808 resultados para Chronic medical conditions


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Los planes de atención de enfermería actuales recogen nuevas intervenciones, alternativas a los cuidados convencionales y algunas de ellas poco estudiadas, como lo es el uso de distintas formas de arte como terapia complementaria a un tratamiento médico. Uno de los campos donde más fuerza tiene es en el de la salud mental, ya que permite actuar tanto de forma terapéutica como preventiva. La arteterapia engloba intervenciones con cualquier forma de arte como la pintura, la fotografía, la música o el teatro. Su terreno de actuación, además de la parte puramente asistencial, incluye el ámbito social y educativo que en muchas ocasiones son olvidados en los cuidados enfermeros. Una revisión de este tipo es necesaria para guiar las intervenciones enfermeras englobadas en la mejora de la comunicación no verbal en pacientes con los que la psicoterapia tradicional a través del diálogo no es eficaz y como herramienta de estimulación cognitiva y prevención de síntomas depresivos o ansiosos que conllevan muchas patologías médicas. El objetivo de esta revisión es mostrar una visión general de la situación actual de este tipo de terapia, repasando su evolución histórica y valorar su eficacia a partir de la evidencia científica encontrada. Para ello se realizó un análisis de las publicaciones que tratan este tema, incluyendo artículos de investigación que analizan el efecto de distintos tipos de terapias con arte sobre diversos trastornos, teniendo siempre en cuenta el tipo de artículo analizado así como la calidad científica de las publicaciones.


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Alguns autores entendem o declínio cognitivo como fator de risco para fragilidade. No entanto, outros estudos apresentam a fragilidade como fator de risco para declínio cognitivo. O presente estudo também entende a relação entre fragilidade e desempenho cognitivo neste sentido. Ainda são poucos os estudos que avaliaram esta associação na literatura internacional e não identificamos nenhum estudo conduzido no Brasil, ou mesmo na América Latina, que a tenha investigado. Este estudo tem como objetivo, investigar a associação entre a síndrome da fragilidade e desempenho cognitivo em idosos, e o efeito da escolaridade e da idade nesta associação. Para isto, analisaram-se dados seccionais da Fase 1 do Estudo da fragilidade em Idosos Brasileiros (Rede FIBRA - Fragilidade em Idosos Brasileiros), relativos à clientes de uma operadora particular de saúde, com 65 anos ou mais, residentes na zona norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A população final de estudo foi de 737 idosos. O desempenho cognitivo foi avaliado através do Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). Foram considerados frágeis os indivíduos que apresentaram três ou mais das seguintes características: perda de peso não intencional (mais de 4,5Kg no último ano); sensação de exaustão auto-relatada; baixo nível de força de preensão palmar (sujeitos no primeiro quintil); baixo nível de atividade física (sujeitos no primeiro quintil do Minnesota) e lentificação da marcha (sujeitos no primeiro quintil). Também foram coletadas informações sobre características socioeconômicas e demográficas, apoio social, condições médicas e capacidade funcional. O desempenho cognitivo (MEEM) e a fragilidade foram analisados como variáveis dicotômicas. Avaliou-se o papel da idade e escolaridade como possíveis modificadoras de efeito na associação entre fragilidade e baixo desempenho cognitivo. A avaliação da associação entre fragilidade e desempenho cognitivo foi feita através de regressão logística multivariada. A variável idade se comportou como modificadora de efeito na associação entre fragilidade e desempenho cognitivo, x(5) = 806,97, p<0,0001. O mesmo não ocorreu com a variável escolaridade. Os idosos frágeis apresentaram uma maior prevalência de baixo desempenho cognitivo, quando comparados aos idosos não-frágeis ou pré-frágeis, nos três estratos estudados (65 a 74 anos;75 a 84 anos; >_85 anos), p<0,001. A associação entre fragilidade e baixo desempenho cognitivo foi encontrada somente em idosos com 75 anos ou mais, sendo OR bruto=2,68 (IC 95% 1,29 5,53) para idosos de 75 a 84 anos e OR bruto= 6,39 (IC 95% 1,82 - 22,42) para idosos de 85 anos ou mais. Após ajuste pelas condições de saúde, capacidade funcional e pelas variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas, a associação entre fragilidade e baixo desempenho cognitivo se manteve nesses estratos, OR aj=2,78 (IC 95% 1,23 - 6,27) para 75 a 84 anos e OR aj=15,62 (IC 95% 2,20 110,99) para 85 anos ou mais. A síndrome da fragilidade está, portanto, associada ao baixo desempenho cognitivo em idosos. A idade revelou-se como modificadora de efeito nesta associação. Os idosos com idade mais avançada revelaram uma associação mais expressiva entre os dois fenômenos.


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[es] La hipertensión arterial (AHT), estado patológico definido como la elevación persistente de la presión arterial, es considerada uno de los principales problemas de salud pública. El tratamiento de la patología se realiza preferentemente con fármacos antihipertensivos. Los pacientes se encuentran sometidos a una exposición larga e ininterrumpida a estos fármacos. Los fármacos antihipertensivos se clasifican en función del mecanismo de acción por el que logran su efecto. Una de las clases son los antagonistas de los receptores de angiotensina II (ARB). Los ARB son la última clase terapéutica incluida en la terapia antihipertensiva. En este Trabajo Fin de Grado, se ha evaluado la posible capacidad genotóxica in vitro, de dos tipos de fármacos ARB (losartán e irbesartán) mediante el empleo de uno de los métodos citogenéticos más utilizados, el ensayo de micronúcleos (MN). El índice de división nuclear (NDI) fue usado también como medida de genotoxicidad. El análisis se ha realizado en linfocitos de sangre periférica (PBL) de 10 individuos control mediante dos tipos de cultivo uno sin fármaco y otro añadiendo los fármacos a los cultivos en una concentración igual a la que se encuentra en el plasma de pacientes. Los resultados muestran un aumento estadísticamente significativo de la frecuencia de células binucleadas con micronúcleos (BNMN) pero no se observan diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el índice de división nuclear. Estos resultados sugieren un posible efecto genotóxico de los fármacos pero sería necesario llevar a cabo estudios en una población más amplia e in vivo con los mismos fármacos para confirmarlo.


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Diabetes mellitus e doenças periodontais são altamente prevalentes na população mundial. Doenças periodontais (DPs) compreendem um grupo de condições crônicas inflamatórias induzidas por microorganismos que levam à inflamação gengival, à destruição tecidual periodontal e à perda óssea alveolar. Diabetes mellitus (DM) é o termo utilizado para descrever um grupo de desordens metabólicas associadas à intolerância à glicose e ao metabolismo inadequado de carboidratos. Uma vez que DPs poderiam agir de forma similar a outros estados infecciosos sistêmicos, aumentando a severidade do diabetes, uma possível relação entre ambas tem sido considerada em todo o mundo. Polimorfismos genéticos de um único nucleotídeo (SNPs) têm sido estudados em diversas doenças. Nas periodontites, acredita-se que possam estar envolvidos na exacerbação da resposta inflamatória frente ao desafio bacteriano, modificando a susceptibilidade do hospedeiro. Neste estudo, a prevalência de periodontite foi avaliada em portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo I. Posteriormente, o SNP localizado na região promotora do gene TNFA (-1031T>C) foi analisado e sua importância para a doença periodontal destrutiva foi avaliada. O grupo teste foi constituído por diabéticos tipo I (DGT, n=113) enquanto o grupo controle por indivíduos não diabéticos (ND, n=73). Para as análises dos polimorfismos genéticos, um subgrupo foi retirado do grupo teste (DG, n=58) e comparado ao grupo ND. Os seguintes parâmetros clínicos e demográficos foram avaliados: percentual de sítios com profundidade de bolsa  6,0 mm (%PBS6,0 mm); índice gengival (IG); perda óssea radiográfica (POR); fumo; duração do diabetes ; idade; índice de massa corpórea (IMC), n de internações e n de dentes presentes. Amostras de sangue e/ou esfregaço bucal foram colhidas de 58 pacientes do grupo teste e de 73 controles. Após a extração do DNA genômico e amplificação da região genômica de interesse por PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), o polimorfismo TNFA 1031T>C foi analisado por BbsI RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). A análise dos produtos de digestão foi feita por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida 8%. A análise estatística das freqüências alélica e genotípica juntamente com os dados clínicos e epidemiológicos entre os 2 grupos foi feita através do teste do Mann-Whitney e do Qui-quadrado. Os grupos de estudo obedecem ao princípio de Hardy-Weinberg. No grupo ND, as seguintes freqüências genotípicas foram encontradas: 78,1% (T/T); 20,5% (T/C) e 1,4% (C/C) enquanto no grupo D foram: 42,4%(T/T); 37,3% (T/C) e 20,3% (C/C). A frequência do alelo T no grupo diabético (D) foi de 0,610 ao passo que no grupo ND foi de 0,883. Não foi possível encontrar uma relação entre o polimorfismo -1031 T>C do gene TNFA e a presença de periodontite em diabéticos tipo I. Entretanto, o polimorfismo estudado se mostrou significativamente relacionado (p<0,0001 e OR= 4.85 95%IC 2,271-10,338) à presença do diabetes tipo I.


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The purpose of this study is to develop a model of cognitive impairment to help designers consider the range of issues which affect the lives of people living with such impairment. A series of interviews with experts of cognitive impairment was conducted to describe and assess the links between specific medical conditions, including learning disability, specific learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders, traumatic brain injury and schizophrenia, and the types of cognitive impairment associated with them. The results reveal some of the most prevalent and serious types of impairment, which - when transformed into design guidance - will help designers make mainstream products more inclusive also for people with cognitive impairment. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Background and Aims: Caesarean section rates have increased in recent decades and the effects on subsequent pregnancy outcome are largely unknown. Prior research has hypothesised that Caesarean section delivery may lead to an increased risk of subsequent stillbirth, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and sub-fertility. Structure and Methods: Papers 1-3 are systematic reviews with meta-analyses. Papers 4-6 are findings from this thesis on the rate of subsequent stillbirth, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and live birth by mode of delivery. Results Systematic reviews and meta-analyses: A 23% increased odds of subsequent stillbirth; no increase in odds of subsequent ectopic pregnancy and a 10% reduction in the odds of subsequent live birth among women with a previous Caesarean section were found in the various meta-analyses. Danish cohorts: Results from the Danish Civil Registration System (CRS) cohort revealed a small increased rate of subsequent stillbirth and ectopic pregnancy among women with a primary Caesarean section, which remained in the analyses by type of Caesarean. No increased rate of miscarriage was found among women with a primary Caesarean section. In the CRS data, women with a primary Caesarean section had a significantly reduced rate of subsequent live birth particularly among women with primary elective and maternal-requested Caesarean sections. In the Aarhus Birth Cohort, overall the effect of mode of delivery on the rate and time to next live birth was minimal. Conclusions: Primary Caesarean section was associated with a small increased rate of stillbirth and ectopic pregnancy, which may be in part due to underlying medical conditions. No increased rate of miscarriage was found. A reduced rate of subsequent live birth was found among Caesarean section in the CRS data. In the smaller ABC cohort, a small reduction in rate of subsequent live birth was found among women with a primary Caesarean section and is most likely due to maternal choice rather than any ill effects of the Caesarean. The findings of this study, the largest and most comprehensive to date will be of significant interest to health care providers and women globally.


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Background: With cesarean section rates increasing worldwide, clarity regarding negative effects is essential. This study aimed to investigate the rate of subsequent stillbirth, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy following primary cesarean section, controlling for confounding by indication. Methods and Findings: We performed a population-based cohort study using Danish national registry data linking various registers. The cohort included primiparous women with a live birth between January 1, 1982, and December 31, 2010 (n = 832,996), with follow-up until the next event (stillbirth, miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy) or censoring by live birth, death, emigration, or study end. Cox regression models for all types of cesarean sections, sub-group analyses by type of cesarean, and competing risks analyses for the causes of stillbirth were performed. An increased rate of stillbirth (hazard ratio [HR] 1.14, 95% CI 1.01, 1.28) was found in women with primary cesarean section compared to spontaneous vaginal delivery, giving a theoretical absolute risk increase (ARI) of 0.03% for stillbirth, and a number needed to harm (NNH) of 3,333 women. Analyses by type of cesarean section showed similarly increased rates for emergency (HR 1.15, 95% CI 1.01, 1.31) and elective cesarean (HR 1.11, 95% CI 0.91, 1.35), although not statistically significant in the latter case. An increased rate of ectopic pregnancy was found among women with primary cesarean overall (HR 1.09, 95% CI 1.04, 1.15) and by type (emergency cesarean, HR 1.09, 95% CI 1.03, 1.15, and elective cesarean, HR 1.12, 95% CI 1.03, 1.21), yielding an ARI of 0.1% and a NNH of 1,000 women for ectopic pregnancy. No increased rate of miscarriage was found among women with primary cesarean, with maternally requested cesarean section associated with a decreased rate of miscarriage (HR 0.72, 95% CI 0.60, 0.85). Limitations include incomplete data on maternal body mass index, maternal smoking, fertility treatment, causes of stillbirth, and maternally requested cesarean section, as well as lack of data on antepartum/intrapartum stillbirth and gestational age for stillbirth and miscarriage. Conclusions: This study found that cesarean section is associated with a small increased rate of subsequent stillbirth and ectopic pregnancy. Underlying medical conditions, however, and confounding by indication for the primary cesarean delivery account for at least part of this increased rate. These findings will assist women and health-care providers to reach more informed decisions regarding mode of delivery.


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BACKGROUND: Previous work has demonstrated the potential for peripheral blood (PB) gene expression profiling for the detection of disease or environmental exposures. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We have sought to determine the impact of several variables on the PB gene expression profile of an environmental exposure, ionizing radiation, and to determine the specificity of the PB signature of radiation versus other genotoxic stresses. Neither genotype differences nor the time of PB sampling caused any lessening of the accuracy of PB signatures to predict radiation exposure, but sex difference did influence the accuracy of the prediction of radiation exposure at the lowest level (50 cGy). A PB signature of sepsis was also generated and both the PB signature of radiation and the PB signature of sepsis were found to be 100% specific at distinguishing irradiated from septic animals. We also identified human PB signatures of radiation exposure and chemotherapy treatment which distinguished irradiated patients and chemotherapy-treated individuals within a heterogeneous population with accuracies of 90% and 81%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that PB gene expression profiles can be identified in mice and humans that are accurate in predicting medical conditions, are specific to each condition and remain highly accurate over time.


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BACKGROUND: The Affordable Care Act encourages healthcare systems to integrate behavioral and medical healthcare, as well as to employ electronic health records (EHRs) for health information exchange and quality improvement. Pragmatic research paradigms that employ EHRs in research are needed to produce clinical evidence in real-world medical settings for informing learning healthcare systems. Adults with comorbid diabetes and substance use disorders (SUDs) tend to use costly inpatient treatments; however, there is a lack of empirical data on implementing behavioral healthcare to reduce health risk in adults with high-risk diabetes. Given the complexity of high-risk patients' medical problems and the cost of conducting randomized trials, a feasibility project is warranted to guide practical study designs. METHODS: We describe the study design, which explores the feasibility of implementing substance use Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) among adults with high-risk type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) within a home-based primary care setting. Our study includes the development of an integrated EHR datamart to identify eligible patients and collect diabetes healthcare data, and the use of a geographic health information system to understand the social context in patients' communities. Analysis will examine recruitment, proportion of patients receiving brief intervention and/or referrals, substance use, SUD treatment use, diabetes outcomes, and retention. DISCUSSION: By capitalizing on an existing T2DM project that uses home-based primary care, our study results will provide timely clinical information to inform the designs and implementation of future SBIRT studies among adults with multiple medical conditions.


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Many women who have higher–risk pregnancies, complications or medical conditions require specialist obstetric or multidisciplinary care. Increasingly women, whose condition deteriorates and becomes critical during childbirth, are being cared for by midwives in obstetric high dependency units within the labour ward, rather than being cared for by nurses in ITU. Critical Care in Childbearing for Midwives explores all aspects of management, support and care of childbearing women who become critically ill due to pre–existing conditions or who develop critical illness as a result of complications of childbearing. It examines predisposing factors which result in the need for critical care, addresses specialist monitoring technology and skills, and explores autonomous practice and team approaches to providing care for critically ill women in childbearing.


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Systematic reviews of systematic reviews identify good quality reviews of earlier studies of medical conditions. This article describes a systematic review of systematic reviews performed to investigate factors that might influence the risk of rupture of an intracranial aneurysm. It exemplifies the technique of this type of research and reports the finding of a specific study. The annual incidence of subarachnoid haemorrhage resulting from the rupture of intracranial aneurysms is estimated to be nine per 100,000. A large proportion of people who have this bleed, will die or remain dependent on the care of others for some time. Reliable knowledge about the risks of subarachnoid haemorrhage in different populations will help in planning, screening and prevention strategies and in predicting the prognosis of individual patients. If the necessary data were available in the identified reviews, an estimate for the numerical relationship between a particular characteristic and the risk of subarachnoid haemorrhage was included in this report. The identification of eligible systematic reviews relied mainly on the two major bibliographic databases of the biomedical literature: PubMed and EMBASE. These were searched in 2006, using specially designed search strategies. Approximately 2,000 records were retrieved and each of these was checked carefully against the eligibility criteria for this systematic review. These criteria required that the report be a systematic review of studies assessing the risk of subarachnoid haemorrhage in patients known to have an unruptured intracranial aneurysm or of studies that had investigated the characteristics of people who experienced a subarachnoid haemorrhage without previously being known to have an unruptured aneurysm. Reports which included more than one systematic review were eligible and each of these reviews was potentially eligible. The quality of each systematic review was assessed. In this review, 16 separate reports were identified, including a total of 46 eligible systematic reviews. These brought together research studies for 24 different risk factors. This has shown that the following factors appear to be associated with a higher risk of subarachnoid haemorrhage: being a woman, older age, posterior circulation aneurysms, larger aneurysms, previous symptoms,


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We have shown previously that a para-inflammatory response exists at the retinal/choroidal interface in the aging eye; and this response plays an important role in maintaining retinal homeostasis under chronic stress conditions. We hypothesized that dysregulation of the para-inflammatory response may result in an overt pro-inflammatory response inducing retinal degeneration. In this study, we examined this hypothesis in mice deficient in chemokine CCL2 or its cognate receptor CCR2. CCL2- or CCR2-deficient mice developed retinal degenerative changes with age, characterized as retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cell and photoreceptor cell death. Retinal cell death was associated with significantly more subretinal microglial accumulation and increased complement activation. In addition, monocytes from CCL2- or CCR2-deficient mice had reduced capacity for phagocytosis and chemotaxis, expressed less IL-10 but more iNOS, IL-12 and TNF-a when compared to monocytes from WT mice. Complement activation at the site of RPE cell death resulted in C3b/C3d but not C5b-9 deposition, indicating only partial activation of the complement pathway. Our results suggest that altered monocyte functions may convert the protective para-inflammatory response into an overtly harmful inflammation at the retina/choroidal interface in CCL2- or CCR2-deficient mice, leading to RPE and photoreceptor degeneration. These data support a concept whereby a protective para-inflammatory response relies upon a normally functioning innate immune system. If the innate immune system is deficient chronic stress may tip the balance towards an overt inflammatory response causing cell/tissue damage.


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About 5% of all National Health Service prescriptions in Britain and a quarter of reports of suspected adverse reactions are accounted for by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Their prescription was investigated in two computerised group practices serving 11850 patients. Altogether 198 patients receiving repeat prescriptions of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were identified and relevant clinical details extracted from their notes. Of these patients, 119 were over 65 years old; 172 were receiving one of six different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; and 76 were taking drugs that can interact with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ninety one patients had one or more medical conditions that may be aggravated by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and 36 had experienced side effects important enough for their treatment to be changed. A questionnaire to assess opinions and knowledge of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs was given to 42 general practitioners and 26 rheumatologists. Although the two groups showed a comparable knowledge of the properties and costs of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, they differed significantly in their views on the circumstances under which these drugs should be used. Clear guidelines on the prescription of these drugs would indicate when careful monitoring is essential for patients to benefit from them safely.


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Stem and progenitor cells have generated considerable scientific and commercial interest in recent years due to their potential for novel cell therapy for a variety of medical conditions. A highly active research area in the field of regenerative medicine is vascular biology. Blood vessel repair and angiogenesis are key processes with endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) playing a central role. Clinical trials for ischemic conditions, such as myocardial infarction and peripheral arterial disease, have suggested cell therapies to be feasible, safe, and potentially beneficial. Development of efficient methodologies to deliver EPC-based cytotherapies offers new hope for millions of patients with ischemic conditions. Evidence indicates that EPCs, depending on the subtype, mediate angiogenesis through different mechanisms. Differentiation into endothelium and complete integration into damaged vasculature was the first EPC mechanism to be proposed. However, many studies have demonstrated that vasoregulatory paracrine factor secretion by transplanted cells is also important. Many EPC subsets enhance angiogenesis and promote tissue repair by cytokine release without incorporating into the damaged vasculature. Whatever the mechanism, vascular repair and therapeutic angiogenesis using EPCs represent a realistic treatment option and also provides many commercialization opportunities. This review discusses recent advances in the EPC field whilst recounting relevant patents.