517 resultados para Colloids


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Colloids of silver and palladium nanoparticles have been prepared by the Solvated Metal Atom Dispersion method. The as-prepared Ag colloid consisting of polydisperse nanoparticles is transformed into a monodisperse colloid by the digestive ripening process which involves refluxing the as-prepared colloid in the presence of a surfactant. In addition to the monodisperse nanoparticles, a small amount of an Ag-thiolate complex is also formed. Refluxing a mixture of the as-prepared Ag and Pd colloids results in Ag@Pd core-shell nanoparticles. The core-shell structure has been established using a combination of techniques such as UV-visible spectroscopy, high resolution electron microscopy, energy filtered electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, high angle annular dark field imaging and powder X-ray diffraction.


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The nanochemistry of calcium remains unexplored, which is largely due to the inaccessibility of calcium nanoparticles in an easy to handle form by conventional methods of synthesis as well as its highly reactive and pyrophoric nature. The synthesis of colloidal Ca nanoparticles by the solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method is described. The as-prepared Ca-THF nanoparticles, which are polydisperse, undergo digestive ripening in the presence of a capping agent, hexadecyl amine (HDA) to afford highly monodisperse colloids consisting of 2-3 nm sized Ca-HDA nanoparticles. These are quite stable towards precipitation for long periods of time, thereby providing access to the study of the nanochemistry of Ca. Particles synthesized in this manner were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, high resolution electron microscopy, and powder X-ray diffraction methods. Under an electron beam, two adjacent Ca nanoparticles undergo coalescence to form a larger particle.


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The synthesis of THF coordinated aluminium nanoparticles by the solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method is described. These colloids are not stable with respect to precipitation of aluminium nanoparticles. The precipitated aluminium nanopowder is highly pyrophoric. Highly monodisperse colloidal aluminium nanoparticles (3.1 +/- 0.6 nm) stabilized by a capping agent, hexadecyl amine (HDA), have also been prepared by the SMAD method. They are stable towards precipitation of particles for more than a week. The Al-HDA nanoparticles are not as pyrophoric as the Al-THF samples. Particles synthesized in this manner were characterized by high-resolution electron microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction. Annealing of the Al-HDA nanoparticles resulted in carbonization of the capping agent on the surface of the particles which imparts air stability to them. Carbonization of the capping agent was established using Raman spectroscopy and TEM. The annealed aluminium nanoparticles were found to be stable even upon their exposure to air for over a month which was evident from the powder XRD, TGA/DSC, and TEM studies. The successful passivation was further confirmed with the determination of high active aluminium content (95 wt%) upon exposure and storage under air.


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We report unusual jamming in driven ordered vortex flow in 2H-NbS2. Reinitiating movement in these jammed vortices with a higher driving force and halting it thereafter once again with a reduction in drive leads to a critical behavior centered around the depinning threshold via divergences in the lifetimes of transient states, validating the predictions of a recent simulation study Reichhardt and Olson Reichhardt, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 168301 (2009)] which also pointed out a correspondence between plastic depinning in vortex matter and the notion of random organization proposed Corte et al., Nat. Phys. 4, 420 (2008)] in the context of sheared colloids undergoing diffusive motion.


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Cationic surfactants such as dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB), tetradecyltrimehtylammonium bromide (TTAB) and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB); and anionic surfactants such as sodium decyl sulphate (SDeS), sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and sodium tetradecyl sulphate (STDS) have been used to determine their solubility and micellization in ternary eutectic melt (acetamide + urea + ammonium nitrate) at 50 degrees C. We employed the electrical conductivity and the surface tension measurement techniques to determine the critical micelle concentration (CMC). The deviation in the slope of the specific conductance/surface tension against surfactant concentration plots indicated the aggregations of surfactants and hence, their CMC. CMC decreases with increase of alkyl chain length due to the increased van der Waals forces. The calculated increment in Gibb's energy per methylene group for cationic and anionic surfactants is about -6 kJ mol(-1) and -4 kJ mol(-1) respectively. It is found that, the CMCs of the surfactants in the ternary melt are higher than the CMCs of same surfactants in water (similar to 25 degrees C). (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Stable hollow microcapsules composed of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and poly (allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) were produced by layer-by-layer adsorption of polyelectrolytes onto CaCO 3 microparticles. Subsequently the core was removed by addition of chelating agents for calcium ions. Zeta potential studies showed charge reversal with deposition of successive polyelectrolyte layers, indicating that the alternate electrostatic adsorption of polyelectrolytes of opposite charge was successfully achieved. The size and surface morphology of the capsules was characterized by various microscopy techniques. The pH responsive loading behavior was elucidated by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) studies using fluorescence labeled dextran (FITC-dextran) and labeled BSA (FITC-BSA). CLSM images confirmed the open (pH ≤ 6) and closed state (pH ≥ 7) of the capsules. A model drug bovine serum albumin (BSA) was spontaneously loaded below its isoelectric point into hollow microcapsules, where BSA is positively charged. The loading of the BSA into the microcapsules was found to be dependent on the feeding concentration and pH of the medium. 65 of the loaded BSA was released over 7h of which about 34 was released in the first hour. These findings demonstrate that (CMC/PAH) 2 hollow capsules can be further exploited as a potential drug delivery system.


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We study theoretically the hydrodynamics of a fluid drop containing oriented filaments endowed with active contractile or extensile stresses and placed on a solid surface. The active stresses alter qualitatively the wetting properties of the drop, leading to new spreading laws and novel static drop shapes. Candidate systems for testing our predictions include cytoskeletal extracts with motors and ATP, suspensions of bacteria or pulsatile cells, or fluids laden with artificial self-propelled colloids.


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The solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method has been used for the synthesis of colloids of metal nanoparticles. It is a top-down approach involving condensation of metal atoms in low temperature solvent matrices in a SMAD reactor maintained at 77 K. Warming of the matrix results in a slurry of metal atoms that interact with one another to form particles that grow in size. The organic solvent solvates the particles and acts as a weak capping agent to halt/slow down the growth process to a certain extent. This as-prepared colloid consists of metal nanoparticles that are quite polydisperse. In a process termed as digestive ripening, addition of a capping agent to the as-prepared colloid which is polydisperse renders it highly monodisperse either under ambient or thermal conditions. In this, as yet not well-understood process, smaller particles grow and the larger ones diminish in size until the system attains uniformity in size and a dynamic equilibrium is established. Using the SMAD method in combination with digestive ripening process, highly monodisperse metal, core-shell, alloy, and composite nanoparticles have been synthesized. This article is a review of our contributions together with some literature reports on this methodology to realize various nanostructured materials.


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Free nanoparticles of iron (Fe) and their colloids with high saturation magnetization are in demand for medical and microfluidic applications. However, the oxide layer that forms during processing has made such synthesis a formidable challenge. Lowering the synthesis temperature decreases rate of oxidation and hence provides a new way of producing pure metallic nanoparticles prone to oxidation in bulk amount (large quantity). In this paper we have proposed a methodology that is designed with the knowledge of thermodynamic imperatives of oxidation to obtain almost oxygen-free iron nanoparticles, with or without any organic capping by controlled milling at low temperatures in a specially designed high-energy ball mill with the possibility of bulk production. The particles can be ultrasonicated to produce colloids and can be bio-capped to produce transparent solution. The magnetic properties of these nanoparticles confirm their superiority for possible biomedical and other applications.


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The selective flotation of sphalerite from a sphalerite-galena mineral mixture has been achieved using cells and extracellular secretions of Bacillus megaterium after adaptation to the chosen minerals. The extracellular secretions obtained after thermolysis of bacterial cells adapted to sphalerite yield the highest flotation recovery of sphalerite with a selectivity index value of 24.5, in comparison to the other cellular and extra-cellular bio-reagents studied. The protein profile for the unadapted and mineral-adapted cells has been found to differ distinctly, attesting to variation in the yield and nature of extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS). The changes induced in the bacterial cell wall components after adaptation to sphalerite or galena with respect to the contents of phosphate, uronic acid and acetylated sugars of B. megaterium have been quantified. The role of the dissolved metal ions from the minerals as well as that of the constituents of extracellular secretions in modulating the surface charge of the bacterial cells as well as the minerals under study has been confirmed using various enzymatic treatments of the bacterial cells. It has been demonstrated that the induction of additional molecular weight protein fractions as well as the higher amount of extracellular proteins and phosphate secreted after adaptation to sphalerite vis-A-vis galena are contributory factors for the selective separation of sphalerite from galena. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have shown earlier [1] that these PGNPs resemble star polymers or spherical brushes in terms of their morphology in the melt. However, these particles show dynamics in melt which is quite different from other soft colloidal particles. Since most of the work on soft colloidal particles have been performed in solutions we have now explored the phase behavior of the PGNPs in good solvent using microscopic structural and dynamical measurements on binary mixtures of homopolymers and soft colloids consisting of polymer grafted nanoparticles. We observe anomalous structural and dynamical phase transitions of these binary mixtures, including appearance of spontaneous orientational alignment and logarithmic structural relaxations, as a function of added homopolymers of different molecular weights. Our experiments points to the possibility of exploiting the phase space in density and homopolymer size, of such hybrid systems, to create new materials with unique properties.


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Cells of Bacillus subtilis exhibited higher affinity towards hematite than to kaolinite. Bacterial cells were grown and adapted in the presence of hematite and kaolinite. Higher amounts of mineral-specific proteinaceous compounds were secreted in the presence of kaolinite while hematite-grown cells produced higher amounts of exopolysaccharides. Extracellular proteins (EP) exhibited higher adsorption density on kaolinite which was rendered more hydrophobic. Hematite surfaces were rendered more hydrophilic due to increased adsorption of extracellular polysaccharides (ECP). Significant surface chemical changes were produced due to interaction between minerals and extracellular proteins and polysaccharides. Iron oxides such as hematite could be effectively removed from kaolinite clays using selective bioflocculation of hematite after interaction with EP and ECP extracted from mineral-grown cells. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Monodisperse colloidal gold-indium (AuIn2) intermetallic nanoparticles have been synthesized from Au and In colloids using the digestive ripening process. Formation of the intermetallic proceeds via digestive ripening facilitated atomic diffusion of Au and In atoms from the Au and In nanoparticles followed simultaneously by their growth in the solution. Optimization of the reaction temperature was found to be crucial for the formation of AuIn2 intermetallic from gold and indium nanoparticles. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of nearly monodisperse nanoparticles of Au and AuIn2 with particle size distribution of 3.7 +/- 1.0 nm and 5.0 +/- 1.6 nm, respectively. UV-visible spectral studies brought out the absence of SPR band in pure AuIn2 intermetallic nanoparticles. Optical study and electron microscopy, in combination with powder X-ray diffraction established phase pure AuIn2 intermetallic nanoparticles unambiguously. The potential of such an unprecedented approach has been further exploited in the synthesis of Ag3In intermetallic nanoparticles with the dimension of less than 10 nm. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A mathematical model is developed to simulate the transport and deposition of virus-sized colloids in a cylindrical pore throat considering various processes such as advection, diffusion, colloid-collector surface interactions and hydrodynamic wall effects. The pore space is divided into three different regions, namely, bulk, diffusion and potential regions, based on the dominant processes acting in each of these regions. In the bulk region, colloid transport is governed by advection and diffusion whereas in the diffusion region, colloid mobility due to diffusion is retarded by hydrodynamic wall effects. Colloid-collector interaction forces dominate the transport in the potential region where colloid deposition occurs. The governing equations are non-dimensionalized and solved numerically. A sensitivity analysis indicates that the virus-sized colloid transport and deposition is significantly affected by various pore-scale parameters such as the surface potentials on colloid and collector, ionic strength of the solution, flow velocity, pore size and colloid size. The adsorbed concentration and hence, the favorability of the surface for adsorption increases with: (i) decreasing magnitude and ratio of surface potentials on colloid and collector, (ii) increasing ionic strength and (iii) increasing pore radius. The adsorbed concentration increases with increasing Pe, reaching a maximum value at Pe = 0.1 and then decreases thereafter. Also, the colloid size significantly affects particle deposition with the adsorbed concentration increasing with increasing particle radius, reaching a maximum value at a particle radius of 100 nm and then decreasing with increasing radius. System hydrodynamics is found to have a greater effect on larger particles than on smaller ones. The secondary minimum contribution to particle deposition has been found to increase as the favorability of the surface for adsorption decreases. The sensitivity of the model to a given parameter will be high if the conditions are favorable for adsorption. The results agree qualitatively with the column-scale experimental observations available in the literature. The current model forms the building block in upscaling colloid transport from pore scale to Darcy scale using Pore-Network Modeling. (C) 2014 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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Hydrophobic/superhydrophobic metallic surfaces prepared via chemical treatment are encountered in many industrial scenarios involving the impingement of spray droplets. The effectiveness of such surfaces is understood through the analysis of droplet impact experiments. In the present study, three target surfaces with aluminum (Al-6061) as base material-acid-etched, Octadecyl Trichloro Silane (OTS) coated, and acid-etched plus OTS-coated-were prepared. Experiments on the impact of inertia dominated water drops on these chemically modified aluminum surfaces were carried out with the objective to highlight the effect of chemical treatment on the target surfaces on key sub-processes occurring in drop impact phenomenon. High speed videos of the entire drop impact dynamics were captured at three Weber number (We) conditions representative of high We (We > 200) regime. During the early stages of drop spreading, the drop impact resulted in ejection of secondary droplets from spreading drop front on the etched surfaces resembling prompt splash on rough surfaces whereas no such splashing was observable on untreated aluminum surface. Prominent development of undulations (fingers) were observed at the rim of drop spreading on the etched surfaces; between the etched surfaces the OTS-coated surface showed a subdued development of fingers than the uncoated surface. The impacted drops showed intense receding on OTS-coated surfaces whereas on the etched surface a highly irregular receding, with drop liquid sticking to the surface, was observed. Quantitative analyses were performed to reveal the effect of target surface characteristics on drop impact parameters such as temporal variation of spread factor of drop lamella, temporal variation of average finger length during spreading phase, maximum drop spreading, time taken to attain maximum spreading, sensitivity of maximum spreading to We, number of fingers at maximum spreading, and average receding velocity of drop lamella. Existing models for maximum drop spreading showed reasonably good agreement with the experimental measurements on the target surfaces except the acid-etched surface. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.