923 resultados para Citrus crops


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In the present study, silver nanoparticles were rapidly synthesized by treating silver ions with Citrus limon (lemon) extract at higher temperature. The effect of process parameters like reductant concentration, mixing ratio of the reactants, concentration of silver nitrate and heating time period were studied. The formation of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by surface plasmon resonance as determined by UV-visible spectra in the range of 400-500 nm. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the distinctive facets (111, 200, 220, 222 and 311 planes) of silver nanoparticles. Nanoparticles below 50 nm with spherical and spheroidal shape were observed from microscopic studies. The study offers a rapid method to synthesize silver nanoparticles within ten minutes of interaction with the bio-reductant.


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An integratedm odel is developed,b asedo n seasonailn puts of reservoiri nflow and rainfall in the irrigated area, to determine the optimal reservoir release policies and irrigation allocationst o multiple crops.T he model is conceptuallym ade up of two modules. Module 1 is an intraseasonal allocation model to maximize the sum of relative yieldso f all crops,f or a givens tateo f the systemu, singl inear programming(L P). The module takes into account reservoir storage continuity, soil moisture balance, and crop root growthw ith time. Module 2 is a seasonaal llocationm odel to derive the steadys tate reservoiro peratingp olicyu sings tochastidc ynamicp rogramming(S DP). Reservoir storage, seasonal inflow, and seasonal rainfall are the state variables in the SDP. The objective in SDP is to maximize the expected sum of relative yields of all crops in a year.The resultso f module 1 and the transitionp robabilitieso f seasonailn flow and rainfall form the input for module 2. The use of seasonailn puts coupledw ith the LP-SDP solution strategy in the present formulation facilitates in relaxing the limitations of an earlier study,w hile affectinga dditionali mprovementsT. he model is applied to an existing reservoir in Karnataka State, India.


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This paper presents the development and application of a stochastic dynamic programming model with fuzzy state variables for irrigation of multiple crops. A fuzzy stochastic dynamic programming (FSDP) model is developed in which the reservoir storage and soil moisture of the crops are considered as fuzzy numbers, and the reservoir inflow is considered as a stochastic variable. The model is formulated with an objective of minimizing crop yield deficits, resulting in optimal water allocations to the crops by maintaining storage continuity and soil moisture balance. The standard fuzzy arithmetic method is used to solve all arithmetic equations with fuzzy numbers, and the fuzzy ranking method is used to compare two or more fuzzy numbers. The reservoir operation model is integrated with a daily-based water allocation model, which results in daily temporal variations of allocated water, soil moisture, and crop deficits. A case study of an existing Bhadra reservoir in Karnataka, India, is chosen for the model application. The FSDP is a more realistic model because it considers the uncertainty in discretization of state variables. The results obtained using the FSDP model are found to be more acceptable for the case study than those of the classical stochastic dynamic model and the standard operating model, in terms of 10-day releases from the reservoir and evapotranspiration deficit. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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Con el objetivo de determinar la actividad radicular y el patrón de distribución de las raíces activas del lima Tahití Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swing., mediante la variación de almacenamiento de agua del suelo utilizando técnicas nucleares, se condujo un experimento en la finca San Bernardo, municipio de Masatepe, Departamento de Masaya. Se escogieron plantas de la misma edad, pureza varietal, características vegetativas uniformes y se establecieron en cada unidad experimental 4 tratamientos (50, 100, 150,200 cm de distancia del tronco), por 2 repeticiones para un total de 16 observaciones y se cubrió con plástico de polietileno negro en un área de 19.63 m2 que corresponde a un circulo de radio igual a 250 cm del tronco a cada árbol. En la época seca se tomaron lecturas, y la información obtenida y analizada permite concluir que en árboles de limón Tahití de 6 años de edad, y en las condiciones edafoclimáticas y de manejo del cultivo en que se llevó el experimento, presenta su actividad radicular directamente proporcional a las distancias horizontales del tronco del árbol, mediante el consumo total de agua en el volumen de suelo (O - 90 cm de profundidad), y a la vez directamente proporcional cada 30 cm de profundidad para un perfil de suelo de (O - 90 cm de profundidad), lo que indica presencia de un sistema radicular extenso y profundo.


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The juice extracted from a locally abundant cheap variety of citrus fruit namely, Citrus reticulata was utilized for pickling. The paper highlights the trials made to select the optimum concentrations of acetic acid and sodium chloride to be used along with the juice of C. reticulata so as to obtain the best, product. The product can be stored well at room temperature for six months.


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The brochure is to contribute to the overall goal of stimulating the adaptation of pro-poor agri-food systems innovations to improve food security and sustainable natural resource management among rural poor farmers. The paper seeks to identify and exploit opportunities for expanding market access for minor crops and NRM products. The minor crops studied included cow pea, sorghum, groundnut, sweet potato and yam.