945 resultados para Cognitive abilities


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Aunque el concepto de sabiduría ha sido ampliamente estudiado por expertos de áreas como la filosofía, la religión y la psicología, aún enfrenta limitaciones en cuanto a su definición y evaluación. Por esto, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, formular una definición del concepto de sabiduría que permita realizar una propuesta de evaluación del concepto como competencia en los gerentes. Para esto, se realizó un análisis documental de tipo cualitativo. De esta manera, se analizaron diversos textos sobre la historia, las definiciones y las metodologías para evaluar tanto la sabiduría como las competencias; diferenciando la sabiduría de otros constructos y analizando la diferencia entre las competencias generales y las gerenciales para posteriormente, definir la sabiduría como una competencia gerencial. Como resultado de este análisis se generó un prototipo de prueba denominado SAPIENS-O, a través del cuál se busca evaluar la sabiduría como competencia gerencial. Como alcances del instrumento se pueden identificar la posibilidad de medir la sabiduría como competencia en los gerentes, la posibilidad de dar un nuevo panorama a las dificultades teóricas y empíricas sobre la sabiduría y la posibilidad de facilitar el estudio de la sabiduría en ambientes reales, más específicamente en ambientes organizacionales.


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ArtInTec es una organización creativa que ofrece servicios complementarios de apoyo pedagógico mediante instalaciones artísticas que integran arte y tecnología, unión que permite abarcar tres conceptos fundamentales: interactividad, lograda a través de herramientas tecnológicas convencionales y no convencionales; experiencias cognitivas significativas, mediante la generación de procesos de aprendizaje innovadores que permitan la construcción de saberes de trascendencia, y desarrollo de contenidos de diferentes temáticas que fortalezcan el aprendizaje. En su primera etapa, ArtInTec estará enfocada en el diseño, producción, comercialización, divulgación y venta de servicios transversales de apoyo pedagógico que impliquen la intermediación del arte y la tecnología, partiendo del concepto de instalación artística como género del arte contemporáneo que utiliza directamente el espacio de exposición como escenario para ser transitado por el espectador, logrando así una experiencia interactiva. Los tres servicios comparten características que se constituyen como columna vertebral de su naturaleza: tienen un objetivo altamente pedagógico, las temáticas son desarrolladas previo consenso entre la institución y ArtInTec, su componente artístico es el hilo conductor de la experiencia y se desarrollan en las instalaciones de la institución contratante. A continuación se enuncia cada uno de los servicios ofrecidos: a. Taller asistido por nuevas tecnologías. b. Instalación interactiva en gran formato. c. Instalación interactiva para dispositivos móviles.


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RESUMO:O hábito de ler é decorrente do exercício e nem sempre se constitui num ato prazeroso, porém, sempre necessário. Por este motivo se deve recorrer a estímulos para criar o hábito de leitura em nossos alunos. Desta forma, a disciplina de Educação Física pode também contribuir para este processo. Por ser uma disciplina que envolve a dimensão motora, cognitiva e expressionista, a sua relação com a leitura é quase que intrínseca, porém, viabilizada de formas diferentes. É certo que a criança não conseguirá na sua totalidade, uma absorção intelectual explícita da leitura para construir uma realidade virtual e representar em gestos corporais, a partir de um conjunto léxico de significantes e significados correspondentes à postura física. No entanto, o exercício da leitura desenvolve na criança capacidades cognitivas de mais valia que lhe possibilita níveis satisfatórios de representatividade corporal. As atividades recreativas oferecem, sem dúvida, um processo excepcional para fazer as crianças tomarem parte ativamente no processo do ensino, como participantes, em vez de meros espectadores. A proposta deste trabalho de intervenção busca auxiliar o professor de Educação Física no campo de atuação profissional do pesquisador, tendo como delimitação do campo de investigação o Centro de Educação Básica Governador Freitas Neto, escola da rede municipal de Educação de Teresina e, Colégio Lerote, da rede particular de Teresina. Deste modo, os objetivos do presente estudo consistem em analisar as contribuições da disciplina de Educação Física para a aprendizagem do ensino da prática de leitura com crianças do Ensino Fundamental, nas séries iniciais com escolas da rede municipal e particular da cidade de Teresina – Piauí. Concluiu-se que com um trabalho integrado da Educação Física com o processo de alfabetização nas primeiras séries do Ensino Fundamental, essa etapa pode ser vista de forma rica e ampla. Assim, com essa contribuição, aprender a ler e escrever pode, pois, se tornar mais natural e mais divertido. ABSTRACT: The habit of reading is a result of exercise and is not always a pleasurable act, but always necessary. For this reason one should resort to incentives to create the reading habit in our students. Thus, the discipline of Physical Education can also contribute to this process. Because it is a discipline that involves the size motor, cognitive and expressionistic, their relationship with reading that is almost inherent, however, made possible in different ways. It is true that the child can not in its entirety, an explicit intellectual absorption of reading to construct a virtual reality and represented body gestures from a whole lexicon of signifiers and meanings corresponding to the physical posture. However, the exercise of reading the child develops cognitive abilities that enables him to gain more satisfactory levels of representative body. The recreational activities offer, no doubt, an exceptional procedure to make the children take part actively in the process of education, as participants rather than spectators. The purpose of this intervention work intends to help the physical education teacher in the professional field of research, with the delimitation of the field of research the Centre for Basic Education Governador Freitas Neto, the municipal school of Teresina and Education, College Lerote, from private Teresina. Thus, the objectives of this study are to analyze the contributions of physical education for learning the practice of teaching reading with children of elementary school, in the early grades with municipal schools and particularly the city of Teresina - Piauí. It was concluded that with an integrated physical education with the acquisition of literacy in the early grades of elementary school, this step can be seen in a rich and broad. So, with this contribution, learning to read and write may therefore become more natural and fun.


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This paper describes a longitudinal case study detailing the communication profile of one child with both Williams syndrome (WS) and autism. The participant was administered two standardized assessments of language and general cognitive abilities. His parents completed the Pre-Verbal Communication Schedule; and a sample of the child's spontaneous interaction was analyzed. The results show that this child presents with markedly delayed language and communication skills and that his communication profile is the opposite of the assumed 'typical' WS profile. The conclusion is that clinicians need to be aware of the co-occurrence of genetic disorders, such as WS and autism in order to facilitate accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.


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Group biases based on broad category membership appear early in human development. However, like many other primates humans inhabit social worlds also characterised by small groups of social coalitions which are not demarcated by visible signs or social markers. A critical cognitive challenge for a young child is thus how to extract information concerning coalition structure when coalitions are dynamic and may lack stable and outwardly visible cues to membership. Therefore, the ability to decode behavioural cues of affiliations present in everyday social interactions between individuals would have conferred powerful selective advantages during our evolution. This would suggest that such an ability may emerge early in life, however, little research has investigated the developmental origins of such processing. The present paper will review recent empirical research which indicates that in the first 2 years of life infants achieve a host of social-cognitive abilities that make them well adapted to processing coalition-affiliations of others. We suggest that such an approach can be applied to better understand the origins of intergroup attitudes and biases. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The existence of a specialized imitation module in humans is hotly debated. Studies suggesting a specific imitation impairment in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) support a modular view. However, the voluntary imitation tasks used in these studies (which require socio-cognitive abilities in addition to imitation for successful performance) cannot support claims of a specific impairment. Accordingly, an automatic imitation paradigm (a ‘cleaner’ measure of imitative ability) was used to assess the imitative ability of 16 adults with ASD and 16 non-autistic matched control participants. Participants performed a prespecified hand action in response to observed hand actions performed either by a human or a robotic hand. On compatible trials the stimulus and response actions matched, while on incompatible trials the two actions did not match. Replicating previous findings, the Control group showed an automatic imitation effect: responses on compatible trials were faster than those on incompatible trials. This effect was greater when responses were made to human than to robotic actions (‘animacy bias’). The ASD group also showed an automatic imitation effect and a larger animacy bias than the Control group. We discuss these findings with reference to the literature on imitation in ASD and theories of imitation.


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Despite the fact that physical health and cognitive abilities decline with aging, the ability to regulate emotion remains stable and in some aspects improves across the adult life span. Older adults also show a positivity effect in their attention and memory, with diminished processing of negative stimuli relative to positive stimuli compared with younger adults. The current paper reviews functional magnetic resonance imaging studies investigating age-related differences in emotional processing and discusses how this evidence relates to two opposing theoretical accounts of older adults’ positivity effect. The aging-brain model [Cacioppo et al. in: Social Neuroscience: Toward Understanding the Underpinnings of the Social Mind. New York, Oxford University Press, 2011] proposes that older adults’ positivity effect is a consequence of age-related decline in the amygdala, whereas the cognitive control hypothesis [Kryla-Lighthall and Mather in: Handbook of Theories of Aging, ed 2. New York, Springer, 2009; Mather and Carstensen: Trends Cogn Sci 2005;9:496–502; Mather and Knight: Psychol Aging 2005;20:554–570] argues that the positivity effect is a result of older adults’ greater focus on regulating emotion. Based on evidence for structural and functional preservation of the amygdala in older adults and findings that older adults show greater prefrontal cortex activity than younger adults while engaging in emotion-processing tasks, we argue that the cognitive control hypothesis is a more likely explanation for older adults’ positivity effect than the aging-brain model.


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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is diagnosed on the basis of behavioral symptoms, but cognitive abilities may also be useful in characterizing individuals with ASD. One hundred seventy-eight high-functioning male adults, half with ASD and half without, completed tasks assessing IQ, a broad range of cognitive skills, and autistic and comorbid symptomatology. The aims of the study were, first, to determine whether significant differences existed between cases and controls on cognitive tasks, and whether cognitive profiles, derived using a multivariate classification method with data from multiple cognitive tasks, could distinguish between the two groups. Second, to establish whether cognitive skill level was correlated with degree of autistic symptom severity, and third, whether cognitive skill level was correlated with degree of comorbid psychopathology. Fourth, cognitive characteristics of individuals with Asperger Syndrome (AS) and high-functioning autism (HFA) were compared. After controlling for IQ, ASD and control groups scored significantly differently on tasks of social cognition, motor performance, and executive function (P's < 0.05). To investigate cognitive profiles, 12 variables were entered into a support vector machine (SVM), which achieved good classification accuracy (81%) at a level significantly better than chance (P < 0.0001). After correcting for multiple correlations, there were no significant associations between cognitive performance and severity of either autistic or comorbid symptomatology. There were no significant differences between AS and HFA groups on the cognitive tasks. Cognitive classification models could be a useful aid to the diagnostic process when used in conjunction with other data sources-including clinical history.


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While an awareness of age-related changes in memory may help older adults gain insight into their own cognitive abilities, it may also have a negative impact on memory performance through a mechanism of stereotype threat (ST). The consequence of ST is under-performance in abilities related to the stereotype. Here, we examined the degree to which explicit and implicit memory were affected by ST across a wide age-range. We found that explicit memory was affected by ST, but only in an Early-Aging group (mean age 67.83), and not in a Later-Aging group (mean age 84.59). Implicit memory was not affected in either the Early or Later Aging group. These results demonstrate that ST for age-related memory decline affects memory processes requiring controlled retrieval while sparing item encoding. Furthermore, this form of ST appears to dissipate as aging progresses. These results have implications for understanding psychological development across the span of aging.


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The objective of this study is to investigate whether parentally-reported gastro-intestinal (GI) symptoms are increased in a population-derived sample of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) compared to controls. Participants included 132 children with ASD and 81 with special educational needs (SEN) but no ASD, aged 10-14 years plus 82 typically developing (TD) children. Data were collected on GI symptoms, diet, cognitive abilities, and developmental histories. Nearly half (weighted rate 46.5 %) of children with ASD had at least one individual lifetime GI symptom compared with 21.8 % of TD children and 29.2 % of those with SEN. Children with ASD had more past and current GI symptoms than TD or SEN groups although fewer current symptoms were reported in all groups compared with the past. The ASD group had significantly increased past vomiting and diarrhoea compared with the TD group and more abdominal pain than the SEN group. The ASD group had more current constipation (when defined as bowel movement less than three times per week) and soiling than either the TD or SEN groups. No association was found between GI symptoms and intellectual ability, ASD severity, ASD regression or limited or faddy diet. Parents report more GI symptoms in children with ASD than children with either SEN or TD children but the frequency of reported symptoms is greater in the past than currently in all groups.


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Capturing the sensory perception and preferences of older adults, whether healthy or with particular disease states, poses major methodological challenges for the sensory community. Currently a vastly under researched area, it is at the same time a vital area of research as alterations in sensory perception can affect daily dietary food choices, intake, health and wellbeing. Tailored sensory methods are needed that take into account the challenges of working with such populations including poor access leading to low patient numbers (study power), cognitive abilities, use of medications, clinical treatments and context (hospitals and care homes). The objective of this paper was to review current analytical and affective sensory methodologies used with different cohorts of healthy and frail older adults, with focus on food preference and liking. We particularly drew attention to studies concerning general ageing as well as to those considering age-related diseases that have an emphasis on malnutrition and weight loss. Pubmed and Web of Science databases were searched to 2014 for relevant articles in English. From this search 75 papers concerning sensory acuity, 41 regarding perceived intensity and 73 relating to hedonic measures were reviewed. Simpler testing methods, such as directional forced choice tests and paired preference tests need to be further explored to determine whether they lead to more reliable results and better inter-cohort comparisons. Finally, sensory quality and related quality of life for older adults suffering from dementia must be included and not ignored in our future actions.


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Humans’ unique cognitive abilities are usually attributed to a greatly expanded neocortex, which has been described as “the crowning achievement of evolution and the biological substrate of human mental prowess” [1]. The human cerebellum, however, contains four times more neurons than the neocortex [2] and is attracting increasing attention for its wide range of cognitive functions. Using a method for detecting evolutionary rate changes along the branches of phylogenetic trees, we show that the cerebellum underwent rapid size increase throughout the evolution of apes, including humans, expanding significantly faster than predicted by the change in neocortex size. As a result, humans and other apes deviated significantly from the general evolutionary trend for neocortex and cerebellum to change in tandem, having significantly larger cerebella relative to neocortex size than other anthropoid primates. These results suggest that cerebellar specialization was a far more important component of human brain evolution than hitherto recognized and that technical intelligence was likely to have been at least as important as social intelligence in human cognitive evolution. Given the role of the cerebellum in sensory-motor control and in learning complex action sequences, cerebellar specialization is likely to have underpinned the evolution of humans’ advanced technological capacities, which in turn may have been a preadaptation for language.


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Research objectives Poker and responsible gambling both entail the use of the executive functions (EF), which are higher-level cognitive abilities. The main objective of this work was to assess if online poker players of different ability show different performances in their EF and if so, which functions are the most discriminating ones. The secondary objective was to assess if the EF performance can predict the quality of gambling, according to the Gambling Related Cognition Scale (GRCS), the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI). Sample and methods The study design consisted of two stages: 46 Italian active players (41m, 5f; age 32±7,1ys; education 14,8±3ys) fulfilled the PGSI in a secure IT web system and uploaded their own hand history files, which were anonymized and then evaluated by two poker experts. 36 of these players (31m, 5f; age 33±7,3ys; education 15±3ys) accepted to take part in the second stage: the administration of an extensive neuropsychological test battery by a blinded trained professional. To answer the main research question we collected all final and intermediate scores of the EF tests on each player together with the scoring on the playing ability. To answer the secondary research question, we referred to GRCS, PGSI and SOGS scores.  We determined which variables that are good predictors of the playing ability score using statistical techniques able to deal with many regressors and few observations (LASSO, best subset algorithms and CART). In this context information criteria and cross-validation errors play a key role for the selection of the relevant regressors, while significance testing and goodness-of-fit measures can lead to wrong conclusions.   Preliminary findings We found significant predictors of the poker ability score in various tests. In particular, there are good predictors 1) in some Wisconsin Card Sorting Test items that measure flexibility in choosing strategy of problem-solving, strategic planning, modulating impulsive responding, goal setting and self-monitoring, 2) in those Cognitive Estimates Test variables related to deductive reasoning, problem solving, development of an appropriate strategy and self-monitoring, 3) in the Emotional Quotient Inventory Short (EQ-i:S) Stress Management score, composed by the Stress Tolerance and Impulse Control scores, and in the Interpersonal score (Empathy, Social Responsibility, Interpersonal Relationship). As for the quality of gambling, some EQ-i:S scales scores provide the best predictors: General Mood for the PGSI; Intrapersonal (Self-Regard; Emotional Self-Awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, Self-Actualization) and Adaptability  (Reality Testing, Flexibility, Problem Solving) for the SOGS, Adaptability for the GRCS. Implications for the field Through PokerMapper we gathered knowledge and evaluated the feasibility of the construction of short tasks/card games in online poker environments for profiling users’ executive functions. These card games will be part of an IT system able to dynamically profile EF and provide players with a feedback on their expected performance and ability to gamble responsibly in that particular moment. The implementation of such system in existing gambling platforms could lead to an effective proactive tool for supporting responsible gambling. 


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O presente estudo constitui-se de uma análise de dados referentes a testes de ciências aplicados a alunos de quarta, sexta e oitava séries do primeiro grau e do ultimo- ano do segundo grau, de escolas publicas e particulares, de dois países latino americanos, Brasil e Argentina. Tivemos por objetivo examinar como as diferentes habili dades cognitivas, definidas segundo a taxionomiade B.S.Bloom, se distribuem nos diferentes estratos sociais. Tinhamos por hipote se que elas se distribuem de modo diferente e que as habilida des mais complexas como compreensão , aplicação de conceitos e raciocínio são mais afetadas pelos fatores socio-econômicos e culturais em contraste com os processos de memorização. Procedemos às análises dos dados utilizando análises de variância das médias e modelos multivariados de regressão. Os re sultados que emergem dessas análises revelam que alunos cuja ocu paçao do pai ou educação da mãe são de níveis mais elevados ou sãode áreas urbanas com maiores recursos socio-econômicos tendem a ter melhor desempenho nas questões mais complexas de compree~ sao, aplicação e raciocínio. Entretanto, em questões de memó ria, as diferenças tendem a ser menores. Em resumo, há uma dis tribuição pronunciada de habilidades mais complexas nas camadas mais altas dos estratos.sociais. A confiabilidade dos resulta dos, ou seja, seus níveis de significância estatística, é para o fator escola e-aceitâvel para as outras variáveis. alta Os resultados apresentados tem algumas implicações con cretas. Quanto mais memorizado é o ensino, mais ê accessível aos menos preparados para o processo escolar. Por outro lado,há cada vez mais um esforço explIcito e consciente de enfatizar em provas e exames as dimensões mais somplexas de compreensão e ra ciocínio. Os dados obtidos mostram que, na medida em que se va lorizam os processos superiores, o ensino tende a se tornar mais elitizado. Ao reduzir a participação das questões de memória in troduzimos uma dificuldade adicional para o pobre concorrer com o rico. Evidencia-se, portanto, que a democratização de partici paçao no processo escolar e a melhoria dos métodos de seleção podem ser objetivos conflitantes. Talvez a implicação mais importante -- dada a inevitabilidade da evoiliução do ensino nesse sen tido -- seja a necessidade de urna política educacional delibera da no sentido de melhorar a capacidade das escolas que atendem aos menos favorecidos pela situação econômica e educacional fami liar.


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The study investigated the possibility of organizing a didactics unit for formation of hability of identifying and explaining the popular traditional games in the process of licensed formation in physical education. Had basic premised, the thesis formulated by Piorte Yakovleviche Galperin that the fundamental condition that mode determines the student s way of thinking and the theoretical structures thought. Is given by the method of organization activity that form the basis of guiding skills assimilates from this assumption the study defended the thesis that the contents of popular traditional games can be organizeds according the systemic functional-structural focus. As a method to plan a didactics unit that contributes to development of theoretical thought and the professional development of graduates in physical education. In this sense the general goal was studied and develop a training proposal of ability to identify and explain the popular traditional games for physical education teachers oriented to contribute to the development of theoretical thought. In the construction process of the thesis in a first moment was determined the invariant conceptual of popular traditional games from the method of analysis of activity, after was organized the content of popular traditional games according to the structural-functional systems revealing the essential properties elements and levels of relationship.These procedures provided to the construction elements of the concept popular traditional games, and was the basis for planning a didactical unit to the formation of ability to study. These strategies enable to build a set of prepositions to argue, as a result of the increases in the knowledge of the professional formation in physical education. The study was introduced the fallowing contributions; formulated a teaching proposal to develop the ability to identify popular traditional games, as a cultural and historical contribution and the development of an individual, in initial formation of physical education teacher, attuned to the demands of training and use of knowledge that requires this level of education, defined and organized the knowledge of popular traditional games , this enables a teaching able to raise the cognitive abilities and the theoretical concept of personality of graduated in physical education