920 resultados para Chronic inflammation
Activated neutrophils generate the potent oxidant hypochlorous acid (HOCl) from the enzyme myeloperoxidase (MPO). A proposed bio-marker for MPO-derived HOCl in vivo is 3-chlorotyrosine, elevated levels of which have been measured in several human inflammatory pathologies. However, it is unlikely that HOCl is produced as the sole oxidant at sites of chronic inflammation as other reactive species are also produced during the inflammatory response. The work presented shows that free and protein bound 3-chlorotyrosine is lost upon addition of the pro-inflammatory oxidants, HOCl, peroxynitrite, and acidified nitrite. Furthermore, incubation of 3-chlorotyrosine with activated RAW264.7 macrophages or neutrophil-like HL-60 cells resulted in significant loss of 3-chlorotyrosine. Therefore, at sites of chronic inflammation where there is concomitant ONOO- and HOCl formation, it is possible measurement of 3-chlorotyrosine may represent an underestimate of the true extent of tyrosine chlorination. This finding could account for some of the discrepancies reported between 3-chlorotyrosine levels in tissues in the literature. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
At sites of chronic inflammation, such as in the inflamed rheumatoid joint, activated neutrophils release hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the enzyme myeloperoxidase to catalyse the formation of hypochlorous acid (HOCl). 3-chlorotyrosine, a marker of HOCl in vivo, has been observed in synovial fluid proteins from rheumatoid arthritis patients. However the mechanisms of HOCl-induced cytotxicity are unknown. We determined the molecular mechanisms by which HOCl induced cell death in human mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) differentiated into a chondrocytic phenotype as a model of human cartilage cells and show that HOCl induced rapid Bax conformational change, mitochondrial permeability and release of intra-mitochondrial pro-apoptotic proteins which resulted in nuclear translocation of AIF and EndoG. siRNA-mediated knockdown of Bax substantially prevented mitochondrial permeability, release of intra-mitochondrial pro-apoptotic proteins. Cell death was inhibited by siRNA-mediated knockdown of Bax, AIF or EndoG. Although we observed several biochemical markers of apoptosis, caspase activation was not detected either by western blotting, fluorescence activity assays or by using caspase inhibitors to inhibit cell death. This was further supported by findings that (1) in vitro exposure of recombinant human caspases to HOCl caused significant inhibition of caspase activity and (2) the addition of HOCl to staurosporine-treated MPCs inhibited the activity of cellular caspases. Our results show for the first time that HOCl induced Bax-dependent mitochondrial permeability which led to cell death without caspase activity by processes involving AIF/EndoG-dependent pathways. Our study provides a novel insight into the potential mechanisms of cell death in the inflamed human joint. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) exhibits many atherogenic effects, including the promotion of monocyte recruitment to the arterial endothelium and the induction of scavenger receptor expression. However, while atherosclerosis involves chronic inflammation within the arterial intima, it is unclear whether oxLDL alone provides a direct inflammatory stimulus for monocyte-macrophages. Furthermore, oxLDL is not a single, well-defined entity, but has structural and physical properties which vary according to the degree of oxidation. We tested the hypothesis that the biological effects of oxLDL will vary according to its degree of oxidation and that some species of oxLDL will have atherogenic properties, while other species may be responsible for its inflammatory activity. The atherogenic and inflammatory properties of LDL oxidized to predetermined degrees (mild, moderate and extensive oxidation) were investigated in a single system using human monocyte-derived macrophages. Expression of CD36 mRNA was up-regulated by mildly- and moderately-oxLDL, but not highly-oxLDL. The expression of the transcription factor, proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma), which has been proposed to positively regulate the expression of CD36, was increased to the greatest degree by highly-oxLDL. However, the DNA binding activity of PPARgamma was increased only by mildly- and moderately-oxLDL. None of the oxLDL species appeared to be pro-inflammatory towards monocytes, either directly or indirectly through mediators derived from lymphocytes, regardless of the degree of oxidation. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.
Transient stimulation with substance P (SP) induces endocytosis and recycling of the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK(1)R). The effects of sustained stimulation by high concentrations of SP on NK(1)R trafficking and Ca(2+) signaling, as may occur during chronic inflammation and pain, are unknown. Chronic exposure to SP (100 nm, 3 h) completely desensitized Ca(2+) signaling by wild-type NK(1)R (NK(1)Rwt). Resensitization occurred after 16 h, and cycloheximide prevented resensitization, implicating new receptor synthesis. Lysine ubiquitination of G-protein-coupled receptors is a signal for their trafficking and degradation. Lysine-deficient mutant receptors (NK(1)RDelta5K/R, C-terminal tail lysines; and NK(1)RDelta10K/R, all intracellular lysines) were expressed at the plasma membrane and were functional because they responded to SP by endocytosis and by mobilization of Ca(2+) ions. SP desensitized NK(1)Rwt, NK(1)RDelta5K/R, and NK(1)RDelta10K/R. However, NK(1)RDelta5K/R and NK(1)RDelta10K/R resensitized 4-8-fold faster than NK(1)Rwt by cycloheximide-independent mechanisms. NK(1)RDelta325 (a naturally occurring truncated variant) showed incomplete desensitization, followed by a marked sensitization of signaling. Upon labeling receptors in living cells using antibodies to extracellular epitopes, we observed that SP induced endocytosis of NK(1)Rwt, NK(1)RDelta5K/R, and NK(1)RDelta10K/R. After 4 h in SP-free medium, NK(1)RDelta5K/R and NK(1)RDelta10K/R recycled to the plasma membrane, whereas NK(1)Rwt remained internalized. SP induced ubiquitination of NK(1)Rwt and NK(1)RDelta5K/R as determined by immunoprecipitation under nondenaturing and denaturing conditions and detected with antibodies for mono- and polyubiquitin. NK(1)RDelta10K/R was not ubiquitinated. Whereas SP induced degradation of NK(1)Rwt, NK(1)RDelta5K/R and NK(1)RDelta10K/R showed approximately 50% diminished degradation. Thus, chronic stimulation with SP induces ubiquitination of the NK(1)R, which mediates its degradation and down-regulation.
The global population is becoming increasingly older presenting medical and economic challenges to society. One factor associated with the aging process is immunosenescence, which may be defined as the decline in immunity with age, and represents a potential causative factor for many age related illnesses. The profile of the gut microbiota is also known to alter with aging and these changes have been linked the declines in the immunity observed in immunosenescence. For example, above the age of 60 years populations of bifidobacteria have been observed to decrease markedly, leading to a reduction in the inhibition of the growth of some pathogens and potentially an increase in the susceptibility to infections. As such, an interest exists in attempting to reverse their decline in elderly individuals, through the use of both probiotics and prebiotics. Both approaches have shown to be encouraging in altering microbiota profiles beneficially and in reducing immunosenescence by reducing the colonisation potential of pathogens and counteracting chronic inflammation. The current review will give an overview of the process of immunosenescence and its role in disease, detail how the microbiota are involved in its progression and highlight data suggesting that pre- and probiotics may counteract these age-related events.
Major outer membrane proteins (MOMPs) of Gram negative bacteria are one of the most intensively studied membrane proteins. MOMPs are essential for maintaining the structural integrity of bacterial outer membranes and in adaptation of parasites to their hosts. There is evidence to suggest a role for purified MOMP from Chlamydophila pneumoniae and corresponding MOMP-derived peptides in immune-modulation, leading to a reduced atherosclerotic phenotype in apoE−/− mice via a characteristic dampening of MHC class II activity. The work reported herein tests this hypothesis by employing a combination of homology modelling and docking to examine the detailed molecular interactions that may be responsible. A three-dimensional homology model of the C. pneumoniae MOMP was constructed based on the 14 transmembrane β-barrel crystal structure of the fatty acid transporter from Escherichia coli, which provides a plausible transport mechanism for MOMP. Ligand docking experiments were used to provide details of the possible molecular interactions driving the binding of MOMP-derived peptides to MHC class II alleles known to be strongly associated with inflammation. The docking experiments were corroborated by predictions from conventional immuno-informatic algorithms. This work supports further the use of MOMP in C. pneumoniae as a possible vaccine target and the role of MOMP-derived peptides as vaccine candidates for immune-therapy in chronic inflammation that can result in cardiovascular events.
Objective: Many diseases, including atherosclerosis, involve chronic inflammation. The master transcription factor for inflammation is NF-κB. Inflammatory sites have a low extracellular pH. Our objective was to demonstrate the effect of pH on NF-κB activation and cytokine secretion. Methods: Mouse J774 macrophages or human THP-1 or monocyte-derived macrophages were incubated at pH 7.0–7.4 and inflammatory cytokine secretion and NF-κB activity were measured. Results: A pH of 7.0 greatly decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion (TNF or IL-6) by J774 macrophages, but not THP-1 or human monocyte-derived macrophages. Upon stimulation of mouse macrophages, the levels of IκBα, which inhibits NF-κB, fell but low pH prevented its later increase, which normally restores the baseline activity of NF-κB, even though the levels of mRNA for IκBα were increased. pH 7.0 greatly increased and prolonged NF-κB binding to its consensus promoter sequence, especially the anti-inflammatory p50:p50 homodimers. Human p50 was overexpressed using adenovirus in THP-1 macrophages and monocyte-derived macrophages to see if it would confer pH sensitivity to NF-κB activity in human cells. Overexpression of p50 increased p50:p50 DNA-binding and in THP-1 macrophages inhibited considerably TNF and IL-6 secretion, but there was still no effect of pH on p50:p50 DNA binding or cytokine secretion. Conclusion: A modest decrease in pH can sometimes have marked effects on NF-κB activation and cytokine secretion and might be one reason to explain why mice normally develop less atherosclerosis than do humans.
Autolytic Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 fragments may act as biological markers for autoimmune diseases
Investigating the proteolytic activity of the recombinant Mycobacterium leprae Heat Shock Protein of 65 kDa (rHsp65), chaperonin 2 (cpn2), we observed that it displays high instability. The fragmentation process starts at the C-terminus followed by progressive degradation of the N-terminus, which leads to a stable fragment comprising the middle region of the molecule. Urea was able to prevent autolysis, probably due to its denaturing action, while EDTA increased degradation levels indicating the need for metal ions. Peptides originated from autolysis were purified and analyzed by mass spectrometry, generating a continuous map. Since the bacteria and mammalian Hsp60 are known to be targets of the immune response and have been implicated in autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation, the in vivo effect of rHsp65 peptides was evaluated in the spontaneous Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) model developed by the (NZB/NZW)F(1) mouse hybrids, and their individual anti-rHsp65 IgG2a/IgG1 antibody titer ratio was determined. The results showed orientation toward a T(H)1 responsiveness, and the treatment with the rHsp65 peptides diminished the environmental variance of the survival time of treated animals. These results outline the fact that environmental factors may also act through the modified stability expression of Heat Shock Proteins intervening during autoimmune processes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
XIXA doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) comumente afeta o esôfago e provavelmente é a condição mais prevalente no segmento alto do trato gastrointestinal, acometendo entre 5 e 45% da população ocidental. A terapêutica atual para essa doença além de medidas gerais e dietéticas, inclui tratamento farmacológico e/ou cirurgia. Ambos podem ser eficazes, mas apresentam elevado custo financeiro. O tratamento com fármacos pode apresentar baixa aderência medicamentosa e a cirurgia tem baixa, mas não desprezível, morbidade e mortalidade. Idealmente o tratamento da DRGE deveria ser eficaz, com baixo risco e com baixo custo. Objetivos: 1. Desenvolver um modelo experimental em suínos para o estudo do Refluxo Gastroesofágico através da Pressão e do Volume de Vazão Gástricos; 2. Avaliar a eficácia do implante endoscópico de PMMA ao nível do Esfíncter Esofágico Inferior (EEI) para aumentar a Pressão de Vazão Gástrica, o Volume de Vazão Gástrico e a Pressão Basal do EEI; 3. Descrever as reações histológicas associadas ao implante de PMMA. Material e Métodos: Suínos da raça Large White, do sexo feminino com 8 semanas de vida foram estudados no experimento. Foi realizada manometria do esfíncter esofágico inferior com registro da pressão basal com cateter de perfusão com água e técnica de retirada lenta. Calculou-se, também, a extensão do EEI. Após, gastrostomia era realizada com colocação intragástrica da extremidade distal de uma sonda de Foley com três vias e um cateter de pHmetria esofágica introduzido via oral com o sensor distal posicionado 5 cm acima do bordo superior de esfíncter esofágico inferior. Iniciava-se, XXentão, a infusão contínua no estômago de uma solução de HCl a 0,02N com medida e registro simultâneos da Pressão e do Volume de Vazão Gástricos e do pH esofágico. Definiu-se a Pressão de Vazão Gástrica (PVG) e o Volume de Vazão Gástrico quando houve brusca e sustentada acidificação do esôfago distal (pH<3). Após, introduzia-se um tubo metálico (Tubo Introdutor ou TI) via oral e, em seguida, o endoscópio, seguindo ambos até o esôfago distal. Cateter de nylon com agulha calibre 16 era introduzido pelo tubo introdutor e o PMMA implantado na área correspondente ao EEI com uma pistola dosadora volumétrica que permitia a injeção de volumes prédeterminados em 3 ou 4 pontos da submucosa (total por ponto = 0,73 ml de PMMA). As medidas de PVG, VVG e pressão basal do EEI foram repetidas após 28 dias, sacrificando-se os animais e removendo-se esôfago médio e distal, junção esofagogástrica, fundo e corpo gástricos para estudo histológico. Previamente ao experimento, três projetos pilotos foram desenvolvidos. O primeiro designado como “Projeto Piloto: Refluxo Gastroesofágico por pHmetria de 24H” (RGE 24H) buscou a via de acesso transnasal para registro de pHmetria por 24 horas. No segundo, designado “Projeto Piloto: Esofagostomia”, para confirmação de refluxo gastroesofágico espontâneo em suínos da raça Large White, utilizou-se anestesia com associação de tiletamina 125 mg e zolazepam 125 mg em combinação com um sedativo, a xilazina a 2% . A pHmetria foi mantida por 24 horas. Os dados descritos por Kadirkamanathan et al. não foram reproduzidos no nosso laboratório. Optou-se então pela realização de um terceiro projeto, “Projeto Piloto: Gastrostomia” para induzir refluxo gastroesofágico através de um modelo experimental e testar a reprodutibilidade da Pressão de Vazão Gástrica. Obteve-se sucesso. Resultados: Trinta e sete animais foram estudados em 60 intervenções no Laboratório de motilidade experimental. O projeto piloto “RGE:24h” foi abandonado após perda de 5 animais pela anestesia com halotano e, solucionada esta questão, a sistemática infecção do tecido celular subcutâneo nasal, dificultando a manutenção do cateter de phmetria em outros 5 animais. No “Projeto Piloto: Esofagostomia”, em cinco animais estudados (cada animal em duas ocasiões diferentes) não se reproduziram os achados de refluxo espontâneo. No terceiro projeto “Projeto Piloto: Gastrostomia” quatro animais foram estudados em dois momentos diferentes obtendo-se sucesso e reprodutibilidade XXIdos dados. Criado o modelo experimental, quatorze suínos foram submetidos ao experimento com implante endoscópico de PMMA com os seguintes resultados: A média dos pesos com 8 semanas de idade foi 14,98 ± 2,43 e 28 dias após o implante, 20,26 ± 3,68. O ganho ponderal foi considerado normal para a espécie. A Pressão de Vazão Gástrica média no dia 1 foi 8,08 mmHg e no dia 28, 10,69mmHg (Teste t de Student: t = 2,72 gl = 13 p = 0,017). Os Volumes de Vazão Gástricos médios foram: 392,86 ml para o dia 1 e 996,71 ml no dia 28 (teste t de Student: t = 11,66 gl = 13 p< 0,001). A Pressão Basal do EEI e o comprimento do esfíncter, não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. PMMA foi identificado como depósitos de grandes vacúolos no tecido intersticial ao exame histológico da junção esofagogástrica associado a histiócitos, plasmócitos e presença de células gigantes tipo Langhans indicando reação tecidual de corpo estranho em todos os animais. Fibrose e macrófagos com vacúolos intracelulares estiveram presentes em menor freqüência. Conclusões: 1. O modelo experimental, em suínos, desenvolvido viabilizou o estudo do Refluxo Gastroesofágico através da Pressão de Vazão Gástrica e Volume de Vazão Gástrico; 2. O implante de PMMA, no presente estudo, aumentou a Pressão de Vazão e o Volume de Vazão Gástricos, mas não a Pressão Basal do EEI, nem tampouco aumentou o seu comprimento; 3. Depósito de PMMA implantado e evidência de processo inflamatório crônico e reação tecidual de corpo estranho foi encontrada no local do implante de PMMA. Macrófagos com vacúolos intracelulares e fibrose foram encontrados com menos freqüência.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is systemic auto imune disorder. It is caracterized by chronic inflammation of joints leading to progressive erosion of cartilage and bone. We investigated the effect of the administration of fucoidan, sulfated polysaccharides, from algae Fucus vesiculosus in the acute (6h) in zymosan-induced arthritis (AZy). Wistar rats (180-230 g) were used for all groups experimental. Non-treated animals received just intraarticular injection of 1 mg the zymosan, control group received intraarticular injection of 50 µL the saline, groups received either fucoidan of Fucus vesiculosus (15, 30, 50 or 70 mg/Kg) or parecoxib (1 mg/Kg) 1 hour after injection of zymosan. After 6 h, the articular exudates were collected for evaluation of the cell influx and nitrite (Griess reaction) release. The sinovial membranes and articular cartilages were excised for histopathological analysis and by determination of the glycosaminoglycan (GAG), respectively. ZyA led to increased NO and cell influx into the joints. Therapeutic administration of the fucoidan or parecoxib did significantly inhibited the cell influx and the synovitis, as compared to non-treated rats (p<0,05), though being able to reduced NO release. Representative agarose gel electrophoresis of the GAGs, the content of condroitin-sulphate was observed during the process. These findings suggest that the fucoidan from Fucus vesiculosus has potential anti-inflammatory activity
The release of reactive oxygen specie (ROS) by activated neutrophil is involved in both the antimicrobial and deleterious effects in chronic inflammation. The objective of the present investigation was to determine the effect of therapeutic plasma concentrations of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on the production of ROS by stimulated rat neutrophils. Diclofenac (3.6 µM), indomethacin (12 µM), naproxen (160 µM), piroxicam (13 µM), and tenoxicam (30 µM) were incubated at 37ºC in PBS (10 mM), pH 7.4, for 30 min with rat neutrophils (1 x 10(6) cells/ml) stimulated by phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (100 nM). The ROS production was measured by luminol and lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence. Except for naproxen, NSAIDs reduced ROS production: 58 ± 2% diclofenac, 90 ± 2% indomethacin, 33 ± 3% piroxicam, and 45 ± 6% tenoxicam (N = 6). For the lucigenin assay, naproxen, piroxicam and tenoxicam were ineffective. For indomethacin the inhibition was 52 ± 5% and diclofenac showed amplification in the light emission of 181 ± 60% (N = 6). Using the myeloperoxidase (MPO)/H2O2/luminol system, the effects of NSAIDs on MPO activity were also screened. We found that NSAIDs inhibited both the peroxidation and chlorinating activity of MPO as follows: diclofenac (36 ± 10, 45 ± 3%), indomethacin (97 ± 2, 100 ± 1%), naproxen (56 ± 8, 76 ± 3%), piroxicam (77 ± 5, 99 ± 1%), and tenoxicam (90 ± 2, 100 ± 1%), respectively (N = 3). These results show that therapeutic levels of NSAIDs are able to suppress the oxygen-dependent antimicrobial or oxidative functions of neutrophils by inhibiting the generation of hypochlorous acid.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O propósito do presente trabalho foi o estudo da Leishmaniose Visceral Canina - LVC por meio de métodos parasitológicos e imunoistoquímicos para a detecção de formas amastigotas de Leishmania (L.) chagasi em baço, além de descrever a histopatologia das lesões esplênicas em 34 cães, com diferentes manifestações clínicas da LVC, eutanasiados pelo Centro de Controle de Zoonoses de Ilha Solteira, SP. Esses animais foram examinados clinicamente antes da eutánásia e de acordo com os sinais clínicos da LVC, foram classificados em três grupos: assintomáticos (8 cães), oligossintomáticos (17 cães) e sintomáticos (9 cães). Após a realização desses exames, dos 34 cães, 22 (64,7%) estavam positivos e 12 (35,3%) negativos. Desses cães positivos, 1/22 (4,5%) era assintomático, 12/22 (54,5%) eram oligossintomáticos e 9/22 (40,1%) sintomáticos. Pela histopatologia, os cães, especialmente os sintomáticos apresentavam o baço com inflamação crônica e espessamento na região capsular e trabecular, além de extensa alteração morfológica na polpa vermelha e branca pela presença de grande quantidade de macrófagos repletos de amastigotas, pela reação granulomatosa inflamatória e pelas áreas hemorrágicas. Os exames histopatológicos e a detecção microscópica direta da L. (L.) chagasi revelaram que o baço é um órgão útil para auxiliar no diagnóstico da LVC. A coloração imunoistoquímica foi a que detectou o maior número de tecidos esplênicos positivos com amastigotas, além de elucidar os casos suspeitos pelos exames parasitológicos, principalmente, nos animais assintomáticos ou oligossintomáticos.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os efeitos do ácido acetilsalicílico a 10% e 20% em linfonodos mesentéricos de coelhos para posterior embasamento e uso em metástases linfonodais. MÉTODOS: Um total de 20 linfonodos de 20 coelhos (divididos aleatoriamente em quatro grupos) foi avaliado. As soluções de aspirina a 10% (grupos A e C) e 20% (grupos B e D) foram injetadas em linfonodos mesentéricos de coelhos sadios e seus efeitos macroscópicos e histológicos foram avaliados em 24 horas (grupos A e B) e em sete dias (grupos C e D). RESULTADOS: Nos grupos avaliados em 24 horas (A e B) foi verificada intensa necrose e hemorragia, aumento importante de apoptose em todo o linfonodo, com alargamento dos seios medulares e aumento dos centros germinativos. Nos grupos avaliados em sete dias (C e D) também houve aumento da apoptose, com maior elevação de histiócitos e diminuição importante da necrose; a hemorragia foi ausente e aumento de células gigantes foi visualizado, conferindo processo inflamatório crônico do tipo corpo estranho. Não houve diferença entre as concentrações utilizadas (10 e 20%) em nenhuma das comparações. CONCLUSÕES: A injeção de aspirina em linfonodos causou necrose e um aumento de apoptose após 24 horas e após sete dias de tratamento, houve regeneração dos gânglios linfáticos, com diminuição intensa de necrose e grande aumento de apoptose. Uma vez que o aumento de apoptose é um dos pilares dos tratamentos antineoplásicos, estes resultados experimentais embasam eventual aplicação clínica da aspirina no tratamento de metástases linfonodais.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the changes caused by chronic diabetes in the rat ventral prostate and to establish a correlation between diabetes and the development of prostatic lesions. Male rats received alloxan (42 mg/kg b.w.) to induce diabetes. Ninety days after diabetes diagnosis, animals were sacrificed and the ventral prostate was removed and prepared for general and immunohistochemical analyses. The total area showing different types of lesions was estimated. Diabetes led to a decrease in the body and prostatic weights, as well as in testosterone levels. The prostate morphology and stereology showed high variation in the diabetic group. Some animals had light changes; the great majority had an intense epithelial atrophy; and other rats showed premalignant and malignant lesions in the prostate. Such epithelial atrophy was, in some samples, combined with chronic inflammation, similar to proliferative inflammatory atrophy (PIA). The diabetic group also presented high incidence of prostatitis, adenocarcinoma and prostatic intra-epithelial neoplasia (PIN). Samples with adenocarcinoma had poorly differentiated acini with high levels of cellular proliferation and nuclear atypia. These lesions exhibited an invasive feature showing Bcl-2-positive cells and interruptions in the basement membrane. An association of PIA, PIN and adenocarcinoma was detected in one sample. Reduced androgen levels have a synergic effect to insulin dysfunction promoting negative effects in the rat prostate. Diabetic individuals had a high incidence of prostatitis, and this inflammation could stimulate the incidence of other forms of prostatic pathology.