427 resultados para Churberg, Fanny,


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An unfriendly sketch, apparently occasioned by Fanny Fern's "Ruth Hall"; with selections from her writings.


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Series from front cover.


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Nursery performance, development, and RNA:DNA ratio were investigated in Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Pérez-Farfante, 1967) postlarvae acclimated from a salinity of 30‰ to higher (35‰) or lower (16, 22 and 29‰) salinities and reared for 20 days. Overall, higher final weight, yield and growth rate were observed at a salinity of 29‰. RNA:DNA ratio indicated reduced growth potential at a salinity of 35‰. Low salinities resulted in more developed individuals. Thus, early postlarval F. paulensis should not be stocked in salinities higher than that of the original hatchery, otherwise in lower salinities postlarvae should be older and/or have an extended nursery phase. Results may assist in the development of nursery rearing protocols for F. paulensis, an alternative species for aquaculture in subtropical areas.


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The murine model of T. cruzi infection has provided compelling evidence that development of host resistance against intracellular protozoans critically depends on the activation of members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family via the MyD88 adaptor molecule. However, the possibility that TLR/MyD88 signaling pathways also control the induction of immunoprotective CD8(+) T cell-mediated effector functions has not been investigated to date. We addressed this question by measuring the frequencies of IFN-gamma secreting CD8(+) T cells specific for H-2K(b)-restricted immunodominant peptides as well as the in vivo Ag-specific cytotoxic response in infected animals that are deficient either in TLR2, TLR4, TLR9 or MyD88 signaling pathways. Strikingly, we found that T. cruzi-infected Tlr2(-/-), Tlr4(-/-), Tlr9(-/-) or Myd88(-/-) mice generated both specific cytotoxic responses and IFN-gamma secreting CD8(+) T cells at levels comparable to WT mice, although the frequency of IFN-gamma(+)CD4(+) cells was diminished in infected Myd88(-/-) mice. We also analyzed the efficiency of TLR4-driven immune responses against T. cruzi using TLR4-deficient mice on the C57BL genetic background (B6 and B10). Our studies demonstrated that TLR4 signaling is required for optimal production of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha and nitric oxide (NO) in the spleen of infected animals and, as a consequence, Tlr4(-/-) mice display higher parasitemia levels. Collectively, our results indicate that TLR4, as well as previously shown for TLR2, TLR9 and MyD88, contributes to the innate immune response and, consequently, resistance in the acute phase of infection, although each of these pathways is not individually essential for the generation of class I-restricted responses against T. cruzi.


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The aim of this study was the design of a set of benzofuroxan derivatives as antimicrobial agents exploring the physicochemical properties of the related substituents. Topliss` decision tree approach was applied to select the substituent groups. Hierarchical cluster analysis was also performed to emphasize natural clusters and patterns. The compounds were obtained using two synthetic approaches for reducing the synthetic steps as well as improving the yield. The minimal inhibitory concentration method was employed to evaluate the activity against multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains. The most active compound was 4-nitro-3-(trifluoromethyl)[N`-(benzofuroxan-5-yl) methylene] benzhydrazide (MIC range 12.7-11.4 mu g/mL), pointing out that the antimicrobial activity was indeed influenced by the hydrophobic and electron-withdrawing property of the substituent groups 3-CF(3) and 4-NO(2), respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Foi avaliada a qualidade dos frutos de 29 acessos de tomateiro do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças (BGH-UFV) e de três cultivares comerciais, Santa Clara, Débora Plus e Fanny. As variáveis avaliadas foram: sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT), pH e relação SS/AT. Foi observada, para os acessos, variação significativa das características avaliadas, com exceção do pH. Os acessos BGH700, BGH2000, BGH2008, BGH2013, BGH2014 e BGH2017 destacaram-se no que se refere ao teor de SS, tendo estes sido superiores em 4,2 ºBrix aos dos cultivares comerciais. Com relação à acidez titulável, os acessos BGH2013, BGH2019, BGH2020 e BGH2033 apresentaram os maiores valores, com acidez acima de 0,57%. Os cultivares comerciais foram alocados no grupo de menor acidez, com valores inferiores a 0,46%. Para a relação SS/AT, destacaram-se os acessos BGH700, BGH2000, BGH2008 e o cultivar comercial Débora Plus com valores de 11,1; 11,9; 10,9; e 10,0, respectivamente.


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Understanding the genetic variability of a species is crucial for the progress of a genetic breeding program and requires characterization and evaluation of germplasm. This study aimed to characterize and evaluate 101 tomato subsamples of the Salad group (fresh market) and two commercial controls, one of the Salad group (cv. Fanny) and another of the Santa Cruz group (cv. Santa Clara). Four experiments were conducted in a randomized block design with three replications and five plants per plot. The joint analysis of variance was performed and characteristics with significant complex interaction between control and experiment were excluded. Subsequently, the multicollinearity diagnostic test was carried out and characteristics that contributed to severe multicollinearity were excluded. The relative importance of each characteristics for genetic divergence was calculated by the Singh's method (Singh, 1981), and the less important ones were excluded according to Garcia (1998). Results showed large genetic divergence among the subsamples for morphological, agronomic and organoleptic characteristics, indicating potential for genetic improvement. The characteristics total soluble solids, mean number of good fruits per plant, endocarp thickness, mean mass of marketable fruit per plant, total acidity, mean number of unmarketable fruit per plant, internode diameter, internode length, main stem thickness and leaf width contributed little to the genetic divergence between the subsamples and may be excluded in future studies.


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Estudou-se uma população de 349 mulheres que deram à luz no período de 01/05/86 a 31/07/86, num Serviço de Obstetrícia da Grande São Paulo. Os resultados revelam que o grupo de gestantes adolescentes (22,2%) teve uma assistência pré-natal deficiente, já que a grande maioria (70,6%) teve a primeira consulta no segundo trimestre, tendo em média duas consultas. Durante a gestação, este grupo apresentou menor incidência de patologias com tratamento ambulatorial (39,3%) e hospitalar (7,9%), em comparação com as gestantes adultas (44,4% e 14,7%, respectivamente). Em relação ao tipo de parto, as adolescentes apresentaram maior proporção de partos operatórios, sendo 25,7% por fórceps e 22,9% cesárea, contra 14,7% e 19,7% nas gestantes adultas, respectivamente. Verificou-se nas gestantes adolescentes maior proporção de intercorrências intraparto (12,9% contra 8,2% nas gestantes adultas), predominando neste período a hemorragia e a toxemia. Quanto as intercorrências no puerpério, estas se verificaram em 15,7% das gestantes adolescentes e era 11,8% das adultas, sendo a anemia pós-parto, a toxemia e a infecção puerperal as patologias mais comuns.


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The relationship between the hygienic habits of children who had typhoid fever (TF) who had recently begun attending school and their family group, is assessed. It is supposed that children, independently of their SES, acquired TF because of inadequate habits which facilitated the oral-fecal cycle. The sample was formed of 40 child-mother dyads: 20 of low SES (group A) and 20 of high SES (group B), the child of each of which had had TF. Results showed that the hygienic habits of children with respect to the oral-fecal cycle, their perception of school toilet cleanliness as well as the mothers' explanation of their children's hygienic habits is very similar in the two groups. The importance of these results is that the SES is seem to be irrelevant in the case of TF but that the hygienic habits of the children are of importance. Public health policy should be modified to include the teaching of proper hygienic habits (oral-fecal cycle).


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São analisados o conhecimento e a utilização de métodos anticoncepcionais por adolescentes. Foram levantados os dados a partir de prontuários médicos e de entrevistas relativos a 78 adolescentes puérperas (parto ou aborto), atendidas em um serviço de obstetrícia do Município de Cotia, SP (Brasil), no período de 1/5/86 a 31/7/86. Do total de adolescentes estudadas, 61,5% tinham algum tipo de conhecimento sobre métodos anticoncepcionais, conhecimento este influenciado por fatores tais como idade, escolaridade, paridade e estado marital. As fontes de informação mais procuradas foram os amigos, os parentes e os parceiros, nesta ordem; as menos procuradas foram os profissionais de saúde. Somente uma em cada dez adolescentes usava algum tipo de anticoncepcional, sendo os mais prevalentes a pílula, o método Ogino-Knauss, preservativos e o coito interrompido. Em 100% dos casos de utilização destes métodos houve indicação por parte de pessoas do grupo social das adolescentes, sendo os anticoncepcionais adquiridos no comércio, sem nenhum controle de saúde.


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The relationship between asymptomatic shedding of bacterial enteropathogens and the hygiene habits of families who have had a child with typhoid fever (TF) are investigated. The sample was made up of 80 families: 40 families in which one child had had TF (Group A) and 40 in which no children or either of the parents had had a history of TF (Group B). In each group 20 families belonged to a low socieconomic status (SES) and 20 to a high SES. A structured interview was used to evaluate the SES and the hygiene habits of the child; observations were made to measure the hygiene habits of the family (toilet, kitchen and food preparation) and bacteriological studies (fecal samples and hand markers). Results show that carriers were more frequent in Group A than in Group B. The bacterial species found were significantly more numerous in Group A than in Group B (fecal samples: E. coli, the classic serotypes, Shigella ssp, and hand markers: E. coli). Families of Group A had higher carriage rates than those of Group B. Finally there exists a significantly higher association between inadequate hygiene habits and carrier families. These results show the need to teach specific habits of proper hygiene to the entire population, because the fact of belonging to the high SES does not in itself preclude inadequate hygiene habits.