999 resultados para Christie, William Dougal, 1816-1874.


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Floor plan of renovations for the third and fourth floors of Hollis Hall, as drawn by William Rotch Ware in 1874. Includes dimensions for Pi Eta Society rooms, student chambers, hallways, and coal furnaces.


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Floor plan of renovations for the first floor of Stoughton Hall, as drawn by William Rotch Ware in 1874. Includes dimensions for student chambers, hallways, and coal furnaces.


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Floor plan of renovations for the second floor of Stoughton Hall, as drawn by William Rotch Ware in 1874. Includes dimensions for student chambers, proctor's rooms, hallways, and coal furnaces.


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Floor plan of renovations for the third and fourth floors of Stoughton Hall, as drawn by William Rotch Ware in 1874. Includes dimensions for student chambers, H.P. Club Rooms, hallways, and coal furnaces.


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This collection consists primarily of quarter bills and butler's bills from Charles Walker and Charles Walker, Jr.'s years as students at Harvard College, from 1785 to 1789 and from 1815-1816. It includes the following materials from Charles Walker: a form of admission (a printed form letter with manuscript annotations and signatures) from August 1785, quarter bills and butler's bills from 1785 to 1789, and occasional receipts of payment. The documents from Charles Walker, Jr. are less numerous, consisting solely of quarter bills from 1815 and 1816. The bills for father and son include annotations explaining the basis of additional or unusual charges, including fines for absence from lectures and prayers. The form used for the son's quarter bills, issued in 1815 and 1816, separate the amounts owed into the following categories: Steward and Commons, Sizings, Study and Cellar Rent, Instruction, Librarian, Natural History, Episcopal Church, Books, Catalogue and Commencement Dinner, Repairs, Sweepers, Assessments for delinquency in payment of Quarter Bills, Wood, and Fines. All of the bills are printed forms which were then filled out by hand, by either the steward or the butler, and issued to the students. Caleb Gannett was the College steward during both father and son's era. Joshua Paine, William Harris, and Thomas Adams served, successively, as butler during the father's era. Some of the butler's bills are signed by Roger Vose, a student who appears to have been employed by the butler in 1786 and 1787.


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Five letters mainly regarding the status of the North American Review. Tudor asks Kirkland to submit content and also inquires whether the Review could be made an official publication of Harvard. Other topics include a project to unite the libraries of local literary institutions and create a classification scheme, and the defense of Harvard’s Unitarian principles.


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Four letters regarding the North American Review, as well as Tudor’s request to be considered for a position as Smith Professor of French and Spanish Languages and Literature at Harvard.


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The collection contains a four-page handwritten poem titled "Invention" composed by graduate William Richardson for the 1797 Harvard College Commencement, and an 1806 letter of introduction written by Richardson. The rhyming poem begins, “Long had creations anthem peal been rung…” and contains classical references, and mentions scientists and philosophers including Voltaire, Franklin and Newton. The poem is accompanied by a one-page handwritten letter of introduction for lawyer Benjamin Ames (Harvard AB 1803) written by William M. Richardson to Reverend William Jenks (Harvard AB 1797). The letter is dated November 10, 1806.


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Left to right: Res. of Geo. Sutton, Sec 34, Northfield Tp. Mich.; Res. of Geo. Renwick, Sec. 26, Northfield Tp., Mich.; Res. of A.C. Northrop, Sec. 10, Salem Tp. Mich.; Res. of Nelson Brundage, Sec. 35, Northfield Tp. Mich. (na5543); Res. of Dr. N.S. Halleck, Sec. 5, Northfield, Mich. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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Northfield, Mich. residences. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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Top: Res. of Bernard Keenan, Sec. 14 Northfield Tp. Mich. Bottom left: Frederick Jaeger, City Bakery ... Dexter, Mich. Bottom Center: Res of the Hon. C.S. Gregory, Dexter, Mich. and Evarts & Co. Propirs. of Dexter & Scio Mills ... Dexter, Mich. Bottom right: Res. and store of W.F. Schlanderer ... Dexter, Mich. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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Left to right: Res. of G.J. Howard, Sec.7, Webster Tp. Mich.; Res. of Dennis Warner, Dexter, Mich.; Res. of Green Johnson, Sec. 29, Dexter Tp. Mich.; Res. of Henry Warner, Sec. 29, Dexter Tp. Mich. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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Left to right: Res. of Wm. P. Brown, Sec. 6, Ann Arbor, Mich.; J.G. Miller, Manufacturer of sash, doors, blinds, mouldings, scroll work &c. ... Ann Arbor, Mich.; Ann Arbor Steam Planing Mill , Bracket, Scroll & Fancy Sawing, cor. of North & Fifth Sts., Ann Arbor, Mich. (na8635); Marble Works & Res. of Anton Eisele, the largest marble works in Washtenaw Co. Mich.; City Market, G.F. Gwinner, cor. of Fourth & Washington Sts., Ann Arbor, Mich.; L.C. Risdon, 31 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. (na8635; na6707). Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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Superior Township (Mich.) residence. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.