1000 resultados para Cibicidoides spp., d18O


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We integrate upper Eocene-lower Oligocene lithostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, stable isotopic, benthic foraminiferal faunal, downhole log, and sequence stratigraphic studies from the Alabama St. Stephens Quarry (SSQ) core hole, linking global ice volume, sea level, and temperature changes through the greenhouse to icehouse transition of the Cenozoic. We show that the SSQ succession is dissected by hiatuses associated with sequence boundaries. Three previously reported sequence boundaries are well dated here: North Twistwood Creek-Cocoa (35.4-35.9 Ma), Mint Spring-Red Bluff (33.0 Ma), and Bucatunna-Chickasawhay (the mid-Oligocene fall, ca. 30.2 Ma). In addition, we document three previously undetected or controversial sequences: mid-Pachuta (33.9-35.0 Ma), Shubuta-Bumpnose (lowermost Oligocene, ca. 33.6 Ma), and Byram-Glendon (30.5-31.7 Ma). An ~0.9 per mil d18O increase in the SSQ core hole is correlated to the global earliest Oligocene (Oi1) event using magnetobiostratigraphy; this increase is associated with the Shubuta-Bumpnose contact, an erosional surface, and a biofacies shift in the core hole, providing a first-order correlation between ice growth and a sequence boundary that indicates a sea-level fall. The d18O increase is associated with a eustatic fall of ~55 m, indicating that ~0.4 per mil of the increase at Oi1 time was due to temperature. Maximum d18O values of Oi1 occur above the sequence boundary, requiring that deposition resumed during the lowest eustatic lowstand. A precursor d18O increase of 0.5 per mil (33.8 Ma, midchron C13r) at SSQ correlates with a 0.5 per mil increase in the deep Pacific Ocean; the lack of evidence for a sea-level change with the precursor suggests that this was primarily a cooling event, not an ice-volume event. Eocene-Oligocene shelf water temperatures of ~17-19 °C at SSQ are similar to modern values for 100 m water depth in this region. Our study establishes the relationships among ice volume, d18O, and sequences: a latest Eocene cooling event was followed by an earliest Oligocene ice volume and cooling event that lowered sea level and formed a sequence boundary during the early stages of eustatic fall.


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Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios were measured in benthic foraminifers from the entire Pliocene and latest Miocene sections of Site 846, a 180-m section, at a sampling interval of 10 cm. This provides a temporal resolution of about 2500 yr. The documented continuity of the record is excellent. Using the time scale that was developed on the basis of orbital tuning of GRAPE density records, we observed a fairly constant phase relationship between delta18O and variations in the obliquity of Earth's rotational axis. A new numbering scheme for Pliocene isotope stages is proposed. This high-resolution delta18O record clarifies several interesting aspects of late Neogene climatic evolution, including a "glacial" event that may have caused the final Messinian desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea; one or more "interglacial" events that might have caused refilling of the Mediterranean; a well-resolved couplet of glacial events at about the age of the Sidujfall Subchron; interglacial extremes in the early part of the Gauss that could have resulted from either significant deglaciation on Antarctica or from warming of deep water; and a gradual ramp of increasingly extreme "glacial" events, starting at about the Kaena Subchron and culminating with delta18O stage 100 in the earliest Matuyama.


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The Neogene sediments from DSDP site 341 on the Voring Plateau, Norwegian Sea, contain a thin glauconitic pellet-bearing subunit, which separates underlying pelagic clays from overlying glacial-marine sediments. Oxygen isotope measurements of benthic foraminifera show a delta18O shift of + 1? during deposition of this subunit, probably a combined effect of a drop in bottom water temperature and a rise in seawater delta18O. The chronology of this sedimentological and O isotope transition is, however, poorly constrained by fossil evidence. Rb-Sr dating of glauconitic pellets indicates that the lower part of the glauconitic subunit was deposited 11.6 +/- 0.2 Ma ago. Further geochronological evidence, derived from the Sr and C isotopic compositions of foraminifera compared with known seawater-time variations, indicates that the lower pelagic clays are early to middle Miocene, deposited at a mean rate of ~15 m/Ma. The glauconitic subunit contains part of the middle Miocene and probably all of the late Miocene in a condensed sequence with a very low mean depositional rate (~0.2 m/Ma). The overlying glacial marine sediments are probably Pliocene, with a high mean rate of deposition, ~45 m/Ma. This is the first application of C, O and Sr isotopic stratigraphy combined with Rb-Sr dating of glauconitic minerals, and it illustrates the applications of this integrated approach in geochronology.


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A 13-million-year continuous record of Oligocene climate from the equatorial Pacific reveals a pronounced "heartbeat" in the global carbon cycle and periodicity of glaciations. This heartbeat consists of 405,000-, 127,000-, and 96,000-year eccentricity cycles and 1.2-million-year obliquity cycles in periodically recurring glacial and carbon cycle events. That climate system response to intricate orbital variations suggests a fundamental interaction of the carbon cycle, solar forcing, and glacial events. Box modeling shows that the interaction of the carbon cycle and solar forcing modulates deep ocean acidity as well as the production and burial of global biomass. The pronounced 405,000-year eccentricity cycle is amplified by the long residence time of carbon in the oceans.


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Ephemeral polar glaciations during the middle-to-late Eocene (48-34 Ma) have been proposed based on far-field ice volume proxy records and near-field glacigenic sediments, although the scale, timing, and duration of these events are poorly constrained. Here we confirm the existence of a transient cool event within a new high-resolution benthic foraminiferal d18O record at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 738 (Kerguelen Plateau; Southern Ocean). This event, named the Priabonian oxygen isotope maximum (PrOM) Event, lasted ~140 kyr and is tentatively placed within magnetochron C17n.1n (~37.3 Ma) based on the correlation to ODP Site 689 (Maud Rise, Southern Ocean). A contemporaneous change in the provenance of sediments delivered to the Kerguelen Plateau occurs at the study site, determined from the <63 µm fraction of decarbonated and reductively leached sediment samples. Changes in the mixture of bottom waters, based on fossil fish tooth epsilon-Nd, were less pronounced and slower relative to the benthic d18O and terrigenous epsilon-Nd changes. Terrigenous sediment epsilon-Nd values rapidly shifted to less radiogenic signatures at the onset of the PrOM Event, indicating an abrupt change in provenance favoring ancient sources such as the Paleoproterozoic East Antarctic craton. Bottom water epsilon-Nd reached a minimum value during the PrOM Event, although the shift begins much earlier than the terrigenous epsilon-Nd excursion. The origin of the abrupt change in terrigenous sediment provenance is compatible with a change in Antarctic terrigenous sediment flux and/or source as opposed to a reorganization of ocean currents. A change in terrigenous flux and/or source of Antarctic sediments during the oxygen isotope maximum suggests a combination of cooling and ice growth in East Antarctica during the early late Eocene.


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Upper Miocene foraminiferal nannofossil ooze and chalk from DSDP Hole 552A in the northeast Atlantic Ocean have been closely sampled for biostratigraphic, paleomagnetic, and stable-isotopic studies. Sampling at 10-cm intervals resulted in an uppermost Miocene isotope stratigraphy with a 1000- to 3000-yr. resolution. Covariance in benthic (Planulina wuellerstorfi) and planktonic (Globigerina bulloides) foraminiferal d18O records is taken as evidence for variability in continental ice volume. Our best estimate is that glacial maxima occurred at -5.0 and ~ 5.5 Ma and lasted no more than 20,000 yrs. These events probably lowered sea level by 60 m below the latest Miocene average. There is little oxygen-isotope evidence, however, for a prolonged glaciation during the last 2 m.y. of the late Miocene. High- and low-frequency variability in the d13C record of foraminifers is useful for correlation among North Atlantic DSDP Sites 408, 410, 522, 610, and 611, and for correlation with sites in other oceans. Similar d13C changes are seen in P. wuellerstorfi and G. bulloides, but the amplitude of the signal is always greater in G. bulloides. Variability in d13C common to both species probably reflects variability in the d13C of total CO2 in seawater. Major long-term features in the d13C record include a latest Miocene maximum (P. wuellerstorfi = 1.5 per mil ) in paleomagnetic Chron 7, an abrupt decrease in d13C at -6.2 Ma, and a slight increase at -5.5 Ma. The decrease in d13C at -6.2 Ma, which has been paleomagnetically dated only twice before, occurs in the upper reversed part of Chronozone 6 at Holes 552A and 611C, in excellent agreement with earlier studies. Cycles in d13C with a period of ~ 10 4 yrs. are interpreted as changes in seawater chemistry, which may have resulted from orbitally induced variability in continental biomass. Samples of P. wuellerstorfi younger than 6 Ma from throughout the North Atlantic have d13C near lo, on average ~ l per mil greater than samples of the same age in the Pacific Ocean. Thus, there is no evidence for cessation of North Atlantic Deep Water production resulting from the Messinian "salinity crisis." Biostratigraphic results indicate continuous sedimentation during the late Miocene after about -6.5 Ma at Hole 552A. Nannofossil biostratigraphy is complicated by the scarcity of low-latitude marker species, but middle and late Miocene Zones NN7 through NN11 are recognized. A hiatus is present at -6.5 Ma, on the basis of simultaneous first occurrences of Amaurolithusprimus, Amaurolithus delicatus, Amaurolithus amplificus, and Scyphosphaera globulata. The frequency and duration of older hiatuses increase downsection in Hole 552A, as suggested by calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. Paleomagnetic results at Hole 552A indicate a systematic pattern of inclination changes. Chronozone 6 was readily identified because of its characteristic nannoflora (sequential occurrences of species assigned to the genus Amaurolithus) and the d13C decrease in foraminifers, but its lower reversed interval is condensed. Only the lower normal interval of Chronozone 5 was recognized at Hole 552A; the upper normal interval and the lowest Gilbert sediment are not recognized, owing to low intensity of magnetization and to coring disturbance. Interpreting magnetic reversals below Chronozone 6 was difficult because of hiatuses, but a lower normally magnetized interval is probably Chronozone 7. Correlation between DSDP Hole 552A and other North Atlantic sites is demonstrated using coiling direction changes in the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina. At most sites this genus changed its coiling preference from dominantly right to dominantly left during the late Miocene. At Hole 552A this event probably occurred about 7 m.y. ago. At the same time, P. wuellerstorfi had maximum d13C values. A similar d13C maximum and coiling change occurred together in Chron 7 at Hole 611C, and at Hole 610E. In sediment younger than -5.5 Ma, the coiling of small Neogloboquadrina species is random, but the larger species N. atlantica retains preferential left coiling.


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We document the waxing and waning of a "proto-warm pool" in the western equatorial Pacific (WEP) based on a study of multi-species planktic foraminiferal isotope ratios and census data spanning the 13.2-5.8 Ma interval at ODP Site 806. We hypothesize that the presence or absence of a proto-warm pool in the WEP, caused by the progressive tectonic constriction of the Indonesian Seaway and modulated by sea level fluctuations, created El Niño/La Niña-like alternations of hydrographic conditions across the equatorial Pacific during the late Miocene. This hypothesis is supported by the general antithetical relationship observed between carbonate productivity and preservation in the western and eastern equatorial Pacific, which we propose is caused by these alternating ocean-climate states. Warming of thermocline and surface waters, as well as a major change in planktic foraminferal assemblages record a two-step phase of proto-warm pool development ~11.6-10 Ma, which coincides with Miocene isotope events Mi5 and Mi6, and sea-level low stands. We suggest that these changes in the biota and structure of the upper water column in the WEP mark the initiation of a more modern equatorial current system, including the development of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC), as La Niña-like conditions became established across the tropical Pacific. This situation sustained carbonate and silica productivity in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) at a time when carbonate preservation sharply declined in the Caribbean. Proto-warm pool weakening after ~10 Ma may have contributed to the nadir of a similar "carbonate crash" in the EEP. Cooling of the thermocline and increased abundances of thermocline taxa herald the decay of the proto-warm pool and higher productivity in the WEP, particularly ~ 9.0-8.8 Ma coincident with a major perturbation in tropical nannofossil assemblages. We suggest that this interval of increased productivity records El Niño-like conditions across the tropical Pacific and the initial phase of the widespread "biogenic bloom". Resurgence of a later proto-warm pool in the WEP ~6.5-6.1 Ma may have spurred renewed La Niña-like conditions, which contributed to a strong late phase of the "biogenic bloom" in the EEP.


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Variations in the contribution of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), relative to North Pacific Deep Water (NPDW), to the Southern Ocean, are assessed by comparing delta13C records from the mid-depth North Atlantic, deep Southern Ocean, and deep equatorial Pacific Ocean. In general, the relative contribution of NADW was greater during interglaciations than glaciations of the past 550,000 years. An increase in the NADW flux to the Southern Ocean since the last glaciation was proposed to have resulted in higher atmospheric CO2 in the Holocene (Broecker and Peng, 1989, doi:10.1029/GB003i003p00215). Glacial-interglacial variations in the proportion of NADW in the Southern Ocean may have also influenced atmospheric CO2 levels over the past 550,000 years. The greatest relative flux of NADW to the Southern Ocean occurred during interglacial stage 11. Faunal data suggest that the North Atlantic polar front and southern Indian Ocean subtropical convergence zone were located farthest poleward during stage 11. Warmth in these locations and a strong southward flux of NADW during stage 11 may be causally linked by the NADW formation process/warm water return route (Gordon, 1986, doi:10.1029/JC091iC04p05037). Time series analysis indicates that delta13C variations in the deep Southern Ocean occur at the same frequencies as the Earth's orbital variations and are coherent and in phase with delta18O. At most, 50% of the glacial-interglacial delta13C amplitude in the Southern Ocean is due changes in the contribution of NADW. The remainder is probably due to mean ocean delta13C changes.


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Bulk carbon isotope records are an effective chemostratigraphic tool for the middle Miocene because of the large and systematic variation in first-order d13C signals. Bulk d13C measurements support the presence of a hiatus at 305 mbsf in Hole 805B (latest middle Miocene), provisionally located while on board ship using biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic events. Records at Holes 805B and 806B show the middle Miocene Monterey carbon isotope excursion although the record at Hole 806B is apparently more stratigraphically continuous. Detailed analysis of multispecies foraminiferal carbon isotope records during the middle Miocene ("Monterey excursion") segment at Hole 806B support the assertion that this carbon isotope excursion comprises mainly between-reservoir effects. The benthic d18O data increase after 15.3 Ma, which we suggest corresponds to the mid-Miocene cooling step/ice volume increase of other authors. Planktonic foraminiferal d18O evidence exists for steepening of the thermocline at 17.4 Ma. A second-order d13C excursion superimposed at 13.8 Ma on the first-order Monterey excursion is associated with a second-order negative d18O excursion.


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Stable oxygen and carbon isotope measurements (d18O and d13C) of planktonic and benthic foraminifers were conducted to assess the temperature history and circulation patterns over Shatsky Rise during the Paleocene and Eocene. A record of Mg/Ca for benthic foraminifers was also constructed in order to better determine the relative influence of temperature, salinity, and/or ice volume upon the benthic d18O record. Isotopic analyses were carried out on several planktonic taxa (Acarinina, Morozovella, Globigerinatheka, Praemurica, and Subbotina) as well as several benthic taxa (Nuttalides, Oridorsalis, Cibicidoides, Gavelinella, and Lenticulina). Elemental analyses were restricted to three benthic taxa: Nuttalides, Oridorsalis, and Gavelinella. All specimens were derived from the composite sediment section recovered from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1209 on the Southern High of Shatsky Rise.


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The equator to high southern latitude sea surface and vertical temperature gradients are reconstructed from oxygen isotope values of planktonic and benthic foraminifers for the following five time intervals: late Paleocene, early Eocene, early middle Eocene, late Eocene, and early Oligocene. Paleotemperatures are calculated using standard oxygen isotope/temperature equations with adjustments to account for (1) variations in sea water delta18O related to changes in global ice volume over time and (2) latitudinal gradients in surface water delta18O. These reconstructions indicate that sea-surface temperatures (SST) of the Southern Oceans in the early Eocene were as high as 15°C, whereas temperatures during the late Paleocene and early middle Eocene reached maximum levels of 10°-12°C. By the late Eocene and early Oligocene high latitude SST had declined to 6 and 4°C, respectively. For most of the early Paleogene, low latitude sub-tropical temperatures remained constant and well within the range of Holocene temperatures (24°-25°C) but by the late Eocene and early Oligocene declined to values in the range of 18° to 22°C. The late Paleogene apparent decline in tropical temperatures, however, might be artificial because of dissolution of near-surface foraminifera tests which biased sediment assemblages toward deeper-dwelling foraminifera. Moreover, according to recent plate reconstructions, it appears that the majority of sites upon which the late Eocene and early Oligocene tropical temperatures were previously established were located either in or near regions likely to have been influenced by upwelling. Global deepwater temperature on average paralleled southern ocean SST for most of the Paleogene. We speculate based on the overall timing and character of marine sea surface temperature variation during the Paleogene that some combination of both higher levels of greenhouse gases and increased heat transport was responsible for the exceptional high-latitude warmth of the early Eocene.


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Stratigraphic information from strontium, oxygen, and carbon isotopic ratios has been integrated with diatom and planktonic foraminifer datums to refine the Oligocene to early Miocene chemostratigraphy of Site 803. The Sr isotope results are based on analyses of mixed species of planktonic foraminifer and bulk carbonate samples. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of bulk carbonate samples are, in most cases, less radiogenic than contemporaneous seawater. Estimated sediment ages based on planktonic foraminifer 87Sr/86Sr ratios, using the Sr-isotope-age relation determined by Hess and others in 1989, are in moderately good agreement with the biostratigraphic ages. Chronological resolution is significantly enhanced with the correlation of oxygen and carbon isotope records to those of the standard Oligocene section tied to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale at Site 522. Ages revised by this method and other published ages of planktonic foraminifer datums are used to revise the Oligocene stratigraphy of Site 77 to correlate the stable isotope records of Sites 77 and 803. Comparison of the Cibicidoides stable isotope records of Sites 77 and 574 with paleodepths below 2500 m in the central equatorial Pacific, and Site 803 at about 2000-m paleodepth in the Ontong Java Plateau reveals inversions in the vertical d18O gradient at several times during the Oligocene and in the early Miocene. The shallower water site had significantly-higher d18O values than the deeper water sites after the earliest Oligocene 18O enrichment and before 34.5 Ma, in the late Oligocene from 27.5 to at least 25 Ma, and in the early Miocene from 22.5 to 20.5 Ma. It is not possible to ascertain if the d18O inversion persisted during the Oligocene/Miocene transition because the deeper sites have hiatuses spanning this interval. We interpret this pattern to reflect that waters at about 2000 m depth were cold and may have formed from mixing with colder waters originating in northern or southern high-latitude regions. The deeper water appear to have been warmer and may have been a mixture with warm saline waters from mid- or low-latitude regions. No apparent vertical d13C gradient is present during the Oligocene, suggesting that the age difference of these water masses was small.


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Stable isotopic measurements of G. sacculifer and C. wuellerstorfi in a core from the western equatorial Atlantic imply that there are parallel, suborbital oscillations in surface water hydrography and deep water circulation occurring during oxygen isotope stages 2 and 3. Low values of G. sacculifer delta18O accompany high values of C. wuellerstorfi delta13C, linking warmer sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the tropics with increased production of lower North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). The amplitude of the delta18O oscillations is 0.6 per mil (or 2°-3°C), which is superimposed on a glacial/interglacial amplitude of about 2.1per mil. Using the G. sacculifer delta18O data, we calculate that surface waters were colder during stage 2 than calculated by CLIMAP [1976, 1981]. The longer-period (>2 kyr) oscillations in air temperature recorded in the Greenland and Antarctic ice cores appear to correlate with oscillations in sea surface temperature in the equatorial Atlantic. The magnitude of these oscillations in tropical SST is too large to have resulted from changes in meridional heat transport caused by the global conveyor alone. The apparent synchroneity of equatorial SST and polar air temperature changes, as well as the amplitude of the SST changes at the equator, are consistent with the climate effects expected from changes in the atmosphere's greenhouse gas content (H2Ovapor, CO2, and CH4).


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Early Paleogene warm climates may have been linked to different modes and sources of deepwater formation. Warm polar temperatures of the Paleocene and Eocene may have resulted from either increased atmospheric trace gases or increased heat transport through deep and intermediate waters. The possibility of increasing ocean heat transport through the production of warm saline deep waters (WSDW) in the Tethyan region has generated considerable interest. In addition, General Circulation Model results indicate that deepwater source regions may be highly sensitive to changing basin configurations. To decipher deepwater changes, we examined detailed benthic foraminiferal faunal and isotopic records of the late Paleocene through the early Eocene (~60 to 50 Ma) from two critical regions: the North Atlantic (Bay of Biscay Site 401) and the Pacific (Shatsky Rise Site 577). These records are compared with published data from the Southern Ocean (Maud Rise Site 690, Islas Orcadas Rise Site 702). During the late Paleocene, similar benthic foraminiferal delta18O values were recorded at all four sites. This indicates uniform deepwater temperatures, consistent with a single source of deep water. The highest delta13C values were recorded in the Southern Ocean and were 0.5 per mil more positive than those of the Pacific. We infer that the Southern Ocean was proximal to a source of nutrient-depleted deep water during the late Paleocene. Upper Paleocene Reflector Ab was cut on the western Bermuda Rise by cyclonically circulating bottom water, also suggesting a vigorous source of bottom water in the Southern Ocean. A dramatic negative excursion in both carbon and oxygen isotopes occurred in the latest Paleocene in the Southern Ocean. This is a short-term (<100 kyr), globally synchronous event which also is apparent in both the Atlantic and Pacific records as a carbon isotopic excursion of approximately 1 per mil. Faunal analyses from the North Atlantic and Pacific sites indicate that the largest benthic foraminiferal faunal turnover of the Cenozoic was synchronous with the isotopic excursion, lending support to the hypothesis that the extinctions were caused by a change in deepwater circulation. We speculate that the Southern Ocean deepwater source was reduced or eliminated at the time of the excursion. During the early Eocene, Southern Ocean delta13C values remained enriched relative to the North Atlantic and Pacific. However, the Southern Ocean was also enriched in delta18O relative to these basins. We interpret that these patterns indicate that although the Southern Ocean was proximal to a source of cool, nutrient-depleted water, the intermediate to upper deep water sites of the North Atlantic and Pacific were ventilated by a different source that probably originated in low latitudes, i.e., WSDW.


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Global cooling and the development of continental-scale Antarctic glaciation occurred in the late middle Eocene to early Oligocene (~38 to 28 million years ago), accompanied by deep-ocean reorganization attributed to gradual Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) development. Our benthic foraminiferal stable isotope comparisons show that a large d13C offset developed between mid-depth (~600 meters) and deep (>1000 meters) western North Atlantic waters in the early Oligocene, indicating the development of intermediate-depth d13C and O2 minima closely linked in the modern ocean to northward incursion of Antarctic Intermediate Water. At the same time, the ocean's coldest waters became restricted to south of the ACC, probably forming a bottom-ocean layer, as in the modern ocean. We show that the modern four-layer ocean structure (surface, intermediate, deep, and bottom waters) developed during the early Oligocene as a consequence of the ACC.