964 resultados para Collection based art works


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Thèse réalisée dans le cadre d'une cotutelle avec l'Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III


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A novel sensing technique for the in situ monitoring of the rate of pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of metal thin films has been developed. This optical fibre based sensor works on the principle of the evanescent wave penetration of waveguide modes into the uncladded portion of a multimode fibre. The utility of this optical fibre sensor is demonstrated in the case of PLD of silver thin films obtained by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser which is used to irradiate a silver target at the required conditions for the preparation of thin films. This paper describes the performance and characteristics of the sensor and shows how the device can be used as an effective tool for the monitoring of the deposition rate of silver thin films. The fibre optic sensor is very simple, inexpensive and highly sensitive compared with existing techniques for thin film deposition rate measurements


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A novel sensing technique for the in situ monitoring of the rate of pulsed laser deposition (PLD) of metal thin films has been developed. This optical fibre based sensor works on the principle of the evanescent wave penetration of waveguide modes into the uncladded portion of a multimode fibre. The utility of this optical fibre sensor is demonstrated in the case of PLD of silver thin films obtained by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser which is used to irradiate a silver target at the required conditions for the preparation of thin films. This paper describes the performance and characteristics of the sensor and shows how the device can be used as an effective tool for the monitoring of the deposition rate of silver thin films. The fibre optic sensor is very simple, inexpensive and highly sensitive compared with existing techniques for thin film deposition rate measurements.


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A new information-theoretic approach is presented for finding the pose of an object in an image. The technique does not require information about the surface properties of the object, besides its shape, and is robust with respect to variations of illumination. In our derivation, few assumptions are made about the nature of the imaging process. As a result the algorithms are quite general and can foreseeably be used in a wide variety of imaging situations. Experiments are presented that demonstrate the approach registering magnetic resonance (MR) images with computed tomography (CT) images, aligning a complex 3D object model to real scenes including clutter and occlusion, tracking a human head in a video sequence and aligning a view-based 2D object model to real images. The method is based on a formulation of the mutual information between the model and the image called EMMA. As applied here the technique is intensity-based, rather than feature-based. It works well in domains where edge or gradient-magnitude based methods have difficulty, yet it is more robust than traditional correlation. Additionally, it has an efficient implementation that is based on stochastic approximation. Finally, we will describe a number of additional real-world applications that can be solved efficiently and reliably using EMMA. EMMA can be used in machine learning to find maximally informative projections of high-dimensional data. EMMA can also be used to detect and correct corruption in magnetic resonance images (MRI).


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Se propone un modelo curricular alternativo de educación artística. A partir de una reflexión teórica sobre el fenómeno artístico se estructura en tres partes. Primero se establece una aproximación a la situación en que se encuentra la educación artística - plástica - en nuestro pais, y la investigación en este campo. Se intenta establecer las premisas fundamentales para un concepto de educación artística alternativo con el fin de proporcionar el soporte teórico de la propuesta, prestando especial atención al proceso al proceso de aprendizaje artístico, al concepto de educación artística que representa la disciplina-based art education, y al análisis de aquellos modelos curriculares que han servido de base. Por último se propone un modelo curricular, planes de acción, y un modelo de educación artística alternativo, que proporcione sobre todo estrategias para la acción, con el fin de modificar sustancialmente la práctica educativa y otorgar al profesorado un papel central dentro de este proceso.


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A presente dissertação têm como problemática a violência conjugal sobre a mulher por parte do seu companheiro masculino, e como objeto empírico de investigação, o diagnóstico de necessidades de competências do Agente da PSP para efetuar um atendimento eficaz à mulher vítima de violência conjugal. Em termos específicos pretende estabelecer-se um perfil de competências profissionais, ao nível dos conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, que o profissional da PSP deve possuir para efetuar este atendimento com eficácia, dignidade e respeitando todos os aspetos dos direitos destas vítimas. Cientificamente, a realização de um diagnóstico de necessidades de competências conjetura várias etapas que objetivam definir as competências necessárias, as que se encontram em falta, e expor as que atualmente se possuem. Para atingir tal propósito auscultaram-se as visões dos diferentes atores que intervém neste crime através de três amostras distintas, respetivamente, Especialistas, Vítimas e Polícia. Em concreto catorze reconhecidos especialistas nacionais da área da violência doméstica, cem mulheres vítimas deste crime com denúncia efetuada à PSP, e cem profissionais desta Força de Segurança que acuam neste crime. O procedimento que delimita estas etapas anuncia no seu âmago os objetivos específicos. Neste âmbito, pediu-se aos especialistas o delinear das competências necessárias, as vítimas que descrevessem as lacunas do atendimento, e aos Agentes para elencar as competências atuais. Com a triangulação dos dados obtidos foi possível obter o diagnóstico de competências e responder à pergunta de partida: Quais as competências que existem e quais as que se evidenciam como necessárias no Agente da PSP para o atendimento à mulher vítima de violência conjugal? Neste âmbito, Várias questões se levantaram de forma a responder a esta pergunta de partida: Quais as competências necessárias aos Agentes da PSP para efetuarem um eficaz atendimento perante este crime? Será que estas vítimas se encontram satisfeitas com o atendimento dos elementos policiais que responderam à denúncia do crime? Será que estes Agentes se sentem preparados para intervir com competência a este tipo de crime? Ao nível metodológico, após a pesquisa exploratória, utilizou-se uma metodologia transversal, quali-quantitativa e quantitativa, com recolha de dados assente no método de Delphi, com inquéritos por questionários semiestruturados e estruturados e a análise de conteúdo de dados estatísticos. Perante a análise dos resultados, o diagnóstico de necessidades competências efetuado permitiu concluir que existe um conjunto de competências que têm de ser melhoradas, outro que têm de ser adquiridas pelo Agente da PSP, definido por estes e pelas vítimas.


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A climate of change in the arts in the 1990s, including a growing recognition of the need for creative management, has raised the issue of how not-for-profit art museum directors use creativity in their managerial role. Traditionally, the prime function of art museums has been to gather, preserve and study objects. The perception of directors as keepers of collections and creativity as residing in the object has evolved. Creativity is increasingly seen as residing in the managers of organizations. A survey of Australian and New Zealand art museum directors revealed six strategic responses to change, indicating the extent to which they used creativity in their leadership role: economic emphasis, market orientation, audience development, collaboration, accessibility and community relations. The question this paper poses is whether the change in the director's role has overturned the traditional view of creativity as focused on the art work rather than on management initiatives. The proposed answer is that it has been not so much overturned as extended: directors now balance the development and preservation of creative art works with creative management of the art museum as a market-facing organization.


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This paper presents a method for construction of artificial images of facial expressions. The proposed fractal-based synthesis procedure called pixel-based correspondence works on 2D images and does not require any depth information. This method can generate artificial images of an object when only a single image is given. Using the proposed method, effective example-based facial analysis systems can be trained and utilised in various applications.


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Provides an introduction to and explanation of the art works/photographs of Lisa Scharoun and Frances Tatarovic in their Visions of utopia series. 


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In this paper, an empirical study of the development and application of a committee of neural networks on online pattern classification tasks is presented. A multiple classifier framework is designed by adopting an Adaptive Resonance Theory-based (ART) autonomously learning neural network as the building block. A number of algorithms for combining outputs from multiple neural classifiers are considered, and two benchmark data sets have been used to evaluate the applicability of the proposed system. Different learning strategies coupling offline and online learning approaches, as well as different input pattern representation schemes, including the "ensemble" and "modular" methods, have been examined experimentally. Benefits and shortcomings of each approach are systematically analyzed and discussed. The results are comparable, and in some cases superior, with those from other classification algorithms. The experiments demonstrate the potentials of the proposed multiple neural network systems in offering an alternative to handle online pattern classification tasks in possibly nonstationary environments.


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Where the speed-up of technology led Marshall McLuhan into the realm of ‘pattern-recognition’ the game has now been ratcheted up a further notch. Technologies themselves are being creatively re-designed and reconfigured to hunt down the Snark (see Lewis Carrol, 1898), a game in which the skill of identifying gaps, ruptures, of cracking the surface, remains critical. In this situation a New Minimalism has taken shape in which narrative and content have not been erased exactly but have retreated, to be resident in the architecture and flow of the apparatus itself. For Marcia Jane this is where the story now sits, to be laid bare on the Gallery floor.


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Lake Bolac is a freshwater lake, resulting from one of the volcanic eruptions in the Western district of regional Victoria (Australia). There is an annual migration of eels to it and they have been a local indigenous food source for very many years. Since 2004 there has been a festival to celebrate this event culminating at the Lake Bolac Eel Festival (LBEF). Since 2012, the festival included creative art works and a music workshop by academics from Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia) as a regional partnership with Lake Bolac. The opportunity to exhibit, workshop and perform works as academics and practitioners brought the community together where both contemporary and traditional arts can be preserved, protected and promoted. My paper forms part of a larger creative research project called Flows and Catchments at Deakin University which started in 2011. My study situates itself in creative music making and soundscape within the larger project.


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 Solo exhibition of art works


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This thesis looks at how the collection(s) of a private club located in the Melbourne Central Business District have been shaped by the bohemian attitude of its founding members and examines the contributing factors to the collection which make it distinctive and significant to Australian cultural heritage.


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This article will address several areas of research. Firstly it will propose that a dance experience can translate into another discipline such as visual art. In my visual art practice I combine both photography, which is traditionally seen as a still medium, and performance in order to create a new form of embodiment. By acknowledging the inter-relationship between the body and the camera my project seeks to challenge a perceived separation between the disciplines. Fly Rhythm, an exhibition of 13 photographs and one video projection was conceived through a performative somatic process. I have developed the term ‘somatic photography’ to articulate subjective experiences in the context of my process of imaging movement in stillness. My thinking has been informed by visual art practice exploring movement and meaning using video and an older history of performance as a dancer and choreographer. I am primarily interested in movement initiated by a bodily response to light through still rather than moving imagery although artists such as Maya Deren whose films explore themes of time and space have influenced me. In my practice the term ‘somatic photography’ helps articulate the act of taking photographs, which is how meaning is being created rather than purely in the finished art works. The term somatic photography puts emphasis on the action of taking the image. Through using a custom made camera I was able to negotiate time and space as a dancer and create a visual drawing that talked to both choreography and fine art practice. This article engages with the following ideas: somatic photography, photography as choreography, body memory, ageing body, technology as collaborator, gallery interface, screen interface and movement.