433 resultados para Clay–graphene nanomaterials


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Nanomaterials (NMs) with the same chemistry can greatly differ by size, surface area, shape, stability, rigidness, coating or electrical charge and these characteristics affect nano-bio interactions, leading to different toxic potential. In this communication is shown that closely related NMs can have different genotoxic effects, evidencing the importance of investigating the toxic potential of each NM individually, instead of assuming a common mechanism and equal genotoxic effects for a set of similar NMs. The importance of considering complexity of in vivo systems in nanotoxicology, such as the use of tridimensional cellular models, air-liquid interface exposure or in vivo models that mimic human routes of exposure, is underlined.


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Background: Products containing nanomaterials (NMs) are increasingly being used in a wide range of applications in science, industry and biomedicine.


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The relentless discovery of cancer biomarkers demands improved methods for their detection. In this work, we developed protein imprinted polymer on three-dimensional gold nanoelectrode ensemble (GNEE) to detect epithelial ovarian cancer antigen-125 (CA 125), a protein biomarker associated with ovarian cancer. CA 125 is the standard tumor marker used to follow women during or after treatment for epithelial ovarian cancer. The template protein CA 125 was initially incorporated into the thin-film coating and, upon extraction of protein from the accessible surfaces on the thin film, imprints for CA 125 were formed. The fabrication and analysis of the CA 125 imprinted GNEE was done by using cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The surfaces of the very thin, protein imprinted sites on GNEE are utilized for immunospecific capture of CA 125 molecules, and the mass of bound on the electrode surface can be detected as a reduction in the faradic current from the redox marker. Under optimal conditions, the developed sensor showed good increments at the studied concentration range of 0.5–400 U mL−1. The lowest detection limit was found to be 0.5 U mL−1. Spiked human blood serum and unknown real serum samples were analyzed. The presence of non-specific proteins in the serum did not significantly affect the sensitivity of our assay. Molecular imprinting using synthetic polymers and nanomaterials provides an alternative approach to the trace detection of biomarker proteins.


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Antibodies against gliadin are used to detect celiac disease (CD) in patients. An electrochemical immunosensor for the voltammetric detection of human anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) IgA and AGA IgG in real serum samples is proposed. The transducer surface consists of screen-printed carbon electrodes modified with a carbon nanotube/gold nanoparticle hybrid system, which provides a very useful surface for the amplification of the immunological interactions. The immunosensing strategy is based on the immobilization of gliadin, the antigen for the autoantibodies of interest, onto the nanostructured surface. The antigen–antibody interaction is recorded using alkaline phosphatase labeled anti-human antibodies and a mixture of 3-indoxyl phosphate with silver ions (3-IP/Ag+) was used as the substrate. The analytical signal is based on the anodic redissolution of the enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The electrochemical behavior of this immunosensor was carefully evaluated assessing aspects as sensitivity, non-specific binding and matrix effects, and repeatability and reproducibility. The results were supported with a commercial ELISA test.


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Nanotechnology is an important emerging industry with a projected annual market of around one trillion dollars by 2015. It involves the control of atoms and molecules to create new materials with a variety of useful functions. Although there are advantages on the utilization of these nano-scale materials, questions related with its impact over the environment and human health must be addressed too, so that potential risks can be limited at early stages of development. At this time, occupational health risks associated with manufacturing and use of nanoparticles are not yet clearly understood. However, workers may be exposed to nanoparticles through inhalation at levels that can greatly exceed ambient concentrations. Current workplace exposure limits are based on particle mass, but this criteria could not be adequate in this case as nanoparticles are characterized by very large surface area, which has been pointed out as the distinctive characteristic that could even turn out an inert substance into another substance exhibiting very different interactions with biological fluids and cells. Therefore, it seems that, when assessing human exposure based on the mass concentration of particles, which is widely adopted for particles over 1 μm, would not work in this particular case. In fact, nanoparticles have far more surface area for the equivalent mass of larger particles, which increases the chance they may react with body tissues. Thus, it has been claimed that surface area should be used for nanoparticle exposure and dosing. As a result, assessing exposure based on the measurement of particle surface area is of increasing interest. It is well known that lung deposition is the most efficient way for airborne particles to enter the body and cause adverse health effects. If nanoparticles can deposit in the lung and remain there, have an active surface chemistry and interact with the body, then, there is potential for exposure. It was showed that surface area plays an important role in the toxicity of nanoparticles and this is the metric that best correlates with particle-induced adverse health effects. The potential for adverse health effects seems to be directly proportional to particle surface area. The objective of the study is to identify and validate methods and tools for measuring nanoparticles during production, manipulation and use of nanomaterials.


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A nanohybrid electrochemical transducer surface was developed using carbon and gold nanomaterials. The strategy relayed on casting multiwalled carbon nanotubes or carbon nanofibers onto a screen-printed carbon electrode surface, followed by in situ generation of gold nanoparticles by electrochemical deposition of ionic gold, in a reproducible manner. These transducers, so fabricated, were characterized using both electrochemical and microscopic techniques. Biofunctionality was evaluated using the streptavidin-biotin interaction system as the biological reaction model. These platforms allow to achieve low detection limits (in the order of pmoles), are reproducible and stable at least for a month after their preparation, being a perfect candidate to be used as transducer of different sensor devices.


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Celiac disease (CD) is a gluten-induced autoimmune enteropathy characterized by the presence of antibodies against gliadin (AGA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) antibodies. A disposable electrochemical dual immunosensor for the simultaneous detection of IgA and IgG type AGA and antitTG antibodies in real patient’s samples is presented. The proposed immunosensor is based on a dual screen-printed carbon electrode, with two working electrodes, nanostructured with a carbon–metal hybrid system that worked as the transducer surface. The immunosensing strategy consisted of the immobilization of gliadin and tTG (i.e. CD specific antigens) on the nanostructured electrode surface. The electrochemical detection of the human antibodies present in the assayed serum samples was carried out through the antigen–antibody interaction and recorded using alkaline phosphatase labelled anti-human antibodies and a mixture of 3-indoxyl phosphate with silver ions was used as the substrate. The analytical signal was based on the anodic redissolution of enzymatically generated silver by cyclic voltammetry. The results obtained were corroborated with commercial ELISA kits indicating that the developed sensor can be a good alternative to the traditional methods allowing a decentralization of the analyses towards a point-of-care strategy.


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Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Recent advances in vacuum sciences and applications are reviewed. Novel optical interferometer cavity devices enable pressure measurements with ppm accuracy. The innovative dynamic vacuum standard allows for pressure measurements with temporal resolution of 2 ms. Vacuum issues in the construction of huge ultra-high vacuum devices worldwide are reviewed. Recent advances in surface science and thin films include new phenomena observed in electron transport near solid surfaces as well as novel results on the properties of carbon nanomaterials. Precise techniques for surface and thin-film characterization have been applied in the conservation technology of cultural heritage objects and recent advances in the characterization of biointerfaces are presented. The combination of various vacuum and atmospheric-pressure techniques enables an insight into the complex phenomena of protein and other biomolecule conformations on solid surfaces. Studying these phenomena at solid-liquid interfaces is regarded as the main issue in the development of alternative techniques for drug delivery, tissue engineering and thus the development of innovative techniques for curing cancer and cardiovascular diseases. A review on recent advances in plasma medicine is presented as well as novel hypotheses on cell apoptosis upon treatment with gaseous plasma. Finally, recent advances in plasma nanoscience are illustrated with several examples and a roadmap for future activities is presented.


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The proper disposal of the several types of wastes produced in industrial activities increases production costs. As a consequence, it is common to develop strategies to reuse these wastes in the same process and in different processes or to transform them for use in other processes. This work combines the needs for new synthesis methods of nanomaterials and the reduction of production cost using wastes from citrine juice (orange, lime, lemon and mandarin) to produce a new added value product, green zero-valent iron nanoparticles that can be used in several applications, including environmental remediation. The results indicate that extracts of the tested fruit wastes (peel, albedo and pulp fractions) can be used to produce zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVIs). This shows that these wastes can be an added value product. The resulting nZVIs had sizes ranging from 3 up to 300 nm and distinct reactivities (pulp > peel > albedo extracts). All the studied nanoparticles did not present a significant agglomeration/settling tendency when compared to similar nanoparticles, which indicates that they remain in suspension and retain their reactivity.


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The efficacy, cellular uptake and specific transport of dietary antioxidants to target organs, tissues and cells remains the most important setback for their application in the treatment of oxidative-stress related disorders and in particular in neurodegenerative diseases, as brain targeting remains a still unsolved challenge. Nanotechnology based delivery systems can be a solution for the above mentioned problems, specifically in the case of targeting dietary antioxidants with neuroprotective activity. Nanotechnology-based delivery systems can protect antioxidants from degradation, improve their physicochemical drug-like properties and in turn their bioavailability. The impact of nanomedicine in the improvement of the performance of dietary antioxidants, as protective agents in oxidative- stress events, specifically through the use of drug delivery systems, is highlighted in this review as well as the type of nanomaterials regularly used for drug delivery purposes. From the data one can conclude that the research combining (dietary) antioxidants and nanotechnology, namely as a therapeutic solution for neurodegenerative diseases, is still in a very early stage. So, a huge research area remains to be explored that hopefully will yield new and effective neuroprotective therapeutic agents in a foreseeable future.


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Using low cost portable devices that enable a single analytical step for screening environmental contaminants is today a demanding issue. This concept is here tried out by recycling screen-printed electrodes that were to be disposed of and by choosing as sensory element a low cost material offering specific response for an environmental contaminant. Microcystins (MCs) were used as target analyte, for being dangerous toxins produced by cyanobacteria released into water bodies. The sensory element was a plastic antibody designed by surface imprinting with carefully selected monomers to ensure a specific response. These were designed on the wall of carbon nanotubes, taking advantage of their exceptional electrical properties. The stereochemical ability of the sensory material to detect MCs was checked by preparing blank materials where the imprinting stage was made without the template molecule. The novel sensory material for MCs was introduced in a polymeric matrix and evaluated against potentiometric measurements. Nernstian response was observed from 7.24 × 10−10 to 1.28 × 10−9 M in buffer solution (10 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl, pH 6.6), with average slopes of −62 mVdecade−1 and detection capabilities below 1 nM. The blank materials were unable to provide a linear response against log(concentration), showing only a slight potential change towards more positive potentials with increasing concentrations (while that ofthe plastic antibodies moved to more negative values), with a maximum rate of +33 mVdecade−1. The sensors presented good selectivity towards sulphate, iron and ammonium ions, and also chloroform and tetrachloroethylene (TCE) and fast response (<20 s). This concept was successfully tested on the analysis of spiked environmental water samples. The sensors were further applied onto recycled chips, comprehending one site for the reference electrode and two sites for different selective membranes, in a biparametric approach for “in situ” analysis.


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In the last decades nanotechnology has become increasingly important because it offers indisputable advantages to almost every area of expertise, including environmental remediation. In this area the synthesis of highly reactive nanomaterials (e.g. zero-valent iron nanoparticles, nZVI) is gaining the attention of the scientific community, service providers and other stakeholders. The synthesis of nZVI by the recently developed green bottom-up method is extremely promising. However, the lack of information about the characteristics of the synthetized particles hinders a wider and more extensive application. This work aims to evaluate the characteristics of nZVI synthesized through the green method using leaves from different trees. Considering the requirements of a product for environmental remediation the following characteristics were studied: size, shape, reactivity and agglomeration tendency. The mulberry and pomegranate leaf extracts produced the smallest nZVIs (5–10 nm), the peach, pear and vine leaf extracts produced the most reactive nZVIs while the ones produced with passion fruit, medlar and cherry extracts did not settle at high nZVI concentrations (931 and 266 ppm). Considering all tests, the nZVIs obtained from medlar and vine leaf extracts are the ones that could present better performances in the environmental remediation. The information gathered in this paper will be useful to choose the most appropriate leaf extracts and operational conditions for the application of the green nZVIs in environmental remediation.


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It is unquestionable that an effective decision concerning the usage of a certain environmental clean-up technology should be conveniently supported. Significant amount of scientific work focussing on the reduction of nitrate concentration in drinking water by both metallic iron and nanomaterials and their usage in permeable reactive barriers has been worldwide published over the last two decades. This work aims to present in a systematic review of the most relevant research done on the removal of nitrate from groundwater using nanosized iron based permeable reactive barriers. The research was based on scientific papers published between 2004 and June 2014. It was performed using 16 combinations of keywords in 34 databases, according to PRISMA statement guidelines. Independent reviewers validated the selection criteria. From the 4161 records filtered, 45 met the selection criteria and were selected to be included in this review. This study's outcomes show that the permeable reactive barriers are, indeed, a suitable technology for denitrification and with good performance record but the long-term impact of the use of nanosized zero valent iron in this remediation process, in both on the environment and on the human health, is far to be conveniently known. As a consequence, further work is required on this matter, so that nanosized iron based permeable reactive barriers for the removal of nitrate from drinking water can be genuinely considered an eco-efficient technology.


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The growing demand for materials and devices with new functionalities led to the increased inter-est in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies. Nanoparticles, not only present a reduced size as well as high reactivity, which allows the development of electronic and electrochemical devices with exclusive properties, when compared with thin films. This dissertation aims to explore the development of several nanostructured metal oxides by sol-vothermal synthesis and its application in different electrochemical devices. Within this broad theme, this study has a specific number of objectives: a) research of the influence of the synthesis parameters to the structure and morphology of the nanoparticles; b) improvement of the perfor-mance of the electrochromic devices with the application of the nanoparticles as electrode; c) application of the nanoparticles as probes to sensing devices; and d) production of solution-pro-cessed transistors with a nanostructured metal oxide semiconductor. Regarding the results, several conclusions can be exposed. Solvothermal synthesis shows to be a very versatile method to control the growth and morphology of the nanoparticles. The electrochromic device performance is influenced by the different structures and morphologies of WO3 nanoparticles, mainly due to the surface area and conductivity of the materials. The dep-osition of the electrochromic layer by inkjet printing allows the patterning of the electrodes without wasting material and without any additional steps. Nanostructured WO3 probes were produced by electrodeposition and drop casting and applied as pH sensor and biosensor, respectively. The good performance and sensitivity of the devices is explained by the high number of electrochemical reactions occurring at the surface of the na-noparticles. GIZO nanoparticles were deposited by spin coating and used in electrolyte-gated transistors, which promotes a good interface between the semiconductor and the dielectric. The produced transistors work at low potential and with improved ON-OFF current ratio, up to 6 orders of mag-nitude. To summarize, the low temperatures used in the production of the devices are compatible with flexible substrates and additionally, the low cost of the techniques involved can be adapted for disposable devices.