que a lógica de inserção da EA é a acumulação de “capital simbólico”, para se conseguir a legitimação do modus operandi empresarial, mostrando suas ações como sustentáveis, assim promovendo uma boa imagem da empresa (aumento do preço das ações, como também de seus parceiros) e a diminuição de investimentos em tecnologias e planejamentos para mitigar o compensar os impactos ambientais. Em síntese, a análise percorre elementos relevantes do processo de reestruturação logística das Companhias Docas no Brasil, em particular no Pará.


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Since 2000 the use of the GPS navigation increases considerably. The reason for that was the deactivation of the selective availability in May 2000. However, these receivers do not register the observables, they just estimate and store them and that prevents the post-processing data. Based in this aspect some softwares were developed and are available for free. They allow recording the GPS observables, pseudorange and carrier phase. These programs are able to read in binary files and record information concerning the GPS observables and to convert binary format to a RINEX format. This study presents the GPS Garmin 12 XL evaluation using free programs. Two experiments were carried out in Presidente Prudente-SP region using the relative static survey. The processing was carried out with intervals of 30, 15, 10 and 5 minutes. The results were compared with the coordinates from a geodetic receiver and show that 98.9 % of the points, the values in relation to the planimetric accuracy were better than 0.50 m. The only baseline which the value was larger or equal to 0.50 m is the point M0001 (baseline lesser than 2 km) referred to the first experiment. In terms of precision the values did not exceeded 0.30 m.


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This project is comprised by an interactive mobile robotics’ environment, focused in human-robot interaction. The system was developed to work in a smartphone, with Android operating system, embedded in a small size mobile robot. Information provided by the smartphone’s camera and microp hone, as well as by proximity sensors embedded in the robot, is used as inputs of a control architecture, implemented in software. It is a behavior-based and receptive to human commands control architecture, to assist the robot’s navigation. The robot is controlled by its own behaviors or by commands em it ted by humans


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The use of mobile robots in the agriculture turns out to be interesting in tasks of cultivation and application of pesticides in minute quantities to reduce environmental pollution. In this paper we present the development of a system to control an autonomous mobile robot navigation through tracks in plantations. Track images are used to control robot direction by preprocessing them to extract image features, and then submitting such characteristic features to a support vector machine to find out the most appropriate route. As the overall goal of the project to which this work is connected is the robot control in real time, the system will be embedded onto a hardware platform. However, in this paper we report the software implementation of a support vector machine, which so far presented around 93% accuracy in predicting the appropriate route.


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This work investigates the gender effect on visual demand of drivers for dynamic maps at different cartographic scales presented In-Vehicle Route Guidance and Navigation System (RGNS). A group of 52 subjects (26 males and 26 females) took part in an experiment performed in a low-cost driving simulator. the driver's task consisted of navigating in an unknown route using a RGNS prototype which presents maps at two different cartographic scales. This paper replicates the known phenomenon of significant relationships between gender and performance at visual-spatial tasks issue. Our results show that drivers of different genders present distinct levels of visual demand both due to the cartographic scales and maneuver complexity variation. These discussed results are based upon individual differences in terms of spatial ability and spatial anxiety.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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A visão estéreo é uma forma eficiente para navegação, pois com a estimativa de profundidade, é possível verificar se um caminho pré determinado pode ser utilizado para chegar ao destino definido, e ainda estimar durante qual profundidade esta mesma estimativa continuará sendo válida. As imagens capturadas por cada câmera são retificadas, de forma que as mesmas fiquem alinhadas horizontalmente, colaborando-se assim com o desempenho dos algoritmos de correspondência, responsáveis pela construção da matriz de disparidades. Com base nessa matriz, é criada a matriz de disparidade “V” para que seja possível mapear a informação de profundidade de cada objeto, os quais podem representar obstruções e anteparos na cena observada.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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For decades the Companhia Tróleibus de Araraquara was a national reference in public transportion, but in recent years it is in a process of bankruptcy and scrapping, characteristics of privatizing processes that has been occurring worldwide since the rise of neoliberal ideas. This monography is centered on the finance analysis of CTA to investigate what reasons led the public company to come in the current financial scenario, what are the interests that exist to privatize a public company and which consequences the sale of the of public companies have for a country of subordinate capitalism like Brazil. Most Brazilian cities are in an urban collapse due to the lack of public policies for public transportation and bulky incentives for private transportation. Furthermore, this monography aims to contribute for the study of urban mobility and point out if privatization is a way to improve life in the cities


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The present study aimed to compare the planimetric survey data of an area equivalent to a small rural property, through values of longitudes e latitudes obtained by a GPS navigation with a conventional survey data. The value of the area obtained with the navigation receiver showed a small difference when compared with the conventional system. Points located under large vegetal cover had impaired reading of coordinates. The navigation receiver can be used to get measurements inside the property for planning purposes and also for measuring he land perimeter, but not for legal purposes. The Google planimeter result in the same area as the one from the conventional survey data.


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This work is focused on the subject of air radio navigation systems embedded on aircraft and in the ground stations. Initially is presented a historical context and motivation of the chosen theme. In the following chapters the basics avionics systems are presented, ADF, VOR, DME and ILS such that there is a deepening of electronics theory behind the operation of each system. In this graduate work were presented theories involved in systems such as the definition and creation of radio waves, the frequency spectrum used by each system, the modulation and demodulation of waves, the operating block diagrams of embedded receiver in the aircraft and the terrestrial source station, and the errors involved in the use of each system


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This work is focused on the subject of air radio navigation systems embedded on aircraft and in the ground stations. Initially is presented a historical context and motivation of the chosen theme. In the following chapters the basics avionics systems are presented, ADF, VOR, DME and ILS such that there is a deepening of electronics theory behind the operation of each system. In this graduate work were presented theories involved in systems such as the definition and creation of radio waves, the frequency spectrum used by each system, the modulation and demodulation of waves, the operating block diagrams of embedded receiver in the aircraft and the terrestrial source station, and the errors involved in the use of each system