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OBJECTIVE:: To determine the prevalence of cognitive complaints and HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HANDs) in a cohort of aviremic HIV-positive patients. To evaluate the relevance of the HIV dementia scale to detect HANDs. DESIGN:: Assessment of HANDs with neuropsychological tests. METHODS:: Two hundred HIV-infected patients with undetectable HIV-1 RNA concentrations in the plasma, no history of major opportunistic infection of the central nervous system in the past 3 years, no current use of intravenous drugs, and no major depression answered a questionnaire designed to elicit cognitive complaints. Cognitive functions of 50 complaining and 50 noncomplaining HIV-positive patients were assessed. RESULTS:: Patients had undetectable HIV-1 RNA concentrations for a median time of 48 months (range 3.2-136.6). The prevalence of cognitive complaints was 27%. The prevalence of HANDs was 84% among patients with cognitive complaints (asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment 24%, mild neurocognitive disorders 52%, and HIV-associated dementia 8%) and 64% among noncomplainers (asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment 60%, mild neurocognitive disorders 4%, and HIV-associated dementia 0%; P < 0.001). A score of 14 points or less on the HIV dementia scale yielded a positive predictive value of HANDs of 92% in complainers and 82% in noncomplainers. CONCLUSION:: The prevalence of HANDs is high even in long-standing aviremic HIV-positive patients. However, HANDs without functional repercussion in daily life (asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment) is the most frequent subtype observed. In this population, the HIV dementia scale with a cutoff of 14 points or less seems to provide a useful tool to screen for the presence of HANDs.
Objective: An inverse relationship between blood pressure and cognitive function has been found in adults, but limited data are available in adolescents and young adults. We prospectively examined the relation between blood pressure and cognitive function in adolescence. Methods: We examined the association between BP measured at the ages of 12-15 years in school surveys and cognitive endpoints measured in the Seychelles Child Development Study at ages 17 (n=407) and 19 (n=429) years respectively. We evaluated multiple domains of cognition based on subtests of the Cambridge Neurological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), the Woodcock Johnson Test of Scholastic Achievement (WJTA), the Finger Tapping test (FT) and the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT). We used age-, sex- and height-specific z-scores of systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP). Results: Six out of the 21 cognitive endpoints tested were associated with BP. However, none of these associations were found to hold for both males and females or for different subtests within the same neurodevelopmental domain or for both SBP and DBP. Most of these associations disappeared when analyses were adjusted for selected potential confounding factors such as socio-economic status, birth weight, gestational age, body mass index, alcohol consumption, blood glucose, and total n-3 and n-6 polyunsaturated fats. Conclusions: Our findings do not support a consistent association between BP and subsequent performance on tests assessing various cognitive domains in adolescents.
Purpose: To present the long-term outcome (LTO) of 10 adolescents and young adults with documented cognitive and behavioral regression as children due to non-lesional focal, mainly frontal epilepsy with continuous spike-waves during slow wave sleep (CSWS). Method: Past medical and EEG data of all patients were reviewed and neuropsychological tests exploring main cognitive functions were administered. Result: After a mean duration of follow-up of 15.6 years (range 8-23 years), none of the 10 patients had recovered fully, but four regained borderline to normal intelligence and were almost independent. Patients with prolonged global intellectual regression had the worst outcome, whereas those with more specific and short-lived deficits recovered best. The marked behavioral disorders that were so disturbing during the active period (AP) resolved in all but one patient. Executive functions were neither severely nor homogenously affected. Three patients with a frontal syndrome during the AP disclosed only mild residual executive and social cognition deficits. The main cognitive gains occurred shortly after the AP, but qualitative improvements continued to occur. LTO correlated best with duration of CSWS. Conclusion: Our findings emphasize that cognitive recovery after cessation of CSWS depends on the severity and duration of the initial regression. None of our patients had major executive and social cognition deficits with preserved intelligence as reported in adults with destructive lesions of the frontal lobes during childhood. Early recognition of epilepsy with CSWS and rapid introduction of effective therapy are crucial for a best possible outcome.
Alcohol addiction is associated with cognitive impairment of clinically varying intensity and duration, which starts progressively while remaining often underestimated. Progressive brain damage can lead over time to a dementia syndrome. The diagnosis of cognitive deficits is of prime importance since it helps to optimize patient care and to decrease failure in re-insertion programs. Here we propose several screening tests which should give the practitioner the opportunity to make a basic cognitive assessment and to decide whether a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation is indicated. In alcohol addiction cognitive impairment is dominated by executive dysfunction of varying severity, which is also characteristic of alcohol dementia.
Cognitive efficacy of quetiapine in early-onset first-episode psychosis: a 12-week open label trial.
Twenty-three adolescents with psychotic disorders, aged from 13 to 18 years, participated in a 12-week open label trial (17 adolescents completed the study) in order to examine the impact of quetiapine on clinical status and cognitive functions (encompassing processing speed, attention, short-term memory, long-term memory and executive function). An improvement in Clinical Global Impression and Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (P's ≤ 0.001) was observed. In addition, after controlling for amelioration of symptoms, a significant improvement was observed on one executive function (P = 0.044; Trail Making Part B). The remaining cognitive abilities showed stability. In addition, we observed an interaction between quetiapine doses (>300 mg/day or <300 mg/day) and time, where lower doses showed more improvement in verbal short-term memory (P = 0.048), inhibition abilities (P = 0.038) and positive symptoms (P = 0.020). The neuropsychological functioning of adolescents with psychotic disorders remained mainly stable after 12 weeks of treatment with quetiapine. However, lower doses seemed to have a better impact on two components of cognition (inhibition abilities and verbal short-term memory) and on positive symptoms.
Cannabis use is highly prevalent among people with schizophrenia, and coupled with impaired cognition, is thought to heighten the risk of illness onset. However, while heavy cannabis use has been associated with cognitive deficits in long-term users, studies among patients with schizophrenia have been contradictory. This article consists of 2 studies. In Study I, a meta-analysis of 10 studies comprising 572 patients with established schizophrenia (with and without comorbid cannabis use) was conducted. Patients with a history of cannabis use were found to have superior neuropsychological functioning. This finding was largely driven by studies that included patients with a lifetime history of cannabis use rather than current or recent use. In Study II, we examined the neuropsychological performance of 85 patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and 43 healthy nonusing controls. Relative to controls, FEP patients with a history of cannabis use (FEP + CANN; n = 59) displayed only selective neuropsychological impairments while those without a history (FEP - CANN; n = 26) displayed generalized deficits. When directly compared, FEP + CANN patients performed better on tests of visual memory, working memory, and executive functioning. Patients with early onset cannabis use had less neuropsychological impairment than patients with later onset use. Together, these findings suggest that patients with schizophrenia or FEP with a history of cannabis use have superior neuropsychological functioning compared with nonusing patients. This association between better cognitive performance and cannabis use in schizophrenia may be driven by a subgroup of "neurocognitively less impaired" patients, who only developed psychosis after a relatively early initiation into cannabis use.
Introduction: Schizophrenia is associated with multiple neuropsychological dysfunctions, such as disturbances of attention, memory, perceptual functioning, concept formation and executive processes. These cognitive functions are reported to depend on the integrity of the prefrontal and thalamo-prefrontal circuits. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that schizophrenia is related to abnormalities in neural circuitry and impaired structural connectivity. Here, we report a preliminary case-control study that showed a correlation between thalamo-frontal connections and several cognitive functions known to be impaired in schizophrenia. Materials and Methods: We investigated 9 schizophrenic patients (DSM IV criteria, Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies) and 9 age and sex matched control subjects. We obtained from each volunteer a DT-MRI dataset (3 T, _ _ 1,000 s/mm2), and a high resolution anatomic T1. The thalamo- frontal tracts are simulated with DTI tractography on these dataset, a method allowing inference of the main neural fiber tracks from Diffusion MRI data. In order to see an eventual correlation with the thalamo-frontal connections, every subject performs a battery of neuropsychological tests including computerized tests of attention (sustained attention, selective attention and reaction time), working memory tests (Plane test and the working memory sub-tests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale), a executive functioning task (Tower of Hanoï) and a test of visual binding abilities. Results: In a pilot case-control study (patients: n _ 9; controls: n _ 9), we showed that this methodology is appropriate and giving results in the excepted range. Considering the relation of the connectivity density and the neuropsychological data, a correlation between the number of thalamo- frontal fibers and the performance in the Tower of Hanoï was observed in the patients (Pearson correlation, r _ 0.76, p _ 0.05) but not in control subjects. In the most difficult item of the test, the least number of fibers corresponds to the worst performance of the test (fig. 2, number of supplementary movements of the elements necessary to realize the right configuration). It's interesting to note here that in an independent study, we showed that schizophrenia patients (n _ 32) perform in the most difficult item of the Tower of Hanoï (Mann-Whitney, p _ 0.005) significantly worse than control subjects (n _ 29). This has been observed in several others neuropsychological studies. Discussion: This pilot study of schizophrenia patients shows a correlation between the number of thalam-frontal fibers and the performance in the Tower of Hanoï, which is a planning and goal oriented actions task known to be associated with frontal dysfonction. This observation is consistent with the proposed impaired connectivity in schizophrenia. We aim to pursue the study with a larger sample in order to determine if other neuropsychological tests may be associated with the connectivity density.
An effect of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) on cognition has been suspected but long-term observations are lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term cognitive profile and the incidence of dementia in a cohort of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients treated by STN-DBS. 57 consecutive patients were prospectively assessed by the mean of a neuropsychological battery over 3 years after surgery. Dementia (DSM-IV) and UPDRS I to IV were recorded. 24.5% of patients converted to dementia over 3 years (incidence of 89 of 1,000 per year). This group of patients cognitively continuously worsened over 3 years up to fulfilling dementia criteria (PDD). The rest of the cohort remained cognitively stable (PD) over the whole follow-up. Preoperative differences between PDD and PD included older age (69.2 +/- 5.8 years; 62.6 +/- 8 years), presence of hallucinations and poorer executive score (10.1 +/- 5.9; 5.5 +/- 4.4). The incidence of dementia over 3 years after STN-DBS is similar to the one reported in medically treated patients. The PDD presented preoperative risk factors of developing dementia similar to those described in medically treated patients. These observations suggest dementia being secondary to the natural evolution of PD rather than a direct effect of STN-DBS.
In Switzerland, each year there are about 25000 new patients suffering from dementia (one new case every 20 minutes!). Currently, recognition of cognitive impairment and dementia diagnoses remain essentially based on clinical features. For the primary care provider, a 4-step approach based on a) history, b) collateral information provided by a knowledgeable relative, c) a standardized brief cognitive screening instrument, and d) simple laboratory tests will identify most older persons suffering from dementia. Unclear situations benefit from an assessment in a memory clinic.
Background: Atypical antipsychotics provide better control of the negative and affective symptoms of schizophrenia when compared with conventional neuroleptics; nevertheless, their heightened ability to improve cognitive dysfunction remains a matter of debate. This study aimed to examine the changes in cognition associated with long-term antipsychotic treatment and to evaluate the effect of the type of antipsychotic (conventional versus novel antipsychotic drugs) on cognitive performance over time. Methods: In this naturalistic study, we used a comprehensive neuropsychological battery of tests to assess a sample of schizophrenia patients taking either conventional (n = 13) or novel antipsychotics (n = 26) at baseline and at two years after. Results: Continuous antipsychotic treatment regardless of class was associated with improvement on verbal fluency, executive functions, and visual and verbal memory. Patients taking atypical antipsychotics did not show greater cognitive enhancement over two years than patients taking conventional antipsychotics. Conclusions Although long-term antipsychotic treatment slightly improved cognitive function, the switch from conventional to atypical antipsychotic treatment should not be based exclusively on the presence of these cognitive deficits.
Cette thèse explore dans quelle mesure la poursuite d'un but de performance-approche (i.e., le désir de surpasser autrui et de démontrer ses compétences) favorise, ou au contraire endommage, la réussite et l'apprentissage-une question toujours largement débattue dans la littérature. Quatre études menées en laboratoire ont confirmé cette hypothèse et démontré que la poursuite du but de performance-approche amène les individus à diviser leur attention entre d'une part la réalisation de la tâche évaluée, et d'autre part la gestion de préoccupations liées à l'atteinte du but-ceci empêchant une concentration efficace sur les processus de résolution de la tâche. Dans une deuxième ligne de recherche, nous avons ensuite démontré que cette distraction est exacerbée chez les individus les plus performants et ayant le plus l'habitude de réussir, ceci dérivant d'une pression supplémentaire liée au souhait de maintenir le statut positif de « bon élève ». Enfin, notre troisième ligne de recherche a cherché à réconcilier ces résultats-pointant l'aspect distractif du but de performance-approche-avec le profil se dégageant des études longitudinales rapportées dans la littérature-associant ce but avec la réussite académique. Ainsi, nous avons mené une étude longitudinale testant si l'adoption du but de performance-approche en classe pourrait augmenter la mise en oeuvre de stratégies d'étude tactiquement dirigées vers la performance-favorisant une réussite optimale aux tests. Nos résultats ont apporté des éléments en faveur de cette hypothèse, mais uniquement chez les élèves de bas niveau. Ainsi, l'ensemble de nos résultats permet de mettre en lumière les processus cognitifs à l'oeuvre lors de la poursuite du but de performance-approche, ainsi que d'alimenter le débat concernant leur aspect bénéfique ou nuisible en contexte éducatif. -- In this dissertation, we propose to investigate whether the pursuit of performance-approach goals (i.e., the desire to outperform others and appear talented) facilitates or rather endangers achievement and learning-an issue that is still widely discussed in the achievement goal literature. Four experiments carried out in a laboratory setting have provided evidence that performance- approach goals create a divided-attention situation that leads cognitive resources to be divided between task processing and the activation of goal-attainment concerns-which jeopardizes full cognitive immersion in the task. Then, in a second research line, we found evidence that high- achievers (i.e., those individuals who are the most used to succeed) experience, under evaluative contexts, heightened pressure to excel at the task, deriving from concerns associated with the preservation of their "high-achiever" status. Finally, a third research line was designed to try to reconcile results stemming from our laboratory studies with the overall profile emerging from longitudinal research-which have consistently found performance-approach goals to be a positive predictor of students' test scores. We thus set up a longitudinal study so as to test whether students' adoption of performance-approach goals in a long-term classroom setting enhances the implementation of strategic study behaviors tactically directed toward goal-attainment, hence favoring test performance. Our findings brought support for this hypothesis, but only for low-achieving students. Taken together, our findings shed new light on the cognitive processes at play during the pursuit of performance-approach goals, and are likely to fuel the debate regarding whether performance-approach goals should be encouraged or not in educational settings.
Brain oxidative processes play a major role in age-related cognitive decline, thus consumption of antioxidant-rich foods might help preserve cognition. Our aim was to assess whether consumption of antioxidant-rich foods in the Mediterranean diet relates to cognitive function in the elderly. In asymptomatic subjects at high cardiovascular risk (n = 447; 52% women; age 5580 y) enrolled in the PREDIMED study, a primary prevention dietary-intervention trial, we assessed food intake and cardiovascular risk profile, determined apolipoprotein E genotype, and used neuropsychological tests to evaluate cognitive function.We also measured urinary polyphenols as an objective biomarker of intake. Associations between energy-adjusted food consumption, urinary polyphenols, and cognitive scores were assessed by multiple linear regression models adjusted for potential confounders. Consumption of some foods was independently related to better cognitive function. The specific associations [regression coefficients (95% confidence intervals)] were: total olive oil with immediate verbal memory [0.755 (0.1511.358)]; virgin olive oil and coffee with delayed verbal memory [0.163 (0.0100.316) and 0.294 (0.0550.534), respectively];walnuts with working memory [1.191 (0.0612.322)]; and wine with Mini-Mental State Examination scores [0.252 (0.0060.496)]. Urinary polyphenols were associated with better scores in immediate verbal memory [1.208 (0.2362.180)]. Increased consumption of antioxidant-rich foods in general and of polyphenols in particular is associated with better cognitive performance in elderly subjects at high cardiovascular risk. The results reinforce the notion that Mediterranean diet components might counteract age-related cognitive decline.
Despite that cognitive impairment is a known early feature present in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, the biological substrate of cognitive deficits in MS remains elusive. In this study, we assessed whether T1 relaxometry, as obtained in clinically acceptable scan times by the recent Magnetization Prepared 2 Rapid Acquisition Gradient Echoes (MP2RAGE) sequence, may help identifying the structural correlate of cognitive deficits in relapsing-remitting MS patients (RRMS). Twenty-nine healthy controls (HC) and forty-nine RRMS patients underwent high-resolution 3T magnetic resonance imaging to obtain optimal cortical lesion (CL) and white matter lesion (WML) count/volume and T1 relaxation times. T1 z scores were then obtained between T1 relaxation times in lesion and the corresponding HC tissue. Patient cognitive performance was tested using the Brief Repeatable Battery of Neuro-psychological Tests. Multivariate analysis was applied to assess the contribution of MRI variables (T1 z scores, lesion count/volume) to cognition in patients and Bonferroni correction was applied for multiple comparison. T1 z scores were higher in WML (p < 0.001) and CL-I (p < 0.01) than in the corresponding normal-appearing tissue in patients, indicating relative microstructural loss. (1) T1 z scores in CL-I (p = 0.01) and the number of CL-II (p = 0.04) were predictors of long-term memory; (2) T1 z scores in CL-I (β = 0.3; p = 0.03) were independent determinants of long-term memory storage, and (3) lesion volume did not significantly influenced cognitive performances in patients. Our study supports evidence that T1 relaxometry from MP2RAGE provides information about microstructural properties in CL and WML and improves correlation with cognition in RRMS patients, compared to conventional measures of disease burden.
Background: HAART has contributed to decrease the HIV-related mortality and morbidity. However, the prevalence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) seems to have increased. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cognitive complaint and of HAND in a cohort of aviremic HIV_patients in the South-western part of Switzerland. Design/Methods: Two hundred HIV_ patients who had (1) undetectable HIV RNA concentrations in the plasma for_3 months, (2) no history of major opportunistic infection of the CNS in the past three years, (3) no current use of IV drugs and (4) no signs of major depression according to the DSM-IV criteria, answered a questionnaire designed to elicit cognitive complaints. Cognitive functions of a subset of HIV_ patients with or without cognitive complaints were assessed using the HIV Dementia scale (HDS) and a battery of neuropsychological tests evaluating the sub-cortical functions. Cognitive impairment was defined according to the revised diagnostic criteria for HAND. Non-parametric tests were used for statistics and a Bonferroni corrected standard p level of pB0.002 was applied for multiple comparisons. Results: The prevalence of cognitive complaints was 27% (54 patients) among the 200 questioned patients. At the time of writing this abstract, cognitive functions of 50 complaining and 28 noncomplaining aviremic patients had been assessed with the HDS and the full neuropsychological battery. The prevalence of HAND producing at least mild interference in daily functioning (mild neurocognitive disorders [MND] or HIV-associated dementia [HAD]) was 44% (34/78 patients) in the group who underwent neuropsychological testing. Objective evidences of HAND were more frequent in complaining than in non-complaining patients (pB0.001). Using a ROC curve, a cut-off of 13 on the HDS was found to have a sensitivity of 74% and a specificity of 71% (p_0.001) for the diagnosis of HAND. A trend for lower CNS Penetrating-Effectiveness scores for HAART in patients with MND or HAD as compared to the others was present (1.59 0.6 vs. 1.990.6; p_0.006 [Bonferroni correction]). Conclusions/Relevance: So far, our results suggest that (1) the prevalence of HAND is high in HIV_ patients with a long-term suppression of viremia, and (2) cognitive complaints expressed by aviremic HIV_ patients should be carefully investigated as they correlate with objective evidences of cognitive decline in a neuropsychological testing. HAART with a high CNS penetrating-effectiveness may contribute to prevent HAND. Funding: Swiss HIV Cohort Study.