961 resultados para Classes of flow correction


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In the present study an experimental investigation of the time-averaged velocity and turbulence intensity distributions from a ship’s propeller, in “bollard pull” condition (zero speed of advance), is reported. Previous studies have focused mainly on the velocity profile of not a rotating ship propeller but a plain jet. The velocity profile of a propeller is investigated experimentally in this study.
The velocity measurements were performed in laboratory by using a Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA). The measurements demonstrated two-peaked ridges velocity profile with a low velocity core at the centre within the near wake. The two-peaked ridges combined to be one-peaked ridge at 3.68 diameters downstream indicating the end of the zone of flow establishment. The study
provides useful information from a rotating ship’s propeller rather than a simplified plain jet to researchers investigating flow velocity generated from a propeller and probably resulting local scouring.


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Flow responsive passive samplers offer considerable potential in nutrient monitoring in catchments; bridging the gap between the intermittency of grab sampling and the high cost of automated monitoring systems. A commercially available passive sampler was evaluated in a number of river systems encapsulating a gradient in storm response, combinations of diffuse and point source pressures, and levels of phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations. Phosphorus and nitrogen are sequestered to a resin matrix in a permeable cartridge positioned in line with streamflow. A salt tracer dissolves in proportion to advective flow through the cartridge. Multiple deployments of different cartridge types were undertaken and the recovery of P and N compared with the flow-weighted mean concentration (FWMC) from high-resolution bank-side analysers at each site. Results from the passive samplers were variable and largely underestimated the FWMC derived from the bank-side analysers. Laboratory tests using ambient river samples indicated good replication of advective throughflow using pumped water, although this appeared not to be a good analogue of river conditions where flow divergence was possible. Laboratory tests also showed good nutrient retention but not elution and these issues appeared to combine to limit the utility in ambient river systems at the small catchment scale.


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Many researchers have investigated the flow and segregation behaviour in model scale experimental silos at normal gravity conditions. However it is known that the stresses experienced by the bulk solid in industrial silos are high when compared to model silos. Therefore it is important to understand the effect of stress level on flow and segregation behaviour and establish the scaling laws governing this behaviour. The objective of this paper is to understand the effect of gravity on the flow and segregation behaviour of bulk solids in a silo centrifuge model. The materials used were two mixtures composed of Polyamide and glass beads. The discharge of two bi-disperse bulk solids in a silo centrifuge model were recorded under accelerations ranging from 1g to 15g. The velocity distribution during discharge was evaluated using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) techniques and the concentration distribution of large and small particles were obtained by imaging processing techniques. The flow and segregation behaviour at high gravities were then quantified and compared with the empirical equations available in the literature.


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Many marine organisms have pelagic larval stages that settle into benthic habitats occupied by older individuals; however, a mechanistic understanding of inter cohort interactions remains elusive for most species. Patterns of spatial covariation in the densities of juvenile and adult age classes of a small temperate reef fish, the common triplefin (Forsterygion lapillum), were evaluated during the recruitment season (Feb–Mar, 2011) in Wellington, New Zealand (41°17′S, 174°46′E). The relationship between juvenile and adult density among sites was best approximated by a dome-shaped curve, with a negative correlation between densities of juveniles and adults at higher adult densities. The curve shape was temporally variable, but was unaffected by settlement habitat type (algal species). A laboratory experiment using a “multiple-predator effects”design tested the hypothesis that increased settler mortality in the presence of adults (via enhanced predation risk or cannibalism) contributed to the observed negative relationship between juveniles and adults. Settler mortality did not differ between controls and treatments that contained either one (p = 0.08) or two (p = 0.09) adults. However, post hoca analyses revealed a significant positive correlation between the mean length of juveniles used in experimental trials and survival of juveniles in these treatments, suggesting that smaller juveniles may be vulnerable to cannibalism. There was no evidence for risk enhancement or predator interference when adults were present alongside a hetero specific predator (F. varium). These results highlight the complex nature of intercohort relationships in shaping recruitment patterns and add to the growing body of literature recognizing the importance of age class interactions.


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In this thesis, we study the existence and multiplicity of solutions of the following class of Schr odinger-Poisson systems: u + u + l(x) u = (x; u) in R3; = l(x)u2 in R3; where l 2 L2(R3) or l 2 L1(R3). And we consider that the nonlinearity satis es the following three kinds of cases: (i) a subcritical exponent with (x; u) = k(x)jujp 2u + h(x)u (4 p < 2 ) under an inde nite case; (ii) a general inde nite nonlinearity with (x; u) = k(x)g(u) + h(x)u; (iii) a critical growth exponent with (x; u) = k(x)juj2 2u + h(x)jujq 2u (2 q < 2 ). It is worth mentioning that the thesis contains three main innovations except overcoming several di culties, which are generated by the systems themselves. First, as an unknown referee said in his report, we are the rst authors concerning the existence of multiple positive solutions for Schr odinger- Poisson systems with an inde nite nonlinearity. Second, we nd an interesting phenomenon in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 that we do not need the condition R R3 k(x)ep 1dx < 0 with an inde nite noncoercive case, where e1 is the rst eigenfunction of +id in H1(R3) with weight function h. A similar condition has been shown to be a su cient and necessary condition to the existence of positive solutions for semilinear elliptic equations with inde nite nonlinearity for a bounded domain (see e.g. Alama-Tarantello, Calc. Var. PDE 1 (1993), 439{475), or to be a su cient condition to the existence of positive solutions for semilinear elliptic equations with inde nite nonlinearity in RN (see e.g. Costa-Tehrani, Calc. Var. PDE 13 (2001), 159{189). Moreover, the process used in this case can be applied to study other aspects of the Schr odinger-Poisson systems and it gives a way to study the Kirchho system and quasilinear Schr odinger system. Finally, to get sign changing solutions in Chapter 5, we follow the spirit of Hirano-Shioji, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 137 (2007), 333, but the procedure is simpler than that they have proposed in their paper.


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Comparative statement of different classes of trade passing downward through the Welland Canal at Port Colborne during the years 1857-1861 (1 page, hand drawn chart), Jan.25, 1862.


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Statement of classes of vessels and merchandise passing downward through the Welland Canal during the year 1857 (Port Colborne), Jan. 30, 1862.


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In this paper, two notions, the clique irreducibility and clique vertex irreducibility are discussed. A graph G is clique irreducible if every clique in G of size at least two, has an edge which does not lie in any other clique of G and it is clique vertex irreducible if every clique in G has a vertex which does not lie in any other clique of G. It is proved that L(G) is clique irreducible if and only if every triangle in G has a vertex of degree two. The conditions for the iterations of line graph, the Gallai graphs, the anti-Gallai graphs and its iterations to be clique irreducible and clique vertex irreducible are also obtained.


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Two graphs G and H are Turker equivalent if they have the same set of Turker angles. In this paper some Turker equivalent family of graphs are obtained.


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In this note,the (t) properties of five class are studied. We proved that the classes of cographs and clique perfect graphs without isolated vertices satisfy the (2) property and the (3) property, but do not satisfy the (t) property for tis greater than equal to 4. The (t) properties of the planar graphs and the perfect graphss are also studied . we obtain a necessary and suffieient conditions for the trestled graph of index K to satisfy the (2) property


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Given a non empty set S of vertices of a graph, the partiality of a vertex with respect to S is the di erence between maximum and minimum of the distances of the vertex to the vertices of S. The vertices with minimum partiality constitute the fair center of the set. Any vertex set which is the fair center of some set of vertices is called a fair set. In this paper we prove that the induced subgraph of any fair set is connected in the case of trees and characterise block graphs as the class of chordal graphs for which the induced subgraph of all fair sets are connected. The fair sets of Kn, Km;n, Kn e, wheel graphs, odd cycles and symmetric even graphs are identi ed. The fair sets of the Cartesian product graphs are also discussed


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In dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir zunächst eine Verallgemeinerung der üblichen Sturm-Liouville-Probleme mit symmetrischen Lösungen und erklären eine umfassendere Klasse. Dann führen wir einige neue Klassen orthogonaler Polynome und spezieller Funktionen ein, welche sich aus dieser symmetrischen Verallgemeinerung ableiten lassen. Als eine spezielle Konsequenz dieser Verallgemeinerung führen wir ein Polynomsystem mit vier freien Parametern ein und zeigen, dass in diesem System fast alle klassischen symmetrischen orthogonalen Polynome wie die Legendrepolynome, die Chebyshevpolynome erster und zweiter Art, die Gegenbauerpolynome, die verallgemeinerten Gegenbauerpolynome, die Hermitepolynome, die verallgemeinerten Hermitepolynome und zwei weitere neue endliche Systeme orthogonaler Polynome enthalten sind. All diese Polynome können direkt durch das neu eingeführte System ausgedrückt werden. Ferner bestimmen wir alle Standardeigenschaften des neuen Systems, insbesondere eine explizite Darstellung, eine Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung, eine generische Orthogonalitätsbeziehung sowie eine generische Dreitermrekursion. Außerdem benutzen wir diese Erweiterung, um die assoziierten Legendrefunktionen, welche viele Anwendungen in Physik und Ingenieurwissenschaften haben, zu verallgemeinern, und wir zeigen, dass diese Verallgemeinerung Orthogonalitätseigenschaft und -intervall erhält. In einem weiteren Kapitel der Dissertation studieren wir detailliert die Standardeigenschaften endlicher orthogonaler Polynomsysteme, welche sich aus der üblichen Sturm-Liouville-Theorie ergeben und wir zeigen, dass sie orthogonal bezüglich der Fisherschen F-Verteilung, der inversen Gammaverteilung und der verallgemeinerten t-Verteilung sind. Im nächsten Abschnitt der Dissertation betrachten wir eine vierparametrige Verallgemeinerung der Studentschen t-Verteilung. Wir zeigen, dass diese Verteilung gegen die Normalverteilung konvergiert, wenn die Anzahl der Stichprobe gegen Unendlich strebt. Eine ähnliche Verallgemeinerung der Fisherschen F-Verteilung konvergiert gegen die chi-Quadrat-Verteilung. Ferner führen wir im letzten Abschnitt der Dissertation einige neue Folgen spezieller Funktionen ein, welche Anwendungen bei der Lösung in Kugelkoordinaten der klassischen Potentialgleichung, der Wärmeleitungsgleichung und der Wellengleichung haben. Schließlich erklären wir zwei neue Klassen rationaler orthogonaler hypergeometrischer Funktionen, und wir zeigen unter Benutzung der Fouriertransformation und der Parsevalschen Gleichung, dass es sich um endliche Orthogonalsysteme mit Gewichtsfunktionen vom Gammatyp handelt.


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The relevance of the fragment relaxation energy term and the effect of the basis set superposition error on the geometry of the BF3⋯NH3 and C2H4⋯SO2 van der Waals dimers have been analyzed. Second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory calculations with the d95(d,p) basis set have been used to calculate the counterpoise-corrected barrier height for the internal rotations. These barriers have been obtained by relocating the stationary points on the counterpoise-corrected potential energy surface of the processes involved. The fragment relaxation energy can have a large influence on both the intermolecular parameters and barrier height. The counterpoise correction has proved to be important for these systems