448 resultados para Clostridium Perfringens


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The effects of the inclusion of oat hulls (OH) and sugar beet pulp (SBP) in the diet on gizzard characteristics, apparent ileal nutrient digestibility (AID), and Clostridium perfringens, Enterobacteriaceae, and Lactobacillus proliferation in the ceca were studied in 36 d?old broilers. There were a control diet with a low CF content (1.61%) and 2 additional diets that resulted from the dilution of this feed with 5% of either OH or SBP.


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Los objetivos globales de esta tesis han sido estudiar el efecto que los carbohidratos de la dieta ejercen sobre los rendimientos productivos, la barrera intestinal, y la digestión de animales destetados a 25 días de edad. Además se ha estudiado cuál es el mejor periodo para determinar la digestibilidad fecal tras el destete a esta edad. En el primer experimento se estudió el efecto de la fibra neutro detergente soluble (FNDS) sobre la barrera intestinal, digestión, microbiota intestinal y rendimientos productivos de gazapos en gazapos en la fase post-destete. Se diseñaron tres piensos isonutritivos en los que la única fuente de variación fueron los niveles de fibra soluble. A partir de una dieta control (AH) con 103 g/kg de materia seca de FNDS y alfalfa como fuente principal de fibra, se sustituyó la mitad de esta alfalfa por una mezcla de pulpa de remolacha y pulpa de manzana (75:25) en el pienso B-AP y por una mezcla de cascarilla y concentrado de proteína de soja (88:12) en el pienso OH, obteniéndose 131 y 79 g/kg de FNDS sobre materia seca, respectivamente. Los conejos se destetaron a 25 días y fueron alimentados con los piensos experimentales hasta los 35 días de edad, momento en el que se sacrificaron para la determinación de la digestibilidad ileal aparente (DIA) de la materia seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB) y almidón, la morfología de la mucosa, y actividad enzimática en el yeyuno, el tejido linfoide asociado a la mucosa, así como la microbiota intestinal. Para la determinación de la morfología de la mucosa se utilizaron adicionalmente 19 animales lactantes de 35 días de edad. Para el estudio de la tasa de mortalidad, se utilizaron 118 animales más por tratamiento que recibieron los piensos experimentales durante las dos semanas post-destete y posteriormente un pienso comercial hasta los 60 días de edad. Los animales recibieron durante todo el experimento medicación en el agua de bebida (100 ppm de apramicina sulfato y 120 ppm de tilosina tartrato). El nivel de fibra soluble mejoró los parámetros que se utilizaron para la caracterización del estado de la barrera intestinal. Los conejos alimentados con el mayor nivel de FNDS en el pienso presentaron una mayor longitud de los villi (P=0.001), un mayor ratio longitud villi/profundidad de las criptas (8.14; P=0.001), una mayor actividad disacaridásica (8671 μmol de glucosa/g de proteína; P=0.019), así como una mayor digestibilidad ileal (96.8%; P=0.002), observándose una reducción en el flujo ileal de almidón a medida que se incrementó el nivel de fibra soluble en el pienso (1,2 vs 0,5 g/d; P=0.001). Los animales lactantes a 35 días de edad presentaron un ratio longitud de villi/profundidad de las criptas menor que el observado en aquéllos alimentados con el pienso B-AP (6.70), pero superior al de los piensos AH y OH. Niveles inferiores de NDFS tendieron (P=0.074) a incrementar la respuesta inmune de tipo celular (linfocitos CD8+). El pienso también afectó a la producción de IL2 (CD25+; P=0.029; CD5+CD25+; P=0.057), pero sin llegar a establecerse una clara relación con el nivel de fibra soluble. La diversidad de la microbiota intestinal no se vio afectada por el pienso (P ≥ 0.38). Los animales alimentados con las piensos B-AP y AH presentaron una reducción en la frecuencia de detección de Clostridium perfringens tanto en íleon (P=0.062) como en ciego (4.3 vs. 17.6%, P =0.047), comparado con el pienso OH. Además la tasa de mortalidad (118 gazapos/pienso) disminuyó de 14.4% en el pienso OH a 5.1% en el pienso B-AP. Entre los 32 y los 35 días de edad se determinó la digestibilidad fecal aparente (14/pienso) de la materia seca (MS), energía bruta (EB), proteína bruta (PB), fibra neutro detergente (FND), fibra ácido detergente (FAD) y almidón. Este grupo, junto con otros nueve animales por tratamiento se utilizaron para determinar el peso del estómago y el ciego, la concentración cecal de ácidos grasos volátiles (AGV) y amoniaco (NH3), así como las tasas de similitud de la microbiota intestinal. Además se estudiaron los rendimientos productivos (35 animales/tratamiento) de los gazapos durante todo el período de cebo, consumiendo los piensos experimentales desde el destete hasta los 35 días y posteriormente un pienso comercial hasta los 60 días de edad. Niveles crecientes de FNDS mejoraron la digestibilidad fecal de la materia seca (MS) y energía (P<0.001). La inclusión FNDS aumentó de manera lineal el peso del contenido cecal (P=0.001) y el peso del aparato digestivo completo (P=0.008), y en los días previos al sacrificio disminuyó de manera lineal el consumo medio diario (P=0.040). Se observó además, una disminución lineal (P≤0.041) del pH del estómago. No se encontró relación entre el pH, la concentración y proporciones molares de AGV y el nivel de FNDS. El pienso pareció tener un efecto, incluso superior al de la madre, sobre la tasa de similitud de la microbiota, y los efectos fueron mayores a nivel cecal que ileal. La eficacia alimenticia aumentó de manera lineal en un 12% entre piensos extremos tras el destete (25- 39d) y en un 3% en el período global de cebo con niveles mayores de NDFS. El consumo medio diario durante la fase post-destete y durante todo el período de cebo, tendió a aumen tar (P≤0.079) con niveles mayores de FNDS, sin embargo no se apreció efecto sobre la ganancia media diaria (P≥0.15). En conclusión, el incremento del nivel de fibra soluble en el pienso parece resultar beneficioso para la salud del animal ya que mejora la integridad de la mucosa, y reduce la frecuencia de detección de potenciales patógenos como C. perfringens y Campylobacter spp. Conforme a estos resultados, debería tenerse en cuenta el contenido en fibra soluble en la formulación de piensos de conejos en la fase post-destete. El objetivo del segundo experimento fue determinar el efecto de la fuente de almidón sobre la digestión, la microbiota intestinal y los rendimientos productivos en conejos destetados con 25 días de edad. Se formularon tres piensos isonutritivos en los que se modificaron las principales fuentes de almidón: trigo crudo, trigo cocido y una combinación de trigo y arroz cocido. Dos grupos de 99 y 193 animales se destetaron con 25 días de edad. El primero de ellos se utilizó para la determinación de los parámetros productivos conforme al mismo protocolo seguido en el experimento anterior. El segundo de los grupos se utilizó para la determinación de la digestibilidad fecal de 32 a 35 d, la digestibilidad ileal aparente (DIA) a 35 d, la morfología de la mucosa intestinal, los parámetros de fermentación cecal; así como, la caracterización de la microbiota intestinal. Se utilizaron además dos grupos adicionales de animales 384 (medicados) y 177 (no medicados) para estudiar el efecto de la suplementación con antibióticos en el agua de bebida sobre la mortalidad. El procesado térmico del trigo mejoró ligeramente la digestibilidad ileal del almidón (P=0.020) pero no modificó el flujo final de almidón que alcanzó el ciego, observándose una mayor frecuencia de detección de Campylobacter spp. y Ruminococcus spp. en ciego (P≤0.023), pero sin cambios a nivel ileal. El procesado térmico del trigo no afectó tampoco a los parámetros productivos, la mortalidad, la digestibilidad ileal y fecal o la morfología de la mucosa. La sustitución parcial del trigo cocido por arroz cocido, penalizó la digestibilidad ileal del almidón (P=0.020) e incrementó el flujo ileal de este nutriente al ciego (P=0.007). Sin embargo no afectó a la mortalidad, pese a que se detectaron cambios en la microbiota tanto a nivel ileal como cecal, disminuyendo la frecuencia de detección de Campylobacter spp. (en íleon y ciego), Helicobacter spp. (en íleon) y Ruminococcus spp (en ciego) e incrementando Bacteroides spp. (en ciego) (P≤0.046). El empleo de arroz cocido en las piensos post-destete no tuvieron efectos sobre los parámetros productivos, la mortalidad, la digestibilidad ileal y fecal a excepción del almidón, o la morfología de la mucosa. La suplementación con antibiótico redujo la fre cuencia de detección de la mayoría de las bacterias estudiadas (P≤0.048), sobre todo para Campylobacter spp., Clostridium perfringens y Propionibacterium spp. (P≤0.048), observándose un efecto mayor a nivel ileal que cecal, lo que se asoció a la bajada significativa (P<0.001) de la mortalidad. En conclusión, los resultados de este experimento indican que la fuente de almidón afecta a la microbiota intestinal pero no influiye sobre la salud del animal. En relación al procesado, el uso de trigo cocido junto con arroz cocido no mejora los resultados obtenidos con trigo duro, si bienserían necesarios más experimentos que confirmaran este punto. El último de los experimentos se centró en un aspecto metodológico. Dado que, los conejos destetados presentan un patrón digestivo diferente al de un animal adulto resultado de su inmadurez digestiva, el objetivo buscado era tratar de determinar el mejor procedimiento para la determinación de la digestibilidad fecal en los gazapos en la fase post-destete. Para tal fin se utilizaron 15 animales/tratamiento de tres camadas diferentes que se destetaron con 25 días, suministrándoles un pienso comercial de crecimiento-cebo. Se registró el consumo medio diario y la excreción diaria de heces desde el día 25 hasta el día 40 de edad para la determinación de la digestibilidad de la MS. La camada afectó al consumo medio diario y la excreción de heces (P=0.013 y 0.014, respectivamente), observándose una tendencia (P=0.061) en la digestibilidad. La edad afectó (P<0.001) a todos estos factores, incrementándose de manera más evidente la excreción que la ingestión de materia seca en la primera semana de vida, para aumentar de forma paralela a partir de la segunda. La correlación entre el consumo medio diario fue mayor con la excreción de heces del mismo día que con la del día siguiente, por lo que se utilizó el primero para la determinación de la digestibilidad de la MS (MSd). La MSd disminuyó de manera lineal hasta los 32 días de edad (2.17±0.25 unidades porcentuales por día), mientras que permaneció constante desde los 32 a los 40 días (69.4±0.47%). Por otro lado, la desviación estándar de la MSd se redujo cuando se incrementó el período de recogida de 2 a 6 días en un 54%. Conforme a los resultados obtenidos, se puede concluir que no es aconsejable comenzar las pruebas de digestibilidad antes de los 32 días de edad y que el número de animales necesario para detectar diferencias significativas entre tratamientos dependerá del período de recogida de heces. ABSTRACT The global aim of this thesis has been to study the effect of dietary carbohydrates on growth, performance, digestion and intestinal barrier in 25-d weaned rabbits. In addition there has also been studied which is the best period to determine the fecal digestibility after weaning. The first experiment focused on the effect of Neutral Detergent Soluble Fibre (NDSF) on gut barrier function, digestion, intestinal microbiota and growth performance n rabbits in the post-weaning period. Three isonutritive diets which only varied in the levels of soluble fiber were formulated such as it described as follows: a control diet (AH) containing 103 g of neutral detergent soluble fiber, including alfalfa as main source of fiber, was replaced by a mixture of beet and apple pulp (75-25) in the B-AP diet and, by a mix of oat hulls and soybean protein concentrate (88:12) in the OH diet, resulting 131 and 79 g of NDFS/kg of dry matter, respectively. Rabbits, weaned at 25 days of age, were fed the experimental diets up to 35 days of age, moment in which they were slaughtered for apparent ileal digestibility (AID) of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and starch, mucosa morphology, sucrose activity, characterization of lamina propria lymphocytes and intestinal microbiota. To assess mucosal morphology, 19 suckling 35-d-old rabbits were also used. For mortality study, besides these animals, 118 additional rabbits per treatment were fed the experimental diets for two weeks period and thereafter received a commercial diet until 60 days of age. Rabbits were water medicated during the whole experimental period (100 ppm de apramicine sulphate and 120 ppm of tylosine tartrate). Level of soluble fiber improved all the parameters used for the characterization of the intestinal barrier condition. Villous height of the jejunal mucosa increased with dietary soluble fiber (P=0.001). Villous height of jejunal mucosa increased with dietary soluble fiber (P = 0.001). Rabbits fed the highest level of soluble fiber (BA-P diet) showed the highest villous height/crypth depth ratio (8.14; P = 0.001), sucrase specific activity (8671 μmol glucose/ g protein; P = 0.019), and the greatest ileal starch digestibility (96.8%; P = 0.002). The opposite effects were observed in rabbits fed decreased levels of soluble fiber (AH and OH diets; 4.70, 5,848 μmol of glucose/g of protein, as average, respectively). The lowest ileal starch digestibility was detected for animal fed OH diet (93.2%). Suckling rabbits of the same age showed a lower villous height/crypt depth ratio (6.70) compared with the B-AP diet group, but this ration was higher that the AH or OH diet groups. Lower levels of soluble fiber tended (P = 0.074) to increase the cellular immune response (CD8+ lymphocytes). Diet affected IL-2 production (CD25+, P = 0.029; CD5+CD25+, P = 0.057), with no clear relationship between soluble fiber and IL-2. The intestinal microbiota biodiversity was not affected by diets (P ≥ 0.38). Animals fed B-AP and AH diets had a reduced cecal frequency of detection compatible with Campylobacter spp. (20.3 vs. 37.8, P = 0.074), and Clostridium perfringens (4.3 vs. 17.6%, P = 0.047), compared with the OH diet group. Moreover, the mortality rates decreased from 14.4 (OH diet) to 5.1% (B-AP diet) with the increased presence of soluble fiber in the diet. Between 32 and 35 days of age, faecal apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM), gross energy (GE), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and starch was determined (14/diet). This group, plus another nine rabbits/diet were used to determine weight of stomach and caecum and their contents, cecal fermentation traits and similarity rate (SR) of intestinal microbiota. Besides, growth performance parameters (35 rabbits/diet) were studied during the whole fattening period, in animals consuming the experimental feed after the weaning up to 35 days of age and later on a commercial diet up animals reached 60 days of age. Increasing levels of Neutral Detergent Soluble Fiber improved faecal dry matter and energy digestibility (P<0.001). NDSF inclusion improved linearly weight of the caecal content (P=0.001) and the total gastrointestinal tract (P=0.008), and in the previous days to slaughter a linear decrease of daily feed intake in diet with highest level of soluble fiber was also observed. Stomach pH decreased linearly with increasing levels of NDFS (P≤0.041). No relation between NDSF level on pH, concentration and molar proportion of VFA was found. Treatments appeared to influence the similarity rate of microbiota, even higher to mother effect. These effects were higher in ileum than in caecum. A linear positive effect of feed efficiency was observed, which increased around 12% in the two weeks post-weaning (25-39d) and 3% in the whole fattening period between extreme diets with highest levels of soluble fiber. Average daily feed intake during the two weeks after weaning and in the whole fattening period, tended (P≤0.079) to increase with highest levels of NDSF; although there were no effect on daily weight gain (≥0.15). In conclusion, an increase of soluble fiber in the feed seems to be beneficial for animal health, due to improve mucose integrity and reduce detection frequency of those poten tial pathogens like C. perfringens and Campylobacter spp. According to these results, level of soluble fiber should be taking care in feed rabbit formulation in the post-weaning period. The objective of the second experiment was to determine the effect of source of starch on digestion, intestinal microbiota and growth performance in twenty-five-day old weaned rabbits. To accomplish with this aim three iso-nutritive diets were formulated with different source of starch: raw wheat, boiled wheat and a combination of boiled wheat and boiled rice. Two groups of 99 and 193 rabbits were weaned at 25 days of age. The first group was used for growth performance determination following the same protocol than in previous experiment. The second group was used to determine faecal digestibility from 32 to 35 d, apparent ileal digestibility (AID) at 35 d, jejunal mucosa morphology, caecal fermentation traits and characterization of intestinal microbiota. For mortality, two additional groups of 384 (medicated) and 177 (not medicated) were used in order to study the effect of antibiotic water supply supplementation. Heat processing of starch slightly improved ileal digestibility of starch (P=0.020) but did not modify the flow of starch to the caecum. An increase in frequency of detection of Campylobacter spp. y Ruminococcus spp. was observed in the caecum (P≤0.023), with no changes at ileal level. Heat processing of wheat did not modify growth performance, mortality, ileal or faecal digestibility and mucosa morphology. Partial substitution of boiled wheat for boiled rice in the diet impaired ileal starch digestibility (P=0.020) and increased the ileal flow of this nutrient to the caecum (P=0.007). However, it did not affect mortality rate, although changes in the ileal and caecal intestinal microbiota were detected, decreasing the frequency of detection of Campylobacter spp. (both ileum and caecum), Helicobacter spp. (at ileum) and Ruminococcus spp (at caecum) and increasing the Bacteroides spp. (at caecum) (P≤0.046). The effect of boiled rice supplementation did not alter growth performance, mortality, ileal or faecal digestibility of other nutrients than starch, and mucosa morphology. Medication of rabbits reduced the ileal frequency of detection of most bacteria studied (P≤0.048), especially for Campylobacter spp., Clostridium perfringens y Propionibacterium spp. (P≤0.048), resulting the effect higher at ileal than caecal level and relating it with a strong reduction of mortality rate (P<0.001). In conclusion, the results of this experiment make think that the source of starch affects the intestinal microbiota but they do not seem to influence animal health. In relation to the effect of heat processed the use of cooked wheat or cooked rice it does not seem to im prove the results obtained with hard wheat, but there would be necessary more experiments that were confirming this point. The last experiment focused on a methodological aspect. Considering that, weaned rabbits have a different digestive pattern than older animals due to their digestive immaturity; the fixed objective was to determine the best procedure for faecal digestibility determination in young rabbits in the post-weaning period. Fifteen rabbits from 5 different litters were weaned at 25 days of age and fed with a commercial feed. Feed intake and faeces excretion were recorded daily from 25 to 40 days of age for dry matter digestibility (DMd) determination. Litter affected daily DM intake and excretion (P=0.013 y 0.014, respectively) and tended to affect DMd (P=0.061). Age affected all these factors (P<0.001), but ingestion increased slowly than dry matter excretion during the first week buth they evolved similarly in the second week. The correlation between daily feed intakes was higher with the faeces excretion of the day than with faeces excretion of the next day, and the first values were used to determine daily DMd. The DMd decreased linearly from weaning to 32 d of age (2.17±0.25 percentage units per day), whereas from 32 to 40 d remained constant (69.4±0.47%). On the other hand, average standard deviation of DMd decreased by 54% when the length of collection period increased from 2 to 6d. Consequently to the obtained results, it could be concluded that it would not be advisable to start digestibility trials before the 32 days of age and that the number of animals required to detect a significant difference among means would depend on the collection period.


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O propósito do presente estudo foi investigar e monitorar a remoção de cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. por diferentes processos de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) em escala plena, composta basicamente por tratamento preliminar, reator UASB e flotador por ar dissolvido, e verificar a ocorrência desses protozoários no lodo do reator UASB e do flotador. Além disso, avaliou-se a remoção desses parasitos pelo processo de flotação por ar dissolvido em escala de bancada (equipamento Flotateste). Analisou-se a qualidade das amostras a partir de variáveis físicas e químicas, e pela detecção de microrganismos indicadores - E. coli, coliformes totais e Clostridium perfringens. Os métodos de detecção de protozoários se basearam nas etapas de concentração (tripla centrifugação ou filtração em membrana seguida de tripla centrifugação); purificação por separação imunomagnética (IMS); detecção por reação de imunofluorescência direta (RID). As recuperações de cistos variaram de 32,6 a 67,0 % dependendo do método adotado, já para os oocistos as recuperações estiveram na faixa de 5,6 a 12,0 %. Na ETE-Monjolinho foram detectadas significativas quantidades de cistos de Giardia spp. em 100% das amostras de esgoto analisadas, com concentração média de 1,89 x 104 e 2,35 x 102 cistos.L-1 no esgoto bruto e tratado, respectivamente. Já os oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. foram detectados em 39,0 % das amostras de esgoto, com concentração média de 1,35 x 102 oocistos.L-1 no esgoto bruto e 5,87 oocistos.L-1 em esgoto tratado (após flotador). A remoção global da ETE para remoção de Giardia spp. foi em média 2,03 log. O lodo do reator UASB e lodo do flotador apresentaram altas quantidade de (oo)cistos, constatando-se a tendência desses sistemas em concentrar os (oo)cistos por seus processos físicos. Algumas correlações significativas foram encontradas, como correlação entre a concentração de cistos no lodo e a variável sólidos totais, a concentração de cistos no esgoto bruto e as variáveis cor aparente, DQO total e particulada, e a concentração de cistos no efluente UASB e o microrganismo Clostridium perfringens. Diferentemente do flotador em escala plena, o processo do flotação por ar dissolvido em escala de bancada alcançou elevadas remoções médias de cistos de Giardia spp., entre 2,5 e 2,7 log nas diferentes condições de floculação estudadas.


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Using biomimetic chemical reduction or Clostridium perfringens cell extract containing azoreductase, the dimer-fluorescent probe 2,4-O-bisdansyl-6,7- diazabicyclooct-6-ene, which possesses a conformationally constrained cis-azo bridge, is reduced to the tetra-equatorial 2,4-O-bisdansyl-cyclohexyl-3,5- bisammonium salt which exhibits fluorescence indicative of a dansyl monomer. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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In most countries along with various food products, fish sausage is supplied in different formulas. Unfortunately, in our country because of different reasons, production and supply of fish sausage in industrial level has not yet been successful and some efforts taken, has also been doomed to failure or not welcomed. Fat fish is a rich source of poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and co-3. In this research, efforts have been made to produce and enrich sausage with fish oil and maintenance of fatty acids has also been experimented using gas chromatography along with heating process. The stages of producing ground fish and fish sausage are as the following: Transferring and preparing fish, washing the cleared fish, filleting, separating fillet steak, washing and drying them, Refining meat, Producing and homogenizing mixture from basic ingredients in a cutter, filling, knotting and heat processing. The fish sausage produced by this method tried and welcomed by the subjects. In the product in which fish meat was used, the subjects was not recognized fish flavor and taste and when in addition to fish meat, fish oil was used during enrichment, the flavor and taste of fish was considered as highly acceptable. TVN measurement of the produced fish sausage was kept in the refrigerator in two month was at a maximum of 16.5, the amount of peroxide was at a maximum 1.5% after the period of two months. During this period the Colony count was at maximum of 19.5 x 104, the high maximum of the number of coliforms was 10/gr, and for mold and yeast 83/gr , but Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens were not found. The protein of the resulting product was 15-18%, lipid at about 11-15% and moisture 60-65%. Comparing fatty acids, including unsaturated fatty acids in ground and oil fish used in producing fish sausage with those of fish sausage showed that the heat used in processing had the least effect on fatty acids of the meat and oil used here and the resulting fish sausage is considered as food for good health.


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Enterotoxemia in sheep and in goats is caused by the effects of the epsilon toxin of C/ostridium perfringens type D, being considered the main infectious cause of mortality in those animal species. The main prophylactic measures include adequate nutritional management and vaccination of ali animais using vaccines of high immunogenic power. Six commercial vaccines containing in its formulation the epsilon toxoid of C. perfringens type D were sorogically evaluated. Eighty four female goat kids, whose mothers had no previous vaccination history against clostridioses were used. They were divided into six groups of 14 animais each. The animais of the control group didn't receive any vaccine dose and the animais from the groups 1 to 5 received two vaccine doses, The first vaccine dose was applied at 45 days of life (day zero) and the second dose at 75 days (30 days after the first dose). Blood samples were collected from the goat kids at the days zero, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 after the beginning of the experiment, in order to evaluate the immunologic response. The Indirect ELlSA technique was used for the quantification of the antibodies against epsilon toxin in the samples of blood serum of the animais. In day zero, no animal presented titre considered protector. The largest number of animais considered protected was found at day 60, in response to the two initial doses of the vaccine (days O and 30, first and second doses, respectively). Only tive animaIs which received the vaccine 1 and one animal which received the vaccine 3 stayed wilh titres of antibodies considered up to 150 days after the first vaccine dose. Based on the results, it was concluded lhat the evaluated vaccines showed small amount of epsilon toxoid in the commercial formulations, a crucial fact for lhe low efficiency of. the vaccines. For commercial reasons, the vaccines against the clostridioses present versatile formulations, with several toxoid types, used for various animal species, which certainly contributed to reduce their effectiveness in preventing the iIInesses caused by the clostridia or their toxins.


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The Implementation Guide for hospital surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) has been produced by the Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Technical Working Group of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC), and endorsed by the HAI Advisory Group. State jurisdictions and the ACSQHC have representatives on the Technical Working Group, and have had input into this document. (See acknowledgements on inside front cover)...


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The Implementation Guide for hospital surveillance of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) has been produced by the Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Technical Working Group of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC), and endorsed by the HAI Advisory Group. State jurisdictions and the ACSQHC have representatives on the Technical Working Group, and have had input into this document. The Guide is intended to be used by Australian hospitals and organisations to support the implementation of hospital-identified Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) surveillance using the endorsed case definition in this guide. It has been produced to support consistency of surveillance activities and is not intended to replace clinical assessment of infection for patient management.


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Objectives: To report the quarterly incidence of hospital-identified Clostridium difficile infection (HI-CDI) in Australia, and to estimate the burden ascribed to hospital-associated (HA) and community-associated (CA) infections. Design, setting and patients: Prospective surveillance of all cases of CDI diagnosed in hospital patients from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012 in 450 public hospitals in all Australian states and the Australian Capital Territory. All patients admitted to inpatient wards or units in acute public hospitals, including psychiatry, rehabilitation and aged care, were included, as well as those attending emergency departments and outpatient clinics. Main outcome measures: Incidence of HI-CDI (primary outcome); proportion and incidence of HA-CDI and CA-CDI (secondary outcomes). Results: The annual incidence of HI-CDI increased from 3.25/10 000 patient-days (PD) in 2011 to 4.03/10 000 PD in 2012. Poisson regression modelling demonstrated a 29% increase (95% CI, 25% to 34%) per quarter between April and December 2011, with a peak of 4.49/10 000 PD in the October–December quarter. The incidence plateaued in January–March 2012 and then declined by 8% (95% CI, − 11% to − 5%) per quarter to 3.76/10 000 PD in July–September 2012, after which the rate rose again by 11% (95% CI, 4% to 19%) per quarter to 4.09/10 000 PD in October–December 2012. Trends were similar for HA-CDI and CA-CDI. A subgroup analysis determined that 26% of cases were CA-CDI. Conclusions: A significant increase in both HA-CDI and CA-CDI identified through hospital surveillance occurred in Australia during 2011–2012. Studies are required to further characterise the epidemiology of CDI in Australia.


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Background: International epidemic clones (ribotypes 027 and 078) of Clostridium difficile have been associated with death, toxic megacolon and other adverse outcomes in North America and Europe. In 2010, the first local transmission of an epidemic strain (027) of C. difficile was reported in the state of Victoria, Australia, but no cases of infection with this strain were reported in the state of Queensland. In 2012, a prevalence study was undertaken in all public and selected private hospitals to examine the epidemiology of CDI and determine the prevalence of epidemic C. difficile strains in Queensland. Methods: Enhanced surveillance was undertaken on all hospital identified CDI cases aged over 2 years between 10 April and 15 June 2012. Where available, patient samples were cultured and isolates of C. difficile ribotyped. The toxin profile of each isolate was determined by PCR. Results: In total, 168 cases of CDI were identified during the study period. A majority (58.3%) of cases had onset of symptoms in hospital. Of the 62 patients with community onset of symptoms, most (74%) had a hospital admission in the previous 3 months. Only 4 of 168 patients had onset of symptoms within a residential care facility. Thirteen out of the 168 (7.7%) patients included in the study had severe disease (ICU admission and/or death within 30 days of onset). Overall 136/168 (81%) of cases had been prescribed antibiotics in the last month. Of concern was the emergence of a novel ribotype (244) which has recently been described in other parts of Australia and is genetically related to ribotype 027. Seven patients were infected with C. difficile ribotype 244 (8% of 83 samples ribotyped), including one patient requiring ICU admission and one patient who died. Ribotype 244 was tcdA, tcdB and CDT positive and contained a tcdC mutation at position 117. Conclusion: Ongoing surveillance is required to determine the origin and epidemiology of C. difficile ribotype 244 infections in Australia.


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Background Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) possibly extends hospital length of stay (LOS); however, the current evidence does not account for the time-dependent bias, ie, when infection is incorrectly analyzed as a baseline covariate. The aim of this study was to determine whether CDI increases LOS after managing this bias. Methods We examined the estimated extra LOS because of CDI using a multistate model. Data from all persons hospitalized >48 hours over 4 years in a tertiary hospital in Australia were analyzed. Persons with health care-associated CDIs were identified. Cox proportional hazards models were applied together with multistate modeling. Results One hundred fifty-eight of 58,942 admissions examined had CDI. The mean extra LOS because of infection was 0.9 days (95% confidence interval: −1.8 to 3.6 days, P = .51) when a multistate model was applied. The hazard of discharge was lower in persons who had CDI (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.42; P < .001) when a Cox proportional hazard model was applied. Conclusion This study is the first to use multistate models to determine the extra LOS because of CDI. Results suggest CDI does not significantly contribute to hospital LOS, contradicting findings published elsewhere. Conversely, when methods prone to result in time-dependent bias were applied to the data, the hazard of discharge significantly increased. These findings contribute to discussion on methods used to evaluate LOS and health care-associated infections.


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In the commercial food industry, demonstration of microbiological safety and thermal process equivalence often involves a mathematical framework that assumes log-linear inactivation kinetics and invokes concepts of decimal reduction time (DT), z values, and accumulated lethality. However, many microbes, particularly spores, exhibit inactivation kinetics that are not log linear. This has led to alternative modeling approaches, such as the biphasic and Weibull models, that relax strong log-linear assumptions. Using a statistical framework, we developed a novel log-quadratic model, which approximates the biphasic and Weibull models and provides additional physiological interpretability. As a statistical linear model, the log-quadratic model is relatively simple to fit and straightforwardly provides confidence intervals for its fitted values. It allows a DT-like value to be derived, even from data that exhibit obvious "tailing." We also showed how existing models of non-log-linear microbial inactivation, such as the Weibull model, can fit into a statistical linear model framework that dramatically simplifies their solution. We applied the log-quadratic model to thermal inactivation data for the spore-forming bacterium Clostridium botulinum and evaluated its merits compared with those of popular previously described approaches. The log-quadratic model was used as the basis of a secondary model that can capture the dependence of microbial inactivation kinetics on temperature. This model, in turn, was linked to models of spore inactivation of Sapru et al. and Rodriguez et al. that posit different physiological states for spores within a population. We believe that the log-quadratic model provides a useful framework in which to test vitalistic and mechanistic hypotheses of inactivation by thermal and other processes. Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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In North America and Europe, the binary toxin positive Clostridium difficile strains of the ribotypes 027 and 078 have been associated with death, toxic megacolon and other adverse outcomes. Following an increase in C. difficile infections (CDIs) in Queensland, a prevalence study involving 175 hospitals was undertaken in early 2012, identifying 168 cases of CDI over a 2 month period. Patient demographics and clinical characteristics were recorded, and C. difficile isolates were ribotyped and tested for the presence of binary toxin genes. Most patients (106/168, 63.1%) were aged over 60 years. Overall, 98 (58.3%) developed symptoms after hospitalisation; 89 cases (53.0%) developed symptoms more than 48 hours after admission. Furthermore, 27 of the 62 (67.7%) patients who developed symptoms in the community ad been hospitalised within the last 3 months. Thirteen of the 168 (7.7%) cases identified had severe disease, resulting in admission to the Intensive Care Unit or death within 30 days of the onset of symptoms. The 3 most common ribotypes isolated were UK 002 (22.9%), UK 014 (13.3%) and the binary toxin-positive ribotype UK 244 (8.4%). The only other binary toxin positive ribotype isolated was UK 078 (n = 1). Of concern was the detection of the binary toxin positive ribotype UK 244, which has recently been described in other parts of Australia and New Zealand. No isolates were of the international epidemic clone of ribotype UK 027, although ribotype UK 244 is genetically related to this clone. Further studies are required to track the epidemiology of ribotype UK 244 in Australia and New Zealand. Commun Dis Intell 2014;38(4):E279–E284.


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The ptsH gene, encoding the phosphotransferase protein HPr, from Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 was identified from the genome sequence, cloned and shown to complement a ptsH mutant of Escherichia coli. The deduced protein sequence shares significant homology with HPr proteins from other low-GC gram-positive bacteria, although the highly conserved sequence surrounding the Ser-46 phosphorylation site is not well preserved in the clostridial protein. Nevertheless, the HPr was phosphorylated in an ATP-dependent manner in cell-free extracts of C. acetobutylicum. Furthermore, purified His-tagged HPr from Bacillus subtilis was also a substrate for the clostridial HPr kinase/phosphorylase. This phosphorylation reaction is a key step in the mechanism of carbon catabolite repression proposed to operate in B. subtilis and other low-GC gram-positive bacteria. Putative genes encoding the HPr kinase/phosphorylase and the other element of this model, namely the catabolite control protein CcpA, were identified from the C. acetobutylicum genome sequence, suggesting that a similar mechanism of carbon catabolite repression may operate in this industrially important organism.


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Although the acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) fermentation of Clostridium acetobutylicum is currently uneconomic, the ability of the bacterium to metabolise a wide range of carbohydrates offers the potential for revival based on the use of cheap, low grade substrates. We have investigated the uptake and metabolism of lactose, the major sugar in industrial whey waste, by C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824. Lactose is taken up via a phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS) comprising both soluble and membrane-associated components, and the resulting phosphorylated derivative is hydrolysed by a phospho--galactosidase. These activities are induced during growth on lactose, but are absent in glucose-grown cells. Analysis of the C. acetobutylicum genome sequence identified a gene system, lacRFEG, encoding a transcriptional regulator of the DeoR family, IIA and IICB components of a lactose PTS, and phospho--galactosidase. During growth in medium containing both glucose and lactose, C. acetobutylicum exhibited a classical diauxic growth, and the lac operon was not expressed until glucose was exhausted from the medium. The presence upstream of lacR of a potential catabolite responsive element (cre) encompassing the transcriptional start site is indicative of the mechanism of carbon catabolite repression characteristic of low-GC Gram-positive bacteria. A pathway for the uptake and metabolism of lactose by this industrially important organism is proposed.