999 resultados para Classe moyenne
Comprend : Corps gras, huiles végétales et animales, suifs, cires
This article provides an in-depth study of long-term female unemployment in Catalonia.Long-term unemployment statistics reveal which social groups are most likely to experience difficulty re-entering the labour market. In this case, we found that women are mainly affected by this type of labour exclusion, in particular poorly qualified, working-class women who are aged over 45 and with family responsibilities.The article aims to explore how the overlapping of factors such as gender, age, social class, origin and the division of work based on gender are related to long-term female unemployment. Moreover, we were able to detect which conceptual tools provide us with the production/reproduction paradigm so as to be able to analyse the future of female unemployment. The methodology we used combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. On the one hand, the analysis of secondary statistical data focusing on Catalonia is useful in understanding the situation from a macro-social perspective. On the other hand, an exploratory discussion group enables us to investigate social imaginary practises among unemployed working class women aged over 45. This discussion group was held in Igualada -capital of the Anoia region - an area of Catalonia deeply affected by unemployment in the current economic crisis.
Article que analitza el comportament del grup social que controlava la propietat de les terres i que vivia de les seves rendes en la realitat agraria gironina dels segles XVlll i XIX
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:1 934 000], 10 lieues de France [= 2,3 cm]