897 resultados para Clinical diagnosis


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A biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry (BIE) has been developed and validated in 169 patients for detecting five markers of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. The methodology has been established to pave the way for clinical diagnosis, including ligand screening, determination of the sensitivity, set-up of cut-off values (CoVs) and comparison with other clinical methods. A matrix assay method was established for ligand screening. The CoVs of HBV markers were derived with the help of receiver operating characteristic curves. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was the reference method. Ligands with high bioactivity were selected and sensitivities of 1 ng/mL and 1 IU/mL for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and surface antibody (anti-HBs) were obtained respectively. The CoVs of HBsAg, anti-HBs, hepatitis B e antigen, hepatitis B e antibody and core antibody were as follows: 15%, 18%, 15%, 20% and 15%, respectively, which were the percentages over the values of corresponding ligand controls. BIE can simultaneously detect up to five markers within 1 h with results in acceptable agreement with ELISA, and thus shows a potential for diagnosing hepatitis B with high throughput.


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Optical microscopy is an essential tool in biological science and one of the gold standards for medical examinations. Miniaturization of microscopes can be a crucial stepping stone towards realizing compact, cost-effective and portable platforms for biomedical research and healthcare. This thesis reports on implementations of bright-field and fluorescence chip-scale microscopes for a variety of biological imaging applications. The term “chip-scale microscopy” refers to lensless imaging techniques realized in the form of mass-producible semiconductor devices, which transforms the fundamental design of optical microscopes.

Our strategy for chip-scale microscopy involves utilization of low-cost Complementary metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensors, computational image processing and micro-fabricated structural components. First, the sub-pixel resolving optofluidic microscope (SROFM), will be presented, which combines microfluidics and pixel super-resolution image reconstruction to perform high-throughput imaging of fluidic samples, such as blood cells. We discuss design parameters and construction of the device, as well as the resulting images and the resolution of the device, which was 0.66 µm at the highest acuity. The potential applications of SROFM for clinical diagnosis of malaria in the resource-limited settings is discussed.

Next, the implementations of ePetri, a self-imaging Petri dish platform with microscopy resolution, are presented. Here, we simply place the sample of interest on the surface of the image sensor and capture the direct shadow images under the illumination. By taking advantage of the inherent motion of the microorganisms, we achieve high resolution (~1 µm) imaging and long term culture of motile microorganisms over ultra large field-of-view (5.7 mm × 4.4 mm) in a specialized ePetri platform. We apply the pixel super-resolution reconstruction to a set of low-resolution shadow images of the microorganisms as they move across the sensing area of an image sensor chip and render an improved resolution image. We perform longitudinal study of Euglena gracilis cultured in an ePetri platform and image based analysis on the motion and morphology of the cells. The ePetri device for imaging non-motile cells are also demonstrated, by using the sweeping illumination of a light emitting diode (LED) matrix for pixel super-resolution reconstruction of sub-pixel shifted shadow images. Using this prototype device, we demonstrate the detection of waterborne parasites for the effective diagnosis of enteric parasite infection in resource-limited settings.

Then, we demonstrate the adaptation of a smartphone’s camera to function as a compact lensless microscope, which uses ambient illumination as its light source and does not require the incorporation of a dedicated light source. The method is also based on the image reconstruction with sweeping illumination technique, where the sequence of images are captured while the user is manually tilting the device around any ambient light source, such as the sun or a lamp. Image acquisition and reconstruction is performed on the device using a custom-built android application, constructing a stand-alone imaging device for field applications. We discuss the construction of the device using a commercial smartphone and demonstrate the imaging capabilities of our system.

Finally, we report on the implementation of fluorescence chip-scale microscope, based on a silo-filter structure fabricated on the pixel array of a CMOS image sensor. The extruded pixel design with metal walls between neighboring pixels successfully guides fluorescence emission through the thick absorptive filter to the photodiode layer of a pixel. Our silo-filter CMOS image sensor prototype achieves 13-µm resolution for fluorescence imaging over a wide field-of-view (4.8 mm × 4.4 mm). Here, we demonstrate bright-field and fluorescence longitudinal imaging of living cells in a compact, low-cost configuration.


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O objetivo do presente estudo clínico é verificar a reprodutibilidade intra e interexaminadores de um critério de diagnóstico de cárie dentária (Nyvad et al. 1999) aplicado na dentição decídua, e avaliar o tempo médio necessário para a realização do exame clínico utilizando o referido critério. O mesmo é baseado na combinação de métodos visuais e táteis e propõe a diferenciação entre lesões ativas e inativas, tanto para lesões cavitadas quanto para não cavitadas. A amostra total consistiu de 80 crianças de três a sete anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, estudantes do Centro Educacional Terra Santa (Petrópolis/ RJ). Os responsáveis assinaram um termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido e o trabalho foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do HUPE-UERJ. Os exames foram realizados após escovação supervisionada, em consultório odontológico sob iluminação artificial, após 3-5s de secagem com ar comprimido, por dois examinadores treinados pelas autoras do índice e calibrados. As concordâncias intra e interexaminadores foram avaliadas pelo percentual de concordância (%) e pelo teste kappa (k), considerando a superfície dentária como unidade de análise e os seguintes pontos de corte: 1) hígida versus cariada; 2) ativa versus inativa; 3) descontinuidade versus hígida; e 4) cavitada versus hígida. O % e o valor de k para confiabilidade interexaminadores para cada ponto de corte foram: 1) % = 0,97 e k = 0,82 (IC: 0,80 - 0,85); 2) % = 0,98 e k = 0,80 (IC: 0,76 - 0,83); 3) % = 0,99 e k = 0,90 (IC: 0,88 - 0,93); 4) % = 99,0 e k = 0,95 (IC: 0,92 - 0,97). O % e o valor de k para confiabilidade intraexaminador para cada ponto de corte foram: 1) % = 0,98 e k = 0,86 (IC: 0,84 - 0,86); 2) % = 0,99 e k = 0,86 (IC: 0,83 - 0,89); 3) % = 0,99 e k = 0,94 (IC: 0,92 - 0,96); 4) % = 0,99 e k = 0,98 (IC: 0,96 - 0,99). O maior % de discordância (65,3% - 158/242) concentrou-se na diferenciação entre supefícies hígidas e lesões não cavitadas: 33,5% (81/242) entre superfície hígida e lesão não cavitada inativa; 26,0% (63/242), entre superfície hígida e lesão não cavitada ativa; e 5,8% (14/242), entre lesão não cavitada ativa e lesão não cavitada inativa. O tempo necessário para realização do exame clínico foi em média 226,5s (128,53). Conclui-se que o índice apresentou reprodutibilidade variando de substancial à quase perfeita e um tempo de exame viável, mostrando-se consistente e reproduzível para a realização de estudos clínicos de cárie dentária na dentição decídua.


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Wide field-of-view (FOV) microscopy is of high importance to biological research and clinical diagnosis where a high-throughput screening of samples is needed. This thesis presents the development of several novel wide FOV imaging technologies and demonstrates their capabilities in longitudinal imaging of living organisms, on the scale of viral plaques to live cells and tissues.

The ePetri Dish is a wide FOV on-chip bright-field microscope. Here we applied an ePetri platform for plaque analysis of murine norovirus 1 (MNV-1). The ePetri offers the ability to dynamically track plaques at the individual cell death event level over a wide FOV of 6 mm × 4 mm at 30 min intervals. A density-based clustering algorithm is used to analyze the spatial-temporal distribution of cell death events to identify plaques at their earliest stages. We also demonstrate the capabilities of the ePetri in viral titer count and dynamically monitoring plaque formation, growth, and the influence of antiviral drugs.

We developed another wide FOV imaging technique, the Talbot microscope, for the fluorescence imaging of live cells. The Talbot microscope takes advantage of the Talbot effect and can generate a focal spot array to scan the fluorescence samples directly on-chip. It has a resolution of 1.2 μm and a FOV of ~13 mm2. We further upgraded the Talbot microscope for the long-term time-lapse fluorescence imaging of live cell cultures, and analyzed the cells’ dynamic response to an anticancer drug.

We present two wide FOV endoscopes for tissue imaging, named the AnCam and the PanCam. The AnCam is based on the contact image sensor (CIS) technology, and can scan the whole anal canal within 10 seconds with a resolution of 89 μm, a maximum FOV of 100 mm × 120 mm, and a depth-of-field (DOF) of 0.65 mm. We also demonstrate the performance of the AnCam in whole anal canal imaging in both animal models and real patients. In addition to this, the PanCam is based on a smartphone platform integrated with a panoramic annular lens (PAL), and can capture a FOV of 18 mm × 120 mm in a single shot with a resolution of 100─140 μm. In this work we demonstrate the PanCam’s performance in imaging a stained tissue sample.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar in vivo a detecção de cárie através do exame visual ICDAS, transiluminação por fibra ótica combinado ao ICDAS e exame radiográfico. Um total de 2.279 superfícies proximais e cicatrículas e fissuras em incisivos superiores, pré-molares e molares permanentes e 272 superfícies em molares decíduos em72 escolares (8 a 18 anos) foram avaliadas por um examinador treinado. Os sete escores para detecção de cárie primária do sistema visual ICDAS foram aplicados. Dois equipamentos de transiluminação por fibra ótica foram avaliados: FOTI Schott (SCH), com ponta de fibra ótica com 0,5mm de diâmetro, e FOTI Microlux (MIC), com diâmetro da ponta 3 mm. Durante o exame combinado FOTI/ICDAS, a fibra ótica era utilizada tanto para iluminar quanto para transiluminar a superfície sob avaliação. O exame radiográfico (RX) consistiu de radiografias interproximais posteriores e periapicais anteriores. Os exames foram realizados em consultório odontológico após escovação supervisionada. No primeiro dia de exame, o exame visual utilizando o ICDAS era realizado e em seguida, o exame combinado ao MIC ou SCH. Logo após era realizado o exame radiográfico. Após uma semana, novamente o ICDAS era realizado, e em seguida o exame combinado com o equipamento de FOTI não utilizado na semana anterior. Os exames foram repetidos em 10 pacientes após intervalo mínimo de uma semana para avaliação da reprodutibilidade intra-examinador, a qual apresentou valores de 0,95 (ICDAS), 0,94 (MIC), 0,95 (SCH) e 0,99 (RX) pelo kappa ponderado. Em cicatrículas e fissuras de permanentes, o RX julgou que um número maior de superfícies apresentava lesão em dentina (53) do que os outros métodos (34 a 36); porém não detectou nenhuma lesão em esmalte, as quais foram identificadas pelo ICDAS (94), SCH (107) e MIC (91). Em proximais permanentes, a transiluminação por fibra ótica identificou maior número de proximais como lesão em esmalte - 150 (SCH) e 139 (MIC) - do que o exame visual (106), enquanto o RX identificou somente 43. Em oclusais de decíduos, os quatro métodos julgaram um número aproximadamente similar de superfícies sem lesão (52 a 59) ou com lesão em dentina (21 a 26), assim como para lesões proximais em dentina (31 a 36). Entretanto um número reduzido de lesões proximais decíduas em esmalte foi julgado pelo exame radiográfico (3) em comparação com os outros métodos (15 a 16). Em decíduos, o ICDAS e o FOTI combinado ao exame visual julgaram maior número de lesões proximais em esmalte que o exame radiográfico, sendo que número similar de lesões em dentina foram classificadas pelos quatro métodos em oclusais e proximais de molares decíduos. Em cicatrículas e fissuras de permanentes, tanto o exame visual ICDAS quanto sua combinação aos dois equipamentos de transiluminação apresentaram maior similaridade de superfícies julgadas como lesão em esmalte ou como lesão em dentina, enquanto o exame radiográfico classificou mais superfícies como lesão em dentina e nenhuma como lesão em esmalte. A adição da transiluminação por fibra ótica ao exame visual aumentou em um terço a detecção das lesões cariosas proximais julgadas em dentina pelo ICDAS isoladamente e aproximadamente quadruplicou o número daquelas assim classificadas pela avaliação radiográfica em permanentes.


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Amyloid beta peptide plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Metal ions are highly enriched in cerebral amyloid deposits in AD and are proposed to be able to mediate A beta conformation. Therefore, a rapid, low-cost, and sensitive detection of metal-induced A beta aggregation and their relation to AD is clearly needed for the clinical diagnosis and treatment. In this report, we study metal-induced A beta aggregation by a rapid, label-free electrochemical method and monitor both the aggregation kinetics and the morphology in the absence or presence of Zn (II) and Cu (II).


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Depression is a common but frequently undiagnosed feature in individuals with HIV infection. To find a strategy to detect depression in a non-specialized clinical setting, the overall performance of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the depression identification questions proposed by the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS) guidelines were assessed in a descriptive cross-sectional study of 113 patients with HIV infection. The clinician asked the two screening questions that were proposed under the EACS guidelines and requested patients to complete the HADS. A psychiatrist or psychologist administered semi-structured clinical interviews to yield psychiatric diagnoses of depression (gold standard). A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for the HADS-Depression (HADS-D) subscale indicated that the best sensitivity and specificity were obtained between the cut-off points of 5 and 8, and the ROC curve for the HADS-Total (HADS-T) indicated that the best cut-off points were between 12 and 14. There were no statistically significant differences in the correlations of the EACS (considering positive responses to one [A] or both questions [B]), the HADS-D ≥ 8 or the HADS-T ≥ 12 with the gold standard. The study concludes that both approaches (the two EACS questions and the HADS-D subscale) are appropriate depression-screening methods in HIV population. We believe that using the EACS-B and the HADS-D subscale in a two-step approach allows for rapid, assumable and accurate clinical diagnosis in non-psychiatric hospital settings.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Background: The Early Development Instrument (EDI) is a population-level measure of five developmental domains at school-entry age. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the potential of the EDI as an indicator of early development in Ireland. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 47 primary schools in 2011 using the EDI and a linked parental questionnaire. EDI (teacher completed) scores were calculated for 1,344 children in their first year of full-time education. Those scoring in the lowest 10% of the sample population in one or more domains were deemed to be 'developmentally vulnerable'. Scores were correlated with contextual data from the parental questionnaire and with indicators of area and school-level deprivation. Rasch analysis was used to determine the validity of the EDI. Results: Over one quarter (27.5%) of all children in the study were developmentally vulnerable. Individual characteristics associated with increased risk of vulnerability were being male; under 5 years old; and having English as a second language. Adjusted for these demographics, low birth weight, poor parent/child interaction and mother’s lower level of education showed the most significant odds ratios for developmental vulnerability. Vulnerability did not follow the area-level deprivation gradient as measured by a composite index of material deprivation. Children considered by the teacher to be in need of assessment also had lower scores, which were not significantly different from those of children with a clinical diagnosis of special needs. all domains showed at least reasonable fit to the Rasch model supporting the validity of the instrument. However, there was a need for further refinement of the instrument in the Irish context. Conclusion: This thesis provides a unique snapshot of early development in Ireland. The EDI and linked parental questionnaires are promising indicators of the extent, distribution and determinants of developmental vulnerability.


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PURPOSE. To examine internal consistency, refine the response scale, and obtain a linear scoring system for the visual function instrument, the Daily Living Tasks Dependent on Vision (DLTV). METHODS. Data were available from 186 participants with a clinical diagnosis of AMD who completed the 22-item DLTV (DLTV-22) according to four-point ordinal response scale. An independent group of 386 participants with AMD were administered a reduced version of the DLTV with 11 items (DLTV-11), according to a five-point response scale. Rasch analysis was performed on both datasets and used to generate item statistics for measure order, response odds ratios per item and per person, and infit and outfit mean square statistics. The Rasch output from the DLTV-22 was examined to identify redundant items and for factorial validity and person item measure separation reliabilities. RESULTS. The average rating for the DLTV-22 changed monotonically with the magnitude of the latent person trait. The expected versus observed average measures were extremely close, with step calibrations evenly separated for the four-point ordinal scale. In the case of the DLTV-11, step calibrations were not as evenly separated, suggesting that the five-point scale should be reduced to either a four- or three-point scale. Five items in the DLTV-22 were removed, and all 17 remaining items had good infit and outfit mean squares. PCA with residuals from Rasch analysis identified two domains containing 7 and 10 items each. The domains had high person separation reliabilities (0.86 and 0.77 for domains 1 and 2, respectively) and item measure reliabilities (0.99 and 0.98 for domains 1 and 2, respectively). CONCLUSIONS. With the improved internal consistency, establishment of the accuracy and precision of the rating scale for the DLTV and the establishment of a valid domain structure we believe that it constitutes a useful instrument for assessing visual function in older adults with age-related macular degeneration.


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Background: Digital pathology provides a digital environment for the management and interpretation of pathological images and associated data. It is becoming increasing popular to use modern computer based tools and applications in pathological education, tissue based research and clinical diagnosis. Uptake of this new technology is stymied by its single user orientation and its prerequisite and cumbersome combination of mouse and keyboard for navigation and annotation.

Methodology: In this study we developed SurfaceSlide, a dedicated viewing platform which enables the navigation and annotation of gigapixel digitised pathological images using fingertip touch. SurfaceSlide was developed using the Microsoft Surface, a 30 inch multitouch tabletop computing platform. SurfaceSlide users can perform direct panning and zooming operations on digitised slide images. These images are downloaded onto the Microsoft Surface platform from a remote server on-demand. Users can also draw annotations and key in texts using an on-screen virtual keyboard. We also developed a smart caching protocol which caches the surrounding regions of a field of view in multi-resolutions thus providing a smooth and vivid user experience and reducing the delay for image downloading from the internet. We compared the usability of SurfaceSlide against Aperio ImageScope and PathXL online viewer.

Conclusion: SurfaceSlide is intuitive, fast and easy to use. SurfaceSlide represents the most direct, effective and intimate human–digital slide interaction experience. It is expected that SurfaceSlide will significantly enhance digital pathology tools and applications in education and clinical practice.


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Cancer cachexia is a multidimensional syndrome characterised by wasting, loss of weight, loss of appetite, metabolic alterations, fatigue and reduced performance status. A significant number of patients with advanced cancer develop cachexia before death. There is no identified optimum treatment for cancer cachexia. While the exact mechanism of the action of thalidomide is unclear, it is known to have immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, which are thought to help reduce the weight loss associated with cachexia. Preliminary studies of thalidomide have demonstrated encouraging results. This review aimed to (1) evaluate the effectiveness of thalidomide, and (2) identify and assess adverse effects from thalidomide for cancer cachexia. Electronic searches were undertaken in CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science and CINAHL (from inception to April 2011). Reference lists from reviewed articles, trial registers, relevant conference documents and thalidomide manufacturers identified additional literature. This review included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and non-RCTs. Participants were adults diagnosed with advanced or incurable cancer and weight loss or a clinical diagnosis of cachexia who were administered thalidomide. All titles and abstracts retrieved by electronic searching were downloaded to a reference management database. Duplicates were removed and the remaining citations were read by two review authors and checked for eligibility. Studies that were deemed ineligible for inclusion had clear reasons for exclusion documented. Data were extracted independently by two review authors for all eligible studies. While a meta-analysis was planned for this review, this was not possible due to the small number of studies included and high heterogeneity among them. Thus a narrative synthesis of the findings is presented. The literature search revealed a dearth of large, well conducted trials in this area. This has hindered the review authors' ability to make an informed decision about thalidomide for the management of cancer cachexia. At present, there is insufficient evidence to refute or support the use of thalidomide for the management of cachexia in advanced cancer patients. The review authors cannot confirm or refute previous literature on the use of thalidomide for patients with advanced cancer who have cachexia and there is inadequate evidence to recommend it for clinical practice. Additional, well conducted, large RCTs are needed to test thalidomide both singularly and in combination with other treatment modalities to ascertain its true benefit, if any, for this population. Furthermore, one study (out of the three reviewed) highlighted that thalidomide was poorly tolerated and its use needs to be explored further in light of the frailty of this population


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The aim of the study was to describe 20-year incidence trends for childhood type 1 diabetes in 23 EURODIAB centres and compare rates of increase in the first (1989-1998) and second (1999-2008) halves of the period.


All registers operate in geographically defined regions and are based on a clinical diagnosis. Completeness of registration is assessed by capture-recapture methodology. Twenty-three centres in 19 countries registered 49,969 new cases of type 1 diabetes in individuals diagnosed before their 15th birthday during the period studied.


Ascertainment exceeded 90% in most registers. During the 20-year period, all but one register showed statistically significant changes in incidence, with rates universally increasing. When estimated separately for the first and second halves of the period, the median rates of increase were similar: 3.4% per annum and 3.3% per annum, respectively. However, rates of increase differed significantly between the first half and the second half for nine of the 21 registers with adequate coverage of both periods; five registers showed significantly higher rates of increase in the first half, and four significantly higher rates in the second half.


The incidence rate of childhood type 1 diabetes continues to rise across Europe by an average of approximately 3-4% per annum, but the increase is not necessarily uniform, showing periods of less rapid and more rapid increase in incidence in some registers. This pattern of change suggests that important risk exposures differ over time in different European countries. Further time trend analysis and comparison of the patterns in defined regions is warranted.


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Background and aims: In 1989 a number of registers in Europe began recording new cases of type 1 diabetes diagnosed in children aged under 15 years using a common protocol. Trends in incidence rate during the 20 year period 1989-2008 are described.
Materials and methods: All registers operate in geographically defined regions and are based on a clinical diagnosis. When possible, completeness of registration in each register is assessed using capture-recapture methodology by identifying primary and secondary sources of ascertainment. The completeness estimate is obtained by identifying the numbers of cases identified by the primary source only, by the secondary source only and by both the primary and the secondary sources.
Results: Other registers have joined the Group since 1989, and 21 registers in 15 countries continue to submit registration data. In the first five years (1989-93) incidence rates varied from 3.2 per 100,000 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to 25.8 per 100,000 in the Stockholm area of Sweden. In the last five years (2004-2008) these same two registers again had the lowest and highest incidence, but rates had increased to 5.8 per 100,000 and 36.6 per 100,000, respectively. During the 20 year period all but two of the 21 registers showed statistically significant rates of increase (median rate of increase 4% per annum), and similar figures were obtained when this median rate of increase was estimated for the first half of the period (1989-98) and for the second half (1999-2008) . However, rates of increase differed significantly between the first half and the second half of the period for eight of the 17 registers with adequate coverage of both periods; four registers showing significantly higher rates of increase in the first half and four significantly higher rates in the second half.
Conclusion: The childhood type 1 diabetes incidence rate continues to rise across Europe by approximately 4% per annum, but the increase within a register is not necessarily uniform with periods of less rapid and more rapid increase in incidence occurring in some registers. This pattern of change suggests that important risk exposures differ over time in different European countries. Further time trend analysis and comparison of the patterns in defined regions are warranted.


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Background and aims: In 1989 a number of registers in Europe began recording new cases of type 1 diabetes diagnosed in children aged under 15 years using a common protocol. Trends in incidence rate during the 20 year period 1989-2008 are described.
Materials and methods: All registers operate in geographically defined regions and are based on a clinical diagnosis. When possible, completeness of registration in each register is assessed using capture-recapture methodology by identifying primary and secondary sources of ascertainment. The completeness estimate is obtained by identifying the numbers of cases identified by the primary source only, by the secondary source only and by both the primary and the secondary sources.
Results: Other registers have joined the Group since 1989, and 21 registers in 15 countries continue to submit registration data. In the first five years (1989-93) incidence rates varied from 3.2 per 100,000 in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to 25.8 per 100,000 in the Stockholm area of Sweden. In the last five years (2004-2008) these same two registers again had the lowest and highest incidence, but rates had increased to 5.8 per 100,000 and 36.6 per 100,000, respectively. During the 20 year period all but two of the 21 registers showed statistically significant rates of increase (median rate of increase 4% per annum), and similar figures were obtained when this median rate of increase was estimated for the first half of the period (1989-98) and for the second half (1999-2008) . However, rates of increase differed significantly between the first half and the second half of the period for eight of the 17 registers with adequate coverage of both periods; four registers showing significantly higher rates of increase in the first half and four significantly higher rates in the second half.
Conclusion: The childhood type 1 diabetes incidence rate continues to rise across Europe by approximately 4% per annum, but the increase within a register is not necessarily uniform with periods of less rapid and more rapid increase in incidence occurring in some registers. This pattern of change suggests that important risk exposures differ over time in different European countries. Further time trend analysis and comparison of the patterns in defined regions are warranted.