610 resultados para Cobb


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Aim Scoliosis is a common co-morbidity in Rett syndrome and spinal fusion may be recommended if severe. We investigated the impact of spinal fusion on survival and risk of severe lower respiratory tract infection in Rett syndrome. Method Data were ascertained from hospital medical records, the Australian Rett Syndrome Database, a longitudinal and population-based registry, and from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare National Death Index database. Cox regression and generalized estimating equation models were used to estimate the effects of spinal surgery on survival and severe respiratory infection respectively in 140 females who developed severe scoliosis (Cobb angle ≥45°) before adulthood. Results After adjusting for mutation type and age of scoliosis onset, the rate of death was lower in the surgery group (hazard ratio [HR] 0.30, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.12–0.74; p=0.009) compared to those without surgery. Rate of death was particularly reduced for those with early onset scoliosis (HR 0.17, 95% CI 0.06–0.52; p=0.002). There was some evidence to suggest that spinal fusion was associated with a reduction in risk of severe respiratory infection among those with early onset scoliosis (risk ratio 0.41, 95% CI 0.16–1.03; p=0.06). Interpretation With appropriate cautions, spinal fusion confers an advantage to life expectancy in Rett syndrome.


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The objectives of this study were to make a detailed and systematic empirical analysis of microfinance borrowers and non-borrowers in Bangladesh and also examine how efficiency measures are influenced by the access to agricultural microfinance. In the empirical analysis, this study used both parametric and non-parametric frontier approaches to investigate differences in efficiency estimates between microfinance borrowers and non-borrowers. This thesis, based on five articles, applied data obtained from a survey of 360 farm households from north-central and north-western regions in Bangladesh. The methods used in this investigation involve stochastic frontier (SFA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) in addition to sample selectivity and limited dependent variable models. In article I, technical efficiency (TE) estimation and identification of its determinants were performed by applying an extended Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier production function. The results show that farm households had a mean TE of 83% with lower TE scores for the non-borrowers of agricultural microfinance. Addressing institutional policies regarding the consolidation of individual plots into farm units, ensuring access to microfinance, extension education for the farmers with longer farming experience are suggested to improve the TE of the farmers. In article II, the objective was to assess the effects of access to microfinance on household production and cost efficiency (CE) and to determine the efficiency differences between the microfinance participating and non-participating farms. In addition, a non-discretionary DEA model was applied to capture directly the influence of microfinance on farm households production and CE. The results suggested that under both pooled DEA models and non-discretionary DEA models, farmers with access to microfinance were significantly more efficient than their non-borrowing counterparts. Results also revealed that land fragmentation, family size, household wealth, on farm-training and off farm income share are the main determinants of inefficiency after effectively correcting for sample selection bias. In article III, the TE of traditional variety (TV) and high-yielding-variety (HYV) rice producers were estimated in addition to investigating the determinants of adoption rate of HYV rice. Furthermore, the role of TE as a potential determinant to explain the differences of adoption rate of HYV rice among the farmers was assessed. The results indicated that in spite of its much higher yield potential, HYV rice production was associated with lower TE and had a greater variability in yield. It was also found that TE had a significant positive influence on the adoption rates of HYV rice. In article IV, we estimated profit efficiency (PE) and profit-loss between microfinance borrowers and non-borrowers by a sample selection framework, which provided a general framework for testing and taking into account the sample selection in the stochastic (profit) frontier function analysis. After effectively correcting for selectivity bias, the mean PE of the microfinance borrowers and non-borrowers were estimated at 68% and 52% respectively. This suggested that a considerable share of profits were lost due to profit inefficiencies in rice production. The results also demonstrated that access to microfinance contributes significantly to increasing PE and reducing profit-loss per hectare land. In article V, the effects of credit constraints on TE, allocative efficiency (AE) and CE were assessed while adequately controlling for sample selection bias. The confidence intervals were determined by the bootstrap method for both samples. The results indicated that differences in average efficiency scores of credit constrained and unconstrained farms were not statistically significant although the average efficiencies tended to be higher in the group of unconstrained farms. After effectively correcting for selectivity bias, household experience, number of dependents, off-farm income, farm size, access to on farm training and yearly savings were found to be the main determinants of inefficiencies. In general, the results of the study revealed the existence substantial technical, allocative, economic inefficiencies and also considerable profit inefficiencies. The results of the study suggested the need to streamline agricultural microfinance by the microfinance institutions (MFIs), donor agencies and government at all tiers. Moreover, formulating policies that ensure greater access to agricultural microfinance to the smallholder farmers on a sustainable basis in the study areas to enhance productivity and efficiency has been recommended. Key Words: Technical, allocative, economic efficiency, DEA, Non-discretionary DEA, selection bias, bootstrapping, microfinance, Bangladesh.


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El objetivo del experimento fue evaluar el efecto del Hidroxicolecalciferol [HyD (25 –OH- D3)] en pollos de engorde, atraves de porcentajes de ceniza, calcio, fosforo y diagnostico de síndrome de hueso negro, se evaluaron dos tratamientos ( HyD y Testigo) con seis repeticiones para cada uno en dos tiempos a los 21 y 35 días de edad en análisis de ceniza, calcio y fosforo para lo cual se extrajo una tibia por pollo, dichos análisis resultaron con diferencias no significativas en ambas edades, las evaluaciones dieron como resultado que de los 21 día a los 35 días disminuyen su valor, ceniza baja de 43.8% a 36.8% en el testigo y de 42.4% a 37.7% en HyD, calcio de 15.6% a 13.4% para el testigo y de 16% a 14.5% para HyD de igual manera para los porcentaje de fosforo de 21 a 35 días con 7.6% a 6.5% para testigo y 7.5% a 6.7% para HyD. A los 35 días los resultados son mayores en el grupo HyD, 37.7% HyD,36.8% testigo en ceniza, calcio 14.5% HyD, testigo 13.4% y fosforo 6.7% HyD , 6.5% para testigo, las diferencias de 21 a 35 días son notorias y conservan la parte proporcional en que los porcentajes estan en ceniza calcio y fosforo, pero estas disminuyen para una misma variable de los 21 días de edad a los 35, sin encontrar diferencia significativas. A los 35 días se realizo análisis de síndrome de hueso negro con un total de 22 repeticiones por tratamiento, la extracción de dicha muestra (tibia) se realizo en planta de proceso, el análisis determino diferencias entre las aves muestreadas dando los mejores resultados aquellas que fueron alimentadas con Hidroxicolecalciferol [HyD (25 –OH- D3)], se observo en los resultados que en el grupo con HyD alcanzo un 91% de individuos sanos superando significativamente al testigo que solo llego a un 77% de individuos sanos, empleando un grado de libertad y 0.05 de significancia, lo que indica diminución de la presencia del síndrome de hueso negro, producto del HyD, empleando la línea genética Cobb 500, y alimentando los pollos del día cero al día 21 con diferencias de tratamiento e igual alimento del día 22 al día 35.


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Se realizó un experimento para evaluar el efecto de un prebiótico derivado de paredes celulares de levadura (PCL-Glucano) sobre el comportamiento productivo de pollos de engorde. Se utilizaron 245 aves de un día de edad (estirpe Cobb 500), los cuales fueron distribuidos mediante un diseño completamente al azar en cinco tratamientos con siete repeticiones por tratamiento. Y siete aves por repetición. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: T1: concentrado comercial (CC), T2: CC + antibiótico (Ribofloxacina al 10%), T3:0.1% de prebiótico PCL-Glucano (1000 mgkg -1 de alimento), T4: 0.15% de prebiótico PCL-Glucano (1500 mgkg -1 de alimento) y T5:0.20% de prebiótico PCL-Glucano (2000 mgkg -1 de alimento); las variables evaluadas fueron peso vivo, ganancia de peso, consumo de alimento y conversión alimenticia. Se realizaron mediciones a los 21, 35 y 42 d. Se encontró que los mayores pesos vivos (2347 y 2307 g), ganancias de pesos finales (2,316 y 2,275 g) y mejor conversión alimenticia (1.82 y 1.84) se obtuvieronconT2 y T5, sin diferencias estadísticas entre sí, pero fueron significativamente (P<0.05) superiores a T1, T3 y T4. El análisis financiero demostró que el mejor tratamiento fue T5, superando a T2 en U$ 0.21, en relación al costo utilidad del uso de los tratamientos. En conclusión la utilización de PCL-Glucano a razón de 0.20% en el concentrado de inicio y concentrado final para pollos de engorde, es una alternativa viable biológicamente y financieramente, para reemplazar el uso de antibióticos como aditivos en la alimentación de pollos de engorde.


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Este estudio se llevó a cabo en plantaciones de Palma africana y cocotero de las regiones de Río San Juan y en la Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur (R.A.A.S), con el objetivo de identificar nematodos asociados en ambos cultivos, contribuir a la actualización del listado nacional de nemátodos y determinar las infestación de Rhadinaphelencus cocophilus Cobb. en picudos (Rhynchophorus palmarum L.) de la palma y el cocotero Este trabajo se realizó en dos etapas; la primera consistió de dos muestreos (uno por región) y la última etapa fue de procesamiento y análisis de muestras. El primer muestreo se realizó en los lotes de las cooperativas Luisa A. Espinoza, El Borbollón y Teodoro Martinez en Kukra Hill para la palma africana y en coco se muestreo un lote del INTA, posteriormente se muestrearon las fincas; San Nicolás y San Mariano, luego se realizó un segundo muestreo en palma africana en el lote de la cooperativa Luisa A. Espinoza en Boca de Sábalos, Rio San Juan. La segunda etapa consistió en el análisis de las muestras; el cual se realizó inmediatamente después del muestreo. Se identificaron los géneros; Rotylenchulus, Trichodorus, Psilenchus, Aphe/enchoides, Paratylenchus, He/icotylenchus, Tylenchus, Xiphinema y Meloidogyne en el cultivo de palma africana y en cocotero se lograron identificar los siguientes géneros; Psílenchus, Aphelenchoides, Paratylenchus, Pratylenchus, Helicoty/enchus, Ty/enchus, Xiphinema y Rhadinaphelenchus. Para el cultivo de la palma africana, los géneros; Roty/enchus, Gracilacus, Psilenchus, Aphelenchoides, Paratylenchus y Meloidogyne fueron reportados por primera vez por lo que deberán ser agregados al listado nacional de plagas del MAG­FOR de la misma manera para el cultivo de coco, con los géneros; Aphelenchoides, Paratylenchus y Psilenchus. En los muestreos realizados en palma africana y coco en las localidades de Boca de Sábalos y en Kukra Hill se encontró la presencia de Rhynchophorus palmarum Linnaeus. En las fincas "San Nicolás" y "San Mariano", mas del 50 por ciento de los insectos (Rhynchophorus pa/marum Linnaeus) se encontraron infestados con el género Rhadinaphelenchus.


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Se realizó un experimento para evaluar un prebiótico de producción nacional, derivado de paredes celulares de levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae (PCL-Glucano) en el comportamiento productivo de pollos de engorde (Cobb 500). Se utilizaron 210 pollitos mixtos Cobb 500 de un día de edad, que fueron distribuidos en un diseño completamente al azar en tres tratamientos, con siete repeticiones y 10 aves por repetición. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: T1: concentrado comercial (CC), T2: CC + 0.05% PCL-Glucano (0.5 kg ton-1 de alimento) y T3: CC + 0.10% PCL-Glucano. Las variables evaluadas fueron peso vivo, consumo de alimento y conversión alimenticia, realizando mediciones a los 21, 35 y 42 días. Los resultado muestran que el consumo de alimento (3 812 g), peso vivo (2 017 g) e índice de conversión alimenticia (1.89) que se obtienen en los pollos alimentados con la dieta CC + 0.10% PLC-Glucano, a los 42 días de edad, fueron significativamente (P<0.05%) mejores a los de T1 (3 751 g, 1 617 g y 2.32) y T2 (3 642 g, 1 648 g y 2.21), los cuales no difieren estadísticamente entre sí. En conclusión la utilización de PCL-Glucano a razón de 0.10% en el concentrado iniciador y finalizador para pollos de engorde es una alternativa viable biológicamente ya que manifestó su actividad prebiótica mediante una mejora progresiva y significativa de los indicadores productivos.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la inclusión de harina de hoja de Marango (Moringa oleifera) en dietas para pollos de engorde y su efecto sobre el comportamiento productivo (Consumo, Ganancia media Diaria (GMD) , peso final (PF), Peso de la canal (PC), Rendimiento de la canal (RC), Conversión alimenticia (CA) ) así como su efecto sobre el tracto gastrointestinal (TGI) y calidad de la canal (CC) . Se utilizaron 210 aves de la línea Cobb 500 con peso promedio 30.09 g (0.5) . Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar (DCA), distribuido en tres tratamientos con siete repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron: T1:concentrado comercial, T2: concentrado con 5% de harina de hoja de Marango (Moringa oleifera ) y T3: concentrado con 10% de harina de hoja de Marango ( Moringa olei fera ). Los datos fueron analizados por PROC ANDEVA con el paquete estadístico SAS® Ver. 9.1 , las comparaciones de medias por la prueba de Tu key . No se encontraron diferencias (p>0.05) para consumo , GMD, PF, PC, y RC. Existieron diferencias (p <0.05) para CA T1 ( 1.6 ) supero a T3 ( 1.79 ) pero fue similar a T2 ( 1. 64 ) . La morfometría del TGI no se vio afectada en términos generales por los tratamientos en estudio. La CC no mostro diferencias entre los tratamientos, con una mejor aceptación de las canales provenien te de las aves alimentadas con harina de hoja de Marango (T2 y T3). La valoración financiera determino que el T2 es una alternativa viable para sustituir dietas basadas en alimentos comerciales, al generar mayores utilidades sin que esto afecte el peso final de las aves.


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Essa pesquisa inspirou-se nos movimentos sociais recentes relacionados à abertura de materiais digitais para compartilhamento, (re) uso e remixagem no ciberespaço. Assim, partimos da seguinte problemática: como desenvolver atos de currículo capazes de contribuir para a produção de Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA) para a docência e aprendizagem na cibercultura? O objetivo foi desenvolver um dispositivo-metodológico como ato de currículo que atualiza a pesquisa-formação para o design de situações de aprendizagemensino e de artefatos pedagógicos que contemplem a autoria dos praticantes culturais. Para atingir o proposto, foi desenvolvido um dispositivo que atualiza o método da pesquisa-formação para a docência e aprendizagem na cibercultura (SANTOS, 2005; 2014) com alguns princípios da pesquisa-design (GRAVEMEIJER; COBB, 2006; van den AKKER, 1999; BROWN, 1992; COLLINS, 1992; NEWMAN, 1990; KELLY, 2003; RAMOS; STRUCHINER, 2008) para propiciar a produção de artefatos digitais utilizando os recursos oferecidos pelas plataformas da Web 2.0. A pesquisa-design formação, como método e o design interativo aberto como dispositivo, foram criados com o objetivo de sistematizar o processo de construção e implementação de atos de currículos e arquitetar percursos abertos em plataformas da Web 2.0. A metodologia proposta parte da bricolagem da pesquisa-formação multirreferencial na cibercultura com a pesquisa-design. A pesquisa está estruturada em quatro conceitos-tema importantes: a) educar na cibercultura: mídias em destaque; b) Design na Web 2.0: faça você mesmo e de preferência acompanhado; c) Professor-autor e a sua construção epistemológica e metodológica, e; d) Professor-autor em formação: enunciação, negociação e autoria. Essa pesquisa revelou alguns achados nas dimensões referente ao design como produto e processo, método e atos de currículo, que têm a intenção de contribuir para: a) a sistematização de processos de aprendizagemensino, promovendo a produção de artefatos digitais abertos por professores e alunos; b) o design estrutural e proposicional das atividades pedagógicas; c) a formação de sujeitos-autores na cibercultura. Portanto, esta pesquisa contribuiu para a autorização e autonomização dos praticantes culturais através da metodologia pesquisa-design formação bem como a disponibilização de materiais digitais abertos na cibercultura.


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In June 2008, the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS), in conjunction with the EPA National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory (NHEERL), conducted an assessment of the status of ecological condition of soft-bottom habitat and overlying waters within the boundaries of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS). The sanctuary lies approximately 20 nautical miles east of Boston, MA in the southwest Gulf of Maine between Cape Ann and Cape Cod and encompassing 638 square nautical miles (2,181 km2). A total of 30 stations were targeted for sampling using standard methods and indicators applied in prior NOAA coastal studies and EPA’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) and National Coastal Assessment (NCA). A key feature adopted from these studies was the incorporation of a random probabilistic sampling design. Such a design provides a basis for making unbiased statistical estimates of the spatial extent of ecological condition relative to various measured indicators and corresponding thresholds of concern. Indicators included multiple measures of water quality, sediment quality, and biological condition (benthic fauna, fish tissue contaminant levels). Depths ranged from 31 – 137 m throughout the study area. About 76 % of the area had sediments composed of sands (< 20 % silt-clay), 17 % of the area was composed of intermediate muddy sands (20 – 80 % silt-clay), and 7 % of the sampled area consisted of mud (> 80 % siltclay). About 70 % of the area (represented by 21 sites) had sediment total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations < 5 mg/g and all but one site (located in Stellwagen Basin) had levels of TOC < 20 mg/g, which is well below the range potentially harmful to benthic fauna (> 50 mg/g). Surface salinities ranged from 30.6 – 31.5 psu, with the majority of the study region (approximately 80 % of the area) having surface salinities between 30.8 and 31.4 psu. Bottom salinities varied between 32.1 and 32.5 psu, with bottom salinities at all sites having values above the range of surface salinities. Surface-water temperatures varied between 12.1 and 16.8 ºC, while near-bottom waters ranged in temperature from 4.4 – 6.2 ºC. An index of density stratification (Δσt) indicated that the waters of SBNMS were stratified at the time of sampling. Values of Δσt at 29 of the 30 sites sampled in this study (96.7 % of the study area) varied from 2.1 – 3.2, which is within the range considered to be indicative of strong vertical stratification (Δσt > 2) and typical of the western Gulf of Maine in summer. Levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) were confined to a fairly narrow range in surface (8.8 – 10.4 mg/L) and bottom (8.5 – 9.6 mg/L) waters throughout the survey area. These levels are within the range considered indicative of good water quality (> 5 mg/L) with respect to DO. None of these waters had DO at low levels (< 2 mg/L) potentially harmful to benthic fauna and fish.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Our objective is to combine terrestrial and oceanic records for reconstructing West Coast climate. Tree rings and marine laminated sediments provide high-resolution, accurately dated proxy data on the variability of climate and on the productivity of the ocean and have been used to reconstruct precipitation, temperature, sea level pressure, primary productivity, and other large-scale parameters. We present here the latest Santa Barbara basin varve chronology for the twentieth century as well as a newly developed tree-ring chronology for Torrey pine.


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An analysis of the factor-product relationship in the semi-intensive shrimp farming system of Kerala, farm basis and hectare basis, we are attempted and the results reported in this paper. The Cobb-Douglas model, in which the physical relationship between input and output is estimated, and the marginal analysis then employed to evaluate the producer behaviour, was used for the analysis. The study was based on empirical data collected during November 1994 to May 1996, covering three seasons, from 21 farms spread over Alappuzha, Ernakulam and Kasaragod districts of the state. The sample covered a total area of 61.06 ha. Of the 11 explanatory variables considered in the model, the size of the farm, casual labour and chemical fertilizers were found statistically significant. It was also observed that the factors such as age of pond, experience of the farmer, feed, miscellaneous costs, number of seed stocked and skilled labour contributed positively to the output. The estimated industry production function exhibited unitary economies of scale. The estimated mean output was 3937 kg/ha. The test of multi-co-linearity showed that there is no problem of dominant variable. On the basis of the marginal product and the given input-output prices, the optimum amounts of seed, feed and casual labour were estimated. They were about 97139 seed, 959 kg of feed and 585 man-days of casual labour per farm. This indicated the need for reducing the stocking density and amount of feed from the present levels, in order to maximise profit. Based on the finding of the study, suggestions for improving the industry production function are proposed.


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The study was designed to determine the costs, returns and relative profitability of pond fish and nursery fish production. In order to attain this objective, a total of 70 producers: 35 producing pond fish and 35 producing nursery fish were selected on the basis of purposive random sampling technique from 6 villages under two Upazilas (Sujanagar and Santhia) of Pabna district. It was estimated that per hectare per year gross cost of pond fish production was Tk 65,918 while gross return and net return were Tk 91,707 and Tk 25,789 respectively. Per hectare per year gross cost of nursery fish production was Tk 87,489 while gross return and net return were Tk 1,39,272 and Tk 51,783 respectively. The findings revealed that nursery fish production was more profitable than pond fish production. Cobb-Douglas production function was applied to realize the specific effect of the factors on pond fish and nursery fish production. It was observed that most of the included variables had significant impact on pond fish and nursery fish production. Out of five variables included in the function, all the variables had positive impact on return from pond fish production but stock value of pond, material cost and pond area had positive impact on return from nursery fish production.


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The effect of various factors on spawn and fingerlings production in government and private farms was measured in this study. Primary data were collected from 45 private and 11 government farms from 9 selected districts covering major fish seed producing areas of Bangladesh. Results from Cobb-Douglas production function analysis indicated that the included variables had some positive impacts on returns from spawn and fingerlings. No input was found to be over used and increasing returns to scale was observed. Tabular analysis indicated that higher amount of input use produced higher level of yield, gross return and net return. The government farms were under utilized. For increased supply of fish seeds in the country more amount of specified inputs (feed and fertilizer) should be used for producing spawn and fingerlings especially in government farms.


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A simple costs and return analysis was done to determine the profitability of pond fish culture in three selected thanas namely Nertakona Sadar, Purbadhala and Kendua under Netrakona district. Cobb-douglas production function model was used to estimate the contribution of key variables to the production process of pond fish culture. It was found that cost of pond fish production was Tk. 10,103/ha/yr and the per hectare fish yield was 943 kgl/yr and the average gross and net return were Tk. 49,515 and Tk. 39,412 respectively. It was found that medium and small farms had the higher yield because of efficient use of production inputs compared to large farms. It was also observed that ownership of pond, number of species and human labour had negative impact on pond fish output, while depth of pond water, farm size, fish seed, fertilizer and artificial feed had significant positive effects on pond fish output.


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The study was conducted to determine the cost, return and relative profitability of pond fish production of Mymensingh and Jessore districts. A total of 75 ponds were selected on the basis of purposive random sampling technique from 7 villages under 2 Upazila (Trishal and Gouripur) of Mymensingh districts and 8 villages under 4 Upazila (Monimmpur, Jhikorgacha, Chowgacha and Sadar) of Jessore district. It was found that per hectare per year gross cost of pond fish production in Mymensingh and Jessore were Tk 333457.75 and Tk 54327.74, while gross return were Tk 434131.16 and Tk. 96640.00 and net return were Tk 100673.41 and Tk. 42312.26, respectively. The findings of this study revealed that the pond fish production in Jessore district was more profitable than that of Mymensingh district. Cobb-Douglas production function was applied to realize the specific effect of the factors on pond fish production. Out of six variables included in the function three variables had positive impact on return from pond fish production, in Mymensingh district but five variables had positive impact on return from pond fish production in Jessore district