819 resultados para Classification Protocols


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This study compares the performance of the Quickscreen and Default protocols of the ILO-96 Otodynamics Analyzer in recording transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) from adults using clinical decision analysis. Data were collected from 25 males (mean age = 29.0 years, SD = 6.8) and 35 females (mean age = 28.1 years, SD = 9.6). The results showed that the mean signal-to-noise ratios obtained from the Quickscreen were significantly greater than those from the Default protocol at 1,2, and 4 kHz. The comparison of the performance of the two protocols, based on the results using receiver operating characteristics curves, revealed a higher performance of the Quickscreen than the Default protocol at 1 and 4 kHz but not at 2 kHz. In view of the enhanced performance of the Quickscreen over the Default protocol in general, the routine use of the Default protocol for testing adults in audiology clinics should be reconsidered.


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O intuito inicial desta pesquisa foi acompanhar processos de trabalho à luz do referencial teórico da Ergologia e, portanto, concebendo o trabalho como relação dialética entre técnica e ação humana. O objetivo era cartografar o trabalho no processo de beneficiamento de granitos em uma organização de grande porte localizada no Espírito Santo e, após algum tempo em campo, o problema delineou- se do seguinte modo: como se constitui a competência industriosa no beneficiamento de granitos em uma organização de grande porte? A pesquisa justifica-se uma vez que, a despeito da relevância econômica, o cenário capixaba de rochas ornamentais apresenta problemas precários no que diz respeito à gestão. Para os Estudos Organizacionais, a relevância é reforçada pelo fato de aproximar desta área a abordagem ergológica e demarcar no debate sobre competência a noção de competência industriosa, ainda não explorada nesse campo de estudo. Para realização da pesquisa, foi praticada uma cartografia ergológica, a partir da articulação das pistas cartográficas com o referencial teórico-conceitual da Ergologia, sendo utilizadas como técnicas: observação participante durante 6 meses, com uma média de 3 visitas a campo por semana; 8 entrevistas semiestruturadas e em profundidade de cerca de 50 minutos cada com trabalhadores operacionais; uma entrevista com gerente de produção e outra com representante da área de Gestão de Pessoas; conversas com os demais trabalhadores, a fim de enriquecer o diário de campo; novas conversas e observações ao final da análise, para confrontação-validação com os trabalhadores. A sistematização dos procedimentos de análise pode ser assim descrita: a) leituras flutuantes com objetivo de fazer emergirem aspectos centrais relacionados às duas dimensões do trabalho, técnica e ação humana; b) leituras em profundidade com objetivo de fazer emergirem singularidades e especificidades relativas à dialética entre ambas; c) leituras em profundidade com objetivo de fazer emergirem aspectos relativos aos ingredientes da competência industriosa. A despeito da não delimitação de categorias analíticas e subcategorias, a partir da análise emergiram cinco eixos analíticos: 1) os procedimentos a serem empregados no processo de beneficiamento de granitos, englobando: as etapas do beneficiamento; as funções a serem desempenhadas e as tarefas a serem desenvolvidas; as normas regulamentadoras; os conhecimentos técnicos necessários para programação e operação de máquinas; a ordem de produção prescrita pelo setor comercial; 2) o trabalho real, diferenciado do trabalho como emprego de procedimentos pelo foco dado à ação humana no enfrentamento de situações reais, repletas de eventos e variabilidades, em todo o processo, englobando: preparo de carga; laminação; serrada; levigamento; resinagem; polimento-classificação; retoque; fechamento de pacote; ovada de contêiner; 3) diferentes modos de usos de si que, em tendência, são responsáveis pela constituição do agir em competência em cada etapa do processo, na dialética entre técnica e ação humana; 4) o modo como cada ingrediente da competência industriosa atua e se constitui, bem como sua concentração, em tendência, em cada etapa do processo, a partir dos tipos de usos de si que, também em tendência, são mais responsáveis pelo agir em competência, apresentando assim o perfil da competência industriosa no beneficiamento de granitos na empresa em análise; 5) dois possíveis fatores potencializadores dos ingredientes da competência industriosa, a saber, a transdução e os não-humanos. A partir de todo o exposto, as últimas considerações problematizam aspectos relativos ao debate sobre competências e práticas de gestão de pessoas a partir da competência compreendida da seguinte forma: mestria no ato de tirar partido do meio e de si para gerir situações de trabalho, em que a ação consiste na mobilização de recursos dificilmente perceptíveis e descritíveis, inerentes ao trabalhador, porém constituídos e manifestos por usos de si por si e pelos outros no e para o ato real de trabalho, marcadamente num nível infinitesimal, diante de situações que demandam aplicação de protocolos concomitante à gestão de variabilidades e eventos em parte inantecipáveis e inelimináveis.


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A identificação e a avaliação de crianças com desenvolvimento atípico configuram um processo muito importante para subsidiar as estratégias de ensino voltadas para a promoção do potencial de aprendizagem. O interesse em relação ao prognóstico de crianças com deficiência tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias e pesquisas relacionadas à avaliação, prevenção e intervenção. Nesse contexto, torna-se relevante verificar com instrumentos adequados indicadores linguísticos, cognitivos e comportamentais, para assim traçar metas a partir daquilo que as crianças podem aprender. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa teve por objetivo verificar se a avaliação assistida informatizada se apresenta como uma modalidade de diagnóstico mais prescritivo do desenvolvimento cognitivo, quando comparada à avaliação psicométrica, na aplicação em crianças com deficiência. Na modalidade assistida há ajuda do examinador para conduzir a criança a um melhor nível de desempenho cognitivo. Participaram 11 crianças que frequentam uma instituição de atendimento clínico, em saúde, para crianças com deficiência, na Grande Vitória. Na avaliação psicométrica foram utilizados a Escala de Maturidade Mental Colúmbia computadorizada – Colúmbiacomp e o Teste de Vocabulário por Imagens Peabody - TVIPcomp. Na avaliação assistida informatizada foram aplicadas três provas voltadas para as habilidades de classificação e raciocínio analógico: Exclusão de Objetos, Exclusão de Figuras Geométricas e Jogo de Analogia de Figuras, no ambiente informatizado SINDAPSI. Protocolos de registro de fatores afetivo-motivacionais e de operações cognitivas foram utilizados durante as tarefas assistidas. Na avaliação do comportamento, o Child Behavior Checklist – CBCL foi respondido pelas mães. Dados documentais e dos instrumentos foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva para verificar o desempenho das crianças nas duas formas de avaliação informatizada (psicométrica e assistida). Nos testes psicométricos, 64% das crianças alcançaram índice “abaixo da média” no TVIPcomp, e 55% “médio-inferior” no Colúmbiacomp. Em relação ao perfil de desempenho cognitivo, na Prova de Exclusão de Objetos computadorizada 55% das crianças foram avaliadas como “não-mantenedoras”. Na Prova de Exclusão de Figuras Geométricas computadorizada 55% da amostra foi classificada no perfil “alto-escore”, e no Jogo de Analogias de Figuras computadorizado 45% apresentou o perfil “ganhador”. A amostra demonstrou níveis de dificuldade na realização dos testes,tanto na modalidade psicométrica quanto assistida. Contudo, o desempenho nos testes assistidos foi relativamente melhor, evidenciando que o grupo se beneficiou da mediação,implementada na fase de assistência, para melhorar as habilidades cognitivas. Além disso, a apresentação informatizada dos testes apresentou-se como fator motivador para a realização e persistência nas tarefas.


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Forest cover of the Maringá municipality, located in northern Parana State, was mapped in this study. Mapping was carried out by using high-resolution HRC sensor imagery and medium resolution CCD sensor imagery from the CBERS satellite. Images were georeferenced and forest vegetation patches (TOFs - trees outside forests) were classified using two methods of digital classification: reflectance-based or the digital number of each pixel, and object-oriented. The areas of each polygon were calculated, which allowed each polygon to be segregated into size classes. Thematic maps were built from the resulting polygon size classes and summary statistics generated from each size class for each area. It was found that most forest fragments in Maringá were smaller than 500 m². There was also a difference of 58.44% in the amount of vegetation between the high-resolution imagery and medium resolution imagery due to the distinct spatial resolution of the sensors. It was concluded that high-resolution geotechnology is essential to provide reliable information on urban greens and forest cover under highly human-perturbed landscapes.


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ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to study the distribution of values of the coefficient of variation (CV) in the experiments of papaya crop (Carica papaya L.) by proposing ranges to guide researchers in their evaluation for different characters in the field. The data used in this study were obtained by bibliographical review in Brazilian journals, dissertations and thesis. This study considered the following characters: diameter of the stalk, insertion height of the first fruit, plant height, number of fruits per plant, fruit biomass, fruit length, equatorial diameter of the fruit, pulp thickness, fruit firmness, soluble solids and internal cavity diameter, from which, value ranges were obtained for the CV values for each character, based on the methodology proposed by Garcia, Costa and by the standard classification of Pimentel-Gomes. The results obtained in this study indicated that ranges of CV values were different among various characters, presenting a large variation, which justifies the necessity of using specific evaluation range for each character. In addition, the use of classification ranges obtained from methodology of Costa is recommended.


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Urban regeneration is more and more a “universal issue” and a crucial factor in the new trends of urban planning. It is no longer only an area of study and research; it became part of new urban and housing policies. Urban regeneration involves complex decisions as a consequence of the multiple dimensions of the problems that include special technical requirements, safety concerns, socio-economic, environmental, aesthetic, and political impacts, among others. This multi-dimensional nature of urban regeneration projects and their large capital investments justify the development and use of state-of-the-art decision support methodologies to assist decision makers. This research focuses on the development of a multi-attribute approach for the evaluation of building conservation status in urban regeneration projects, thus supporting decision makers in their analysis of the problem and in the definition of strategies and priorities of intervention. The methods presented can be embedded into a Geographical Information System for visualization of results. A real-world case study was used to test the methodology, whose results are also presented.


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Low noise surfaces have been increasingly considered as a viable and cost-effective alternative to acoustical barriers. However, road planners and administrators frequently lack information on the correlation between the type of road surface and the resulting noise emission profile. To address this problem, a method to identify and classify different types of road pavements was developed, whereby near field road noise is analyzed using statistical learning methods. The vehicle rolling sound signal near the tires and close to the road surface was acquired by two microphones in a special arrangement which implements the Close-Proximity method. A set of features, characterizing the properties of the road pavement, was extracted from the corresponding sound profiles. A feature selection method was used to automatically select those that are most relevant in predicting the type of pavement, while reducing the computational cost. A set of different types of road pavement segments were tested and the performance of the classifier was evaluated. Results of pavement classification performed during a road journey are presented on a map, together with geographical data. This procedure leads to a considerable improvement in the quality of road pavement noise data, thereby increasing the accuracy of road traffic noise prediction models.


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INTRODUCTION: The correct identification of the underlying cause of death and its precise assignment to a code from the International Classification of Diseases are important issues to achieve accurate and universally comparable mortality statistics These factors, among other ones, led to the development of computer software programs in order to automatically identify the underlying cause of death. OBJECTIVE: This work was conceived to compare the underlying causes of death processed respectively by the Automated Classification of Medical Entities (ACME) and the "Sistema de Seleção de Causa Básica de Morte" (SCB) programs. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The comparative evaluation of the underlying causes of death processed respectively by ACME and SCB systems was performed using the input data file for the ACME system that included deaths which occurred in the State of S. Paulo from June to December 1993, totalling 129,104 records of the corresponding death certificates. The differences between underlying causes selected by ACME and SCB systems verified in the month of June, when considered as SCB errors, were used to correct and improve SCB processing logic and its decision tables. RESULTS: The processing of the underlying causes of death by the ACME and SCB systems resulted in 3,278 differences, that were analysed and ascribed to lack of answer to dialogue boxes during processing, to deaths due to human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] disease for which there was no specific provision in any of the systems, to coding and/or keying errors and to actual problems. The detailed analysis of these latter disclosed that the majority of the underlying causes of death processed by the SCB system were correct and that different interpretations were given to the mortality coding rules by each system, that some particular problems could not be explained with the available documentation and that a smaller proportion of problems were identified as SCB errors. CONCLUSION: These results, disclosing a very low and insignificant number of actual problems, guarantees the use of the version of the SCB system for the Ninth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases and assures the continuity of the work which is being undertaken for the Tenth Revision version.


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O documento em anexo encontra-se na versão post-print (versão corrigida pelo editor).


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This paper presents an integrated system for vehicle classification. This system aims to classify vehicles using different approaches: 1) based on the height of the first axle and_the number of axles; 2) based on volumetric measurements and; 3) based on features extracted from the captured image of the vehicle. The system uses a laser sensor for measurements and a set of image analysis algorithms to compute some visual features. By combining different classification methods, it is shown that the system improves its accuracy and robustness, enabling its usage in more difficult environments satisfying the proposed requirements established by the Portuguese motorway contractor BRISA.


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In music genre classification, most approaches rely on statistical characteristics of low-level features computed on short audio frames. In these methods, it is implicitly considered that frames carry equally relevant information loads and that either individual frames, or distributions thereof, somehow capture the specificities of each genre. In this paper we study the representation space defined by short-term audio features with respect to class boundaries, and compare different processing techniques to partition this space. These partitions are evaluated in terms of accuracy on two genre classification tasks, with several types of classifiers. Experiments show that a randomized and unsupervised partition of the space, used in conjunction with a Markov Model classifier lead to accuracies comparable to the state of the art. We also show that unsupervised partitions of the space tend to create less hubs.


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This paper describes a methodology that was developed for the classification of Medium Voltage (MV) electricity customers. Starting from a sample of data bases, resulting from a monitoring campaign, Data Mining (DM) techniques are used in order to discover a set of a MV consumer typical load profile and, therefore, to extract knowledge regarding to the electric energy consumption patterns. In first stage, it was applied several hierarchical clustering algorithms and compared the clustering performance among them using adequacy measures. In second stage, a classification model was developed in order to allow classifying new consumers in one of the obtained clusters that had resulted from the previously process. Finally, the interpretation of the discovered knowledge are presented and discussed.


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The growing importance and influence of new resources connected to the power systems has caused many changes in their operation. Environmental policies and several well know advantages have been made renewable based energy resources largely disseminated. These resources, including Distributed Generation (DG), are being connected to lower voltage levels where Demand Response (DR) must be considered too. These changes increase the complexity of the system operation due to both new operational constraints and amounts of data to be processed. Virtual Power Players (VPP) are entities able to manage these resources. Addressing these issues, this paper proposes a methodology to support VPP actions when these act as a Curtailment Service Provider (CSP) that provides DR capacity to a DR program declared by the Independent System Operator (ISO) or by the VPP itself. The amount of DR capacity that the CSP can assure is determined using data mining techniques applied to a database which is obtained for a large set of operation scenarios. The paper includes a case study based on 27,000 scenarios considering a diversity of distributed resources in a 33 bus distribution network.


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This paper presents a proposal for an automatic vehicle detection and classification (AVDC) system. The proposed AVDC should classify vehicles accordingly to the Portuguese legislation (vehicle height over the first axel and number of axels), and should also support profile based classification. The AVDC should also fulfill the needs of the Portuguese motorway operator, Brisa. For the classification based on the profile we propose:he use of Eigenprofiles, a technique based on Principal Components Analysis. The system should also support multi-lane free flow for future integration in this kind of environments.